1,975 research outputs found

    Antarctic network of lamp-calibrated multichannel radiometers for continuous ozone and uv radiation data

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    International audienceThree NILU-UV multichannel radiometers have been installed in 1999 at the Argentinian sites of Ushuaia (54S), Marambio (64S) and Belgrano-II (77S) in order to continuously monitor UV radiation, photosynthetically active radiation and total ozone. The measurements were established by INM, Spain in collaboration with FMI, Finland, DNA-IAA, Argentina and CADIC, Argentina to observe and characterize the spatial and temporal evolution of ozone and ultraviolet radiation in the Antarctic region. Special attention has been given to the quality control and quality assurance of the measurements under harsh climatological conditions. The ozone and UV time series of 2000?2006 were calibrated using a polynomial fit for lamp measurements performed every second week all year round. The gaps in these data are minimal, with almost no data missing, and the data products are available from http://www.polarvortex.org in near real time. The data products include the erythemally-weighted UV, UVB and UVA radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), total ozone (O3) and a cloud parameter (CLT). For UV data, dose rates as well as daily doses are available; from these the maximum measured UV indices (UVI), during 2000?2006, were 12.0, 9.7 and 8.1 at Ushuaia, Marambio and Belgrano-II, respectively

    Effect of ripening on physico-chemical properties and bioactive compounds in papaya pulp, skin and seeds

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    Byproducts generated by the food industry represent an alternative to obtain functional ingredients. Byproducts of tropical fruits, such as papaya skin and seeds, represent a source of bioactive compounds (BC), which could change during fruit ripening. Effect of ripening stage (RS) on BC content and antioxidant properties of edible pulp, skin and seeds of papaya cv. Maradol was determined. Papaya skin showed significantly higher ascorbic acid (~250 mg AAE/100 g) content than seeds (~20 mg/100 g), while pulp had the highest values (~600 mg/100 g). However, papaya skin presented higher total phenolic content (~560 mg GAE/100 g) and flavonoids (~1000 mg QE/100 g) than pulp and seeds. Also, papaya skin showed the highest values followed by pulp and seeds with TEAC, FRAP and DPPH. Papaya skin had higher carotenoids and α-tocopherol (~1500 µg/100 g and ~4000 µg/100 g, respectively) content than pulp and seeds. BC content in each byproduct varied in all RS. Therefore, among the papaya byproducts, skin represents a good source of BC with good antioxidant properties, which may be used to extract them for its incorporation in functional foods depending on RS

    In-situ and Ex-situ characterization of III-V semiconductor materials and solar cells upon 10 MEV proton irradiation

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    In this work we present the results and analysis of a 10 MeV proton irradiation experiment performed on III-V semiconductor materials and solar cells. A set of representative devices including lattice-matched InGaP/GaInAs/Ge triple junction solar cells and single junction GaAs and InGaP component solar cells and a Ge diode were irradiated for different doses. The devices were studied in-situ before and after each exposure at dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination conditions, using a solar simulator connected to the irradiation chamber through a borosilicate glass window. Ex-situ characterization techniques included dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination I-V measurements. Furthermore, numerical simulation of the devices using D-AMPS-1D code together with calculations based on the TRIM software were performed in order to gain physical insight on the experimental results. The experiment also included the proton irradiation of an unprocessed Ge solar cell structure as well as the irradiation of a bare Ge(100) substrate. Ex-situ material characterization, after radioactive deactivation of the samples, includes Raman spectroscopy and spectral reflectivity

    Propuestas para una reforma laboral democrática

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    Este trabajo, presenta trece propuestas complementarias sobre los temas centrales de la reforma laboral: la contracción individual y colectiva, con si variable de "subcontratación"; la transparencia con la proposición concreta de creación del registro nacional de contratos y sindicatos; los salarios y la jornada laboral, temas clave en el proyecto de país de la izquierda democrátic

    UV measurements at Marambio and Ushuaia during 2000–2010

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    Solar ultraviolet (UV) irradiances were measured with NILU-UV multichannel radiometers at Ushuaia (54°&thinsp;S) and Marambio (64°&thinsp;S) between 2000 and 2013. The measurements were part of the Antarctic NILU-UV network, which was started in cooperation between Spain, Argentina and Finland. The erythemally weighted UV irradiance time series of both stations were analysed for the first time. The quality assurance procedures included a travelling reference instrument to transfer the irradiance scale to the stations. The time series were homogenized and high quality measurements were available for the period 2000–2010. During this period UV indices of 11 or more were measured on 5 and 35 days at Marambio and Ushuaia, respectively. At Marambio, the peak daily maximum UV index of 12 and daily doses of around 7&thinsp;kJ&thinsp;m−2 were measured in November 2007. The highest UV daily doses at both stations were typically around 6&thinsp;kJ&thinsp;m−2 and occurred when the stations were inside the polar vortex, resulting in very low total ozone amount. At both stations, daily doses in late November could even exceed those in the summer. At Marambio, in some years, also daily doses in October can be as high as those during the summer. At Ushuaia, the peak daily maximum UV index of 13 was measured twice: in November 2003 and 2009. Also during those days, the station of Ushuaia was inside the polar vortex.</p

    Males and females with first episode psychosis present distinct profiles of social cognition and metacognition

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    Altres ajuts: Royal Society of New Zealand - Marsden (E2987-3648) ; Obra Social La Caixa (RecerCaixa call 2013) ; Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu BML (RTI2018-100927-J-I00) ; Ministerio Regional de Salud AndaluzDeficits in social cognition and metacognition impact the course of psychosis. Sex diferences in social cognition and metacognition could explain heterogeneity in psychosis. 174 (58 females) patients with frst-episode psychosis completed a clinical, neuropsychological, social cognitive, and metacognitive assessment. Subsequent latent profle analysis split by sex yielded two clusters common to both sexes (a Homogeneous group, 53% and 79.3%, and an Indecisive group, 18.3% and 8.6% of males and females, respectively), a specifc male profle characterized by presenting jumping to conclusions (28.7%) and a specifc female profle characterized by cognitive biases (12.1%). Males and females in the homogeneous profle seem to have a more benign course of illness. Males with jumping to conclusions had more clinical symptoms and more neuropsychological defcits. Females with cognitive biases were younger and had lower self-esteem. These results suggest that males and females may beneft from specifc targeted treatment and highlights the need to consider sex when planning interventions

    Computational methodology to determine fluid related parameters on non regular three-dimensional scaffolds

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    The application of three-dimensional (3D) biomaterials to facilitate the adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of cells has been widely studied for tissue engineering purposes. The fabrication methods used to improve the mechanical response of the scaffold produce complex and non regular structures. Apart from the mechanical aspect, the fluid behavior in the inner part of the scaffold should also be considered. Parameters such as permeability (k) or wall shear stress (WSS) are important aspects in the provision of nutrients, the removal of metabolic waste products or the mechanically-induced differentiation of cells attached in the trabecular network of the scaffolds. Experimental measurements of these parameters are not available in all labs. However, fluid parameters should be known prior to other types of experiments. The present work compares an experimental study with a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology to determine the related fluid parameters (k and WSS) of complex non regular poly(L-lactic acid) scaffolds based only on the treatment of microphotographic images obtained with a microCT (lCT). The CFD analysis shows similar tendencies and results with low relative difference compared to those of the experimental study, for high flow rates. For low flow rates the accuracy of this prediction reduces. The correlation between the computational and experimental results validates the robustness of the proposed methodology.The authors gratefully acknowledge research support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through research project DPI2010-20399-C04-01. The Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the CIBER initiative and the Platform for Biological Tissue Characterization of the Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red en Bioingenieria, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN) are also gratefully acknowledged.Acosta Santamaría, VA.; Malvé, M.; Duizabo, A.; Mena Tobar, A.; Gallego Ferrer, G.; García Aznar, J.; Doblare Castellano, M.... (2013). Computational methodology to determine fluid related parameters on non regular three-dimensional scaffolds. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 41(11):2367-2380. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-013-0849-8S236723804111Acosta Santamaría, V., H. Deplaine, D. Mariggió, A. R. Villanueva-Molines, J. M. García-Aznar, J. L. Gómez Ribelles, M. Doblaré, G. Gallego Ferrer, and I. Ochoa. Influence of the macro and micro-porous structure on the mechanical behavior of poly(l-lactic acid) scaffolds. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 358(23):3141–3149, 2012.Adachi, T., Y. Osako, M. Tanaka, M. Hojo, and S. J. Hollister. 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    Persons with first episode psychosis have distinct profiles of social cognition and metacognition

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    Altres ajuts: Obra Social La Caixa (RecerCaixa call 2013), by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Spain). Junta de Andalucía: PI-0634/2011; PI-0193/2014.Subjects with first-episode psychosis experience substantial deficits in social cognition and metacognition. Although previous studies have investigated the role of profiles of individuals in social cognition and metacognition in chronic schizophrenia, profiling subjects with first-episode psychosis in both domains remains to be investigated. We used latent profile analysis to derive profiles of the abilities in 174 persons with first-episode psychosis using the Beck's Cognitive Insight Scale, the Faces Test, the Hinting Task, the Internal, Personal and Situational Attributions Questionnaire, and the Beads Task. Participants received a clinical assessment and a neuropsychological assessment. The best-fitting model was selected according to the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). We assessed the importance of the variables via a classification tree (CART). We derived three clusters with distinct profiles. The first profile (33.3%) comprised individuals with low social cognition. The second profile (60.9%) comprised individuals that had more proneness to present jumping to conclusions. The third profile (5.7%) presented a heterogeneous profile of metacognitive deficits. Persons with lower social cognition presented worse clinical and neuropsychological features than cluster 2 and cluster 3. Cluster 3 presented significantly worst functioning. Our results suggest that individuals with FEP present distinct profiles that concur with specific clinical, neuropsychological, and functional challenges. Each subgroup may benefit from different interventions