485 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengetahuan dan penguasaan teknologi budidaya jabon merah oleh anggota Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Maju Makmur. Metode untuk memperoleh data dilakukan dengan cara pre-test dan post test kepada 30 anggota KTH sebagai peserta penyuluhan dan bimbingan teknis (Bimtek) budidaya jabon merah yang dilakukan pada tanggal 13-14 Agustus 2020 di Desa Toburi, Bombana. Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan peserta mengetahui dengan pasti jabon merah dan prospek ekonominya. Selain itu, terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan penguasaan teknologi budidaya jabon merah secara signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dan Bimtek. Terjadi peningkatan lebih dari 85 % peserta dapat menghitung analisa usaha pembibitan jabon merah. Peningkatan kapasistas petani hutan perlu dilakukan melalui penyuluhan dan bimbingan teknis


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    Kegiatan Laboratorium lapang Hortikultura sangat diperlukan untuk mendukung Visi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, laboratorium lapang tersebut selain sebagai pendukung PBM (proses belajar mengajar) dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, juga dapat dijadikan sebagai etalase (show window). Keberadaan laboratorium lapang ini diharapkan dapat membangun image baru pada bidang pertanian, khususnya bagi generasi muda, bahwa bidang pertanian tidak kalah dengan bidang yang lain, dapat menjadi profesi yang menarik, prospektif, dan terhormat. Dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya, laboratorium lapang mempunyai kelas lereng yang sangat beragam. Secara umum, didominasi oleh lereng agak miring/bergelombang dengan lereng (8-15%) dengan luas lebih dari 50% laboratorium lapang. Laboratorium lapang terpadu, dengan luas lebih kurang 0,5 ha. Tujuan kegiatan Penyuluhan Laboratorium Lapangan ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan petani tentang budidaya terong dan cabe dan peningkatan kesejahteraan petani terong dan cabe. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 Juni 2019 bertempat di Kelurahan Bandar Batauga Kecamatan Batauga Kabupaten Buton Selatan.  Kesimpulan yang diperoleh petani dapat memahami tentang teknik budidaya terong dan cabe dan pemupukan menjadi hal terpenting dalam pertumbuhan tanaman

    Uji Efektivitas Bioinsektisida Beauveria Bassiana Bals, Vull. (Bassikoka) Terhadap Larva Instar Iii Spodoptera Litura Pada Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.)

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    This study aims to obtain data on the effectiveness of several concentrations of Beauveria bassiana (BASSIKOKA) against the third instar pest Spodoptera Litura on mustard greens. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Pests, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pattimura. This study used a completely randomized design with Beauveria bassiana (Bassikoka) bioinsecticide treatment with a concentration of 0.1g/L of water, 0.2g/L of water, 0.3 g/L of water, 0, 4 g/L, and control as comparison. Observations were made on the initial symptoms of infection, mortality, and the fastest time to kill 50% of the third instar larvae of Spodoptera litura. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the concentration of 0.4 g/L bioinsecticide Beauveria bassiana (Bassikoka) is effective against third instar larvae of Spodoptera litura L. with a mortality rate of 90% and the fastest time to kill 50% of third instar larvae of Spodoptera litura 2.4 days

    The Influence of Competence, Organizational Culture, Spiritual Leadership on Organizational Behavior and Its Impact on Lecturer Performance at Higher Education in Baubau City

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    Lecturer performance is closely related to various factors such as inadequate competence of lecturers, weak organizational culture, low spiritual leadership and organizational behavior that is not suitable for improving lecturer performance. The objectives of this study are: (1) Testing and analyzing the positive and significant influence between lecturer competence, academic culture, spiritual leadership and organizational behavior simultaneously on lecturer performance; (2) Testing and analyzing the positive and significant influence between lecturer competence on lecturer performance; (3) Testing and analyzing the positive and significant influence between academic culture on lecturer performance; (4) Testing and analyzing the positive and significant influence between spiritual leadership on lecturer performance; (5) Testing and analyzing the positive and significant influence between organizational behavior on lecturer performance. The research method is a combination of sequential explanatory models or designs. The research sample was 140 lecturers. The data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression statistical analysis using the Social Sciences Program Statistics version 20. The results of this study were: (1) The simultaneous regression hypothesis was the Fcount of 254 and the Sig. shows that the probability value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05, this means that the independent variables, namely lecturer competence, academic culture, spiritual leadership and organizational behavior simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on lecturer performance; (2) The value of tcount 2.271 > ttable  1.978  and the value of Sig. variable X2 0.025 < 0.05, it can be concluded that the variable competence of lecturers has a significant positive effect on lecturer performance; (3) The value of tcount -1.023 < ttable 1.978, and the value of Sig. variable X3  0.308 > 0.05, it can be concluded that the academic culture variable has an insignificant negative effect on lecturer performance; (4) The value of tcount -1.115 < ttable 1.978 and the value of Sig. variable X4  0.267 >  0.05, it can be concluded that the spiritual leadership variable has an insignificant negative effect on lecturer performance; (5) The value of tcount 16.896 > ttable 1.978 and the value of Sig. variable X5  0.00 < 0.05, it can be concluded that the variable organizational behavior has a significant positive effect on lecturer performance

