385 research outputs found

    Rare quantum metastable states in the strongly dispersive Jaynes-Cummings oscillator

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    We present evidence of metastable rare quantum-fluctuation switching for the driven dissipative Jaynes-Cummings oscillator coupled to a zero-temperature bath in the strongly dispersive regime. We show that single-atom complex amplitude bistability is accompanied by the appearance of a low-amplitude long-lived transient state, hereinafter called `dark state', having a distribution with quasi-Poissonian statistics both for the coupled qubit and cavity mode. We find that the dark state is linked to a spontaneous flipping of the qubit state, detuning the cavity to a low-photon response. The appearance of the dark state is correlated with the participation of the two metastable states in the dispersive bistability, as evidenced by the solution of the Master Equation and single quantum trajectories.Comment: Extensively revised text, 18 revised figures (16 in main and 2 in appendix), 38(+1) references, appendi

    Gaussian Nonlinear Line Attractor for Learning Multidimensional Data

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    The human brain’s ability to extract information from multidimensional data modeled by the Nonlinear Line Attractor (NLA), where nodes are connected by polynomial weight sets. Neuron connections in this architecture assumes complete connectivity with all other neurons, thus creating a huge web of connections. We envision that each neuron should be connected to a group of surrounding neurons with weighted connection strengths that reduces with proximity to the neuron. To develop the weighted NLA architecture, we use a Gaussian weighting strategy to model the proximity, which will also reduce the computation times significantly. Once all data has been trained in the NLA network, the weight set can be reduced using a locality preserving nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique. By reducing the weight sets using this technique, we can reduce the amount of outputs for recognition tasks. An appropriate distance measure can then be used for comparing testing data and the trained data when processed through the NLA architecture. It is observed that the proposed GNLA algorithm reduces training time significantly and is able to provide even better recognition using fewer dimensions than the original NLA algorithm. We have tested this algorithm and showed that it works well in different datasets, including the EO Synthetic Vehicle database and the Sheffield face database

    Gaussian Weighted Neighborhood Connectivity of Nonlinear Line Attractor for Learning Complex Manifolds

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    The human brain has the capability to process high quantities of data quickly for detection and recognition tasks. These tasks are made simpler by the understanding of data, which intentionally removes redundancies found in higher dimensional data and maps the data onto a lower dimensional space. The brain then encodes manifolds created in these spaces, which reveal a specific state of the system. We propose to use a recurrent neural network, the nonlinear line attractor (NLA) network, for the encoding of these manifolds as specific states, which will draw untrained data towards one of the specific states that the NLA network has encoded. We propose a Gaussian-weighted modular architecture for reducing the computational complexity of the conventional NLA network. The proposed architecture uses a neighborhood approach for establishing the interconnectivity of neurons to obtain the manifolds. The modified NLA network has been implemented and tested on the Electro-Optic Synthetic Vehicle Model Database created by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), which contains a vast array of high resolution imagery with several different lighting conditions and camera views. It is observed that the NLA network has the capability for representing high dimensional data for the recognition of the objects of interest through its new learning strategy. A nonlinear dimensionality reduction scheme based on singular value decomposition has found to be very effective in providing a low dimensional representation of the dataset. Application of the reduced dimensional space on the modified NLA algorithm would provide fast and more accurate recognition performance for real time applications

    The System of Spiritual Education of Tarekat Sammaniyah at Learning Assembly of Ihya Ulumuddin Medan

