5,911 research outputs found

    Armed Drones: An Age Old Problem Exacerbated by New Technology

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the history behind and the use of militarized drones in modern day conflicts, and to conclude whether the use of these machines, with special attention to the United States, is legal, ethical, and morally defensible. In achieving the aforementioned goals, shortcomings of current policy surrounding drone warfare will be highlighted, acting as the catalyst for a proposal for changes to be made to better suit legal, ethical, and moral considerations. The proposal of a policy to help us work with armed drones is due to the fact that this thesis acknowledges that armed drones, like guns, nuclear weapons, or any type of military technology, is here to stay and that once we acknowledge that fact, the most important step is to make sure we have the right tools to judge the conduct of conflict carried out using armed drones or other weapons that raise similar issues and questions

    PHILADELPHIA NEUROLOGICAL SOCIETY: Regular Meeting, May 26, 1922

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    Who are you talking to? The role of addressee identity in utterance comprehension

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    Issue online: 30 March 2020Experimental evidence suggests that speaker and addressee quickly adapt to each other from the earliest moments of sentence processing, and that interlocutor-related information is rapidly integrated with other sources of nonpragmatic information (e.g., semantic, morphosyntactic, etc.). These findings have been taken as support for one-step models of sentence comprehension. The results from the present eventrelated potential study challenge this theoretical framework providing a case where discourse level information is integrated only at a late stage of processing, when morphosyntactic analysis has been already initiated. We considered the case of Basque allocutive agreement, where information about addressee gender is encoded in verbal inflection. Two different types of Basque grammatical violations were presented together with the corresponding control conditions: one could be detected based on a morphosyntactic mismatch (person agreement violation), while the other could be detected only if the addressee's gender was considered (allocutive violation). Morphosyntactic violations elicited greater N400 effects followed by P600 effects, while allocutive violations elicited only P600 effects. These results provide new constraints to one-step accounts as they represent a case where speakers do not immediately adjust to the addressee's perspective. We propose that the relevance of discourse-level information might be a crucial variable to reconcile the dichotomy between one- and two-step models.Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, Grant/Award Number: H2020-MSCAIF- 2018-837228; Fundación BBVA, Grant/ Award Number: IN[18]_HMS_LIN_0058; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Grant/Award Number: IJCI-2016-27702, PSI2014-54500, RYC 2017-22015 and SEV-2015-490; Eusko Jaurlaritza, Grant/ Award Number: PI_2015_1_25; Gipuzkoa Fellowship Program, Grant/Award Number: FFI2016-76432-P. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 83722

    Satellite applications to marine geodesy

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    Potential use of satellites for enhancing positioning capabilities and for marine geodetic contro

    Youthful Processing Speed in Older Adults: Genetic, Biological, and Behavioral Predictors of Cognitive Processing Speed Trajectories in Aging.

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    Objective: To examine the impact of genetic, inflammatory, cardiovascular, lifestyle, and neuroanatomical factors on cognitive processing speed (CPS) change over time in functionally intact older adults. Methods: This observational study conducted over two time points, included 120 community dwelling cognitively normal older adults between the ages of 60 and 80 from the University of California San Francisco Memory and Aging Center. Participants were followed with composite measures of CPS, calculated based on norms for 20-30 year-olds. Variables of interest were AD risk genes (APOE, CR1), markers of inflammation (interleukin 6) and cardiovascular health (BMI, LDL, HDL, mean arterial pressure, fasting insulin), self-reported physical activity, and corpus callosum (CC) volumes. The sample was divided into three groups: 17 "resilient-agers" with fast and stable processing speed; 56 "average-agers" with average and stable processing speed; and 47 "sub-agers" with average baseline speed who were slower at follow-up. Results: Resilient-agers had larger baseline CC volumes than sub-agers (p < 0.05). Resilient-agers displayed lower levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and insulin (ps < 0.05) than sub-agers, and reported more physical activity than both average- and sub-agers (ps < 0.01). In a multinomial logistic regression, physical activity and IL-6 predicted average- and sub-ager groups. Resilient-agers displayed a higher frequency of APOE e4 and CR1 AA/AG alleles. Conclusion: Robust and stable CPS is associated with larger baseline CC volumes, lower levels of inflammation and insulin, and greater self-reported physical activity. These findings highlight the relevance of neuroanatomical, biological, and lifestyle factors in the identification and prediction of heterogeneous cognitive aging change over time

    Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders

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    Background  Paediatric speech and language therapist (SLT) roles often involve planning individualized intervention for specific children, working collaboratively with families and education staff, providing advice, training and coaching and raising awareness. A tiered approach to service delivery is currently recommended whereby services become increasingly specialized and individualized for children with greater needs.  Aims  To stimulate discussion regarding delivery of SLT services by examining evidence regarding the effectiveness of (1) intervention for children with language disorders at different tiers and (2) SLT roles within these tiers; and to propose an evidence‐based model of SLT service delivery and a flowchart to aid clinical decision‐making.  Methods & Procedures  Meta‐analyses and systematic reviews, together with controlled, peer‐reviewed group studies where recent systematic reviews were not available, of interventions for children with language disorders are discussed, alongside the differing roles SLTs play in these interventions. Gaps in the evidence base are highlighted.  Main Contribution  The service‐delivery model presented resembles the tiered model commonly used in education services, but divides individualized (Tier 3) services into Tier 3A: indirect intervention delivered by non‐SLTs, and Tier 3B: direct intervention by an SLT. We report evidence for intervention effectiveness, which children might best be served by each tier, the role SLTs could take within each tier and the effectiveness of these roles. Regarding universal interventions provided to all children (Tier 1) and those targeted at children with language weaknesses or vulnerabilities (Tier 2), there is growing evidence that approaches led by education services can be effective when staff are highly trained and well supported. There is currently limited evidence regarding additional benefit of SLT‐specific roles at Tiers 1 and 2. With regard to individualized intervention (Tier 3), children with complex or pervasive language disorders can progress following direct individualized intervention (Tier 3B), whereas children with milder or less pervasive difficulties can make progress when intervention is managed by an SLT, but delivered indirectly by others (Tier 3A), provided they are well trained and supported, and closely monitored.  Conclusions & Implications  SLTs have a contribution to make at all tiers, but where prioritization for clinical services is a necessity, we need to establish the relative benefits and cost‐effectiveness at each tier. Good evidence exists for SLTs delivering direct individualized intervention and we should ensure that this is available to children with pervasive and/or complex language disorders. In cases where service models are being provided which lack evidence, we strongly recommend that SLTs investigate the effectiveness of their approaches

    Photodeposition of amorphous polydiacetylene films from monomer solutions onto transparent substrates

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    Polydiacetylenes are a very promising class of polymers for both photonic and electronic applications because of their highly conjugated structures. For these applications, high-quality thin polydiacetylene films are required. We have discovered a novel technique for obtaining such films of a polydiacetylene derivative of 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline using photodeposition from monomer solutions onto UV transparent substrates. This heretofore unreported process yields amorphous polydiacetylene films with thicknesses on the order of I micron that have optical quality superior to that of films grown by standard crystal growth techniques. Furthermore, these films exhibit good third-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities; degenerate four-wave mixing experiments give x(3) values on the order of 10(exp -8) - 10(exp -7) esu. We have conducted masking experiments which demonstrate that photodeposition occurs only where the substrate is directly irradiated, clearly indicating that the reaction occurs at the surface. Additionally, we have also been able to carry out photodeposition using lasers to form thin polymer circuits. In this work, we discuss the photodeposition of polydiacetylene thin films from solution, perform chemical characterization of these films, investigate the role of the substrate, speculate on the mechanism of the reaction, and make a preliminary determination of the third-order optical nonlinearity of the films. This simple, straightforward technique may ultimately make feasible the production of polydiacetylene thin films for technological applications

    Human Resources Strategies & Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review

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    The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been the most devastating public health crisis since the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1920. COVID-19 has impacted every human being and operational system throughout the land. The pandemic has caused challenging times for businesses, financial markets, government agencies, and academia. One area frequently overlooked is COVID-19’s impact implications for workplaces, working practices, and Human Resource Management (HRM) operationalization. This literature review aims to identify best practices implemented for the sustainability of Human Resources (HR) functions and the survival of institutions in the age of a dynamic public health crisis. This is an effective approach to better understand the disruptions caused by COVID-19 on HRM and examine how this pandemic has impacted organizations. The findings obtained focus on four main pillars: (1) recruitment, retention, and the Great Resignation, (2) employee well-being and wellness, (3) remote work options, practices, and professionalism, and (4) HR practitioners' leadership development. These have continued to be salient themes interwoven throughout many articles. These findings suggest that talent and having the most experienced, operationalized, and professional individuals as part of one’s organization are paramount to its success. Upskilling is imperative, and all stakeholders must be open to the inevitability of change as change is constant