30 research outputs found

    On Gibbs Measures of the Potts Model with Three Competing Interactions on Cayley Tree of Order 3

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    In this paper, we consider the Potts model with competing interactions on the Cayley tree of order three. We give the Potts model on the Cayley tree and its recursion relation. We construct the Gibbs states corresponding to the model by using Markov random field method. We calculate the critical curve, such that there is a phase transition for the model. We show that there are phase transition of the model for some given parameters. We extend the results obtained by Akin and Temir (Condensed Matt. Phys. 14, 23003 (2011))

    On Gibbs Measures of the Potts Model with Three Competing Interactions on Cayley Tree of Order 3

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    In this paper, we consider the Potts model with competing interactions on the Cayley tree of order three. We give the Potts model on the Cayley tree and its recursion relation. We construct the Gibbs states corresponding to the model by using Markov random field method. We calculate the critical curve, such that there is a phase transition for the model. We show that there are phase transition of the model for some given parameters. We extend the results obtained by Akin and Temir (Condensed Matt. Phys. 14, 23003 (2011))

    Notes On State From Conceptual And Theorethical Perspectives

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    Bu makalede, devlet kavramını tanımlamanın yanında, devletinkökenine, gelişim çizgisine ve doğasına ilişkin bakış açılarını anlatıla-cak; siyasal ideolojilerin devlet kuramlarında, devlet üzerine incelemeyapan teorisyenlerin düşüncelerinden ve devletin sadece doğumunu esasalan teorilerden kısaca bahsedilecektir. Siyasal ideolojilerin öncü kuram-cılar ve onların ardılları devleti kendi bakış açıları üzerinden anlamışlar-dır. Devleti uygarlaşma açısından inceleyen teoriler, Max Weber’in şid-det tekeli kavramsallaşmasını odak noktası alarak devleti anlamaya çalı-şırlar. Devletin kökenini inceleyen teoriler ise, devleti incelemeye baş-larken çok eskilere giderler; devletin, insanların otonom olarak köylerdeveya gruplar halinde yaşadıkları bu devirlerden çok sonraları ortaya çık-tığının altını çizerler.In this article, besides the definition of the concept of state, theperspectives of the state, its development line and its nature will be exp-lained; the state theories of political ideologies, the theories of the theo-reticians examining the state, and only the theories based on the birth ofthe state will be briefly mentioned. The leading theorists of political ide-ologies and their successors understood the state from their own pers-pective. The theories that examine the state in terms of civilization try tounderstand the by focusing Max Weber's concept of the monopoly ofviolence on the state. The theories that examine the origin of the state goback to very old times; these theories underline the fact that the state hasemerged much later than the this old periods in which people lived auto-nomously in villages or in groups

    Organik Stereokimya

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    Stereokimya, farklı bir bilim değil kimya biliminin bir alt alanıdır. Bu alan organik kimya kitaplarında oldukça uygun bir biçimde ayrı bir bölüm olarak bulunmaktadır. Stereokimya, organik kimya içinden doğduğu ve organik kimya konularını işlediği için kısa süre öncesine kadar stereokimya başlığının önüne 'organik' kelimesinin eklenmesi gerekmeyebilirdi. Ancak katı faz ça­lışmalarına yönelik etkili yöntemlerin gelişmesiyle birlikte inorganik kimya kendi bünyesinde farklı ve görece geniş bir kapsamda kendi stereokimyasını geliştirdi. Bu nedenle günümüzde, ayrı bir konu olarak, stereokimya daha iyi bir biçimde ele alınmaktadır. İlk olarak Fransa'da yayınlanan kitabın ingiliz­ce baskısı, Birleşik Krallık ve Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin eğitim sistemle­rine uygundur. Kitap, lisans seviyesinde edinilen bilgilere sınırlı düzeyde de­ğinmekle birlikte, lisans programını tamamlamış olan öğrenciler tarafından kolaylıkla kavranabilir bir içeriğe sahiptir. Pastör un stereokimyaya yaptığı katkı, belki de Lavoisier'in kimyaya yaptı­ğı katkıdan daha fazla olmuştur. 1875 yılında van't Hoff tarafından Fransızca olarak "La chime dans l'espace" adıyla yazılan kitap stereokimyanın gelişi­minde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu kitapta van't Hoff ve Le Bel'in düzgün dörtyüzlü karbon atomunun yapısı ve sonuçlarına yönelik olumlu değerlen­dirmeleri o zamanlar bu konulara şüpheci yaklaşan kamuoyunun dikkatine sunulmuştur. Bu değerli yayın 1950 yılına kadar bir stereokimya ders kitabı görevi görebilecek bir içeriğe sahipti. Stereokimyada devam eden Fransız ge­leneğiyle temasta bulunmak, İngilizce konuşan bir kimyacı için önemli ola­bilmektedir. Fransızcadan İngilizceye çeviri yaparken olabildiğince orijinal kitabın stili ve diline bağlı kalarak bire bir çeviri yapmaya özen gösterilmiş, gerektiğinde dipnotlar eklemiştir

