216 research outputs found


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    Selecting suitable customer relationship management systems (CRM) is a decision problem with economic, behavioural, technical and functional implications. It is important to methodically identify an appropriate solution with regard to the various aspects of the decision. In this paper, a practical test of the previously developed customer relationship management system selection (CRMSS) process model is conducted in a case study with an automotive safety goods supplier. The process model used was constructed based on a literature review and further refined by expert interviews and two international online surveys. To test the models applicability and align phases, tasks, roles and deliverables with practical experiences, qualitative interviews were conducted with the different stakeholders in the evaluation project. The CRMSS process model was then further refined according to the conclusions drawn from the presented case study. The first application of the process model suggests that it is considered as relevant for practice and can be understood and applied successfully for a CRM selection and evaluation. In the context of the case study the model was customised to meet the needs of the project

    Optical tomography of the aurora and EISCAT

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    A comparison of overshoot modelling with observations of polar mesospheric summer echoes at radar frequencies of 56 and 224 MHz

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    We have compared radar observations of polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSEs) modulated by artificial electron heating, at frequencies of 224 MHz (EISCAT VHF) and 56 MHz (MORRO). We have concentrated on 1 day of observation, lasting ∌ 3.8 h. The MORRO radar, with its much wider beam, observes one or more PMSE layers all the time while the VHF radar observes PMSEs in 69% of the time. Statistically there is a clear difference between how the MORRO and the VHF radar backscatter reacts to the heater cycling (48 s heater on and 168 s heater off). While MORRO often reacts by having its backscatter level increased when the heater is switched on, as predicted by Scales and Chen (2008), the VHF radar nearly always sees the "normal" VHF overshoot behaviour with an initial rapid reduction of backscatter. However, in some heater cycles we do see a substantial recovery of the VHF backscatter after its initial reduction to levels several times above that just before the heater was switched on. For the MORRO radar a recovery during the heater-on phase is much more common. The reaction when the heater was switched off was a clear overshoot for nearly all VHF cases but less so for MORRO. A comparison of individual curves for the backscatter values as a function of time shows, at least for this particular day, that in high layers above ∌ 85 km height, both radars see a reduction of the backscatter as the heater is switched on, with little recovery during the heater-on time. These variations are well described by present models. On the other hand, the backscatter in low layers at 81-82 km can be quite different, with modest or no reduction in backscatter as the heater is switched on, followed by a strong recovery for both radars to levels several times above that of the undisturbed PMSEs. This simultaneous, nearly identical behaviour at the two very different radar frequencies is not well described by present modelling

    High-latitude artificial aurora using the EISCAT high-gain HF facility

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    The EISCAT high-frequency (HF) transmitter facility at Ramfjord, Norway, has been used to accelerate F-region electrons sufficiently to excite the oxygen atoms and nitrogen molecules, resulting in optical emissions at 630, 557.7 and 427.8 nm. During O-mode transmissions at 5.423 MHz, using 630 MW effective radiated power, in the hours after sunset on 12 November 2001 several new observations were made, including: (1) The first high-latitude observation of an HF induced optical emission at 427.8 nm and (2) Optical rings being formed at HF on followed by their collapse into a central blob. Both discoveries remain unexplained with current theories

    Beeinflussen Auswahlkriterien den Erfolg eines CRM-Systems? - eine Strukturgleichungsmodellierung basierend auf dem DeLone und McLean IS-Erfolgsmodell

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    Die strukturierte Auswahl von Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systemen gilt als eine kritische Voraussetzung fĂŒr den Implementierungserfolg. Ein indirekter Zusammenhang zwischen Auswahlkriterien und dem Systemerfolg lĂ€sst sich u.a. basierend auf dem Modell zur Erfolgsmessung von Informationssystemen nach DeLone und McLean darstellen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird das Modell modifiziert, um Auswahlkriterien fĂŒr CRM-Systeme erweitert und empirisch ĂŒberprĂŒft. FĂŒr die Datensammlung werden Experten aus dem Umfeld von CRM-Systemen identifiziert und mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens befragt. Aus einer Stichprobe von 105 DatensĂ€tzen wird ein Strukturgleichungsmodell generiert. Die Auswertung des Strukturgleichungsmodells unterstĂŒtzt die Annahme, dass die BerĂŒcksichtigung und Priorisierung bestimmter CRM-Auswahlkriterien einen positiven Einfluss auf die drei Dimensionen System-, Informations- und ServicequalitĂ€t sowie den Nettonutzen eines CRM-Systems haben. Die ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen den Auswahlkriterien und den einzelnen Komponenten des DeLone und McLean IS-Erfolgsmodells sind dabei unterschiedlich stark ausgeprĂ€gt

    Quo vadis elektronische Rechnung? – Forschungsstand, -lĂŒcken, -fragen und -potenziale

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    Die elektronische Rechnungsverarbeitung gewinnt in Europas Unternehmen, staatlichen Verwaltungen und Organisationen an Bedeutung. Die internen GeschĂ€ftsprozesse und die Prozesse unter GeschĂ€ftspartnern Ă€ndern sich signifikant. Die elektronische Rechnungsverarbeitung besitzt enorme Einsparpotenziale in Milliardenhöhe: trotzdem ist der Anteil elektronisch versendeter B2B oder B2G Rechnungen in Summe in vielen Staaten Europas vergleichsweise gering. Dieser Aufsatz hat das Ziel, den aktuellen Stand der Forschung im Umfeld der elektronischen Rechnungsverarbeitung zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass die Forschung diverse Themen und Fragen untersucht, allerdings existieren bisher aber weder eine einheitliche und integrative Sicht, noch befriedigende Theorien, Modelle oder Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr Europa

    Stimulated Brillouin scattering during electron gyro-harmonic heating at EISCAT

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    Observations of secondary radiation, stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE), produced during ionospheric modification experiments using ground-based, highpower, high-frequency (HF) radio waves are considered. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility is capable of generating narrowband SEE in the form of stimulated Brillouin scatter (SBS) and stimulated ion Bernstein scatter (SIBS) in the SEE spectrum. Such narrowband SEE spectral lines have not been reported using the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) heater facility before. This work reports the first EISCAT results of narrowband SEE spectra and compares them to SEE previously observed at HAARP during electron gyro-harmonic heating. An analysis of experimental SEE data shows observations of emission lines within 100 Hz of the pump frequency, interpreted as SBS, during the 2012 July EISCAT campaign. Experimental results indicate that SBS strengthens as the pump frequency approaches the third electron gyro-harmonic. Also, for different heater antenna beam angles, the CUTLASS radar backscatter induced by HF radio pumping is suppressed near electron gyro-harmonics, whereas electron temperature enhancement weakens as measured by EISCAT/UHF radar. The main features of these new narrowband EISCAT observations are generally consistent with previous SBS measurements at HAARP
