93 research outputs found

    Molecular Basis for the Recognition of Adenomatous Polyposis Coli by the Discs Large 1 Protein

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    The human Discs Large 1 (DLG1) protein uses two of its three PDZ domains to interact with the C-terminal peptide of the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) tumor suppressor protein. The DLG1/APC complex inhibits the cell cycle progression from the G0/G1 to the S phase, regulates epithelial cell migration and morphogenesis, and is required for polarization of the microtubule cytoskeleton. However, the molecular details of how DLG1 recognizes APC is not clear. In this study, we performed biochemical and biophysical assays to investigate the interactions between PDZ domains of DLG1 and the C-terminal peptide of APC. In addition, we determined the crystal structures of the PDZ1 and PDZ2 domains of DLG1 each in complex with the C-terminal 11-residue peptide of APC. Our biochemical, biophysical, and structural results revealed structural elements and residues on PDZ1 and PDZ2 domains of DLG1 and on APC crucial for their mutual interaction. In particular, our results show that the β2/β3 loops of PDZ1 and PDZ2 play important roles in contributing to the binding affinities between PDZ domains and APC, through interacting with the residues upstream of the canonical PDZ-binding S/T-X-V motif. The results provide new insights into the binding mode of a defined C-terminal segment of APC by the PDZ domains of DLG1

    EB1 Is Required for Spindle Symmetry in Mammalian Mitosis

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    Most information about the roles of the adenomatous polyposis coli protein (APC) and its binding partner EB1 in mitotic cells has come from siRNA studies. These suggest functions in chromosomal segregation and spindle positioning whose loss might contribute to tumourigenesis in cancers initiated by APC mutation. However, siRNA-based approaches have drawbacks associated with the time taken to achieve significant expression knockdown and the pleiotropic effects of EB1 and APC gene knockdown. Here we describe the effects of microinjecting APC- or EB1- specific monoclonal antibodies and a dominant-negative EB1 protein fragment into mammalian mitotic cells. The phenotypes observed were consistent with the roles proposed for EB1 and APC in chromosomal segregation in previous work. However, EB1 antibody injection also revealed two novel mitotic phenotypes, anaphase-specific cortical blebbing and asymmetric spindle pole movement. The daughters of microinjected cells displayed inequalities in microtubule content, with the greatest differences seen in the products of mitoses that showed the severest asymmetry in spindle pole movement. Daughters that inherited the least mobile pole contained the fewest microtubules, consistent with a role for EB1 in processes that promote equality of astral microtubule function at both poles in a spindle. We propose that these novel phenotypes represent APC-independent roles for EB1 in spindle pole function and the regulation of cortical contractility in the later stages of mitosis. Our work confirms that EB1 and APC have important mitotic roles, the loss of which could contribute to CIN in colorectal tumour cells

    Autoinhibition of TBCB regulates EB1-mediated microtubule dynamics

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    Tubulin cofactors (TBCs) participate in the folding, dimerization, and dissociation pathways of the tubulin dimer. Among them, TBCB and TBCE are two CAP-Gly domain-containing proteins that interact and dissociate the tubulin dimer. Here we show how TBCB localizes at spindle and midzone microtubules during mitosis. Furthermore, the motif DEI/M-COO– present in TBCB, which is similar to the EEY/F-COO– element characteristic of EB proteins, CLIP-170, and α-tubulin, is required for TBCE–TBCB heterodimer formation and thus for tubulin dimer dissociation. This motif is responsible for TBCB autoinhibition, and our analysis suggests that TBCB is a monomer in solution. Mutants of TBCB lacking this motif are derepressed and induce microtubule depolymerization through an interaction with EB1 associated to microtubule tips. TBCB is also able to bind to the chaperonin complex CCT containing α-tubulin, suggesting that it could escort tubulin to facilitate its folding and dimerization, recycling or degradation

    BPAG1a and b Associate with EB1 and EB3 and Modulate Vesicular Transport, Golgi Apparatus Structure, and Cell Migration in C2.7 Myoblasts

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    BPAG1a and BPAG1b (BPAG1a/b) constitute two major isoforms encoded by the dystonin (Dst) gene and show homology with MACF1a and MACF1b. These proteins are members of the plakin family, giant multi-modular proteins able to connect the intermediate filament, microtubule and microfilament cytoskeletal networks with each other and to distinct cell membrane sites. They also serve as scaffolds for signaling proteins that modulate cytoskeletal dynamics. To gain better insights into the functions of BPAG1a/b, we further characterized their C-terminal region important for their interaction with microtubules and assessed the role of these isoforms in the cytoskeletal organization of C2.7 myoblast cells. Our results show that alternative splicing does not only occur at the 5′ end of Dst and Macf1 pre-mRNAs, as previously reported, but also at their 3′ end, resulting in expression of additional four mRNA variants of BPAG1 and MACF1. These isoform-specific C-tails were able to bundle microtubules and bound to both EB1 and EB3, two microtubule plus end proteins. In the C2.7 cell line, knockdown of BPAG1a/b had no major effect on the organization of the microtubule and microfilament networks, but negatively affected endocytosis and maintenance of the Golgi apparatus structure, which became dispersed. Finally, knockdown of BPAG1a/b caused a specific decrease in the directness of cell migration, but did not impair initial cell adhesion. These data provide novel insights into the complexity of alternative splicing of Dst pre-mRNAs and into the role of BPAG1a/b in vesicular transport, Golgi apparatus structure as well as in migration in C2.7 myoblasts

    Mutations in sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase cause nephrosis with ichthyosis and adrenal insufficiency

