114 research outputs found

    Emotional reaction to and purchase intention of gen Z on digital fashion advertisement

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    Abstract. This research aims to increase the understanding of how digital fashion advertising affects gen Z consumers emotions. More precisely, this research aims to understand what are the reasons behind the emotions that gen Z consumers feel about digital fashion advertising and how emotions influence the gen Z consumers’ purchase intentions. This research is based on two theory models, the PAD emotional state model and the AIDA model. This research is qualitative, and it approaches the subject through content analysis of social media data, semi-systematic interviews, and participant observation. During the semi-systematic interview’s, the laddering technique was used. Target group was the generation Z, but only over 18-year-olds were chosen for this research. In this research the collected data includes data from social media. A content analysis has been carried out regarding the data from social media. Abductive reasoning has been used to analyze the empirical data and the data has been divided into suitable categories. This makes the data more understandable and clearer. The findings of this research show that fashion digital advertising affects gen Z consumers emotions in several ways and that there are certain features in fashion digital advertisements that cause an emotional reaction. The research also found that emotions can influence the gen Z consumers purchase intentions negatively or positively. Finally, this research presented managerial implications, research limitations, and suggestions for further research regarding the research subject

    Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien kokemuksia lastenkirjallisuuden hyödyntämisestä osana tunnetaitojen opettamista

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä tunnetaitojen harjoittelusta varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa, sekä tarjota näkökulmia siihen, miten lastenkirjallisuutta hyödyntämällä voidaan tukea lasten tunnetaitojen kehitystä. Tunnetaitojen kehittyminen alkaa heti lapsen synnyttyä ja varhaislapsuuden aikana kehittyy tunteidenkäsittelymallien pohja. Lastenkirjallisuus tarjoaa väylän tunteista puhumiseen ja tunnetaitojen harjoitteluun, sillä lapset kykenevät sukeltamaan tarinoiden maailmaan ja peilaamaan niiden tapahtumia omaan elämäänsä, sekä samaistumaan tarinan hahmojen kokemiin tunteisiin. Toteutin tutkimuksen laadullisia menetelmiä käyttäen. Keräsin tutkimusaineiston kyselylomakkeen avulla syksyllä 2022. Jaoin lomakkeen täytettäväksi sosiaalisen median kautta ja sain vastauksen 17 varhaiskasvatuksen opettajalta. Analysoin keräämäni aineiston käyttämällä teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia, jossa aiempaa tietoa yhdistetään aineistosta nouseviin teemoihin. Tutkimusaineistosta oli nähtävissä se, että kaikenikäisten lasten kanssa työskentelevät varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kertoivat käyttävänsä pääosin samoja kirjoja ja muita materiaaleja tunnetaitojen harjoittelun tukena. Kaikkien ikäryhmien opettajien vastauksissa ilmeni se, että kirjat valitaan huolellisesti, mutta erityisesti yli kolmevuotiaiden kanssa työskentelevät kertoivat valintojen pohjautuvan ryhmän tarpeisiin. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat yhdistävät lastenkirjallisuutta tunnetaitojen harjoitteluun monin eri tavoin. Tunnetaitoja käsitteleviä kirjoja luettiin vaihtelevan kokoisissa lapsiryhmissä ja erilaisissa tilanteissa kuten tuokioilla ja päiväkotipäivän aikana järjestettävissä kerhoissa. Erityisesti kirjojen koettiin toimivan keskustelun herättäjinä ja motivaation ylläpitäjinä. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokivat, että lastenkirjallisuuteen yhdistetty tunnetaitojen harjoittelu kehitti lasten tunteiden tunnistamisen ja sanoittamisen taitoja, sekä empatiakykyä

    Vaihtoehtoisia korvausmalleja hammashoidon sairausvakuutusjärjestelmän kehittämiseksi

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa tavoitteena oli tarjota vaihtoehtoja keskusteluun hammashoidon sairausvakuutuskorvausjärjestelmän uudistamiseksi. Vaihtoehtoisten korvausmallien, porrasmallin ja tilimallin, korvauksia verrattiin vuonna 2009 voimassa olleen taksamallin korvauksiin. Laskelmien avulla arvioitiin, ketkä korvausta saaneet hyötyisivät ja ketkä häviäisivät. Tutkimuksen aineistona oli otos henkilöistä, jotka saivat sairausvakuutuksen sairaanhoitokorvausta yksityisen hammashoidon kustannuksista vuonna 2009. Otoksen koko oli 100 000 henkilöä, joilla oli yhteensä 503 093 toimenpidettä. Aineistossa oli tiedot henkilöille tehdyistä toimenpiteistä, toimenpiteistä maksetuista palkkioista ja saaduista korvauksista. Taustamuuttujia aineistossa olivat sukupuoli, ikä, kotikunta ja valtionveronalaiset vuositulot. Laskelmissa käytettiin kahta vaihtoehtoista korvausmallia: porrasmallia ja tilimallia. Porrasmallissa korvaus nousi, kun asiakkaan kustannukset nousivat. Tilimallissa kaikilla oli käytössään vuosittain samansuuruinen korvaussumma. Tutkimusaineiston todellisille toimenpiteille laskettiin vaihtoehtoisten mallien mukaiset korvaukset. Laskelmissa oletettiin, että henkilöiden toimenpiteet ja toimenpiteiden palkkiot säilyvät ennallaan. Korvausmallit pidettiin kustannusneutraaleina, joten niiden korvaussumma oli korkeintaan vuoden 2009 tasolla. Laskelmat osoittivat, että tilimallista hyötyisi kolme neljästä korvauksen saajasta. Korvausprosentti oli taksamallia korkeampi, kun vuosikustannus eivät ylittäneet 500 euroa. Porrasmallin käyttöönotosta hyötyisi yksi kymmenestä korvauksen saajasta. Korvausprosentti kasvoi, jos vuosikustannus ylitti 800 euroa. Sitä pienemmällä vuosikustannuksella korvausprosentti pieneni taksamalliin verrattuna. Jos sairausvakuutuksen korvausjärjestelmää halutaan uudistaa kustannusneutraalisti ja samalla parantaa edellytyksiä käyttää yksityisiä hammashoitopalveluja, tulisi soveltaa tilimallia porrasmallin asemesta

    A novel DSPP mutation causes dentinogenesis imperfecta type II in a large Mongolian family

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several studies have shown that the clinical phenotypes of dentinogenesis imperfecta type II (DGI-II) may be caused by mutations in <it>dentin sialophosphoprotein </it>(<it>DSPP</it>). However, no previous studies have documented the clinical phenotype and genetic basis of DGI-II in a Mongolian family from China.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We identified a large five-generation Mongolian family from China with DGI-II, comprising 64 living family members of whom 22 were affected. Linkage analysis of five polymorphic markers flanking <it>DSPP </it>gene was used to genotype the families and to construct the haplotypes of these families. All five DSPP exons including the intron-exon boundaries were PCR-amplified and sequenced in 48 members of this large family.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All affected individuals showed discoloration and severe attrition of their teeth, with obliterated pulp chambers and without progressive high frequency hearing loss or skeletal abnormalities. No recombination was found at five polymorphic markers flanking DSPP in the family. Direct DNA sequencing identified a novel A→G transition mutation adjacent to the donor splicing site within intron 3 in all affected individuals but not in the unaffected family members and 50 unrelated Mongolian individuals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study identified a novel mutation (IVS3+3A→G) in <it>DSPP</it>, which caused DGI-II in a large Mongolian family. This expands the spectrum of mutations leading to DGI-II.</p

    Amphiphilic Phthalocyanines in Polymeric Micelles: A Supramolecular Approach toward Efficient Third-Generation Photosensitizers

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    In this paper we describe a straightforward supramolecular strategy to encapsulate silicon phthalocyanine (SiPc) photosensitizers (PS) in polymeric micelles made of poly(ε-caprolactone)-b-methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (PCL–PEG) block copolymers. While PCL–PEG micelles are promising nanocarriers based on their biocompatibility and biodegradability, the design of our new PS favors their encapsulation. In particular, they combine two axial benzoyl substituents, each of them carrying either three hydrophilic methoxy(triethylenoxy) chains (1), three hydrophobic dodecyloxy chains (3), or both kinds of chains (2). The SiPc derivatives 1 and 2 are therefore amphiphilic, with the SiPc unit contributing to the hydrophobic core, while lipophilicity increases along the series, making it possible to correlate the loading efficacy in PCL–PEG micelles with the hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance of the PS structure. This has led to a new kind of third-generation nano-PS that efficiently photogenerates 1O2, while preliminary in vitro experiments demonstrate an excellent cellular uptake and a promising PDT activity.final draftpeerReviewe

    Nanoparticles of Block Ionomer Complexes from Double Hydrophilic Poly(acrylic acid)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(acrylic acid) Triblock Copolymer and Oppositely Charged Surfactant

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    The novel water-dispersible nanoparticles from the double hydrophilic poly(acrylic acid)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(acrylic acid) (PAA-b-PEO-b-PAA) triblock copolymer and oppositely charged surfactant dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (DTAB) were prepared by mixing the individual aqueous solutions. The structure of the nanoparticles was investigated as a function of the degree of neutralization (DN) by turbidimetry, dynamic light scattering (DSL),ζ-potential measurement, and atomic force microscope (AFM). The neutralization of the anionic PAA blocks with cationic DTAB accompanied with the hydrophobic interaction of alkyl tails of DTAB led to formation of core–shell nanoparticles with the core of the DTAB neutralized PAA blocks and the shell of the looped PEO blocks. The water-dispersible nanoparticles with negative ζ-potential were obtained over the DN range from 0.4 to 2.0 and their sizes depended on the DN. The looped PEO blocks hindered the further neutralization of the PAA blocks with cationic DTAB, resulting in existence of some negative charged PAA-b-PEO-b-PAA backbones even when DN > 1.0. The spherical and ellipsoidal nature of these nanoparticles was observed with AFM

    Dynamic model of basic oxygen steelmaking process based on multi-zone reaction kinetics : modelling of manganese removal

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    In the earlier work, a dynamic model for the BOF process based on the multi-zone reaction kinetics has been developed. In the preceding part, the mechanism of manganese transfer in three reactive zones of the converter has been analyzed. This study identifies that temperature at the slag-metal reaction interface plays a major role in the Mn reaction kinetics and thus a mathematical treatment to evaluate temperature at each reaction interface has been successfully employed in the rate calculation. The Mn removal rate obtained from different zones of the converter predicts that the first stage of the blow is dominated by the oxidation of Mn at the jet impact zone, albeit some additional Mn refining has been observed as a result of the oxidation of metal droplets in emulsion phase. The mathematical model predicts that the reversion of Mn from slag to metal primarily takes place at the metal droplet in the emulsion due to an excessive increase in slag-metal interface temperature during the middle stage of blowing. In the final stage of the blow, the competition between simultaneous reactions in jet impact and emulsion zone controls the direction of mass flow of manganese. Further, the model prediction shows that the Mn refining in the emulsion is a strong function of droplet diameter and the residence time. Smaller sized droplets approach equilibrium quickly and thus contribute to a significant Mn conversion between slag and metal compared to the larger sized ones. The overall model prediction for Mn in the hot metal has been found to be in good agreement with two sets of different size top blowing converter data reported in the literature

