762 research outputs found

    Cognitive Strategies of S²r Model Used by High Proficiency Learners of the English Department, Petra Christian University

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    This is a qualitative and quantitative study on cognitive strategies of S²R model and specific techniques employed by high proficient learners of the English Department, Petra Christian University. The high proficient learners represented by nine final-year students who have an average of very good grade (≥B+) in all language skill courses offered by the department. The data was taken by conducting interviews to each of learners based on Oxford (2011) theory. The findings showed all types of cognitive strategies are used by the high proficient learners. The highest percentage of cognitive strategies used was going beyond the immediate data (100%), the second highest was using senses to understand and remember (81%), the third highest was conceptualizing broadly (78%), then it followed by conceptualizing with details (76%), reasoning (67%), and activating knowledge (56%). Moreover, there were a lot of varieties of the specific techniques employed by the participants. The most common specific techniques used were guessing, watching English speaking films, skimming, comparing English to mother tongue, reading novels and magazine, and brainstorming. In conclusion, all proficiency learners use all cognitive strategies but they might employ different techniques in their learning process


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    Fokus penelitian ini mengkaji tentang sistem kerja program Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (Pamsimas) di Kelurahan Cibeunying, upaya edukatif dalam program Pamsimas di Kelurahan Cibeunying, dampak program Pamsimas dalam menumbuhkan perilaku hidup sehat di masyarakat Kelurahan Cibeunying, faktor pendukung dan penghambat program Pamsimas serta konsep dari program Pamsimas yang dapat diaplikasikan pada daerah yang sejenis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dimana teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan angket. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri atas enam orang pelaksana program Pamsimas, satu orang bidan desa dan dua orang masyarakat pengguna layanan program Pamsimas. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah sistem kerja dalam program Pamsimas menggunakan pendekatan pembangunan yang berbasis masyarakat, dimana masyarakat merupakan pengambil keputusan serta pengelola program. Selain itu, adapula upaya edukatif yang dilakukan yaitu melalui kegiatan penyuluhan yang diarahkan pada upaya pemberdayaan dalam memberi pemahaman kepada masyarakat. Dampak dari program Pamsimas terhadap tujuan untuk menumbuhkan perilaku hidup sehat dapat dilihat dari kebersihan lingkungan sekitar masyarakat serta partisipasi dan motivasi yang tumbuh di masyarakat. Faktor pendukung dan penghambat berjalannya program Pamsimas terlihat dari kinerja serta tanggungjawab para pelaksana. Sehingga, dengan berjalannya program Pamsimas ada konsep yang dapat diaplikasikan pada daerah yang sejenis yaitu penguatan kapasitas kelembagaan sebagai pendukung keberhasilan pengelolaan program serta mempengaruhi terhadap peran dan partisipasi masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Program Pamsimas, Berbasis Masyarakat, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat The focus of this research is to study about the work system of Pamsimas program in the Cibeunying village, educational efforts in the Pamsimas program, Pamsimas program impact in growing healthy behavior in Cibeunying village community, enabling and inhibiting factors of Pamsimas program, and the concept of the Pamsimas program applicable to similar areas. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data collection’s techniques used in the research are interview, observation, documentation study, and questionnaires. The research subject was six people Pamsimas program implementers, one midwife, and two recipients Pamsimas program. The results obtained are in a working system Pamsimas program using community-based development approach , in which people are the decision makers and program managers. In addition, those who do are educational efforts through outreach activities geared towards empowerment in giving understanding to the community. The impact of the program on purpose to foster healthy behavior can be seen from the surrounding community as well as environmental hygiene and motivation to grow participation in the community. Enabling and inhibiting factors of the program Pamsimas seen from the performance and responsibilities of the implementers. The concept of Pamsimas program can be applied to similar areas namely strengthening the institutional capacity to support the successful management of the program as well as the influence of the role and participation of the community. Key Words : Pamsimas program, community-based, community empowermen


