204 research outputs found

    Personalized Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Trajectory Optimization for Multi-UAV Assisted Edge Computing

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    In the era of 5G mobile communication, there has been a significant surge in research focused on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and mobile edge computing technology. UAVs can serve as intelligent servers in edge computing environments, optimizing their flight trajectories to maximize communication system throughput. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based trajectory optimization algorithms may suffer from poor training performance due to intricate terrain features and inadequate training data. To overcome this limitation, some studies have proposed leveraging federated learning (FL) to mitigate the data isolation problem and expedite convergence. Nevertheless, the efficacy of global FL models can be negatively impacted by the high heterogeneity of local data, which could potentially impede the training process and even compromise the performance of local agents. This work proposes a novel solution to address these challenges, namely personalized federated deep reinforcement learning (PF-DRL), for multi-UAV trajectory optimization. PF-DRL aims to develop individualized models for each agent to address the data scarcity issue and mitigate the negative impact of data heterogeneity. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves superior training performance with faster convergence rates, and improves service quality compared to other DRL-based approaches

    An Optimum Space-to-Ground Communication Concept for CubeSat Platform Utilizing NASA Space Network and Near Earth Network

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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) CubeSat missions are expected to grow rapidly in the next decade. Higher data rate CubeSats are transitioning away from Amateur Radio bands to higher frequency bands. A high-level communication architecture for future space-to-ground CubeSat communication was proposed within NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This architecture addresses CubeSat direct-to-ground communication, CubeSat to Tracking Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) communication, CubeSat constellation with Mothership direct-to-ground communication, and CubeSat Constellation with Mothership communication through K-Band Single Access (KSA). A study has been performed to explore this communication architecture, through simulations, analyses, and identifying technologies, to develop the optimum communication concepts for CubeSat communications. This paper presents details of the simulation and analysis that include CubeSat swarm, daughter ship/mother ship constellation, Near Earth Network (NEN) S and X-band direct to ground link, TDRSS Multiple Access (MA) array vs Single Access mode, notional transceiver/antenna configurations, ground asset configurations and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) signal trades for daughter ship/mother ship CubeSat constellation inter-satellite cross link. Results of space science X-band 10 MHz maximum achievable data rate study are summarized. CubeSat NEN Ka-Band end-to-end communication analysis is provided. Current CubeSat communication technologies capabilities are presented. Compatibility test of the CubeSat transceiver through NEN and SN is discussed. Based on the analyses, signal trade studies and technology assessments, the desired CubeSat transceiver features and operation concepts for future CubeSat end-to-end communications are derived

    Genome-Scale CRISPR-Mediated Control of Gene Repression and Activation

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    While the catalog of mammalian transcripts and their expression levels in different cell types and disease states is rapidly expanding, our understanding of transcript function lags behind. We present a robust technology enabling systematic investigation of the cellular consequences of repressing or inducing individual transcripts. We identify rules for specific targeting of transcriptional repressors (CRISPRi), typically achieving 90%–99% knockdown with minimal off-target effects, and activators (CRISPRa) to endogenous genes via endonuclease-deficient Cas9. Together they enable modulation of gene expression over a ∼1,000-fold range. Using these rules, we construct genome-scale CRISPRi and CRISPRa libraries, each of which we validate with two pooled screens. Growth-based screens identify essential genes, tumor suppressors, and regulators of differentiation. Screens for sensitivity to a cholera-diphtheria toxin provide broad insights into the mechanisms of pathogen entry, retrotranslocation and toxicity. Our results establish CRISPRi and CRISPRa as powerful tools that provide rich and complementary information for mapping complex pathways

    NASA Near Earth Network (NEN) and Space Network (SN) CubeSat Communications

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    There has been a recent trend to increase capability and drive down the Size, Weight and Power (SWAP) of satellites. NASA scientists and engineers across many of NASA's Mission Directorates and Centers are developing exciting CubeSat concepts and welcome potential partnerships for CubeSat endeavors. From a "Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) Systems and Flight Operations for Small Satellites" point of view, small satellites including CubeSats are a challenge to coordinate because of existing small spacecraft constraints, such as limited SWAP and attitude control, and the potential for high numbers of operational spacecraft. The NASA Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program's Near Earth Network (NEN) and Space Network (SN) are customer driven organizations that provide comprehensive communications services for space assets including data transport between a mission's orbiting satellite and its Mission Operations Center (MOC). This paper presents how well the SCaN networks, SN and NEN, are currently positioned to support the emerging small small satellite and CubeSat market as well as planned enhancements for future support

