84 research outputs found


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    SUMMARY The theory and application of the quantitative ballistocardiograph is described using the method of Klensch. It is possible to use this method for determining the stroke volume of the heart during anaesthesia simply and rapidly without affecting the circulation. Evidence was obtained showing that halothane may cause direct myocardial depression in some patients. Despite reduction in circulatory resistance a reduction in beart output was observed more frequently than expected. It was demonstrated also that the behaviour of the peripheral circulatory resistance is an important factor in determining stroke volume and results of measurements under the effect of different anaesthetics, ganglionic blockers and vasoconstrictors are presente

    High altitude flora of the Black Forest and its neighbouring areas : plants found above 1000 m in the Black Forest, the Vosges, the northern Jura, and the Swabian Alb

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    Alle Farn- und Samenpflanzen, die in den Mittelgebirgen Schwarzwald, Vogesen, Nord-Jura und Schwäbische Alb oberhalb 1000 m Höhe nachgewiesen sind, werden aufgelistet; zusätzlich wird die Höhenstufe zwischen 900 und 1000 m berücksichtigt. Die Liste enthält zahlreiche Neufunde, vor allem bestimmungskritischer Taxa, und beinhaltet Angaben zum Indigenat; sie kann als Grundlage dienen zur Bewertung von Farn- und Samenpflanzen als Zeiger der Temperaturverhältnisse.All pteridophytes and spermatophytes, which have been found at altitudes above 1000 m in the Black Forest, the Vosges, the northern Jura, and the Swabian Alb are listed. Additionally, plants found between 900 and 1000 m are mentioned. Many taxa, mostly from “critical” groups, could be added to the respective floras. Their respective introduction status is given. As their current status is now well known, ferns and seed plants can be helpful to detect future climatic changes in the study areas

    Can management intensity be more important than environmental factors? A case study along an extreme elevation gradient from central Italian cereal fields

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    This paper aims to assess the importance of environmental and management factors determining the weed species composition along a strong elevation gradient. A total of 76 cereal fields (39 low input and 37 intensively managed) were sampled along an elevation gradient in central Italy. Explanatory variables were recorded for each field to elucidate the role of large-scale spatial trends, of site-specific abiotic environmental conditions and of field management characters. Redundancy analysis was used to assess the relative importance of each environmental variable in explaining the variation in species composition. Our results indicate that variation in weed species composition is strongly determined by altitude, mean annual precipitation, mean annual temperature and also by soil characteristics. However, the level of intensification proved to be the most influential variable. There was a significant difference in species richness and composition between low-input and intensively managed fields. Intensification leads to considerable species loss at both lower and higher elevations. Low-input fields had 296 species in total, while intensively managed fields had only 196

    Distribution and corticosteroid regulation of glucocorticoid receptor in the brain of Xenopus laevis

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    Glucocorticoids (GCs) play essential roles in physiology, development, and behavior that are mediated largely by the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Although the GR has been intensively studied in mammals, very little is known about the GR in nonmammalian tetrapods. We analyzed the distribution and GC regulation of GR in the brain of the frog Xenopus laevis by immunohistochemistry. GR-immunoreactive (GR-ir) cells were widely distributed, with the highest densities in the medial pallium (mp; homolog of the mammalian hippocampus), accumbens, anterior preoptic area (POA; homolog of the mammalian paraventricular nucleus), Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum, and rostral anterior pituitary gland (location of corticotropes). Lower but distinct GR-ir was observed in the internal granule cell layer of the olfactory bulbs, dorsal and lateral pallium, striatum, various subfields of the amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), optic tectum, various tegmental nuclei, locus coeruleus, raphe nuclei, reticular nuclei, and the nuclei of the trigeminal motor nerves. Treatment with corticosterone (CORT) for 4 days significantly decreased GR-ir in the POA, mp, medial amygdala (MeA), BNST, and rostral pars distalis. Treatment with the corticosteroid synthesis inhibitor metyrapone (MTP) also significantly reduced GR-ir in the POA, mp, MeA and BNST, but not in the rostral pars distalis. Replacement with a low dose of CORT in MTP-treated animals reversed these effects in brain. Thus, chronic increase or decrease in circulating corticosteroids reduces GR-ir in regions of the frog brain. Our results show that the central distribution of GR-ir and regulation by corticosteroids are highly conserved among vertebrates. J. Comp. Neurol. 508:967–982, 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58548/1/21716_ftp.pd

    Which species really demand a warm climate? Studies concerning "warmth requirements" of ruderals and segetals in Central Europe

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    Aus der Höhenverbreitung kann auf das Wärmebedürfnis von Pflanzen geschlossen werden. Bisher wurde aber zu wenig beachtet, daß Tieflagenarten im überwiegend (sub)ozeanisch getönten Mitteleuro­pa nicht unbedingt Wärmezeiger sein müssen, sondern auch Trockenheitszeiger sein können. Außer­dem wurden Arten, deren Höhenverbreitung nur ungenügend bekannt ist, häufig als Wärmezeiger fehl­interpretiert. Am Beispiel der Ruderal- und Segetalpflanzen wird aufgezeigt, welche Arten tatsächlich zu den Wärmezeigern gehören; deren erhöhtes Wärmebedürfnis läßt sich in vielen Fällen auch physio­logisch begründen.Altitudinal distribution permits conclusions on the warmth requirements of ruderals and segetals in Central Europe. Up to now it has not been sufficiently taken into consideration that species limited to lower regions are not necessarily indicators for warm climate. They an be indicators for dryness as well. Moreover many plants have been misidentified as indicators for warm climate only because their altitudinal distribution was not sufficiently known. Those ruderals and segetals which really are suitable as indicators for warm climate are identified. In many cases their ecological behavior can be confirmed physiologically

    Galium lucidum – no record in Germany

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    Das einzige aktuelle Vorkommen von Galium lucidum in Deutschland (Baden-Württemberg) hat sich als G. album herausgestellt. Die wenigen historischen Angaben sind zweifelhaft und können, solange keine Belege vorliegen, nicht als Nachweis gelten.The only occurrence of G. lucidum proved to be G. album. The few historical records are doubtful; they cannot be accepted as long as specimens are lacking

    Some comments on the distinction of Eragrostis multicaulis and Eragrostis pilosa

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    Abgrenzung und taxonomische Bewertung der Eragrostis multicaulis sind nach wie vor umstritten. Der Fund einer fraglichen Pflanze in Hessen war Anlass zu einem kurzen Literaturüberblick.The taxonomic value of Eragrostis multicaulis is still controversial. On account of a disputable record in Hesse a short survey of literature is given

    Stellaria pallida – noch immer häufig verkannt

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    Nur wenige Differentialmerkmale erlauben eine sichere Unterscheidung der diploiden Stellaria pallida von der allotetraploiden S. media: die fehlenden oder rudimentären Kronblätter, die Staubblattanzahl sowie Größe und Masse der Samen. Nicht bewährt haben sich dagegen die Farbe der Laubblätter und der Samen sowie die Länge und die Behaarungsverhältnisse der Kelchblätter. Bestimmungsschwierigkeiten und die Tatsache, dass S. pallida oft übersehen wird, sind die Gründe, weshalb über Standort und Vergesellschaftung immer noch wenig bekannt ist. S. pallida bleibt nicht auf Sandgebiete und Tieflagen beschränkt, auch ist sie nicht in erster Linie eine Ruderalart (häufiger in Rasen-, Tritt- und Saumgesellschaften). Die Verbreitung ist überall erst unvollständig erfasst, sowohl innerhalb des als ursprünglich angesehenen Areals (Europa, Nordafrika, Westasien), als auch in Nord- und Südamerika, Südafrika, Ostasien und Australien, wo S. pallida als Neophyt angesehen wird. Fundierte Aussagen über eine Bestandsentwicklung sind bis jetzt nicht möglich. Ausbreitungsmöglichkeiten und Indigenat werden diskutiert. Strittig ist, ob der Name S. pallida (DUMORT.) PIRÉ 1863 als gültig veröffentlicht angesehen werden darf oder durch S. pallida (DUMORT.) CRÉPIN 1866 zu ersetzen ist. Der ältere Name S. apetala UCRIA 1793 hat Priorität vor S. pallida; ein Neotypus wird festgelegt.Stellaria pallida – still often misconceived. Only a few characters proved to be diagnostic in differentiating between the diploid S. pallida and the allotetraploid S. media: lacking or rudimentary petals, number of stamens, size and weight of seeds. Colour of leaves and seeds as well as length and indumentum of sepals do not qualify as differential characters. Misidentifications and being overlooked are the main reasons for the incomplete knowledge of habitat and phytosociology. S. pallida is not restricted to areas characterized by sandy soils and to lowlands. It is also not a typical taxon of ruderal places but more common in lawns, trampled areas and fringe associations. Knowledge of its distribution is far from complete either in its presumed natural area in the Euro- Mediterranean region or in North and South America, South Africa, Eastern Asia and Australia where it is classified as an introduced alien. Hypotheses on dispersal and the indigenous area of the species are discussed in detail. No substantiated evidence on population trends can be made. It is still disputed if the name S. pallida (DUMORT.) PIRÉ 1863 can be treated as validly published or if it has to be replaced by the younger combination S. pallida (DUMORT.) CRÉPIN 1866. However, the older name S. apetala UCRIA 1793 has priority which is also neotypified