542 research outputs found

    One-Dimensional Integrable Spinor BECs Mapped to Matrix Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation and Solution of Bogoliubov Equation in These Systems

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    In this short note, we construct mappings from one-dimensional integrable spinor BECs to matrix nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, and solve the Bogoliubov equation of these systems. A map of spin-nn BEC is constructed from the 2n2^n-dimensional spinor representation of irreducible tensor operators of so(2n+1)so(2n+1). Solutions of Bogoliubov equation are obtained with the aid of the theory of squared Jost functions.Comment: 2.1 pages, JPSJ shortnote style. Published version. Note and reference adde

    Multicomponent Bright Solitons in F = 2 Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We study soliton solutions for the Gross--Pitaevskii equation of the spinor Bose--Einstein condensates with hyperfine spin F=2 in one-dimension. Analyses are made in two ways: by assuming single-mode amplitudes and by generalizing Hirota's direct method for multi-components. We obtain one-solitons of single-peak type in the ferromagnetic, polar and cyclic states, respectively. Moreover, twin-peak type solitons both in the ferromagnetic and the polar state are found.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Transmission and Reflection of Collective Modes in Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We study tunneling properties of collective excitations in spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates. In the absence of magnetic fields, the total transmission in the long wavelength limit occurs in all kinds of excitations but the quadrupolar spin mode in the ferromagnetic state. The quadrupolar spin mode alone shows the total reflection. A difference between those excitations comes from whether the wavefunction of an excitation corresponds to that of the condensate in the long wavelength limit. The correspondence results in the total transmission as in the spinless BEC.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Electrically tunable spin injector free from the impedance mismatch problem

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    Injection of spin currents into solids is crucial for exploring spin physics and spintronics. There has been significant progress in recent years in spin injection into high-resistivity materials, for example, semiconductors and organic materials, which uses tunnel barriers to circumvent the impedance mismatch problem; the impedance mismatch between ferromagnetic metals and high-resistivity materials drastically limits the spin-injection efficiency. However, because of this problem, there is no route for spin injection into these materials through low-resistivity interfaces, that is, Ohmic contacts, even though this promises an easy and versatile pathway for spin injection without the need for growing high-quality tunnel barriers. Here we show experimental evidence that spin pumping enables spin injection free from this condition; room-temperature spin injection into GaAs from Ni81Fe19 through an Ohmic contact is demonstrated through dynamical spin exchange. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this exchange can be controlled electrically by applying a bias voltage across a Ni81Fe19/GaAs interface, enabling electric tuning of the spin-pumping efficiency

    Development of a radioimmunoassay for serum 21-deoxycortisol and its potential application in the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia

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    Serum 21-deoxycortisol (21DF) has been considered a useful hormonal marker for the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD). Although several radioimmunoassay (RIA) methods for 21DF have been reported, none are commercially available. We developed a RIA adapted for 21DF determination, preceded by ether-extraction and liquid chromatographic separation (HPLC) of samples. The assay was employed to evaluate children (15F/10M) with the classic form of 21OHD and a control group (5F/8M). The antibody obtained, in addition to efficient HPLC separation, permitted tritiated cortisol instead of 21DF to be used, since labeled ³H-21DF is expensive and difficult to obtain. Serum cortisol levels were reduced in patients with 21OHD (48h following therapy withdrawal) as compared to controls (2.1±2.1 vs. 16.2±7.0mug/dl), whereas serum levels of 21DF were significantly elevated (1,359±853ng/dl, ranging from 434 to 3,079) in the former, but consistently below the sensitivity limit of the assay (156ng/dl) in the latter group. The reported method, although devoid of sensitivity for its application in normal subjects, permits 21DF to be quantified in patients with 21OHD, with adequate sensitivity and specificity to diagnose and follow patients with this condition.O 21-deoxicortisol (21DF) sérico tem sido considerado um excelente marcador para o diagnóstico da hiperplasia adrenal congênita (HAC) por deficiência de 21-hidroxilase (D21OH). Embora vários métodos de radioimunoensaio (RIE) tenham sido descritos para 21DF, nenhum deles está disponível comercialmente. Desenvolvemos um RIE adaptado para a dosagem de 21DF, com extração prévia das amostras com éter e separação por cromatografia líquida (HPLC). O ensaio foi aplicado para a avaliação de crianças portadoras da forma clássica de D21OH (15F/10M) e um grupo controle (5F/8M). O anticorpo obtido, associado à eficiência da separação por HPLC, viabilizou o emprego do cortisol triciado neste RIE. Enquanto nos pacientes os níveis de cortisol estavam reduzidos (48h após suspensão do tratamento) em comparação com o grupo controle (2,1±2,1 vs. 16,2±7,0mig/dl), os valores do 21DF sérico estavam bastante elevados (1.359±853ng/dl, variando de 434 a 3.079), embora consistentemente abaixo do limite de sensibilidade (156ng/dl) no grupo controle. O presente método, mesmo destituído de sensibilidade para aplicação em indivíduos normais, permite a quantificação deste esteróide em portadores de D21OH, com a sensibilidade e a especificidade necessárias para o diagnóstico e acompanhamento desta condição clínica.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) EPM Departamento de MedicinaHospital Infantil Darcy Vargas Serviço de Endocrinologia PediátricaHôpital Saint Louis Service de Biologie HormonaleUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    Stepwise tailward retreat of magnetic reconnection: THEMIS observations of an auroral substorm

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    Auroral stepwise poleward expansions were clarified by investigating a multiple‐onset substorm that occurred on 27 February 2009. Five successive auroral brightenings were identified in all‐sky images, occurring at approximately 10 min intervals. The first brightening was a faint precursor. The second brightening had a wide longitude; thus, it represented the Akasofu substorm onset. Other brightenings expanded poleward; thus, they were interpreted to be auroral breakups. These breakups occurred stepwise; that is, later breakups were initiated at higher latitudes. Corresponding reconnection signatures were studied using Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) satellite observations between 8 and 24 RE down the magnetotail. The Akasofu substorm onset was not accompanied by a clear reconnection signature in the tail. In contrast, the three subsequent auroral breakups occurred simultaneously (within a few minutes) with three successive fast flows at 24 RE; thus, these were interpreted to be associated with impulsive reconnection episodes. These three fast flows consisted of a tailward flow and two subsequent earthward flows. The flow reversal at the second breakup indicated that a tailward retreat of the near‐Earth reconnection site occurred during the substorm expansion phase. In addition, the earthward flow at the third breakup was consistent with the classic tailward retreat near the end of the expansion phase; therefore, the tailward retreat is likely to have occurred in a stepwise manner. We interpreted the stepwise characteristics of the tailward retreat and poleward expansion to be potentially associated by a stepwise magnetic flux pileup.Key PointsAuroral stepwise poleward expansions were associated with reconnection stepwise tailward retreatThis spatially stepwise association is consequence of magnetic flux pileupThe stepwise association resolved objections to the Hones poleward leap conceptPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146463/1/jgra52608.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146463/2/jgra52608_am.pd

    Spin Seebeck insulator

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    Thermoelectric generation is an essential function of future energy-saving technologies. However, this generation has been an exclusive feature of electric conductors, a situation which inflicts a heavy toll on its application; a conduction electron often becomes a nuisance in thermal design of devices. Here we report electric-voltage generation from heat flowing in an insulator. We reveal that, despite the absence of conduction electrons, a magnetic insulator LaY2Fe5O12 converts a heat flow into spin voltage. Attached Pt films transform this spin voltage into electric voltage by the inverse spin Hall effect. The experimental results require us to introduce thermally activated interface spin exchange between LaY2Fe5O12 and Pt. Our findings extend the range of potential materials for thermoelectric applications and provide a crucial piece of information for understanding the physics of the spin Seebeck effect.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures (including supplementary information

    Longitudinal development of a substorm brightening arc

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    We present simultaneous THEMIS-ground observations of longitudinal (eastward) extension of a substorm initial-brightening arc at Gillam (magnetic latitude: 65.6°) at 08:13 UT on 10 January 2008. The speed of the eastward arc extension was ~2.7 km/s. The extension took place very close to the footprints of the longitudinally separated THEMIS E and D satellites at ~12 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I>. The THEMIS satellites observed field dipolarization, weak earthward flow, and pressure increase, which propagated eastward from E to D at a speed of ~50 km/s. The THEMIS A satellite, located at 1.6 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I> earthward of THEMIS E, observed fluctuating magnetic field during and after the dipolarization. The THEMIS E/D observations suggest that the longitudinal extension of the brightening arc at substorm onset is caused by earthward flow braking processes which produce field dipolarization and pressure increase propagating in longitude in the near-earth plasma sheet