211 research outputs found

    Las pruebas de ADN en el contexto forense parte II. Interpretación estadística

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    Este artículo expone los conceptos básicos de las pruebas de ADN en el contexto forense. Describe como se establece la coincidencia entre el perfil genético de la muestra biológica encontrado en la escena del crimen con el perfil de un sospechoso o imputado; como se estima la probabilidad de que la coincidencia haya sido por azar evaluando la frecuencia del perfil genético en la población, es decir, la probabilidad de que el sospechoso en realidad no haya sido la fuente de la evidencia; y otros parámetros estadísticos importantes al momento de evaluar un análisis de AD

    Redescription and new records of freshwater Nematomorpha (Gordiida) from Chile, with the description of two new species

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    Hasta el momento solo han sido citadas para Chile cuatro especies de Gordiida (Nematomorpha). En este trabajo se describen dos especies nuevas, Gordionus enigmaticus y Gordius austrinus. Gordionus enigmaticus se caracteriza por la variación en la forma de las areolas a lo largo del surco longitudinal ventral y porque en la región pre-cloacal del extremo posterior, los campos de cerdas están ausentes. Gordius austrinus se distingue de otras especies de Gordius por la presencia de un reborde precloacal que limita la depresión del área cloacal, por la prominencia cuticular donde se encuentra la abertura cloacal y por el patrón de distribución de las cerdas en el extremo posterior. Asimismo se redescriben ultraestructuralmente a Gordius paranensis, G. robustus y Neochordodes meridionales y se señala la distribución para Chile de cada especie.Only four species of Gordiida (Nematomorpha) are known from Chile. This paper describes two new species Gordionus enigmaticus and Gordius austrinus. Gordionus enigmaticus is characterized by the variation in the shape of the areoles along the longitudinal ventral furrow and by the absence of the precloacal fields of bristles at the terminal end. Gordius austrinus can be distinguished from other Gordius species by the presence of the precloacal ledge bounding the cloacal area depression, by the cuticular prominence where the cloacal opening lies and by the distribution pattern of the bristles at the posterior end. Likewise, Gordius paranensis, Gordius robustus and Neochordodes meridionales are ultrastructuraly redescribed and the distribution of each of them in Chile is given.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Historical SST warming events in the Northeastern Pacific: How unique is the Warm Blob?

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    During 2013-2015 a patch of warm water called Warm Blob appeared in the northeastern Pacific, producing several effects at biological and physical level. This event appears to be unique, however, evidence was encountered for another three events similar to the recent Warm Blob event during the period from 1854 to 2017 through analyzing the historical anomalies of the SST anomalies in the Pacific Ocean. Each event showed the same distinctive Warm Blob spatial pattern —firstly, a patch of warm water develops in the northern Pacific south of Alaska, and gradually spreads southward along the coast reaching up to Baja California Peninsula”. During the 2013-2015 event, this warm water patch raised the seawater temperature anomalies above 0.5 °C, with a maximum of 4 °C. The other past events obtained in the time series analysis occurred in 1874, 1936 and 1962 and lasted around 18-24 months each. Each warming event is described, showing that the most intense was the 2013-15, followed by the 1935-36. The results suggest a periodicity of occurrence of 25 to 60 years that can also be traced on the biology of the region. These findings propose that such warmings are part of the climatic variability in the northeastern Pacific and should be studied with more detail to determine its cause.

    Impact of intercultural communication on competitiveness for beer industry companies in Juarez City

