6,337 research outputs found

    Feedback Enhances Simultaneous Wireless Information and Energy Transmission in Multiple Access Channels

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    In this report, the fundamental limits of simultaneous information and energy transmission in the two-user Gaussian multiple access channel (G-MAC) with and without feedback are fully characterized. More specifically, all the achievable information and energy transmission rates (in bits per channel use and energy-units per channel use, respectively) are identified. Furthermore, the fundamental limits on the individual and sum- rates given a minimum energy rate ensured at an energy harvester are also characterized. In the case without feedback, an achievability scheme based on power-splitting and successive interference cancellation is shown to be optimal. Alternatively, in the case with feedback (G-MAC-F), a simple yet optimal achievability scheme based on power-splitting and Ozarow's capacity achieving scheme is presented. Finally, the energy transmission enhancement induced by the use of feedback is quantified. Feedback can at most double the energy transmission rate at high SNRs when the information transmission sum-rate is kept fixed at the sum-capacity of the G-MAC, but it has no effect at very low SNRs.Comment: INRIA REPORT N{\deg}8804, accepted for publication in IEEE transactions on Information Theory, March, 201

    Almost reducibility for finitely differentiable SL(2,R)-valued quasi-periodic cocycles

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    Quasi-periodic cocycles with a diophantine frequency and with values in SL(2,R) are shown to be almost reducible as long as they are close enough to a constant, in the topology of k times differentiable functions, with k great enough. Almost reducibility is obtained by analytic approximation after a loss of differentiability which only depends on the frequency and on the constant part. As in the analytic case, if their fibered rotation number is diophantine or rational with respect to the frequency, such cocycles are in fact reducible. This extends Eliasson's theorem on Schr\"odinger cocycles to the differentiable case

    An Evolutionary Approach for Learning Opponent's Deadline and Reserve Points in Multi-Issue Negotiation

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    The efficiency of automated multi-issue negotiation depends on the available information about the opponent. In a competitive negotiation environment, agents do not reveal their parameters to their opponents in order to avoid exploitation. Several researchers have argued that an agent's optimal strategy can be determined using the opponent's deadline and reserve points. In this paper, we propose a new learning agent, so-called Evolutionary Learning Agent (ELA), able to estimate its opponent's deadline and reserve points in bilateral multi-issue negotiation based on opponent's counter-offers (without any additional extra information). ELA reduces the learning problem to a system of non-linear equations and uses an evolutionary algorithm based on the elitism aspect to solve it. Experimental study shows that our learning agent outperforms others agents by improving its outcome in term of average and joint utility

    Oxydation d'un acide humique aquatique par le bioxyde de chlore. Incidences sur une post-chloration et sur un traitement au charbon actif

