5,902 research outputs found

    Liquid oxygen cooling of high pressure LOX/hydrocarbon rocket thrust chambers

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    An experimental program using liquid oxygen (LOX) and RP-1 as the propellants and supercritical LOX as the coolant was conducted at 4.14, 8.27, and 13.79 MN/sq m (600, 1200, and 2000 psia) chamber pressure. The objectives of this program were to evaluate the cooling characteristics of LOX with the LOX/RP-1 propellants, the buildup of the soot on the hot-gas-side chamber wall, and the effect of an internal LOX leak on the structural integrity of the combustor. Five thrust chambers with throat diameters of 6.6 cm (2.5 in.) were tested successfully. The first three were tested at 4.14 MN/sq m (600 psia) chamber pressure over a mixture ratio range of 2.25 to 2.92. One of these three was tested for over 22 cyclic tests after the first through crack from the coolant channel to the combustion zone was observed with no apparent metal burning or distress. The fourth chamber was tested at 8.27 MN/sq m (1200 psia) chamber pressure over a mixture range of 1.93 to 2.98. The fourth and fifth chambers were tested at 13.79 MN/sq m (2000 psia) chamber pressure over a mixture ratio range of 1.79 to 2.68

    Dredging Management: A Comparative Analysis of Mid-Sized U.S. North Atlantic Ports

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    Dredging management within the states of Rhode Island, Maine and Connecticut is examined through an analysis of the ports of Providence, Portland, and New Haven. These ports were selected from a field of 30 Atlantic Coast ports through a multivariate statistical analysis, based on similarities in size, function and geography. Each port\u27s dredging history was compiled to illustrate the frequency and magnitude of dredging activity among the three states. Pertinent state laws, regulations and policies regarding dredging and dredged material disposal were reviewed in an attempt to identify similarities and differences. It was believed that differences among each state\u27s regulatory frameworks concerning dredging activities would lead to variations in each state\u27s dredging management. While variations do exist among each state\u27s regulatory framework, it was determined that these differences only caused minor variations in processing time for dredging permits. The results of this research indicate that it is the availability of suitable disposal sites, and not variations among state-level dredging regulations, that is the main controlling factor with regard to effective dredging management

    Quasiperpendicular high Mach number Shocks

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    Shock waves exist throughout the universe and are fundamental to understanding the nature of collisionless plasmas. Reformation is a process, driven by microphysics, which typically occurs at high Mach number supercritical shocks. While ongoing studies have investigated this process extensively both theoretically and via simulations, their observations remain few and far between. In this letter we present a study of very high Mach number shocks in a parameter space that has been poorly explored and we identify reformation using in situ magnetic field observations from the Cassini spacecraft at 10 AU. This has given us an insight into quasi-perpendicular shocks across two orders of magnitude in Alfven Mach number (MA) which could potentially bridge the gap between modest terrestrial shocks and more exotic astrophysical shocks. For the first time, we show evidence for cyclic reformation controlled by specular ion reflection occurring at the predicted timescale of ~0.3 {\tau}c, where {\tau}c is the ion gyroperiod. In addition, we experimentally reveal the relationship between reformation and MA and focus on the magnetic structure of such shocks to further show that for the same MA, a reforming shock exhibits stronger magnetic field amplification than a shock that is not reforming.Comment: Accepted and Published in Physical Review Letters (2015

    The Nation Is Burdened

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    The Nation Is Burdened

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    Suprathermal electrons at Saturn's bow shock

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    The leading explanation for the origin of galactic cosmic rays is particle acceleration at the shocks surrounding young supernova remnants (SNRs), although crucial aspects of the acceleration process are unclear. The similar collisionless plasma shocks frequently encountered by spacecraft in the solar wind are generally far weaker (lower Mach number) than these SNR shocks. However, the Cassini spacecraft has shown that the shock standing in the solar wind sunward of Saturn (Saturn's bow shock) can occasionally reach this high-Mach number astrophysical regime. In this regime Cassini has provided the first in situ evidence for electron acceleration under quasi-parallel upstream magnetic conditions. Here we present the full picture of suprathermal electrons at Saturn's bow shock revealed by Cassini. The downstream thermal electron distribution is resolved in all data taken by the low-energy electron detector (CAPS-ELS, <28 keV) during shock crossings, but the higher energy channels were at (or close to) background. The high-energy electron detector (MIMI-LEMMS, >18 keV) measured a suprathermal electron signature at 31 of 508 crossings, where typically only the lowest energy channels (<100 keV) were above background. We show that these results are consistent with theory in which the "injection" of thermal electrons into an acceleration process involves interaction with whistler waves at the shock front, and becomes possible for all upstream magnetic field orientations at high Mach numbers like those of the strong shocks around young SNRs. A future dedicated study will analyze the rare crossings with evidence for relativistic electrons (up to ~1 MeV).Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The 2MASS Tully-Fisher Survey : Mapping the Mass in the Universe

