716 research outputs found

    Lubrication at physiological pressures by polyzwitterionic brushes

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    The very low sliding friction at natural synovial joints, which have friction coefficients of mu < 0.002 at pressures up to 5 megapascals or more, has to date not been attained in any human-made joints or between model surfaces in aqueous environments. We found that surfaces in water bearing polyzwitterionic brushes that were polymerized directly from the surface can have m values as low as 0.0004 at pressures as high as 7.5 megapascals. This extreme lubrication is attributed primarily to the strong hydration of the phosphorylcholine-like monomers that make up the robustly attached brushes, and may have relevance to a wide range of human-made aqueous lubrication situations

    Segmentation of image ensembles via latent atlases

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    Spatial priors, such as probabilistic atlases, play an important role in MRI segmentation. However, the availability of comprehensive, reliable and suitable manual segmentations for atlas construction is limited. We therefore propose a method for joint segmentation of corresponding regions of interest in a collection of aligned images that does not require labeled training data. Instead, a latent atlas, initialized by at most a single manual segmentation, is inferred from the evolving segmentations of the ensemble. The algorithm is based on probabilistic principles but is solved using partial differential equations (PDEs) and energy minimization criteria. We evaluate the method on two datasets, segmenting subcortical and cortical structures in a multi-subject study and extracting brain tumors in a single-subject multi-modal longitudinal experiment. We compare the segmentation results to manual segmentations, when those exist, and to the results of a state-of-the-art atlas-based segmentation method. The quality of the results supports the latent atlas as a promising alternative when existing atlases are not compatible with the images to be segmented.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.)/National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (U.S.) U54-EB005149)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Center for Research Resources (U.S.)/Neuroimaging Analysis Center (U.S.) P41-RR13218)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) R01-NS051826)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Center for Research Resources (U.S.)/Biomedical Informatics Research Network U24-RR021382)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award 0642971)German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Fellowship LPDS 2009-10)Academy of Finland (Grant 133611

    Fluid and Diffusion Limits for Bike Sharing Systems

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    Bike sharing systems have rapidly developed around the world, and they are served as a promising strategy to improve urban traffic congestion and to decrease polluting gas emissions. So far performance analysis of bike sharing systems always exists many difficulties and challenges under some more general factors. In this paper, a more general large-scale bike sharing system is discussed by means of heavy traffic approximation of multiclass closed queueing networks with non-exponential factors. Based on this, the fluid scaled equations and the diffusion scaled equations are established by means of the numbers of bikes both at the stations and on the roads, respectively. Furthermore, the scaling processes for the numbers of bikes both at the stations and on the roads are proved to converge in distribution to a semimartingale reflecting Brownian motion (SRBM) in a N2N^{2}-dimensional box, and also the fluid and diffusion limit theorems are obtained. Furthermore, performance analysis of the bike sharing system is provided. Thus the results and methodology of this paper provide new highlight in the study of more general large-scale bike sharing systems.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure

    A Graph Theoretic Approach for Object Shape Representation in Compositional Hierarchies Using a Hybrid Generative-Descriptive Model

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    A graph theoretic approach is proposed for object shape representation in a hierarchical compositional architecture called Compositional Hierarchy of Parts (CHOP). In the proposed approach, vocabulary learning is performed using a hybrid generative-descriptive model. First, statistical relationships between parts are learned using a Minimum Conditional Entropy Clustering algorithm. Then, selection of descriptive parts is defined as a frequent subgraph discovery problem, and solved using a Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle. Finally, part compositions are constructed by compressing the internal data representation with discovered substructures. Shape representation and computational complexity properties of the proposed approach and algorithms are examined using six benchmark two-dimensional shape image datasets. Experiments show that CHOP can employ part shareability and indexing mechanisms for fast inference of part compositions using learned shape vocabularies. Additionally, CHOP provides better shape retrieval performance than the state-of-the-art shape retrieval methods.Comment: Paper : 17 pages. 13th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2014), Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-12, 2014, Proceedings, Part III, pp 566-581. Supplementary material can be downloaded from http://link.springer.com/content/esm/chp:10.1007/978-3-319-10578-9_37/file/MediaObjects/978-3-319-10578-9_37_MOESM1_ESM.pd

    Estructura financiera y logro empresarial en cooperativas agrarias: una aproximaciĂłn empĂ­rica

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    [EN] This paper analyzes the economic and financial information of a sample of Spanish agricultural co-operatives in order to identify the variables that determine the nature and composition of its financial structure. A new variable named “business achievement” has been defined using the statistical technique of principal component analysis (PCA); this, and other ratios, have been used in the regression models. Results show no relationship between financial structure and “business achievement”, but they support the Pecking order theory, thus validating the hypothesis that, in absence of self-financing, the prevalent funding sources in agricultural cooperatives are debt and capitalization. Also, in line with the Agency theory, it has been shown that in these entities growths in sales, and therefore cash flow generation, lead to higher short-term debt, while the use of long-term debt decreases.[ES] Este trabajo utiliza la información económico-financiera de una muestra de cooperativas agrarias españolas para identificar las variables que determinan la naturaleza y composición de su estructura financiera. Se define una variable relativa al logro empresarial, a partir de la técnica estadística del análisis de componentes principales que, junto con otros ratios, se introduce en los modelos de regresión. Los resultados no evidencian relación entre estructura financiera y logro empresarial, pero sí corroboran la teoría del Pecking order, apoyando la hipótesis del endeudamiento y la capitalización como fuentes de financiación predominantes. También se verifica la Teoría de la agencia, ya que crecimientos de ventas conllevan un mayor endeudamiento a corto plazo.Los autores agradecen los comentarios anónimos de los revisores de la revista. Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del Proyecto DER2008-03475 “Pérdidas, disolución e insolvencia en la sociedad cooperativa”, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (IV Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011).Lajara-Camilleri, N.; Mateos-Ronco, A. (2012). Financial structure and business achievement in agricultural cooperatives: an empirical approach. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 12(2):77-101. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2012.02.04SWORD7710112

    An image analysis toolbox for high-throughput C. elegans assays

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    We present a toolbox for high-throughput screening of image-based Caenorhabditis elegans phenotypes. The image analysis algorithms measure morphological phenotypes in individual worms and are effective for a variety of assays and imaging systems. This WormToolbox is available through the open-source CellProfiler project and enables objective scoring of whole-worm high-throughput image-based assays of C. elegans for the study of diverse biological pathways that are relevant to human disease.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U54 EB005149

    Tension Dynamics and Linear Viscoelastic Behavior of a Single Semiflexible Polymer Chain

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    We study the dynamical response of a single semiflexible polymer chain based on the theory developed by Hallatschek et al. for the wormlike-chain model. The linear viscoelastic response under oscillatory forces acting at the two chain ends is derived analytically as a function of the oscillation frequency . We shall show that the real part of the complex compliance in the low frequency limit is consistent with the static result of Marko and Siggia whereas the imaginary part exhibits the power-law dependence +1/2. On the other hand, these compliances decrease as the power law -7/8 for the high frequency limit. These are different from those of the Rouse dynamics. A scaling argument is developed to understand these novel results.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    A Switch from a Gradient to a Threshold Mode in the Regulation of a Transcriptional Cascade Promotes Robust Execution of Meiosis in Budding Yeast

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    Tight regulation of developmental pathways is of critical importance to all organisms, and is achieved by a transcriptional cascade ensuring the coordinated expression of sets of genes. We aimed to explore whether a strong signal is required to enter and complete a developmental pathway, by using meiosis in budding yeast as a model. We demonstrate that meiosis in budding yeast is insensitive to drastic changes in the levels of its consecutive positive regulators (Ime1, Ime2, and Ndt80). Entry into DNA replication is not correlated with the time of transcription of the early genes that regulate this event. Entry into nuclear division is directly regulated by the time of transcription of the middle genes, as premature transcription of their activator NDT80, leads to a premature entry into the first meiotic division, and loss of coordination between DNA replication and nuclear division. We demonstrate that Cdk1/Cln3 functions as a negative regulator of Ime2, and that ectopic expression of Cln3 delays entry into nuclear division as well as NDT80 transcription. Because Ime2 functions as a positive regulator for premeiotic DNA replication and NDT80 transcription, as well as a negative regulator of Cdk/Cln, we suggest that a double negative feedback loop between Ime2 and Cdk1/Cln3 promotes a bistable switch from the cell cycle to meiosis. Moreover, our results suggest a regulatory mode switch that ensures robust meiosis as the transcription of the early meiosis-specific genes responds in a graded mode to Ime1 levels, whereas that of the middle and late genes as well as initiation of DNA replication, are regulated in a threshold mode
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