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    Cette étude de laboratoire a eu pour but d'examiner la réactivité du bioxyde de chlore sur un acide humique d'origine aquatique en solution aqueuse et en milieu neutre (pH = 7,5) et de préciser en particulier l'incidence d'une préoxydation chimique au CIO2 sur les potentiels de formation de composés organohalogénés (trihalométhanes, acides dicloroacétique et trichloroacétique, chlore organiquement lié) et sur l'adsorbabilité du carbone organique sur charbon actif.Les résultats obtenus montrent que radian du bioxyde de chlore sur racide humique Pinail à l'obscurité, conduit à des faibles abattements du carbone organique dissous (< 10 %) et de l'absorbance UV à 254 nm (de l'ordre de 30 %) et conduit à des productions potentiel es en composées organohalogénés très nettement inférieures à celles formées par chloration. De plus, une préoxydation chimique au bioxyde de chlore permet de diminuer d'une manière très significative la production de composés organohalogénés au cours d'une post-chloration et semble améliorer l'adsorbabllité du carbone organique sur charbon actif.L'oxydation de l'acide humique par le bioxyde de chlore s'accompagne, par ailleurs, de la formation de chlorites (0,65 mg/mg de CIO2 consommé) qui peuvent ensuite être oxydés en chlorates au cours d'une post-chloration ou réduits en chlorures par un traitement au charbon actif.Enfin, les résultats obtenus font apparaître que le mécanisme d'oxydation de composés organiques parle bioxyde de chlore en présence de la lumière ainsi que les interactions entre le bioxyde de chore, les chlorites, la matière organique et le charbon actif méritent d'être plus précisément étudiés.Chlorine dioxide has drawn much recent attention as an alternative disinfectant and oxidant for drinking water to replace chlorine because of its powerful disinfecting ability and its limited capacity to produce organohalogenated compounds. However, the use of chlorine dioxide leads to chlorite (ClO2-) and chlorate (ClO3-) as inorganic oxidation by-products which are reported to have toxic effects on humans. The reactions of ClO2 with simple organic compounds (phenols, aliphatic and aromatic amines...) produce polar compounds such as quinone, ketones, aldehydes and carboxylic acids while oxydation by-products of dissolved organic matter of surface waters (in particular humic substances) are largely unknown. Consequently, the aim of this work was to obtain a better understanding of the effects of the use of chlorine dioxide in drinking water treatment To this end, experiments were carried out with dilute aqueous solutions of an isolated aquatic humic acid (Pinail humic acid, PHA) and the objectives of this present study were :- To evaluate the ClO2 demand and to determine the productions of chlorite, chlorate and of organohalogenated compounds such as trihalomethanes (THMs), dichloroacetic and trichloroacetic acids (DCA, TCA) which are the main organohalogenated products formed by chlorination.- To show the effects of chlorine dioxide preoxidation on organic halide formation potentials (postchlorination) and on the removal of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by activated carbon. In addition, reactions of chlorite with chlorine or with activated carbon were also examined.EXPERIMENTALPniail humic acid was dissolved in phosphate buffered ultra-pure water (pH = 7.5). Oxidation and adsorption experiments were carried out in headspace-free bottles, at 20 ± 1 °C and in the dark. Stock solutions of chlorine dioxide (4-6 g l-1) and of chlorine (6-10 g l-1) were prepared in the laboratory and titrated by iodometry. Residual chlorine dioxide concentration in PHA solutions was determined by spectrophotometric measurement at 360 nm and by two colorimetric methods : the chlorophenol red and the ACVK methods. Concentrations of DOC and of total organic chlorine or halogen (TOCI, TOX) were measured using a DOHRMANN DC 80 carbon analyser and a DOHRMANN DX 20 A TOX analyser equipped with a microcoulometric cell, respectively. THMs, DCA and TCA were determined by a gas chromatograph equipped with a 63 Ni electron capture detector after extraction by pentane for the THMs, and methylation in ether phase for DCA and TCA. Inorganic chlorine species were analysed by HPLC with a UV detector (ClO2-) or by chromatography (Cl-, ClO3-).RESULTS• Oxidation of PHA by ClO2The results showed that PHA consumed about 2 mg of ClO2/mg of DOC after a reaction time of 24 hours (fig. 1) and that there is a rapid consumption of ClO2 during the first 30 minutes of the reaction (fig. 2) Oxidation by ClO2 had no effect on DOC concentration (DOC removal : < 10 %) and led to a significant decrease (about 30 %) of the UV-absorbance at 254 or 270 nm (fig. 1 and 2), and to productions of ClO2- (0,65 mg of ClO2-/mg of ClO2 consumed) which were independant of the applied oxidant dose and of the reaction time.Furthermore, after a 72 hour reaction time in the dark, chlorine dioxide ([ClO2]0 = 5 mg l-1, [PHA]0 = 5 mg l-1, DOC = 2,6 mg l-1) produces very small amounts of chloroform (< 5 µg l-1), DCA (5 µg l-1) and TCA (5 µg l-1) and organochlorinated compounds (TOCl : 36 µg/mg DOC) compared to chlorine oxidation (tableau 1). However, in the presence of sunlight, ClO2 is rapidly photodecomposed (fig. 3) and the photodegradation products of ClO2 allow bromide oxidation (fig. 11) and lead to higher productions of organohalogenated compounds such as THMs (fig. 4).• Chlorine dioxide preoxidation followed by chlorinationAs shown in figure 5, chlorine dioxide preoxidation reduces the production of organohalogenated compounds and the chlorine demand during postchlorination. For a preoxidant dose corresponding to the ClO2 demand of PHA, the decrease in the formation potentials of CHCl3, DCA, TCA and TOCl was about 40-50 %. These results confirm the similarity of the action of chlorine dioxide and chlorine on aromatic structures which have high electron density carbons and which constitute probably the most reactive precursors of organohalogenated by-products.As far as chlorite concentration is concerned, the results showed that chlorite formed during the preoxidation step was completely oxidized to chlorate during postchlorination, under the experimental conditions used in this study (chlorine dose : 40 mg l-1; contact time : 24 or 72 hours). Because of the reactions of chlorine eh chlorine and with residual chlorine dioxide, a small increase in the chlorine demand was observed when PHA solutions were heavily preoxidized (fig. 5).• Chlorine dioxide preoxidation followed by activated carbon treatmentBatch experiments were carried out with a powdered activated carbon (PAC, granulometry : < 80 µm) which was obtained by crushing a commercial granular activated carbon (CECA 40,12 x 40 mesh). Once equilibrium was achieved (contact time : 10 days), adsorption isotherms indicated that chlorine dioxide preoxidation increases the absorbability of DOC on activated carbon (fig; 4tableau 2). Furthermore, chlorite in oxidized PHA solutions was reduced by PAC to chloride. The capacity of CECA 40 activated carbon for ClO2- reduction to Cl- was about 170 mg ClO2-/g of PAC (fig. 7). Other experiments showed that chlorite may react with specific surface groups on PAC to produce inorganic carbon (fig. 7) and with PHA only in the presence of PAC as shown the DOC and UV-absorbance curves in figure 8 and the increase of TOX concentration in the liquid phase in figure 9. Thus the observed increase in DOC absorbability on PAC after a chlorine dioxide preoxidation may be attributed to cheminal interactions between PAC, chlorite, residual chlorine dioxide and adsorbed organic matter and requires further study

