542 research outputs found

    Anomalous Transformation in Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    An ``anomalous'' supersymmetry transformation of the gaugino axial current is given in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The contact term is computed to one-loop order by a gauge-invariant point-splitting procedure. We reexamine the supercurrent anomaly in this method.Comment: 8 p

    Planar Gravitational Corrections For Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    In this paper we discuss the contribution of planar diagrams to gravitational F-terms for N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories admitting a large N description. We show how the planar diagrams lead to a universal contribution at the extremum of the glueball superpotential, leaving only the genus one contributions, as was previously conjectured. We also discuss the physical meaning of gravitational F-terms.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    T-Duality in the Green-Schwarz Formalism, and the Massless/Massive IIA Duality Map

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    We derive a component-field expansion of the Green-Schwarz action for the type IIA string, in an arbitrary background of massless NS-NS and R-R bosonic fields, up to quadratic order in the fermionic coordinates \theta. Using this action, we extend the usual derivation of Buscher T-duality rules to include not only NS-NS, but also R-R fields. Our implementation of the T-duality transformation rules makes use of adapted background-field parametrizations, which provide a more geometrically natural and elegant description for the duality maps than the ones previously presented. These T-duality rules allow us to derive the Green-Schwarz action for the type IIB string in an arbitrary background of massless NS-NS and R-R bosonic fields, up to O(\theta^2). Implemention of another T-duality transformation on this type IIB action then allows us also to derive the Green-Schwarz action for the massive IIA string. By further considering T-duality transformations for backgrounds with the two U(1) isometries of a 2-torus, we give a string-theoretic derivation of the direct T-duality relation between the massless and massive type IIA strings. In addition, we give an explicit construction of the D=8 SL(3,R)xSL(2,R) invariant supergravity with two mass parameters that form a doublet under the SL(2,R) factor.Comment: Latex, 34 pages. Minor typographical corrections, and various improvements to notation and conventions. Detailed discussion of changes given in Addendum sectio

    Factorization in graviton interactions

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    The study of factorization in the linearized gravity is extended to the graviton scattering processes with a massive scalar particle, with a massless vector boson and also with a graviton. Every transition amplitude is shown to be completely factorized and the physical implications of their common factors are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex 3.0, SNUTP 93-7

    Non(anti)commutative SYM theory: Renormalization in superspace

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    We present a systematic investigation of one-loop renormalizability for nonanticommutative N=1/2, U(N) SYM theory in superspace. We first discuss classical gauge invariance of the pure gauge theory and show that in contradistinction to the ordinary anticommutative case, different representations of supercovariant derivatives and field strengths do not lead to equivalent descriptions of the theory. Subsequently we develop background field methods which allow us to compute a manifestly covariant gauge effective action. One-loop evaluation of divergent contributions reveals that the theory simply obtained from the ordinary one by trading products for star products is not renormalizable. In the case of SYM with no matter we present a N=1/2 improved action which we show to be one-loop renormalizable and which is perfectly compatible with the algebraic structure of the star product. For this action we compute the beta functions. A brief discussion on the inclusion of chiral matter is also presented.Comment: Latex file, 59 pages, 10 figures, One reference adde

    One-loop divergences in the two-dimensional non-anticommutative supersymmetric sigma-model

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    We discuss the structure of the non-anticommutative N=2 non-linear sigma-model in two dimensions, constructing differential operators which implement the deformed supersymmetry generators and using them to reproduce the classical action. We then compute the one-loop quantum corrections and express them in a more compact form using the differential operators.Comment: 20pp, 8 figures, uses LaTeX. Title expanded to clarify conten

    The Supersymmetric Effective Action of the Heterotic String in Ten Dimensions

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    We construct the supersymmetric completion of quartic R+R4R+R^4-actions in the ten-dimensional effective action of the heterotic string. Two invariants, of which the bosonic parts are known from one-loop string amplitude calculations, are obtained. One of these invariants can be generalized to an R+F2+F4R+F^2+F^4-invariant for supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory coupled to supergravity. Supersymmetry requires the presence of B∧R∧R∧R∧RB\wedge R\wedge R\wedge R\wedge R-terms, (B∧F∧F∧F∧FB\wedge F\wedge F\wedge F\wedge F for Yang-Mills) which correspond to counterterms in the Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation. Within the context of our calculation the ζ(3)R4\zeta(3)R^4-term from the tree-level string effective action does not allow supersymmetrization.Comment: 42 pages, UG-9/9

    Clarifying Some Remaining Questions in the Anomaly Puzzle

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    We discuss several points that may help to clarify some questions that remain about the anomaly puzzle in supersymmetric theories. In particular, we consider a general N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The anomaly puzzle concerns the question of whether there is a consistent way to put the R-current and the stress tensor in a single supercurrent, even though in the classical theory they are in the same supermultiplet. As is well known, the classically conserved supercurrent bifurcates into two supercurrents having different anomalies in the quantum regime. The most interesting result we obtain is an explicit expression for the lowest component of one of the two supercurrents in 4-dimensional spacetime, namely the supercurrent that has the energy-momentum tensor as one of its components. This expression for the lowest component is an energy-dependent linear combination of two chiral currents, which itself does not correspond to a classically conserved chiral current. The lowest component of the other supercurrent, namely, the R-current, satisfies the Adler-Bardeen theorem. The lowest component of the first supercurrent has an anomaly that we show is consistent with the anomaly of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. Therefore, we conclude that there is no consistent way to put the R-current and the stress tensor in a single supercurrent in the quantized theory. We also discuss and try to clarify some technical points in the derivations of the two-supercurrents in the literature. These latter points concern the significance of infrared contributions to the NSVZ beta-function and the role of the equations of motion in deriving the two supercurrents.Comment: 22 pages, no figure. v2: minor changes. v3: sections re-organized. new subsections (IVA, IVB) added. references adde

    Boundary S matrices for the open Hubbard chain with boundary fields

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    Using the method introduced by Grisaru et al., boundary S matrices for the physical excitations of the open Hubbard chain with boundary fields are studied. In contrast to the open supersymmetric t-J model, the boundary S matrix for the charge excitations depend on the boundary fields though the boundary fields do not break the spin-SU(2) symmetry.Comment: Latex,12 page

    Bubbling Geometries for Half BPS Wilson lines

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    We consider the supergravity backgrounds that correspond to supersymmetric Wilson line operators in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence. We study the gravitino and dilatino conditions of the IIB supergravity under the appropriate ansatz, and obtain some necessary conditions for a supergravity background that preserves the same symmetry as the supersymmetric Wilson lines. The supergravity solutions are characterized by continuous version of maya diagrams. This diagram is related to the eigenvalue distribution of the Gaussian matrix model. We also consider the similar backgrounds of the 11-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. v2:typos corrected. v3:added the differential conditions and comments at the end of section 2. typos correcte
