76 research outputs found

    Ion beam sputter-deposited thin film coatings for protection of spacecraft polymers in low Earth orbit

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    Ion beam sputter-deposited thin films of Al2O3, SiO2, and a codeposited mixture of predominantly SiO2 with small amounts of a fluoropolymer were evaluated both in laboratory plasma ashing tests and in space on board shuttle flight STS-8 for effectiveness in preventing oxidation of polyimide Kapton. Measurements of mass loss and optical performance of coated and uncoated polyimide samples exposed to the low Earth orbital environment are presented. Optical techniques were used to measure loss rates of protective films exposed to atomic oxygen. Results of the analysis of the space flight exposed samples indicate that thin film metal oxide coatings are very effective in protecting the polyimide. Metal oxide coatings with a small amount of fluoropolymer codeposited have the additional benefit of great flexibility

    Flow Boiling and Condensation Experiment Flight Hardware Development

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    The Flow Boiling and Condensation Experiment (FBCE) to be manifested on the International Space Station (ISS) consists of a fluid system and the associated electronics to provide for conditioning the test fluid (normal-PerFluorohexane or nPFH-C6F14) to the proper thermodynamic state prior to entering a test module, which can be interchangeable based on the science objectives. Two separate test modules have been manufactured for the FBCE, the Flow Boiling Module (FBM), which investigates flow boiling for a subcooled liquid, saturated liquid, or two phase mixture, and the Condensation Module Heat Transfer (CM-HT), which investigates condensation of a flowing saturated or superheated vapor. The test fluid heating is accomplished using the Bulk Heater Module (BHM), which heats the fluid to various states based on the demands of the currently installed test module. ISS Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) water is utilized to cool the test fluid prior to entering the circulation pump, and is also utilized for cooling for condensation in CM-HT, for cooling of a camera in FBM. An adjustable pressure bellows-type accumulator is used to set the pressure at the inlet of the test section, but does not provide active pressure control during testing. The flow of the test fluid is achieved using a gear pump controlled by a coriolis flow meter, which also provides the flow rate measurement. Flow rates for the ITCS water loops are measured and controlled using coriolis flow meters with directly controlled proportional valves. During execution of FBCE operations, the FBM is scheduled to collect data for three months before being exchanged with CM-HT for another three month data collection run. In this work, we present the development of the flight hardware, the associated challenges experienced during the development such as packaging flight system hardware, and the lessons learned in overcoming the encountered challenges

    Orion Spacecraft MMOD Protection Design and Assessment

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    The Orion spacecraft will replace the Space Shuttle Orbiter for American and international partner access to the International Space Station by 2015 and, afterwards, for access to the moon for initial sorties and later for extended outpost visits as part of the Constellation Exploration Initiative. This work describes some of the efforts being undertaken to ensure that the Constellation Program, Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle design will meet or exceed the stringent micrometeoroid and orbital debris (MMOD) requirements set out by NASA when exposed to the environments encountered with these missions. This paper will provide a brief overview of the approaches being used to provide MMOD protection to the Orion vehicle and to assess the spacecraft for compliance to the Constellation Program s MMOD requirements

    A practical and catalyst-free trifluoroethylation reaction of amines using trifluoroacetic acid

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    Amines are a fundamentally important class of biologically active compounds and the ability to manipulate their physicochemical properties through the introduction of fluorine is of paramount importance in medicinal chemistry. Current synthesis methods for the construction of fluorinated amines rely on air and moisture sensitive reagents that require special handling or harsh reductants that limit functionality. Here we report practical, catalyst-free, reductive trifluoroethylation reactions of free amines exhibiting remarkable functional group tolerance. The reactions proceed in conventional glassware without rigorous exclusion of either moisture or oxygen, and use trifluoroacetic acid as a stable and inexpensive fluorine source. The new methods provide access to a wide range of medicinally-relevant functionalized tertiary beta-fluoroalkylamine cores, either through direct trifluoroethylation of secondary amines or via a three-component coupling of primary amines, aldehydes and trifluoroacetic acid. A reduction of in situ-generated silyl ester species is proposed to account for the reductive selectivity observed

    In Vivo, In Vitro, and In Silico Characterization of Peptoids as Antimicrobial Agents

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    Bacterial resistance to conventional antibiotics is a global threat that has spurred the development of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and their mimetics as novel anti-infective agents. While the bioavailability of AMPs is often reduced due to protease activity, the non-natural structure of AMP mimetics renders them robust to proteolytic degradation, thus offering a distinct advantage for their clinical application. We explore the therapeutic potential of N-substituted glycines, or peptoids, as AMP mimics using a multi-faceted approach that includes in silico, in vitro, and in vivo techniques. We report a new QSAR model that we developed based on 27 diverse peptoid sequences, which accurately correlates antimicrobial peptoid structure with antimicrobial activity. We have identified a number of peptoids that have potent, broad-spectrum in vitro activity against multi-drug resistant bacterial strains. Lastly, using a murine model of invasive S. aureus infection, we demonstrate that one of the best candidate peptoids at 4 mg/kg significantly reduces with a two-log order the bacterial counts compared with saline-treated controls. Taken together, our results demonstrate the promising therapeutic potential of peptoids as antimicrobial agents