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    This study aimed to discover 1) the goal of spiritual education of Tarekat Sammaniyah at Learning Assembly of Ihya Ulumuddin Medan, 2) the contents of spiritual education of Tarekat Sammaniyah at Learning Assembly of Ihya Ulumuddin Medan, 3) The Method of spiritual education of Taretkat Sammaniyah at Learning Assembly of Ihya Ulumuddin Medan, 4) The teachers/ Fasilitators of spiritual education of Tarekat Sammaniyah at Learning Assembly of Ihya Ulumuddin Medan, 5) The Students of spiritual education of Tarekat Sammaniyah at Learning Assembly of Ihya Ulumuddin Medan, 6) Facilities and infrastuctures of Tarekat Sammaniyah at Learning Assembly of Ihya Ulumuddin Medan. This study used the qualitative research approach. The data was taken through intervew, observation and also takng documentation. The informan of this study was the principle concurently teacher (Called by Mursyid), Assistant of teacher (called by Khalifah), Students (Called by Salik) of Tarekat Sammaniyah at Learning Assembly of Ihya Ulumuddin Medan. The data analysis was done by data reduction, presentation of the data and data verification. The results of this study were; 1) The aim of spiritual education was to know Allah, to remember, and also to look Allah by purification of the soul (Tazkiyatun Nafsi) and draw closer to the God (Allah) by cleansing the heart (Taqorrub Ilallah), 2) The contents of spiritual education were about Islam, faith, goodness, Syari'at, Hakikat, Ma'rifat and also Zikir (Remember of the God), 3) The method were bai'at, lecturing, remembering (rabithah, kafi'at, tawajjuh, khalwat /suluk), 4) The Mursyid was one who led and taught and also developed the Tarekat , he has an unbroken lineage up to Prophet, Jibril and Allah SWT. The level were; Syekh/Buya/Father, Vice Mursyid (Khalifah), Firstly, the Old Khalifah, Secondly, The young Khalifah. The qualities that must be possessed by the Mursyid / vice Mursyid were namely: pious, wise, be patient and merciful nature, able to keep secrets, trust, discipline, guarding the lust of the worldly desire, sincere heart, should not be disappointed seeing the students who have not succeeded yet, Maintaining self-esteem, prestige, may provide certain clues in certain circumstances, 5) The Students were people who have been sworn, and before being sworn, they should bathe taubat, pray taubat, and also pray hajat to study knowledge to Mursyid. The level of students/ Salik were mubtadi, mutawashithah, muntahi, 6) The facilities and infrastructures were Mosque, The Guest room for whom it may stay overnight, sound system, Suluk place, ablution place, tasbih, curtain for seclusion (khalwat)

    Development Of Community Based Ecotourism In Bahoi Village, West Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency

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    In the spatial development of North Sulawesi Province, Bahoi Village is one of the coral reef conservation development areas developed into community based ecotourism village. One area that has the potential is Bahoi Village District West Likupang North Minahasa District with the concept of marine community-based ecotourism. This potential is supported by Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014 in North Sulawesi Province Spatial Planning. This study aims to determine the status of ecotourism development in Bahoi Village and evaluate the principles and concepts of ecotourism using a qualitative descriptive method. In this research, the data were taken by conducting literature study, verification, field survey, and an interview. Interviews were conducted using questionnaires as many as 18 questions/statements containing topics on the management of ecotourism in Bahoi Village, ecotourism concepts, and principles. Questions are presented and analyzed using R and SPSS programs. R is an integrated software unit with several facilities for manipulation, calculation, and reliable graphics performance. SPSS is an application that has a high enough statistical analysis capability and data management systems in the graphical environment by using descriptive menus in simple dialog boxes and easy to understand how to operate. Based on the results of the analysis, there are several problems concerning the management of ecotourism that still overlap, ecotourism principles that have not been reached, especially on economic principles, and the lack of community empowerment. Through this research it can be concluded that ecotourism of Bahoi Village has not given full impact, ecotourism management which is not good can, in turn, forget the economic interest of the local community, and there is urgent need to make Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) of ecotourism for community-based ecotourism management. Furthermore, the concept and principles of ecotourism that has not been applied thoroughly then need to be reviewed for better future.Keywords: development, marine ecotourism, ecotourism management, Bahoi villageABSTRAKDalam pengembangan tata ruang Wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Desa Bahoi merupakan salah satu kawasan pengembangan koservasi terumbu karang yang dikembangkan menjadi Desa Ekowisata Berbasis Masyarakat.Salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi tersebut yaitu Desa Bahoi Kecamatan Likupang Barat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara dengan konsep ekowisata bahari berbasis masyarakat. Potensi ini didukung dengan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yaitu Desa Bahoi merupakan salah satu kawasan pengembangan konservasi terumbu karang.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status pengembangan ekowisata yang ada di Desa Bahoi dan mengevaluasi prinsip-prinsip dan konsep ekowisata menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini data di ambil dengan studi literature, verifikasi, survei lapangan dan wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebanyak 18 Pertanyaan/pernyataan yang berisisi tentang pengelolaan ekowisata di Desa Bahoi, konsep dan prinsip-prinsip ekowisata. Pertanyaan disajikan dan di analisis menggunakan program R dan SPSS. R adalah suatu kesatuan software yang terintegrasi dengan beberapa fasilitas untuk manipulasi, perhitungan dan penampilan grafik yang handal. SPSS adalah sebuah program aplikasi yang memiliki kemampuan analisis statistik cukup tinggi serta sistem manajemen data pada lingkungan grafis dengan menggunakan menu-menu deskriptif dan kotak-kotak dialog yang sederhana sehingga mudah untuk dipahami cara pengoperasiannya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan terdapat beberapa masalah mengenai pengelolaan ekowisata yang masih tumpang tindih, peinsip-prinsip ekowisata yang belum tercapai terutama pada prinsip ekonomi, kurangnya pemberdayaan masyarakat .Dari penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan ekowisata Desa Bahoi belum memeberi dampak secara menyeluruh, pengolaan ekowisata yang kurang baik dapat melupakan kepentingan ekonomi masyarakat lokal untuk itu perlu di buat Standar Operasional Prosedur ekowisata yang mengatur manajemen ekowisata,. Kosep dan prinsip-prinsip ekowisata yang belum diterapkan secara menyeluruh  maka perlu di kaji kembali.Kata Kunci: Kajian pengembangan, ekowisata bahari, pengelolaan Ekowisata, Desa BahoiÂ