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    El artículo deriva de un estudio basado en la relación entre la comunicación intercultural y la competitividad en la industria cervecera, escrito bajo distintas perspectivas, tanto a nivel empresarial como a nivel cliente, para ofrecer un panorama de la relación constituida por elementos culturales, comunicativos y competitivos, con el objetivo de identificar la influencia de la comunicación intercultural para la competitividad. El trabajo se basa en un método cuantitativo con un enfoque descriptivo, correlacional y parte de la generación de nuevos factores para aumentar la competitividad de las organizaciones, que plantean un nuevo horizonte de soluciones. Los resultados muestran opiniones inversas para la sensibilidad a las actitudes y cambios en las necesidades de los clientes, resultando interesante que los valores culturales de una determinada población son conocimiento esencial para las empresas al enviar mensajes a sus clientes potenciales, además de resultar significativo el uso de estos valores para la producción de nuevos diseños de sus productos. Actualmente, la percepción de la relación entre la comunicación intercultural y la competitividad resulta ser interesante y es evidente que en la industria cervecera es fuerte.The article derives from a study based on the relationship between intercultural communication and competitiveness in the beer industry, conducted under different perspectives both at the business level and at the client level, offering an overview of the relationship constituted by cultural, communicative and competitive, with the objective of identifying the influence of intercultural communication for competitiveness. The study is based on a quantitative method with a descriptive, correlational approach and part of the generation of new factors to increase the competitiveness of organizations, which pose a new horizon of solutions. The results show inverse opinions for the sensitivity to attitudes and changes in the needs of their clients and it is interesting that the cultural values of a given population are essential knowledge for companies when sending their messages to their potential clients, in addition to being significant the use of these values to produce new designs of their products. Currently, the perception of the relationship between intercultural communication and competitiveness is interesting and in the beer industry it is strong

    A probabilistic procedure for estimating an optimal echo-integration threshold using the Expectation-Maximisation algorithm★

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    To obtain reliable fish biomass estimates by acoustic methods, it is essential to filter out the signals from unwanted scatterers (e.g. zooplankton). When acoustic data are collected at more than one frequency, methods that exploit the differences in reflectivity of scatterers can be used to achieve the separation of targets. These methods cannot be applied with historical data nor recent data collected on board fishing vessels employed as scientific platforms, where only one transducer is available. Instead, a volume backscattering strength (Sv) threshold is set to separate fish from plankton, both for echogram visualisation or, more importantly, during echo-integration. While empirical methods exist for selecting a threshold, it often depends on the subjective decision of the user. A−47 dB threshold was empirically established in 2008 at the beginning of a series of surveys conducted by Mexico's National Fisheries Institute to assess the biomass of Pacific sardine in the Gulf of California. Until 2012, when a 120 kHz transducer was installed, only data collected at 38 kHz are available. Here, we propose a probabilistic procedure to estimate an optimal Sv threshold using the Expectation-Maximisation algorithm for fitting a mixture of Gaussian distributions to Sv data sampled from schools associated with small pelagic fish and their surrounding echoes. The optimal threshold is given by the Bayes decision function for classifying an Sv value in one of the two groups. The procedure was implemented in the R language environment. The optimal threshold found for 38 kHz data was −59.4 dB, more than 12 dB lower than the currently used value. This difference prompts the need to revise the acoustic biomass estimates of small pelagics in the Gulf of California

    Manejo odontológico integral de paciente con antecedentes de ictus cerebral. Reporte de un caso

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    Introduction: Stroke are a set of pathologies which affect the blood vessels that supply the blood to the brain causing an alteration of the function of a certain region. The group of pathologies are popularly known as embolisms or strokes and are suddenly manifested. These disorders have in common their abrupt presentation and usually affect older people; although, they can also be presented in youth. Objective: To introduce to health professionals the implications and consequences that should be taken in the habitual dental practice and at the time of using treatments such as fixed prosthetic rehabilitation or the placement of dental implants in patients with heart disease, in order to avoid accidents and prevent postoperative hemorrhages. Results: Satisfactory esthetic and functional results were obtained in the surgical and oral rehabilitation treatments carried out to the patient. Conclusions: Due to the risk of stroke, the patients are usually subjected to antiplatelet therapy, whose side effect is the tendency to bleed. Therefore, it is important to carry out a multidisciplinary management with the specialist doctor when using surgical treatments in this type of patients in order to avoid complications and obtain adequate results