    Effectiveness of Saccharomyces boulardii in a rat model of colitis

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    AIM: To investigate the effects of Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii in an experimental rat model of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis. METHODS: Thirty-two Wistar albino female rats were categorized into five groups. On the first day of the study, 50 mg TNBS was administered via a rectal catheter in order to induce colitis in all rats, except those in the control group. For 14 d, the rats were fed a standard diet, without the administration of any additional supplements to either the control or TNBS groups, in addition to 1 mg/kg per day S. boulardii to the S. boulardii group, 1 mg/kg per day methyl prednisolone (MP) to the MP group. The animals in the S. boulardii + MP group were coadministered these doses of S. boulardii and MP. During the study, weight loss, stool consistency, and the presence of obvious blood in the stool were evaluated, and the disease activity index (DAI) for colitis was recorded. The intestines were examined and colitis was macro- and microscopically scored. The serum and tissue levels of tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?) and nitric oxide (NO) were determined, and fungemia was evaluated in the blood samples. RESULTS: The mean DAI scores for the MP and S. boulardii + MP groups was significantly lower than the TNBS group (3.69 ± 0.61 vs 4.46 ± 0.34, P = 0.018 and 3.77 ± 0.73 vs 4.46 ± 0.34, P = 0.025, respectively). While no significant differences between the TNBS and the S. boulardii or MP groups could be determined in terms of serum NO levels, the level of serum NO in the S. boulardii + MP group was significantly higher than in the TNBS and S. boulardii groups (8.12 ± 4.25 µmol/L vs 3.18 ± 1.19 µmol/L, P = 0.013; 8.12 ± 4.25 µmol/L vs 3.47 ± 1.66 µmol/L, P = 0.012, respectively). The tissue NO levels in the S. boulardii, MP and S. boulardii + MP groups were significantly lower than the TNBS group (16.62 ± 2.27 µmol/L vs 29.72 ± 6.10 µmol/L, P = 0.002; 14.66 ± 5.18 µmol/L vs 29.72 ± 6.10 µmol/L, P = 0.003; 11.95 ± 2.34 µmol/L vs 29.72 ± 6.10 µmol/L, P = 0.002, respectively). The tissue NO levels in the S. boulardii, MP and S. boulardii + MP groups were similar. The mean serum and tissue TNF-? levels were determined to be 12.97 ± 18.90 pg/mL and 21.75 ± 15.04 pg/mL in the control group, 18.25 ± 15.44 pg/mL and 25.27 ± 11.95 pg/mL in the TNBS group, 20.59 ± 16.15 pg/mL and 24.39 ± 13.06 pg/mL in the S. boulardii group, 9.05 ± 5.13 pg/mL and 24.46 ± 10.85 pg/mL in the MP group, and 13.95 ± 10.17 pg/mL and 24.26 ± 10.37 pg/mL in the S. boulardii + MP group. Significant differences in terms of the levels of serum and tissue TNF-? and the macroscopic and microscopic scores were not found between the groups. S. boulardii fungemia was not observed in any of the rats. However, Candida fungemia was detected in one rat (14%) in the TNBS group, two rats (28%) in the S. boulardii group, three rats (50%) in the MP group, and three rats (42%) in S. boulardii + MP group. CONCLUSION: S. boulardii does not demonstrate considerable effects on the DAI, pathological scores, or cytokine levels but does decrease the tissue NO levels. © 2012 Baishideng. All rights reserved

    Effects of boric acid on bone formation after maxillary sinus floor augmentation in rabbits.

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    PurposeAugmentation of the maxillary sinus floor with bone grafting is commonly used for successful treatment of edentulous posterior maxilla with dental implants, and it is essential to maintain good bone volume and quality for long-term success of dental implants. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the local and systemic effects of boric acid on new bone formation after maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA).Materials and methodsTwenty-four male, New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into three groups with eight rabbits each, and bilateral MSFA was performed in each animal. An autogenous bone/xenograft mixture was used to augment the maxillary sinuses in each group. Group 1 was determined as control with no additional materials, whereas 3mg/kg boric acid (BA) was added to the mixture in group 2, and 3mg/kg boric acid solution added to drinking water daily in group 3.ResultsThe animals were sacrificed and also histologic, histomorphometric, and immunnohistochemical analyses were performed at weeks 4 and 8. At week 4, bone regeneration was better in the local BA group than in the control and systemic BA groups (p0.05).ConclusionSignificant higher new bone formation was revealed by BA at early healing especially with local application. BA may be a therapeutic option for improving the bone regeneration