    Thermal Detection Thresholds of Aδ- and C-Fibre Afferents Activated by Brief CO2 Laser Pulses Applied onto the Human Hairy Skin

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    Brief high-power laser pulses applied onto the hairy skin of the distal end of a limb generate a double sensation related to the activation of Aδ- and C-fibres, referred to as first and second pain. However, neurophysiological and behavioural responses related to the activation of C-fibres can be studied reliably only if the concomitant activation of Aδ-fibres is avoided. Here, using a novel CO2 laser stimulator able to deliver constant-temperature heat pulses through a feedback regulation of laser power by an online measurement of skin temperature at target site, combined with an adaptive staircase algorithm using reaction-time to distinguish between responses triggered by Aδ- and C-fibre input, we show that it is possible to estimate robustly and independently the thermal detection thresholds of Aδ-fibres (46.9±1.7°C) and C-fibres (39.8±1.7°C). Furthermore, we show that both thresholds are dependent on the skin temperature preceding and/or surrounding the test stimulus, indicating that the Aδ- and C-fibre afferents triggering the behavioural responses to brief laser pulses behave, at least partially, as detectors of a change in skin temperature rather than as pure level detectors. Most importantly, our results show that the difference in threshold between Aδ- and C-fibre afferents activated by brief laser pulses can be exploited to activate C-fibres selectively and reliably, provided that the rise in skin temperature generated by the laser stimulator is well-controlled. Our approach could constitute a tool to explore, in humans, the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved in processing C- and Aδ-fibre input, respectively

    Maspin differential expression patterns as a potential marker for targeted screening of esophageal adenocarcinoma/gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma.

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    Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a predisposing factor of esophageal adenocarcinoma/gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (ECA/GEJ Aca). BE patients are stratified and subsequently monitored according to the risk of malignant progression by the combination of endoscopy and biopsy. This study is to evaluate the maspin expression patterns as early diagnostic markers of malignancy in BE patients. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining was performed on 62 archival core biopsies from 35 patients, including BE without dysplasia (intestinal metaplasia, IM), BE with low grade dysplasia, BE with high grade dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and well to poorly differentiated ECA/GEJ Aca (PD-ECA/GEJ Aca). The intensity and the subcellular distribution of immunoreactivity were evaluated microscopically. Statistical analysis was performed using the χ2 and Fisher exact tests. The level of epithelial-specific tumor suppressor maspin protein inversely correlated with the progression from IM to PD-ECA/GEJ Aca. Lesions of each pathological grade could be divided into subtypes that exhibited distinct maspin subcellular distribution patterns, including nuclear only (Nuc), combined nuclear and cytoplasmic (Nuc+Cyt), cytoplasmic only (Cyt) and overall negligible (Neg). The Cyt subtype, which was minor in both IM and dysplasia (approximately 10%), was predominant in ECA/GEJ Aca as early as well-differentiated lesions (more than 50%: p = 0.0092). In comparison, nuclear staining of the tumor suppressor TP53 was heterogeneous in dysplasia, and did not correlate with the differentiation grades of ECA/GEJ Aca. The Cyt subtype of maspin expression pattern in core biopsies of BE patients may serve as a molecular marker for early diagnosis of ECA/GEJ Aca.This work was supported by the NIH grant P30CA022453 (to the Karmanos Cancer Institute with Sheng, S. as a program leader), the Ruth Sager Memorial Fund (to Sheng, S.), the Karmanos Cancer Institute Pilot Project Grant 25S5Z (to Sheng, S.), and the Karmanos Cancer Institute Prostate Cancer Research Pilot Project Grant (to Sheng, S.)

    Pseudotumoural soft tissue lesions of the hand and wrist: a pictorial review

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    Mimickers of soft tissue tumours in the hand and wrist are more frequent than true neoplastic lesions. Pseudotumours belong to a large and heterogeneous group of disorders, varying from normal anatomical variants, cystic lesions, post-traumatic lesions, skin lesions, inflammatory and infectious lesions, non-neoplastic vascular lesions, metabolic disorders (crystal deposition disease and amyloidosis) and miscellaneous disorders. Although the imaging approach to pseudotumoural lesions is often very similar to the approach to “true” soft tissue tumoral counterparts, further management of these lesions is different. Biopsy should be performed only in doubtful cases, when the diagnosis is unclear. Therefore, the radiologist plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis of these lesions. Awareness of the normal anatomy and existence and common imaging presentation of these diseases, in combination with relevant clinical findings (clinical history, age, location and skin changes), enables the radiologist to make the correct diagnosis in most cases, thereby limiting the need for invasive procedures

    Design of price incentives for adjunct policy goals in formula funding for hospitals and health services

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    Background. Hospital policy involves multiple objectives: efficiency of service delivery, pursuit of high quality care, promoting access. Funding policy based on hospital casemix has traditionally been considered to be only about promoting efficiency. Discussion. Formula-based funding policy can be (and has been) used to pursue a range of policy objectives, not only efficiency. These are termed 'adjunct' goals. Strategies to incorporate adjunct goals into funding design must, implicitly or explicitly, address key decision choices outlined in this paper. Summary. Policy must be clear and explicit about the behaviour to be rewarded; incentives must be designed so that all facilities with an opportunity to improve have an opportunity to benefit; the reward structure is stable and meaningful; and the funder monitors performance and gaming