    An atlas of Calcium triplet spectra of active galaxies

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    We present a spectroscopic atlas of active galactic nuclei covering the region around the 8498, 8542, 8662 Calcium triplet (CaT) lines. The sample comprises 78 objects, divided into 43 Seyfert 2s, 26 Seyfert 1s, 3 Starburst and 6 normal galaxies. The spectra pertain to the inner ~300 pc in radius, and thus sample the central kinematics and stellar populations of active galaxies. The data are used to measure stellar velocity dispersions (sigma_star) both with cross-correlation and direct fitting methods. These measurements are found to be in good agreement with each-other and with those in previous studies for objects in common. The CaT equivalent width is also measured. We find average values and sample dispersions of W_CaT of 4.6+/-2.0, 7.0 and 7.7+/-1.0 angstrons for Seyfert 1s, Seyfert 2s and normal galaxies, respectively. We further present an atlas of [SIII]\lambda 9069 emission line profiles for a subset of 40 galaxies. These data are analyzed in a companion paper which addresses the connection between stellar and Narrow Line Region kinematics, the behaviour of the CaT equivalent width as a function of sigma_star, activity type and stellar population properties.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Intensity and Resolution Enhancement of Local Regions for Object Detection and Tracking in Wide Area Surveillance

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    Object tracking in wide area motion imagery is a complex problem that consists of object detection and target tracking over time. This challenge can be solved by human analysts who naturally have the ability to keep track of an object in a scene. A computer vision solution for object tracking has the potential to be a much faster and efficient solution. However, a computer vision solution faces certain challenges that do not affect a human analyst. To overcome these challenges, a tracking process is proposed that is inspired by the known advantages of a human analyst. First, the focus of a human analyst is emulated by doing processing only the local object search area. Second, it is proposed that an intensity enhancement process should be done on the local area to allow features to be detected in poor lighting conditions. This simulates the ability of the human eye to discern objects in complex lighting conditions. Third, it is proposed that the spatial resolution of the local search area is increased to extract better features and provide more accurate feature matching. A quantitative evaluation is performed to show tracking improvement using the proposed method. The three databases, each grayscale sequences that were obtained from aircrafts, used for these evaluations include the Columbus Large Image Format database, the Large Area Image Recorder database, and the Sussex database

    Directional Ringlet Intensity Feature Transform for Tracking

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    The challenges existing for current intensity-based histogram feature tracking methods in wide area motion imagery include object structural information distortions and background variations, such as different pavement or ground types. All of these challenges need to be met in order to have a robust object tracker, while attaining to be computed at an appropriate speed for real-time processing. To achieve this we propose a novel method, Directional Ringlet Intensity Feature Transform (DRIFT), that employs Kirsch kernel filtering and Gaussian ringlet feature mapping. We evaluated the DRIFT on two challenging datasets, namely Columbus Large Image Format (CLIF) and Large Area Image Recorder (LAIR), to evaluate its robustness and efficiency. Experimental results show that the proposed approach yields the highest accuracy compared to state-of-the-art object tracking methods

    Chain elongation suppression of cyclic block copolymers in lamellar microphase-separated bulk

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    Chain elongation suppression of cyclic block copolymers in microphase-separated bulk was determined quantitatively. Solvent-cast and annealed films are confirmed to show alternating lamellar structure and their microdomain spacing D increases with increasing total molecular weight M according to the relationship Dproportional toM(0.59), which agrees quite consistently with the theoretically predicted power law, i.e., Dproportional toM(3/5). This result is in contrast to the well-established issue for linear block copolymers, where the relationship Dproportional toM(2/3) has been confirmed to hold both experimentally and theoretically. This means that chain elongation of each component block is suppressed considerably, owing to their looped conformation in strongly segregated bulk. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.</p
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