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    Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) causes 15% of chronic kidney disease cases. A mutation in 1 of over 40 monogenic genes can be detected in approximately 30% of individuals with SRNS whose symptoms manifest before 25 years of age. However, in many patients, the genetic etiology remains unknown. Here, we have performed whole exome sequencing to identify recessive causes of SRNS. In 7 families with SRNS and facultative ichthyosis, adrenal insufficiency, immunodeficiency, and neurological defects, we identified 9 different recessive mutations in SGPL1, which encodes sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) lyase. All mutations resulted in reduced or absent SGPL1 protein and/or enzyme activity. Overexpression of cDNA representing SGPL1 mutations resulted in subcellular mislocalization of SGPL1. Furthermore, expression of WT human SGPL1 rescued growth of SGPL1-deficient dpl1. yeast strains, whereas expression of disease-associated variants did not. Immunofluorescence revealed SGPL1 expression in mouse podocytes and mesangial cells. Knockdown of Sgpl1 in rat mesangial cells inhibited cell migration, which was partially rescued by VPC23109, an S1P receptor antagonist. In Drosophila, Sply mutants, which lack SGPL1, displayed a phenotype reminiscent of nephrotic syndrome in nephrocytes. WT Sply, but not the disease-associated variants, rescued this phenotype. Together, these results indicate that SGPL1 mutations cause a syndromic form of SRNS

    Effect of Different Amendments and Inorganic Nutrient Management Approaches in Correcting Sodicity under Paddy Eco System

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    Agricultural production in sodic soil may be hindered by its unfavorable physicochemical properties. In order to find effective measure to improve the health of sodic soil and make it to favourable for crop production, a field experiment was conducted at ZARS VC Farm Mandya to study the effect of different amendments on properties of sodic soil. The experiment was laid under split plot design with inorganic nutrient management viz., RDF, SSNM and STCR as main treatments and amendments such as press mud, gypsum and Mangala setright, (a commercial soil conditioner containing 15% calcium and 3% magnesium and 5% sulphur) as sub treatments. Results of experiment revealed that application of gypsum significantly reduced pH to 8.5 from 8.96 of initial soil which was on par with application of setright at 600kg/ha (8.68) and press mud (8.69). Whereas exchangeable sodium and ESP was reduced significantly due to application of setright at 400 kg/ha (1.78 cmol/kg and 6.52 respectively) and pressmud at 100% GR (1.85 cmol/kg and 7.03) compared to control (3.69 cmol/kg and 13.72 respectively) and initial soil. Thus application of Mangala Setright at 400kg/ha or pressmud at 100% GR are more beneficial in rectifying sodicity of soil

    Molecular basis of coiled-coil formation

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    Coiled coils have attracted considerable interest as design templates in a wide range of applications. Successful coiled-coil design strategies therefore require a detailed understanding of coiled-coil folding. One common feature shared by coiled coils is the presence of a short autonomous helical folding unit, termed “trigger sequence,” that is indispensable for folding. Detailed knowledge of trigger sequences at the molecular level is thus key to a general understanding of coiled-coil formation. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we identify and characterize here the molecular determinants that specify the helical conformation of the monomeric early folding intermediate of the GCN4 coiled coil. We demonstrate that a network of hydrogen-bonding and electrostatic interactions stabilize the trigger-sequence helix. This network is rearranged in the final dimeric coiled-coil structure, and its destabilization significantly slows down GCN4 leucine zipper folding. Our findings provide a general explanation for the molecular mechanism of coiled-coil formation

    Dynein and Dynactin Leverage Their Bivalent Character to Form a High-Affinity Interaction

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    Amanda E. Siglin is with Thomas Jefferson University, Shangjin Sun is with University of Delaware, Jeffrey K. Moore is with Washington University in Saint Louis, Sarah Tan is with UT Austin, Martin Poenie is with UT Austin, James D. Lear is with University of Pennsylvania, Tatyana Polenova is with University of Delaware, John A. Cooper is with Washington University in Saint Louis, and John C. Williams is with Thomas Jefferson University and Beckman Research Institute at City of Hope.Cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin participate in retrograde transport of organelles, checkpoint signaling and cell division. The principal subunits that mediate this interaction are the dynein intermediate chain (IC) and the dynactin p150Glued; however, the interface and mechanism that regulates this interaction remains poorly defined. Herein, we use multiple methods to show the N-terminus of mammalian dynein IC, residues 10–44, is sufficient for binding p150Glued. Consistent with this mapping, monoclonal antibodies that antagonize the dynein-dynactin interaction also bind to this region of the IC. Furthermore, double and triple alanine point mutations spanning residues 6 to 19 in the yeast IC homolog, Pac11, produce significant defects in spindle positioning. Using the same methods we show residues 381 to 530 of p150Glued form a minimal fragment that binds to the dynein IC. Sedimentation equilibrium experiments indicate that these individual fragments are predominantly monomeric, but admixtures of the IC and p150Glued fragments produce a 2:2 complex. This tetrameric complex is sensitive to salt, temperature and pH, suggesting that the binding is dominated by electrostatic interactions. Finally, circular dichroism (CD) experiments indicate that the N-terminus of the IC is disordered and becomes ordered upon binding p150Glued. Taken together, the data indicate that the dynein-dynactin interaction proceeds through a disorder-to-order transition, leveraging its bivalent-bivalent character to form a high affinity, but readily reversible interaction.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health R21NS071166 (J.C.W.), R01GM085306 (J.C.W. & T.P.), NCRR SRR022316A (J.C.W.), GM 47337 (J.A.C.), NCRR 5P20RR017716-07 (T.P.), 5-T32-DK07705 (A.E.S) and The American Heart Association 0715196U (A.E.S). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Cellular and Molecular Biolog
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