    Satellite Monitoring of Small-scale Farming Systems in Subang, Indonesia

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    Rice fields in Java, Indonesia have been in tremendous threat due to land policy weaknesses. In order to ensure food supply, satellite-based monitoring scheme has been chosen to accommodate quick data acquisition for agriculture planning. Nonetheless, detailed rice field map is lacking and it should be taken in consideration. WorldView-2 has the highest ground resolution to date, which is suitable to construct new rice distribution map in Indonesia. This paper shows that panchromatic data of the sensor have capability in identification of fragmented rice fields and clearly showed galengans. Red edge and Coastal bands introduced by WorldView-2 were found substantial to rice growth discrimination. In addition, various rice growth periods were detectable which helped to create of rice status map at appropriate accuracy


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    Penyakit HIV/AIDS cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dan sampai dengan tahun 2016 jumlah kasus HIV yang dilaporkan sebanyak 41.250 kasus (Kemenkes RI, 2017). Penularan HIV/AIDS menurut faktor risiko paling tinggi yaitu heteroseksual dan populasi kunci wanita pekerja seks adalah yang berisiko terhadap penularan HIV/AIDS secara heteroseksual. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang berhubungan dengan tindakan pencegahan HIV/AIDS pada WPS di Kota Manado dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 134. Penelitian ini yaitu penelitian survey analitik dengan rancangan penelitian studi potong lintang. Sampel diambil menggunakan cara accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan kurang baik memiliki pencegahan baik (89,8%), sikap baik dan pencegahan baik (85,7%). Hasil uji chi square menunjukkan ( p = 0,057 ) yang artinya pengetahuan tidak berhubungan dengan tindakan pencegahan HIV/AIDS dan sikap berhubungan dengan tindakan pencegahan HIV/AIDS ( p = 0,013 ). Upaya yang harus dilakukan yaitu mengadakan kegiatan – kegiatan yang berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan melakukan penjangkauan terhadap pengguna narkoba suntik pada wanita pekerja seks.Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Pencegahan, Wanita Pekerja Seks, HIV/AIDSABSTRACTHIV/AIDS diseases tend to increase from year to year and up to the year 2016 the number of HIV cases reported as much as 41.250 case (Kemenkes RI, 2017). The transmission of HIV/AIDS according to the most high risk factor that is heterosexual and female sex workers is a risky against transmission of HIV/AIDS in the heterosexual. This research is aims to find out what factors are associated with action of prevention of HIV/AIDS on female sex worker in Manado and the quantity of samples as much as 134 respondents. This research is analytical survey with a cross sectional study. Sample method used is accidental sampling. The results showed that both have knowledge of prevention (89,8%), good attitude and good prevention (85,7%). The chi square test results indicate ( p = 0,057) meaning that knowledge thats not related to the HIV/AIDS prevention action, and attitude assosiaciated with HIV/AIDS prevention action (p = 0,013). Efforts to do are to hold a suistainable activities to increase knowledge and doing outreach towards injection drug users in female sex workers.Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Prevention, female sex workers, HIV/AID


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    A regression model that contains the dependent variable which is influenced by the current independent variable, and is also influenced by the independent variable at the previous time is called a distributed lag model. Distributed lag model is a dynamic model in econometrics that is useful in empirical econometrics because it makes a static economic theory dynamic by taking into account the role of time explicitly. There are two distributed lag models, namely the infinite lag model and the finite lag model using the Koyck method and the Almon method in determining the estimated Distributed lag model. This study aims to determine the Distributed lag model for the effect of the money supply on the rupiah exchange rate and determine the best model based on the Koyck method and the Almon method. From the results of selecting the best model based on the SIC value and judging by the more precise R2 of the Koyck method, the resulting model ist  = 7958 + 0.0002Xt + 0.000177Xt-1+ 0.000157Xt-2+ 0.000139Xt-3 + 0.0000123Xt-


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    Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L) in the form of a tree with fruit that has skin hair resembles a fruit crop wooded meant in the family Sapindaceae. Talawaan village is a center of rambutan fruit producer in North Minahasa Regency. This research was conducted in January to April 2016 in the village Talawaan Talawaan District of North Minahasa regency. This study using purposive sampling technique using a sample of 15 people rambutan growers. Data collected consist of primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the respondents farmers for the production of rambutan Talawaan village average per farmer as much as 1237.73 kg while the average production per tree as much as 78.51 kg with the average price per kilogram of rambutan Rp 6,000. Rambutan farm receipts on average per farmer Rp 7.4264 million while for the average receipts per tree Rp 471 060. Farm production costs to the cost of production per farmer Rp 228.374.33 while the cost of production per tree Rp 161.56.78, so revenues are reduced by the cost of production, the rambutan farm income to average per farmer Rp 7,198,025.67 while for earnings per tree Rp 454,904.63
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