    Tests of sunspot number sequences: 2. Using geomagnetic and auroral data

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    We compare four sunspot-number data sequences against geomagnetic and terrestrial auroral observations. The comparisons are made for the original SIDC (Solar Influences Data Center) composite of Wolf/Zürich/International sunspot number [RISNv1], the group sunspot number [RG] by Hoyt and Schatten (Solar Phys., 181, 491, 1998), the new “backbone” group sunspot number [RBB] by Svalgaard and Schatten (Solar Phys., doi: 10.1007/s11207-015-0815-8, 2016), and the “corrected” sunspot number [RC] by Lockwood, Owens, and Barnard (J. Geophys. Res., 119, 5172, 2014). Each sunspot number is fitted with terrestrial observations, or parameters derived from terrestrial observations to be linearly proportional to sunspot number, over a 30-year calibration interval of 1982 - 2012. The fits are then used to compute test sequences, which extend further back in time and which are compared to RISNv1, RG, RBB, and RC. To study the long-term trends, comparisons are made using averages over whole solar cycles (minimum-to-minimum). The test variations are generated in four ways: i) using the IDV(1d) and IDV geomagnetic indices (for 1845 - 2013) fitted over the calibration interval using the various sunspot numbers and the phase of the solar cycle; ii) from the open solar flux (OSF) generated for 1845 - 2013 from four pairings of geomagnetic indices by Lockwood et al. (Ann. Geophys., 32, 383, 2014) and analysed using the OSF continuity model of Solanki, Schüssler, and Fligge (Nature, 408, 445, 2000) which employs a constant fractional OSF loss rate; iii) the same OSF data analysed using the OSF continuity model of Owens and Lockwood (J. Geophys. Res., 117, A04102, 2012) in which the fractional loss rate varies with the tilt of the heliospheric current sheet and hence with the phase of the solar cycle; iv) the occurrence frequency of low-latitude aurora for 1780 - 1980 from the survey of Legrand and Simon (Ann. Geophys., 5, 161, 1987). For all cases, RBB exceeds the test terrestrial series by an amount that increases as one goes back in time

    What Makes a Quality Health App-Developing a Global Research-Based Health App Quality Assessment Framework for CEN-ISO/TS 82304-2 : Delphi Study

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    BACKGROUND: The lack of an international standard for assessing and communicating health app quality and the lack of consensus about what makes a high-quality health app negatively affect the uptake of such apps. At the request of the European Commission, the international Standard Development Organizations (SDOs), European Committee for Standardization, International Organization for Standardization, and International Electrotechnical Commission have joined forces to develop a technical specification (TS) for assessing the quality and reliability of health and wellness apps. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to create a useful, globally applicable, trustworthy, and usable framework to assess health app quality. METHODS: A 2-round Delphi technique with 83 experts from 6 continents (predominantly Europe) participating in one (n=42, 51%) or both (n=41, 49%) rounds was used to achieve consensus on a framework for assessing health app quality. Aims included identifying the maximum 100 requirement questions for the uptake of apps that do or do not qualify as medical devices. The draft assessment framework was built on 26 existing frameworks, the principles of stringent legislation, and input from 20 core experts. A follow-up survey with 28 respondents informed a scoring mechanism for the questions. After subsequent alignment with related standards, the quality assessment framework was tested and fine-tuned with manufacturers of 11 COVID-19 symptom apps. National mirror committees from the 52 countries that participated in the SDO technical committees were invited to comment on 4 working drafts and subsequently vote on the TS. RESULTS: The final quality assessment framework includes 81 questions, 67 (83%) of which impact the scores of 4 overarching quality aspects. After testing with people with low health literacy, these aspects were phrased as "Healthy and safe," "Easy to use," "Secure data," and "Robust build." The scoring mechanism enables communication of the quality assessment results in a health app quality score and label, alongside a detailed report. Unstructured interviews with stakeholders revealed that evidence and third-party assessment are needed for health app uptake. The manufacturers considered the time needed to complete the assessment and gather evidence (2-4 days) acceptable. Publication of CEN-ISO/TS 82304-2:2021 Health software - Part 2: Health and wellness apps - Quality and reliability was approved in May 2021 in a nearly unanimous vote by 34 national SDOs, including 6 of the 10 most populous countries worldwide. CONCLUSIONS: A useful and usable international standard for health app quality assessment was developed. Its quality, approval rate, and early use provide proof of its potential to become the trusted, commonly used global framework. The framework will help manufacturers enhance and efficiently demonstrate the quality of health apps, consumers, and health care professionals to make informed decisions on health apps. It will also help insurers to make reimbursement decisions on health apps.publishedVersionPeer reviewe