    Association Analysis of IL-17A and IL-17F Polymorphisms in Chinese Han Women with Breast Cancer

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    Background: Research into the etiology of breast cancer has recently focused on the role of the immunity and inflammation. The proinflammatory cytokines IL-17A and IL-17F can mediate inflammation and cancer. To evaluate the influences of IL-17A and IL-17F gene polymorphisms on the risk of sporadic breast cancer, a case-control study was conducted in Chinese Han women. Methodology and Principal Findings: We genotyped three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IL-17A (rs2275913, rs3819025 and rs3748067) and five SNPs in IL-17F (rs7771511, rs9382084, rs12203582, rs1266828 and rs763780) to determine the haplotypes in 491 women with breast cancer and 502 healthy individuals. The genotypes were determined using the SNaPshot technique. The differences in the genotypic distribution between breast cancer patients and healthy controls were analyzed with the Chi-square test for trends. For rs2275913 in IL-17A, the frequency of the AA genotype was higher in patients than controls (P = 0.0016). The clinical features analysis demonstrated significant associations between IL-17 SNPs and tumor protein 53 (P53), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her-2) and triple-negative (ER-/PR-/Her-2-) status. In addition, the haplotype analysis indicated that the frequency of the haplotype A rs2275913G rs3819025G rs3748067, located in the IL-17A linkage disequilibrium (LD) block, was higher in patients than in controls (P = 0.0471 after correction for multiple testing)

    Vaccinia virus protein C16 acts intracellularly to modulate the host response and promote virulence

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    The vaccinia virus (VACV) strain Western Reserve C16 protein has been characterized and its effects on virus replication and virulence have been determined. The C16L gene is present in the inverted terminal repeat and so is one of the few VACV genes that are diploid. The C16 protein is highly conserved between different VACV strains, and also in the orthopoxviruses variola virus, ectromelia virus, horsepox virus and cowpox virus. C16 is a 37.5 kDa protein, which is expressed early during infection and localizes to the cell nucleus and cytoplasm of infected and transfected cells. The loss of the C16L gene had no effect on virus growth kinetics but did reduce plaque size slightly. Furthermore, the virulence of a virus lacking C16L (vΔC16) was reduced in a murine intranasal model compared with control viruses and there were reduced virus titres from 4 days post-infection. In the absence of C16, the recruitment of inflammatory cells in the lung and bronchoalveolar lavage was increased early after infection (day 3) and more CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressed the CD69 activation marker. Conversely, late after infection with vΔC16 (day 10) there were fewer T cells remaining, indicating more rapid clearance of infection. Collectively, these data indicate that C16 diminishes the immune response and is an intracellular immunomodulator

    The RNF168 paralog RNF169 defines a new class of ubiquitylated histone reader involved in the response to DNA damage.

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    Site-specific histone ubiquitylation plays a central role in orchestrating the response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). DSBs elicit a cascade of events controlled by the ubiquitin ligase RNF168, which promotes the accumulation of repair factors such as 53BP1 and BRCA1 on the chromatin flanking the break site. RNF168 also promotes its own accumulation, and that of its paralog RNF169, but how they recognize ubiquitylated chromatin is unknown. Using methyl-TROSY solution NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations, we present an atomic resolution model of human RNF169 binding to a ubiquitylated nucleosome, and validate it by electron cryomicroscopy. We establish that RNF169 binds to ubiquitylated H2A-Lys13/Lys15 in a manner that involves its canonical ubiquitin-binding helix and a pair of arginine-rich motifs that interact with the nucleosome acidic patch. This three-pronged interaction mechanism is distinct from that by which 53BP1 binds to ubiquitylated H2A-Lys15 highlighting the diversity in site-specific recognition of ubiquitylated nucleosomes
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