3,072 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intellectual Capital terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Tercatat di Bei Tahun 2012-2014)

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    Competition among businesses has been increasing at the era of globalization. Growingconsumer demand encourages manufacturers to improve themselves in order to survive incompetition. One effort that can be done is to improve managerial performance and innovation.Therefore, companies need to consider not only the tangible assets but also intangible assetstowards knowledge-based businesses.This study aims to determine whether there is influence between Intellectual Capital(Human Capital, Structural Capital and Capital Employed) on the performance of the consumergoods industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the year 2012-2014. Type ofthis study use explanative type. Technique sampling from this study is saturation sampling. Thepopulation used a total of 35 consumer goods industry companies listed on the Indonesia StockExchange in 2012-2014. This study use SPSS for Mac version 21.Results from the study showed that there is no significant relationship between HumanCapital and Corporate Performance, as well as the Structural Capital is no significant effect onthe Company's Performance. However, Capital Employed has a significant impact on theCompany's Performance. Based on these results it can be said that the performance can beaffected by the Company's Capital Employed which means the relationship between the companyand external parties can better improve the company's performance. The recommendation iscompanies should pay attention to manage intangible assets, especially Capital Employed becauseit can affect the performance of companies

    The Efficacy of Molecular Markers Analysis with Integration of Sensory Methods in Detection of Aroma in Rice

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    Allele Specific Amplification with four primers (External Antisense Primer, External Sense Primer, Internal Nonfragrant Sense Primer, and Internal Fragrant Antisense Primer) and sensory evaluation with leaves and grains were executed to identify aromatic rice genotypes and their F1 individuals derived from different crosses of 2 Malaysian varieties with 4 popular land races and 3 advance lines. Homozygous aromatic (fgr/fgr) F1 individuals demonstrated better aroma scores compared to both heterozygous nonaromatic (FGR/fgr) and homozygous nonaromatic (FGR/FGR) individuals, while, some F1 individuals expressed aroma in both leaf and grain aromatic tests without possessing the fgr allele. Genotypic analysis of F1 individuals for the fgr gene represented homozygous aromatic, heterozygous nonaromatic and homozygous nonaromatic genotypes in the ratio 20 : 19 : 3. Genotypic and phenotypic analysis revealed that aroma in F1 individuals was successfully inherited from the parents, but either molecular analysis or sensory evaluation alone could not determine aromatic condition completely. The integration of molecular analysis with sensory methods was observed as rapid and reliable for the screening of aromatic genotypes because molecular analysis could distinguish aromatic homozygous, nonaromatic homozygous and nonaromatic heterozygous individuals, whilst the sensory method facilitated the evaluation of aroma emitted from leaf and grain during flowering to maturity stages

    Persistence of carbofuran in two Malaysian soils

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    Persistence of carbofuran in two Malaysian soils namely the Bagan Datoh and Labu soils was studied under laboratory conditions at a constant temperature of 30°C. Air-dried soil was sieved and then spiked with 10 µg g-1 of carbofuran at three different moisture levels, namely 100%, 90% and 60% field capacity. It was observed that the half-lives of carbofuran in the Labu soil samples (which are low in organic matter content) at 100%, 90% and 60% field capacity were 57.28, 38.51 and 115.52 days respectively. However the corresponding half-lives of carbofuran in the Bagan Datoh samples (which are high in organic matter content) at 100%, 90% and 60% field capacity were 192.54, 141.46 and 203.87 days respectively. The half-life recording of carbofuran in autoclaved Bagan Datoh and Labu soil samples were 147.5 days and 301.37 days respectively at 100% field capacity and at a constant temperature of 30°C. The degradation of carbofuran followed a first order kinetic reaction. The results of this study showed that soil moisture content, micro-organisms and the organic matter content (OM) affected the degradation of carbofuran in both soils studied

    Study on the downward movement of carbofuran in two Malaysian soils

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    The downward movement of carbofuran in two Malaysian soil types was studied using soil columns. The columns were filled with disturbed and undisturbed soils of either the Bagan Datoh soil (clay) or the Labu soil (sandy clay). The average total percentage of carbofuran in the leachate of the undisturbed Labu soil after 14 days of watering (80.8%) was approximately similar to that of the total amount from the disturbed soil (81.4%). However, carbofuran leaching was observed in the disturbed soil after the fourth day of watering whereas for the undisturbed soil, leaching occurred after the first watering. A similar trend was observed in the Bagan Datoh soil where the residue of carbofuran was detected after the first day of watering in the undisturbed soil column but only at the eighth day of watering in the disturbed soil column. The total percentage carbofuran in the leachate of disturbed and undisturbed soil columns from Bagan Datoh after 14 days of watering was 3.6% and 41.7%, respectively. The study showed that less leaching occurred in soil columns with high organic content such as the Bagan Datoh soil and especially so in disturbed soils where the organic matter was homogeneously mixed in all layers

    Instanceeasytl: an improved transfer-learning method for EEG-based cross-subject fatigue detection

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an effective indicator for the detection of driver fatigue. Due to the significant differences in EEG signals across subjects, and difficulty in collecting sufficient EEG samples for analysis during driving, detecting fatigue across subjects through using EEG signals remains a challenge. EasyTL is a kind of transfer-learning model, which has demonstrated better performance in the field of image recognition, but not yet been applied in cross-subject EEG-based applications. In this paper, we propose an improved EasyTL-based classifier, the InstanceEasyTL, to perform EEG-based analysis for cross-subject fatigue mental-state detection. Experimental results show that InstanceEasyTL not only requires less EEG data, but also obtains better performance in accuracy and robustness than EasyTL, as well as existing machine-learning models such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Transfer Component Analysis (TCA), Geodesic Flow Kernel (GFK), and Domain-adversarial Neural Networks (DANN), etc

    Metabolomics and pharmacogenetics based 5-fluorouracil monitoring in colorectal cancer patients

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    Objective: To provide quick and accurate clinical diagnostic tools those are currently not available leading to improper management of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Methods: The metabolomic profiles of 10 CRC patients treated with 5-fluorouracil and 24 healthy volunteers were analysed. The subjects were genotyped for UGT1A1*28, DPYD 1896 T>C and DPYD*5. Results: Our results show alterations in the metabolism of bile acid, glycolysis and fatty acid in patients. The distinctive metabolite profiles established using PLSDA identify several biomarkers for diagnostic use in clinical settings. The predictive PLSDA model revealed 100% accuracy of metabolites differentiating CRC patients and healthy volunteers. In addition, the metabolic profiles associated with different genotypes of DPYD and UGT1A1 explains the impact of genetic variation on differential drug responses. Conclusion: Pharmacogenetics and metabolomics profiles are potential platforms for more comprehensive monitoring of patient's disease progress and drug response. Further study is however needed to validate the use of biomarkers identified

    Development and characterisation study of liposomes-encapsulated piroxicam.

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    The objective of present work was to develop a novel liposomes-based drug delivery system for a lipophilic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, piroxicam. The system was prepared using proliposomes method and optimised for different preparation parameters including type of proliposomes, concentration of drug, duration of hydration and type of particle size reduction treatment used. All prepared liposomal samples were extensively characterized for their drug-entrapment and size profile using various in-vitro techniques. Present work showed that the most optimum formulation (Pro-lipoTM Duo; 12mg piroxicam per gram Pro-lipoTM; 10 hours hydration time) produced highest amount of actual drug been entrapped in liposomes (800.4 mg/g Pro-lipoTM) with a satisfactory entrapment efficiency of 15.36%. This formulation had also produced liposomal samples with a homogenous (polydispersity index = 0.45) and small particle size (359.95nm). Extrusion technique was found to cause significant reduction in drug-entrapment and size profile of drug-loaded liposomes. A 4-weeks storage study showed that drug-entrapment and size profile of liposomal samples were stable in both refrigerated and room temperature. Electron microscopy revealed that prepared liposomal samples were spherical-shaped and showed concentric lamellae. In conclusion, present work successfully demonstrated a simple, reproducible and practical method of preparation for liposomes-encapsulated piroxicam

    Expanding the medical physicist curricular and professional programme to include Artificial Intelligence

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    Purpose: To provide a guideline curriculum related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), for the education and training of European Medical Physicists (MPs). Materials and methods: The proposed curriculum consists of two levels: Basic (introducing MPs to the pillars of knowledge, development and applications of AI, in the context of medical imaging and radiation therapy) and Advanced. Both are common to the subspecialties (diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology). The learning outcomes of the training are presented as knowledge, skills and competences (KSC approach). Results: For the Basic section, KSCs were stratified in four subsections: (1) Medical imaging analysis and AI Basics; (2) Implementation of AI applications in clinical practice; (3) Big data and enterprise imaging, and (4) Quality, Regulatory and Ethical Issues of AI processes. For the Advanced section instead, a common block was proposed to be further elaborated by each subspecialty core curriculum. The learning outcomes were also translated into a syllabus of a more traditional format, including practical applications. Conclusions: This AI curriculum is the first attempt to create a guideline expanding the current educational framework for Medical Physicists in Europe. It should be considered as a document to top the sub-specialties' curriculums and adapted by national training and regulatory bodies. The proposed educational program can be implemented via the European School of Medical Physics Expert (ESMPE) course modules and - to some extent - also by the national competent EFOMP organizations, to reach widely the medical physicist community in Europe.Peer reviewe

    Why growth equals power - and why it shouldn't : constructing visions of China

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    When discussing the success of China's transition from socialism, there is a tendency to focus on growth figures as an indication of performance. Whilst these figures are indeed impressive, we should not confuse growth with development and assume that the former necessarily automatically generates the latter. Much has been done to reduce poverty in China, but the task is not as complete as some observers would suggest; particularly in terms of access to health, education and welfare, and also in dealing with relative (rather than absolute) depravation and poverty. Visions of China have been constructed that exaggerate Chinese development and power in the global system partly to serve political interests, but partly due to the failure to consider the relationship between growth and development, partly due to the failure to disaggregate who gets what in China, and partly due to the persistence of inter-national conceptions of globalised production, trade, and financial flows

    The opportunity of magnetic induction tomography modality in breast cancer detection

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    The needs for non-invasive technique in breast cancer detection could enhance and preserve the future of medical field in Malaysia as well as countries around the world. Breast cancer has become the main concern nowadays not only for women but for man as well. In overall, the risk of women getting breast cancer is higher than man due to the denser tissue of breast in women compare to man. Beside the unawareness for the disease, the reason which contributes to this increasing number of breast cancer reported is also due to the limitations arising from modalities such as MRI, Mammography, ultrasound and other modalities. An alternative to current technologies should be improved for early detection and treatment which causes no physical harm to patients if possible. Thus, non-invasive and better technology in detecting breast cancer is very much needed in the current market. This paper will be discussing the insights of Magnetic Induction Tomography techniques in breast cancer detection