    The Early Peopling of the Philippines based on mtDNA

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    Despite the eforts made to reconstruct the history of modern humans, there are still poorly explored regions that are key for understanding the phylogeography of our species. One of them is the Philippines, which is crucial to unravel the colonization of Southeast Asia and Oceania but where little is known about when and how the frst humans arrived. In order to shed light into this settlement, we collected samples from 157 individuals of the Philippines with the four grandparents belonging to the same region and mitochondrial variants older than 20,000 years. Next, we analyzed the hypervariable I mtDNA region by approximate Bayesian computation based on extensive spatially explicit computer simulations to select among several migration routes towards the Philippines and to estimate population genetic parameters of this colonization. We found that the colonization of the Philippines occurred more than 60,000 years ago, with long-distance dispersal and from both north and south migration routes. Our results also suggest an environmental scenario especially optimal for humans, with large carrying capacity and population growth, in comparison to other regions of Asia. In all, our study suggests a rapid expansion of modern humans towards the Philippines that could be associated with the establisment of maritime technologies and favorable environmental conditions

    Redescription and new records of freshwater Nematomorpha (Gordiida) from Chile, with the description of two new species

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    Hasta el momento solo han sido citadas para Chile cuatro especies de Gordiida (Nematomorpha). En este trabajo se describen dos especies nuevas, Gordionus enigmaticus y Gordius austrinus. Gordionus enigmaticus se caracteriza por la variación en la forma de las areolas a lo largo del surco longitudinal ventral y porque en la región pre-cloacal del extremo posterior, los campos de cerdas están ausentes. Gordius austrinus se distingue de otras especies de Gordius por la presencia de un reborde precloacal que limita la depresión del área cloacal, por la prominencia cuticular donde se encuentra la abertura cloacal y por el patrón de distribución de las cerdas en el extremo posterior. Asimismo se redescriben ultraestructuralmente a Gordius paranensis, G. robustus y Neochordodes meridionales y se señala la distribución para Chile de cada especie.Only four species of Gordiida (Nematomorpha) are known from Chile. This paper describes two new species Gordionus enigmaticus and Gordius austrinus. Gordionus enigmaticus is characterized by the variation in the shape of the areoles along the longitudinal ventral furrow and by the absence of the precloacal fields of bristles at the terminal end. Gordius austrinus can be distinguished from other Gordius species by the presence of the precloacal ledge bounding the cloacal area depression, by the cuticular prominence where the cloacal opening lies and by the distribution pattern of the bristles at the posterior end. Likewise, Gordius paranensis, Gordius robustus and Neochordodes meridionales are ultrastructuraly redescribed and the distribution of each of them in Chile is given.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Evaluation of the contribution of D9S1120 to anthropological studies in Native American populations

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    The D9S1120 locus exhibits a population-specific allele of 9 repeats (9RA) in all Native American and two Siberian populations currently studied, but it is absent in other worldwide populations. Although this feature has been used in anthropological genetic studies, its impact on the evaluation of the structure and genetic relations among Native American populations has been scarcely assessed. Consequently, the aim of this study was to evaluate the anthropological impact of D9S1120 when it was added to STR population datasets in Mexican Native American groups. We analyzed D9S1120 by PCR and capillary electrophoresis (CE) in 1117 unrelated individuals from 13 native groups from the north and west of Mexico. Additional worldwide populations previously studied with D9S1120 and/or 15 autosomal STRs (Identifier kit) were included for interpopulation analyses. We report statistical results of forensic importance for D9S1120. On average, the modal alleles were the Native American-specific allele 9RA (0.3254) and 16 (0.3362). Genetic distances between Native American and worldwide populations were estimated. When D9S1120 was included in the 15 STR population dataset, we observed improvements for admixture estimation in Mestizo populations and for representing congruent genetic relationships in dendrograms. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on D9S1120 confirms that most of the genetic variability in the Mexican population is attributable to their Native American backgrounds, and allows the detection of significant intercontinental differentiation attributed to the exclusive presence of 9RA in America. Our findings demonstrate the contribution of D9S1120 to a better understanding of the genetic relationships and structure among Mexican Native groups.CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología) (México)Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEinpres