188 research outputs found

    Modelos de regresión espacial para el comportamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas dengue y malaria en Colombia para los años 2000, 2005 y 2010

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    El artículo consintió en estimar modelos de regresión espacial lineales generalizados con respuesta tipo Poisson para explicar el comportamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas malaria y dengue para distintos años, identificando factores sanitarios determinantes en la aparición de los casos de estas enfermedades y finalmente obtener mapas de riesgo de las enfermedades. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la necesidad de la vinculación de los efectos espaciales en los modelos y que las variables explicativas consideradas aportan en la explicación del número de casos reportados de la enfermedad en los años analizados

    A Transitional Year Level to Higher Education: Challenges, Experiences and Self-regulatory Strategies during the Final Year of the University Preparatory Level

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    Final Year level of the University Preparatory cycle (FYUP) –in Spanish 2º Bachillerato– is one of the most challenging academic courses. It is extremely demanding academically in itself and by the end of it students must also pass the university entry exam. Yet research has not investigated how students experience this year. We thus explored, using in-depth interviews with 75 students from two public high schools, their attitudes toward this academic year. Our results showed that (a) the participants struggled greatly during FYUP, experiencing high levels of academic stress (that affects their general well-being, mostly because of the high academic demands); (b) students were looking forward to their university experience but were concerned about failing or not finding their place; and (c) they reported a narrow range of learning, motivational, and emotional strategies. This study shows that students face significant learning and academic challenges during FYUP. A clear educational implication is that interventions should be implemented in earlier years to help the students be better prepared


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    La Secretaría de Salud (SSA), a través de la Subsecretaría de Prevención y Promoción de la Salud (SPPS), realiza transferencias monetarias y de insumos a las entidades federativas a través del Acuerdo para el Fortalecimiento de las Acciones de Salud Pública en los Estados ( AFASPE ). En este artículo se describe y analiza el desempeño del AFASPE 2012 en el Programa de Acción Específico Arranque Parejo en la Vida en Chiapas, a la luz del proceso de descentralización. La discusión se centra en el análisis de la planificación, entrega y ejercicio de los recursos, modificaciones del presupuesto, transparencia y rendición de cuentas, que involucran tanto a la SSA como los Servicios Estatales de salud (SESA) y a la Secretaría de Hacienda estatal.   TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN MATERNAL CARE:  THE CASE OF AFASPE IN CHIAPAS The Mexican Health Department (Secretaría de Salud /SSA) through the Health Prevention and Promotion Sub-Department (Subsecretaría de Prevención y Promoción de la Salud /SPPS) conducts monetary and input transfers to the states through the Agreement for the Strengthening of Public Health Actions in the States (Acuerdo para el Fortalecimiento de las Acciones de Salud Pública en los Estados /AFASPE). This article describes and analyzes AFASPE’s performance in 2012 in the Equal Start in Life Specific Action Program (Programa de Acción Específico Arranque Parejo en la Vida) in Chiapas in the light of the decentralization process. The discussion is focused on the planning analysis, resource delivery and execution, budget modifications, transparency and accountability involving both the SSA and the State Heath Services (Servicios Estatales de Salud /SESA), as well as the Department of Finances of Chiapas State

    Analysis of trap states in AlGaN/GaN self-switching diodes via impedance measurements

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    The presence of trap states in self-switching diodes (SSD) based on an AlGaN/GaN heterojunction has been identified by means of their AC characterization between 75 kHz to 30 MHz in a wide temperature range, from 80 K to 300 K. Measurements allow us to determine two different characteristic energies of the traps, 12 meV and 61 meV, being associated to a distribution of surface states and one discrete bulk trap, respectively. The impact of the trapping effects on microwave detection at zero-bias has also been analyzed in the same temperature range, the measured responsivity showing an unusual enhancement and a low-frequency roll-off at low temperatures.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through project TEC2017-83910-R and Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through project SA254P1

    Public transportation and pulmonary Tuberculosis, Lima, Peru

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    The association between public transportation for commuting and pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) was analyzed in workers in Lima, Peru. Traveling in minibuses was a risk factor for pulmonary TB. Preventive measures need to be taken by health services to prevent spread of this disease

    Trap-related frequency dispersion of zero-bias microwave responsivity at low temperature in GaN-based self-switching diodes

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    [EN]The zero-bias microwave detection capability of self-switching diodes (SSDs) based on AlGaN/GaN is analyzed in a wide temperature range, from 10 K to 300 K. The measured responsivity shows an anomalous enhancement at low temperature, while the detected voltage exhibits a roll-off in frequency, which can be attributed to the presence of surface and bulk traps. To gain a deep insight into this behavior, a systematic DC and AC characterization of the diodes has been carried out in the mentioned temperature range. DC results confirm the existence of traps and AC measurements allow us to identify their properties. In particular, impedance studies enable to distinguish two types of traps: at the lateral surfaces of the channel, with a wide spread of relaxation times, and in the bulk.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through project TEC2017-83910-R and the Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through project SA254P18

    GaN nanodiode arrays with improved design for zero-bias sub-THz detection

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    [EN]GaN based self-switching diodes (SSDs) have been fabricated for the first time on SiC substrate. They have been characterized as RF power detectors in a wide frequency range up to 220 GHz, showing a cutoff frequency of about 200 GHz. At low-frequency, RF measurements exhibit a square law detection with a responsivity that well agrees with the calculations performed by means of a quasi-static model based on the shape of the I–V curve. Exploiting such a model, a simple DC characterization allows defining design rules for optimizing the practical operation of the diode arrays as RF power detectors. As strategy to improve the performance of SSDs operating as zero-bias detectors at room temperature, in terms of responsivity and noise equivalent power, we suggest: (i) the reduction of the channel width and (ii) the increase of the number of diodes in parallel in order to reduce the total device impedance to a value that coincides with 3 times that of the transmission line (or antenna) to which they are connected

    Evaluación y mejora de la herramienta on-line DESweb para la enseñanza de bases de datos (2)

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    El objetivo es la herramienta DESweb de apoyo a la docencia virtual y presencial para la enseñanza de bases de datos relacionales (SQL) y deductivas (Datalog). Esta solicitud es continuación de un proyecto de la convocatoria anterior