    Neuroimmunology - the past, present and future

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    Neuroimmunology as a separate discipline has its roots in the fields of neurology, neuroscience and immunology. Early studies of the brain by Golgi and Cajal, the detailed clinical and neuropathology studies of Charcot and Thompson’s seminal paper on graft acceptance in the central nervous system, kindled a now rapidly expanding research area, with the aim of understanding pathological mechanisms of inflammatory components of neurological disorders. While neuroimmunologists originally focused on classical neuroinflammatory disorders, such as multiple sclerosis and infections, there is strong evidence to suggest that the immune response contributes to genetic white matter disorders, epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders, peripheral nervous system and neuro‐oncological conditions, as well as ageing. Technological advances have greatly aided our knowledge of how the immune system influences the nervous system during development and ageing, and how such responses contribute to disease as well as regeneration and repair. Here, we highlight historical aspects and milestones in the field of neuroimmunology and discuss the paradigm shifts that have helped provide novel insights into disease mechanisms. We propose future perspectives including molecular biological studies and experimental models that may have the potential to push many areas of neuroimmunology. Such an understanding of neuroimmunology will open up new avenues for therapeutic approaches to manipulate neuroinflammation

    Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Autosomal Dominant Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta, discussed in Baldridge et al. 2008 is an inherited bone fragility disorder with a wide range of clinical severity that in the majority of cases is caused by mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2, the genes that encode the two collagen type I alpha chains. Here we describe genotype-phenotype correlations in OI patients who have mutations affecting collagen type I. This paper is based on findings in a large single-centre OI population and a review of the literature

    Interaction primitives for human-robot cooperation tasks

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    To engage in cooperative activities with human partners, robots have to possess basic interactive abilities and skills. However, programming such interactive skills is a challenging task, as each interaction partner can have different timing or an alternative way of executing movements. In this paper, we propose to learn interaction skills by observing how two humans engage in a similar task. To this end, we introduce a new representation called Interaction Primitives. Interaction primitives build on the framework of dynamic motor primitives (DMPs) by maintaining a distribution over the parameters of the DMP. With this distribution, we can learn the inherent correlations of cooperative activities which allow us to infer the behavior of the partner and to participate in the cooperation. We will provide algorithms for synchronizing and adapting the behavior of humans and robots during joint physical activities

    Latent space policy search for robotics

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    Learning motor skills for robots is a hard task. In particular, a high number of degrees-of-freedom in the robot can pose serious challenges to existing reinforcement learning methods, since it leads to a highdimensional search space. However, complex robots are often intrinsically redundant systems and, therefore, can be controlled using a latent manifold of much smaller dimensionality. In this paper, we present a novel policy search method that performs efficient reinforcement learning by uncovering the low-dimensional latent space of actuator redundancies. In contrast to previous attempts at combining reinforcement learning and dimensionality reduction, our approach does not perform dimensionality reduction as a preprocessing step but naturally combines it with policy search. Our evaluations show that the new approach outperforms existing algorithms for learning motor skills with high-dimensional robots

    Anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac removal by a synthesized MgAl layered double hydroxide

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGLayered double hydroxides (LDHs) containing Mg:Al (molar ratio 3:1) were synthesized by coprecipitation from nitrate salts under alkaline conditions. Their further characterisation by different techniques allowed the determination of their structural, nanotextural and chemical properties. XRD measurements confirmed the high crystallisation with the presence of two metal cations (Mg2+ and Al3+). The use of these materials as eco-friendly adsorbents was analysed to remove diclofenac from wastewater. Under optimal conditions (0.4 g L 1, 30 ppm initial pollutant concentration, pH 8.5), around 65% diclofenac removal was achieved after 60 min of treatment. The pseudo-second kinetic order model and Freundlich isotherm accurately described the experimental data, suggesting chemisorption process on the heterogeneous LDH surface. After diclofenac adsorption, XRD analysis revealed an increase in interlayer spacing followed by contraction of adjacent layers, so that anion exchange between layer was considered to be the main mechanism for diclofenac adsorption. Thermodynamic studies indicate diclofenac adsorption occurs spontaneously, endothermically, and also, with increasing randomness at the solid/solution surface. Batch test revealed limitations in terms of long-term stability of the material. Therefore, a post-synthesis strategy, calcination, was required to increase the degree of resistance. For this purpose, the effect of calcination temperature was examined in the range 200–300 C. Although, the kinetic rate constant decreased slightly after calcination, the improvement of its structural properties allowed to operate under continuous system.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020- 113667 GB-I00Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PDC2021-121394-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021-43Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2018/09