568 research outputs found

    A simple conceptual model of abrupt glacial climate events

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    Here we use a very simple conceptual model in an attempt to reduce essential parts of the complex nonlinearity of abrupt glacial climate changes (the so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events) to a few simple principles, namely (i) a threshold process, (ii) an overshooting in the stability of the system and (iii) a millennial-scale relaxation. By comparison with a so-called Earth system model of intermediate complexity (CLIMBER-2), in which the events represent oscillations between two climate states corresponding to two fundamentally different modes of deep-water formation in the North Atlantic, we demonstrate that the conceptual model captures fundamental aspects of the nonlinearity of the events in that model. We use the conceptual model in order to reproduce and reanalyse nonlinear resonance mechanisms that were already suggested in order to explain the characteristic time scale of Dansgaard-Oeschger events. In doing so we identify a new form of stochastic resonance (i.e. an overshooting stochastic resonance) and provide the first explicitly reported manifestation of ghost resonance in a geosystem, i.e. of a mechanism which could be relevant for other systems with thresholds and with multiple states of operation. Our work enables us to explicitly simulate realistic probability measures of Dansgaard-Oeschger events (e.g. waiting time distributions, which are a prerequisite for statistical analyses on the regularity of the events by means of Monte-Carlo simulations). We thus think that our study is an important advance in order to develop more adequate methods to test the statistical significance and the origin of the proposed glacial 1470-year climate cycle

    Testing of Large Diameter Fresnel Optics for Space Based Observations of Extensive Air Showers

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    The JEM-EUSO mission will detect extensive air showers produced by extreme energy cosmic rays. It operates from the ISS looking down on Earth's night time atmosphere to detect the nitrogen fluorescence and Cherenkov produce by the charged particles in the EAS. The JEM-EUSO science objectives require a large field of view, sensitivity to energies below 50 EeV, and must fit within available ISS resources. The JEM-EUSO optic module uses three large diameter, thin plastic lenses with Fresnel surfaces to meet the instrument requirements. A bread-board model of the optic has been manufactured and has undergone preliminary tests. We report the results of optical performance tests and evaluate the present capability to manufacture these optical elements

    Simulating ice core 10Be on the glacial–interglacial timescale

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    10Be ice core measurements are an important tool for paleoclimate research, e.g., allowing for the reconstruction of past solar activity or changes in the geomagnetic dipole field. However, especially on multi-millennial timescales, the share of production and climate-induced variations of respective 10Be ice core records is still up for debate. Here we present the first quantitative climatological model of the 10Be ice concentration up to the glacial–interglacial timescale. The model approach is composed of (i) a coarse resolution global atmospheric transport model and (ii) a local 10Be air–firn transfer model. Extensive global-scale observational data of short-lived radionuclides as well as new polar 10Be snow-pit measurements are used for model calibration and validation. Being specifically configured for 10Be in polar ice, this tool thus allows for a straightforward investigation of production- and non-production-related modulation of this nuclide. We find that the polar 10Be ice concentration does not immediately record the globally mixed cosmogenic production signal. Using geomagnetic modulation and revised Greenland snow accumulation rate changes as model input, we simulate the observed Greenland Summit (GRIP and GISP2) 10Be ice core records over the last 75 kyr (on the GICC05modelext timescale). We show that our basic model is capable of reproducing the largest portion of the observed 10Be changes. However, model–measurement differences exhibit multi-millennial trends (differences up to 87% in case of normalized to the Holocene records) which call for closer investigation. Focusing on the (12–37) b2k (before the year AD 2000) period, mean model–measurement differences of 30% cannot be attributed to production changes. However, unconsidered climate-induced changes could likely explain the model–measurement mismatch. In fact, the 10Be ice concentration is very sensitive to snow accumulation changes. Here the reconstructed Greenland Summit (GRIP) snow accumulation rate record would require revision of +28% to solely account for the (12–37) b2k model–measurement differences

    Cross Section Measurements Using the Zero Degree Detector

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    The Zero Degree Detector (ZDD) is an instrument that has been used in accelerator exposures to measure the angular dependence of particles produced in heavy ion fragmentation experiments. The ZDD uses two identical layers of pixelated silicon detectors that make coincident measurements over the active area of the instrument. The angular distribution of secondary particle produced in nuclear interactions for several heavy ions: and target materials will be presented along with performance characteristic of the instrument

    Astrophysics and Technical Study of a Solar Neutrino Spacecraft

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    We report on our study of the design of a neutrino detector, shielding and veto array needed to operate a neutrino detector in space close to the Sun. This study also took into account the expected rates of Galactic gamma and cosmic rays in addition to the particles from the Sun.These preliminary studies show that we can devise a detector such that a small signal of neutrino interactions can be extracted from a large random number of events from the background sources using a double timing method from the conversion electron produced in the neutrino interaction and a secondary delayed signal from the nuclear excited state produced from the initial neutrino interaction; in our case the conversion of Ga 69 or 71 into Ge 69 or 71, but this method could apply to other nuclei with large neutrino cross sections such as Ir 115. Although these types of events need to be above 0.405 megaelectronvolt (MeV) neutrino energy and are only 66 percent of all conversion neutrino interactions on Gallium, this is a small price to pay for an increase of 10,000 by going close to the Sun to enhance the neutrino rate over the background combatorical fake-signal events. The conclusion of this Phase-1 study is very positive in that we can get the backgrounds less than 20 percent fake signals, and in addition to this we have devised another shielding method that makes the Galactic gamma-ray rate a hundred fold less which will make further improvements over these initial estimates. Although these studies are very encouraging it suggests that the next step is a NIAC Phase-II to actually build a test device,measuring basic principles such as light attention within the scintillator with high dopants and to take data in the lab with a cosmic-ray test stand and triggered X-ray source for comparison with simulated expected performance of the detector. This would be the perfect lead into a future proposal beyond a NIAC (NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts) Phase-II for a test flight of a small one-pint detector in orbit of the detector concept beyond Earth outside of the radiation belts
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