239 research outputs found

    Ein Analyseraster zur Bestimmung langfristiger Wechselkursrisiken von Unternehmen dargestellt am Beispiel der US-Dollar-Abwertung.

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    The US-Dollar has depreciated noticeably since the beginning of the year 2006. This depreciation changes the competitiveness of nations and corporations. This paper briefly presents the related exchange rate risks. Subsequently, the operating exposure is discussed, as this is the relevant foreign exchange risk in the long-term. A related issue in corporate risk management is to identify and quantify exchange rate risks. In this context a short guideline proposes an applied 3-step analysis. This DIR-Analysis investigates: direct exposures, indirect exposures and enterprise responses to changed fx-rates.Seit Jahresbeginn 2006 steht der US-Dollar unter Abwertungsdruck. Dadurch veraendert sich die internationale Wettbewerbsfaehigkeit von Laendern und Unternehmen. Dieser Beitrag zeigt kurz verschiedene betriebliche Waehrungsrisiken auf und geht dann auf langfristig relevante oekonomische Wechselkursrisiken ein. In diesem Zusammenhang hat das betriebliche Risikomanagement die Aufgabe, die Effekte von Wechselkursaenderungen zu identifizieren und zu quantifizieren. Als kurzer, praxisorientierter Leitfaden wird dazu ein dreistufiges Verfahren vorgestellt (DIR-Analyse). Neben direkten und indirekten Auswirkungen werden dabei auch moegliche Anpassungsmaßnahmen des Unternehmens thematisiert.ökonomisches Wechselkursrisiko, ökonomisches Währungsrisiko, Unternehmensplanung, Risikomanagement, Euro, operating exporsure, foreign exchange risk, corporate planning, hedging, simulation

    Cross-Cultural Customer Satisfaction of High Technology Companies in China, India, and Japan

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    Customer satisfaction has become a very important aspect of business management in the high technology market. Companies that provide products and services world-wide often are concerned that customer satisfaction may be impacted by cultural differences. This study examines measures of customer satisfaction in China, India and Japan to determine whether or not there is a difference in satisfaction scores for field service, depot repair and help desk. The statistical results at a 5% confidence level indicate there is a difference in customer perception in all service support areas. The results clearly indicate that companies need to understand these differences in order to optimize the use of their resources and to adjust their service offerings to respond to their different customer needs and expectations

    Cultural Implications of Customer Satisfaction Differences of Help Desks in the US and China

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    Customer satisfaction has become a very important aspect of business management in the high technology market. Companies that provide products and services world-wide often are concerned that customer satisfaction may be impacted by cultural differences. This study examines measures of customer satisfaction in two areas (China and the United States) to determine whether or not there is a difference in satisfaction scores provided by Help Desks. The trend in overall satisfaction over the seven year period from 2005 through 2011 is increasing in China faster than in the United States. Correlations between variously measured parameters of Help Desks and overall satisfaction are very similar for both countries. The statistical results at a 95% confidence level indicate there are differences in customer metrics in Help Desk support between that provided to US customers than that provided to customers in China. The results clearly indicate that companies need to understand these similarities and differences in order to optimize the use of their resources and to adjust their service offerings to respond to their different customer needs and expectations

    The German Banking System and the Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Developments and Policy Responses

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    Level densities and thermodynamical properties of Pt and Au isotopes

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    The nuclear level densities of 194196^{194-196}Pt and 197,198^{197,198}Au below the neutron separation energy have been measured using transfer and scattering reactions. All the level density distributions follow the constant-temperature description. Each group of isotopes is characterized by the same temperature above the energy threshold corresponding to the breaking of the first Cooper pair. A constant entropy excess ΔS=1.9\Delta S=1.9 and 1.11.1 kBk_B is observed in 195^{195}Pt and 198^{198}Au with respect to 196^{196}Pt and 197^{197}Au, respectively, giving information on the available single-particle level space for the last unpaired valence neutron. The breaking of nucleon Cooper pairs is revealed by sequential peaks in the microcanonical caloric curve

    Completing the nuclear reaction puzzle of the nucleosynthesis of 92Mo

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    One of the greatest questions for modern physics to address is how elements heavier than iron are created in extreme, astrophysical environments. A particularly challenging part of that question is the creation of the so-called p-nuclei, which are believed to be mainly produced in some types of supernovae. The lack of needed nuclear data presents an obstacle in nailing down the precise site and astrophysical conditions. In this work, we present for the first time measurements on the nuclear level density and average strength function of 92^{92}Mo. State-of-the-art p-process calculations systematically underestimate the observed solar abundance of this isotope. Our data provide stringent constraints on the 91^{91}Nb(p,γ)92(p,{\gamma})^{92}Mo reaction rate, which is the last unmeasured reaction in the nucleosynthesis puzzle of 92^{92}Mo. Based on our results, we conclude that the 92^{92}Mo abundance anomaly is not due to the nuclear physics input to astrophysical model calculations.Comment: Submitted to PR