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    The 2MASS Tully-Fisher Survey (2MTF) aims to measure Tully-Fisher (TF) distances for all bright inclined spirals in the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) using high quality HI widths and 2MASS photometry. Compared with previous peculiar velocity surveys, the 2MTF survey provides more accurate width measurements and more uniform sky coverage, combining observations with the Green Bank, Arecibo and Parkes telescopes. With this new redshift-independent distance database, we will significantly improve our understanding of the mass distribution in the local universe.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, IAU Symposium 289 proceedin

    Laboratory and Well-Log Velocity and Density Measurements from the Ontong Java Plateau: New in-situ corrections to laboratory data for pelagic carbonates

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    During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 130, sonic velocity and bulk density/porosity well logs were measured in five separate holes drilled through the sequence of pelagic carbonate oozes, chalks, and limestones that comprise the thick, continuous sedimentary cover on the Ontong Java Plateau. An internally consistent and continuous suite of shipboard laboratory velocity and sediment physical properties measurements were made from the top of each hole down through the entire logged interval. Because of the high quality of the data, extensive overlap of 500 m or more between the log and laboratory measurements at each hole, and the homogeneous nature of the sediments, we have been able to compare laboratory and in-situ log measurements in detail and to evaluate factors that alter laboratory data from their in-situ values. For measurements of bulk density and porosity, differences between laboratory and in-situ log measurements are very small and remain constant over the entire range of depths studied. We have applied a simple hydraulic rebound correction to the laboratory data that compensates for pore fluid expansion after removal of a sediment sample from in-situ conditions. The small, correctable differences between the laboratory and log data imply that mechanical rebound is significantly less than previous estimates (maximum near 5%) of rebound in pelagic carbonates. Furthermore, porosity rebound cannot be used to correct laboratory sonic velocity measurements to in-situ values. Such a rebound correction implicitly requires that laboratory and in-situ data must occupy identical fields on velocity-porosity crossplots. This condition is not met for the Ontong Java Plateau results because laboratory and in-situ logging data occupy distinct trends with little overlap between the two types of measurement. Mechanical rebound in pelagic carbonates cannot be used to correct either laboratory porosity or velocity measurements to in-situ values. The complex porosity systematics of these carbonates resulting from varying abundances of hollow foraminifer grains precluded use of an empirical correction derived from the log porosity and velocity data. Laboratory sonic velocity measurements can be corrected to in-situ values at all of the Ontong Java Plateau sites using a depth-based function derived from downhole differences between log and laboratory velocities in Hole 807A. The applicability of the depth correction implies that the effect of overburden pressure reduction on sediment elastic moduli is the most significant factor affecting laboratory velocity measurements. The depth correction to laboratory velocity measurements appears to be generally applicable to pelagic carbonate oozes and chalks of the Ontong Java Plateau, regardless of depositional depth or sediment age

    Cognitive impairment and decline in cognitively normal older adults with high amyloid-β: A meta-analysis

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    AbstractIntroductionThis meta-analysis aimed to characterize the nature and magnitude of amyloid (Aβ)-related cognitive impairment and decline in cognitively normal (CN) older individuals.MethodMEDLINE Ovid was searched from 2012 to June 2016 for studies reporting relationships between cerebrospinal fluid or positron emission tomography (PET) Aβ levels and cognitive impairment (cross-sectional) and decline (longitudinal) in CN older adults. Neuropsychological data were classified into domains of episodic memory, executive function, working memory, processing speed, visuospatial function, semantic memory, and global cognition. Type of Aβ measure, how Aβ burden was analyzed, inclusion of control variables, and clinical criteria used to exclude participants, were considered as moderators. Random-effects models were used for analyses with effect sizes expressed as Cohen's d.ResultsA total of 38 studies met inclusion criteria contributing 30 cross-sectional (N = 5005) and 14 longitudinal (N = 2584) samples. Aβ-related cognitive impairment was observed for global cognition (d = 0.32), visuospatial function (d = 0.25), processing speed (d = 0.18), episodic memory, and executive function (both d's = 0.15), with decline observed for global cognition (d = 0.30), semantic memory (d = 0.28), visuospatial function (d = 0.25), and episodic memory (d = 0.24). Aβ-related impairment was moderated by age, amyloid measure, type of analysis, and inclusion of control variables and decline moderated by amyloid measure, type of analysis, inclusion of control variables, and exclusion criteria used.DiscussionCN older adults with high Aβ show a small general cognitive impairment and small to moderate decline in episodic memory, visuospatial function, semantic memory, and global cognition
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