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    SD Tunggalpager terletak di Kecamatan Pungging, tepatnya berada di desa Tunggalpager. SD ini berdiri sejak tahun 1970. Proses administrasi sekolah tersebut masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga terjadi kesulitan dalam proses administrasi pada sekolah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang terkomputerisasi untuk memudahkan proses administrasi pada sekolah tersebut. Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan tersebut, penulis merancang sistem administrasi secara terkomputerisasi. Dalam perancangan aliran data menggunakan Data Flow Diagram. Sedangkan untuk membuat desain struktur tabel dan relasi antar tabel menggunakan Entity Relationship Diagram. Data base dibuat dengan menggunakan Microsoft Access. Aplikasi dibuat dan dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic 6. Program yang dibuat meliputi sistem pendataan siswa, sistem pendataan guru dan karyawan, dan system pembayaran iuran sekolah. Dari hasil pengujian terhadap program, menunjukkan bahwa program ini dapat memproses data siswa, data guru dan karyawan, dan juga data pembayaran iuran sekolah. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini akan dapat meningkatkan kinerja dan kualitas sekolah, dapat memberikan informasi yang cepat, tepat dan akurat, menghindari pencatatan ke buku yang bisa menyebabkan penumpukan buku dan berkas sehingga resiko kerusakan data menjadi kecil. Kata kunci : Pengolahan data siswa, guru dan karyawa

    Kajian Yuridis Uang Wajib Tahunan Otorita Atas Pemberian Hak Milik Diatas Hak Pengelolaan di Kota Batam

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    The Agrarian law which is effective in Indonesia is based on tenure which can be proved by various tenures on land. The state's tenure is the State's authority to organize or to distribute authorities on land. HPL (the right to manage) which is part of the state tenure is owned by BP Kawasan and as an administrator BP Kawasan exempts Authoritative Yearly Required Money to the holder of land rights, including ownership. Actually ownership as the most powerfull and unlimited right is not required to pay UWTO, but HPL and its land management do not break up end so that they become the factor of the bound between the holder of the land rights and BP Kawasan. The land problem in Batam is only related to the overlapping land regulation but also to two authorities. BP Kawasan as the holder of HPL has the obligation to register the HPL and the authority to give and distribute parts of HPL land which is requested to become land rights throught an agreement as the basis for the applicant for the rights in registering the new land rights in order to get legal certainly. The entire land in Batam is generally controlled by BP Kawasan, but there are some parts of it which are not registered; they are known as ”kampung tua”(old village). Ideally the land rights given from HPL are affordable, but some of distributed land has been changed to ownership by increasing its right status


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah penerapan ragam hias flora pada keramik dalam Mata Pelajaran Seni Budaya Bidang Seni Rupa di kelas VIII K SMP Negeri 2 Bangkala Barat Kabupaten Jeneponto. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 1 kelas yang terdiri dari 24 siswa kelas VIII K. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, tes praktik dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan sasaran penelitiannya adalah kegiatan praktik  penerapan ragam hias flora pada bahan keras terutama pada keramik di kelas VIII K SMP Negeri 2 Bangkala Barat Kabupaten Jeneponto. Hasil yang diperoleh dari  penelitian  ini    adalah  sebagai  berikut:  1)  Siswa  melakukan  praktik  sesuai  dengan langkah-langkah penerapan ragam hias flora pada keramik. 2) Siswa megalami kesulitan dalam membuat desain motif ragam hias flora, dan mewarnai motif ragam hias pada keramik. Sesuai sengan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diajukan saran-saran sebagai berikut: 1) Diharapkan kepada Guru agar tetap memberikan praktik-praktik dalam proses pembelajaran, khususnya praktik penerapan ragam hias flora baik pada keramik maupun media lain agar siswa dapat menghargai kesenian nusantara yang ada disekitar kita. 2) Diharapkan kepada siswa SMP Negeri 2 Bangkala Barat agar dapat termotivasi dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan praktik penerapan ragam hias flora khususnya pada keramik lebih baik lagi

    Application of Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Resistivity Method to determine a well recommendation point at deep-groundwater exploitation

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    The demand of fresh water to develop of life community is very important, where almost all construction activities is required a water such as irrigating rice fields, building infrastructure, and to daily consumption. To obtain a good quality of groundwater, several parameter must be specified such as the depth of groundwater, thickness of the source, and resistivity value of rock. In this case, we try to applied Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) resistivity method with Schlumberger configuration on one of Pamsimas Project to answer that parameter. VES Resistivity method is one of the active methods in geophysical study based on electrical properties of the subsurface rock by injecting electric current (I) into the earth and record the potential difference (?V) produced to the surface. From the results of current and potential difference measurements for each electrode spacing (AB/2) different then be lowered resistivity variations in the value of each layer below the measuring point (sounding points). After the acquisition on 3 points at Pandansari Village (PS-01, PS-02, PS-03), we get the result on PS-01, the water layer is indicated on the depth 60-80 meters with resistivity values equal than 36.7-50 ?m. On PS-02, the water layer is indicated on the depth 50-100 meters with resistivity values equal than 18.7-40 ?m. On PS-03, the water layer is indicated on the depth 30-60 meters with resistivity values equal than 52.8-70 ?m. Afterthat, we run 2D-pseudosection to know the distribution of groundwater layer in subsurface and get the thickness of groundwater is 20-50 meter with depth 40-80 meter. Based on this result, the PS-01 is the best point to make a well-exploitation on South Pandansari Pamsimas Project

    Pemilihan Laptop Terbaik Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process pada PT Swadharma Sarana Informatika

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    Laptop have experienced a fairly rapid development at this time, both in terms ofhardware, software and specifications are presented. Problems that often happens that thelaptop has a hang or a jam when running a heavy program on the monitoring. In this caserequired Decision Support System to perform the best laptop selection in order to reduce theoccurrence of hang or jammed when the laptop is used. This research was conducted withseveral alternative options, namely; Asus A456, Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E440-Q01, HP Pavilion14-N016TU and Toshiba Satellite L40-AS102X and there are several criteria specified asresearch support that is; Price, Size and type of display, Processor Type, RAM (RandomAccess Memory) Capacity, Hard Drive Capacity, Battery Capacity and Operating System. Thisresearch uses Analytical Hierarchy Process method and Expert Choice application as a tool.Then the results obtained from the calculation that is; ASUS A456 with a value of 0.313, LenovoThinkPad Edge E440-Q01 with a value of 0.294, HP Pavilion 14-N016TU with a value of 0.261and Toshiba Satellite L40-AS102X with a value of 0.132. Based on these results, the ASUSA456 with a value of 0.313 or equivalent to the value of 31.3% occupy the first position and a choice of laptops that will be used in the monitoring and criteria contained on ASUS A456 laptopwill be used as the minimum specification is updated for PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process Method, Laptop Election, Expert Choice &nbsp

    Perspective on Settlement of General Election Disputes Through Mediation, Adjudication and Legal Efforts: Settlement of State Administrative Judicial Disputes

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    General elections (Pemilu in Bahasa Indonesia) are an important instrument in every democratic country that adopts a system of representation. In general, there are 2 (two) dispute settlement paths, which are litigation (dispute settlement path through the judicial route) and non-litigation paths (peaceful settlement outside the court). The type of research used in this legal research is normative juridical type of research which is carried out by examining library material which is secondary data and also called library research. Dispute on election consist of disputes between election participants or between candidates, administrative disputes or State Administration of Elections, and disputes over election results. While crime in election is handled by the Election Supervisor, which is followed up by the General Election Commission (KPU), the regional KPU, and the regional KPU and KPU impose administrative sanctions. Whereas the violation of the code of ethics for the election organizers at the hearing was decided by the Election Organizer Honorary Board (DKPP). Furthermore, disputes between election participants or between candidates are settled by the Election Supervisor, Election administration disputes are settled by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) by mediation, adjudication and can be appealed to the State Administrative Court, while the election results are settled by the Constitutional Court


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    The success of the business depends on the management's ability to use marketing strategies. One of the marketing strategies used is the marketing mix. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the marketing mix has an effect on the decision to buy clothes at Harapan Baru Store Samarinda.The theory used in this study is marketing management, the 4p marketing mix, product, price, place, promotion and purchasing decisions.The method used in this study is a quantitative method, the population in this study are customers who have shopped at Harapan Baru Store Samarinda, the sampling technique is accidental sampling, namely 97 samples, the analytical tool used is data instrument test, classical assumption test, analysis multiple regression, partial test and simultaneous test.The results showed that the results of the t test for product and location variables had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, while the price variable had a negative but not significant effect and the promotion variable had a positive but not significant effect, the F test results showed that product, price, location and promotion variables were together - equally positive and significant effect on purchasing decision