208 research outputs found

    When European integration meets corporate harmonisation

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    Both U.K. Corporate Law and the E.U. wide study of the Law of European Integration have been developing apace in recent years. The nexus between these two fields forms the focus of this paper, which is written from a legal integrationist perspective. Not only are the E.C. directives and proposed directives in Corporate law examined in this paper, but also the evolving European Corporate structures, which promise to enliven and add complexity to the future European Corporate landscape

    The European Community\u27s Policy on Implementation of Environmental Directives

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    This Article first discusses the legal nature of the directive and the process by which Member States implement directives. Second, this Article explores enforcement of directives and examines the enforcement roles of the Commission of the European Communities and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Finally this Article proposes a series of initiatives at the Member State and Community levels to improve implementation and enforcement of Community environmental law

    Ultramikroskopische Literatur

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    Analysis of the riparian flora of the river Ilse (Harz mountains and northern foreland, Germany) with special regard to nitrophytes and alien plants

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    345 cormophyte species have been identified along the banks of the river Ilse (length some 42 km) by random sampling on 45 plots. Further mapping increased the number of riparian species to 391 species living on an area of 42 ha along the river banks. This shows the suprisingly high cormophyte diversity of the banks of small rivers. The investigation is a basis for a longtime monitoring of the riparian flora. By use of the riparian flora it is possible to classify the course of the river Ilse into different parts characterised by index species. It is shown that river banks are important places for neophytes. Their amount within the border vegetation depends on the morphology of the banks und the distance to settlements. Gardens play the most important part as source of the neophytes

    Design and production of a comprehensive graininess scale for use in electrophotography

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    Methods were investigated and modeled to produce a graininess by density sample matrix. The graininess values were based on a model derived for certain imaging processes that has a high correlation to the subjective impression of graininess for nominally uniform image areas. After modeling several processes, a photographic technique was chosen and a matrix manufactured

    Зарубежная практика внедрения конвенциональной коммуникативной стратегии при реализации функций государственного управления

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    У статті дається характеристика ролі конвенціональної комунікативної стратегії з позицій зарубіжної практики. У залежності від наукових підходів до комунікацій, діяльності та стратегій менеджменту будується конвенціональна комунікативна стратегія реалізації функцій державного управління. Вона має певні методологічні особливості і відмінності у різних державах: Великобританії, Німеччині, Австралії, США, Іспанії, Голландії, Фінляндії, Новій Зеландії. Узагальнення показало, що кожна держава виробляє свою конвенціональну комунікативну стратегію в залежності від загальнодержавних завдань. Втім спільним є те, що вважається важливим не тільки встановлення зв’язку, але й уміння ефективно спілкуватися, розуміти як реалізовувати думки щодо бачення взаємовідносин держави і суспільства. Призначення конвенціональної комунікативної стратегії визначається впливом на оптимізацію діяльності органів влади на державному і регіональному рівнях-, процесів глобалізації, досвіду інших держав, його впровадження в практику діяльності, а також відсутністю власних прогнозних сценаріїв самого процесу оптимізації функцій державного управління. Демонструється доречність використання існуючих методологій у вітчизняній практиці державного управління.This article describes the role of conventional communicative strategy from the standpoint of foreign practice. Depending on scientific approaches to communications, business and management strategies based conventional communicative strategy implementation functions of government. It has certain methodological features and differences in different countries: UK, Germany, Australia, USA, Spain, Holland, Finland, New Zealand. Generalization showed that each state produces its conventional communicative strategy depending on the overall state objectives. However joint is considered important not only communication, but also the ability to communicate effectively, understand how to implement the vision of an opinion on relations between the state and society. Purpose conventional communicative strategy determined by the impact on the optimization of the authorities at the national and regional level, the processes of globalization, the experience of other states, its implementation in practical activities as well as their lack of predictive scenarios of the process of optimizing the functions of government. Demonstrated the appropriateness of existing methodologies to use in domestic practice of public administration.

    Reevaluating the two-representation model of numerical magnitude processing

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    One debate in mathematical cognition centers on the single-representation model versus the two-representation model. Using an improved number Stroop paradigm (i.e., systematically manipulating physical size distance), in the present study we tested the predictions of the two models for number magnitude processing. The results supported the single-representation model and, more importantly, explained how a design problem (failure to manipulate physical size distance) and an analytical problem (failure to consider the interaction between congruity and task-irrelevant numerical distance) might have contributed to the evidence used to support the two-representation model. This study, therefore, can help settle the debate between the single-representation and two-representation models. © 2015 The Author(s