2,172 research outputs found

    Spin dynamics of the ordered dipolar octupolar pseudospin 1 2 pyrochlore Nd2Zr2O7 probed by muon spin relaxation

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    We present a muon spin relaxation study on the Ising pyrochlore Nd2Zr2O7 which develops an all in all out magnetic order below 0.4 K. At 20 mK, far below the ordering transition temperature, the zero field muon spin relaxation spectra showno static features and can be well described by a dynamical Gaussian broadened Gaussian Kubo Toyabe function indicating strong fluctuations of the ordered state. The spectra of the paramagnetic state below 4.2 K reveal anomalously slow paramagnetic spin dynamics and show only a small difference with the spectra of the ordered state.We find that the fluctuation rate decreases with decreasing temperature and becomes nearly temperature independent below the transition temperature, indicating persistent slow spin dynamics in the ground state. The field distribution width shows a small but sudden increase at the transition temperature and then becomes almost constant. The spectra in applied longitudinal fields are well fitted by the conventional dynamical Gaussian Kubo Toyabe function, which further supports the dynamical nature of the ground state. The fluctuation rate shows a peak as a function of external field which is associated with a field induced spin flip transition. The strong dynamics in the ordered state is attributed to the transverse coupling of the Ising spins introduced by the multipole interaction

    Quantum spin chain as a potential realization of the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model

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    It is well established that long-range magnetic order is suppressed in magnetic systems whose interactions are low-dimensional. The prototypical example is the S-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain (S-1/2 HAFC) whose ground state is quantum critical. In real S-1/2 HAFC compounds interchain coupling induces long-range magnetic order although with a suppressed ordered moment and reduced N\'eel temperature compared to the Curie-Weiss temperature. Recently, it was suggested that order can also be suppressed if the interchain interactions are frustrated, as for the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model. Here, we study the new S-1/2 HAFC, (NO)[Cu(NO3)3]. This material shows extreme suppression of order which furthermore is incommensurate revealing the presence of frustration consistent with the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model

    Magnetic Hamiltonian and phase diagram of the quantum spin liquid Ca10Cr7O28

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    A spin liquid is a new state of matter with topological order where the spin moments continue to fluctuate coherently down to the lowest temperatures rather than develop static long range magnetic order as found in conventional magnets. For spin liquid behavior to arise in a material the magnetic Hamiltonian must be frustrated , where the combination of lattice geometry, interactions, and anisotropies gives rise to competing spin arrangements in the ground state. Theoretical Hamiltonians which produce spin liquids are spin ice, the Kitaev honeycomb model, and the kagome antiferromagnet. Spin liquid behavior, however, in real materials is rare because they can only approximate these Hamiltonians and often have weak higher order terms that destroy the spin liquid state. Ca10Cr7O28 is a new quantum spin liquid candidate with magnetic Cr5 ions that possess quantum spin number S . The spins are entirely dynamic in the ground state and the excitation spectrum is broad and diffuse, as is typical of spinons which are the excitations of a spin liquid. In this paper we determine the Hamiltonian of Ca10Cr7O28 using inelastic neutron scattering under high magnetic field to induce a field polarized paramagnetic ground state and spin wave excitations that can be fitted to extract the interactions. We further explore the phase diagram by using inelastic neutron scattering and heat capacity measurements and establish the boundaries of the spin liquid phase as a function of magnetic field and temperature. Our results show that Ca10Cr7O28 consists of distorted kagome bilayers with several isotropic ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions where, unexpectedly, the ferromagnetic interactions are stronger than the antiferromagnetic ones. This complex Hamiltonian does not correspond to any known spin liquid model and points to new directions in the search for quantum spin liquid behavio

    Arquitectura de decisiones

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    Long-Term Behaviour of ETFE-Films

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    Urban Stream Burial Increases Watershed-Scale Nitrate Export

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    Nitrogen (N) uptake in streams is an important ecosystem service that reduces nutrient loading to downstream ecosystems. Here we synthesize studies that investigated the effects of urban stream burial on N-uptake in two metropolitan areas and use simulation modeling to scale our measurements to the broader watershed scale. We report that nitrate travels on average 18 times farther downstream in buried than in open streams before being removed from the water column, indicating that burial substantially reduces N uptake in streams. Simulation modeling suggests that as burial expands throughout a river network, N uptake rates increase in the remaining open reaches which somewhat offsets reduced N uptake in buried reaches. This is particularly true at low levels of stream burial. At higher levels of stream burial, however, open reaches become rare and cumulative N uptake across all open reaches in the watershed rapidly declines. As a result, watershed-scale N export increases slowly at low levels of stream burial, after which increases in export become more pronounced. Stream burial in the lower, more urbanized portions of the watershed had a greater effect on N export than an equivalent amount of stream burial in the upper watershed. We suggest that stream daylighting (i.e., uncovering buried streams) can increase watershed-scale N retention

    Effects of urban stream burial on organic matter dynamics and reach scale nitrate retention

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    Nitrogen (N) retention in streams is an important ecosystem service that may be affected by the widespread burial of streams in stormwater pipes in urban watersheds. We predicted that stream burial suppresses the capacity of streams to retain nitrate (NO3 −) by eliminating primary production, reducing respiration rates and organic matter availability, and increasing specific discharge. We tested these predictions by measuring whole-stream NO3 − removal rates using 15NO3 − isotope tracer releases in paired buried and open reaches in three streams in Cincinnati, Ohio (USA) during four seasons. Nitrate uptake lengths were 29 times greater in buried than open reaches, indicating that buried reaches were less effective at retaining NO3 − than open reaches. Burial suppressed NO3 − retention through a combination of hydrological and biological processes. The channel shape of two of the buried reaches increased specific discharge which enhanced NO3 − transport from the channel, highlighting the relationship between urban infrastructure and ecosystem function. Uptake lengths in the buried reaches were further lengthened by low stream biological NO3 − demand, as indicated by NO3 − uptake velocities 17-fold lower than that of the open reaches. We also observed differences in the periphyton enzyme activity between reaches, indicating that the effects of burial cascade from the microbial to the ecosystem scale. Our results suggest that stream restoration practices involving “daylighting” buried streams have the potential to increase N retention. Further work is needed to elucidate the impacts of stream burial on ecosystem functions at the larger stream network scale

    Hybrid reflections from multiple x-ray scattering in epitaxial oxide films

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    E.H.S. and D.G.S. acknowledge support by the National Science Foundation (NSF) MRSEC program (DMR-1420620).In numerous symmetric θ-2θ scans of phase-pure epitaxial complex oxide thin films grown on single-crystal substrates, we observe x-ray diffraction peaks that correspond to neither the film nor the substrate crystal structure. These peaks are the result of multiple, sequential diffraction events that occur from both the film and the substrate. The occurrence of so-called "hybrid" reflections, while described in the literature, is not widely reported within the complex oxide thin-film community. We describe a simple method to predict and identify peaks resulting from hybrid reflections and show examples from epitaxial complex oxide films belonging to three distinct structural types.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe