83 research outputs found

    Ensihoidon koulutusohjelman nykytila : Kyselytutkimus valmistuville Ensihoitaja (AMK) -opiskelijoille

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    Kyselytutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa syksyllÀ 2008 opintonsa aloittaneiden Ensihoitaja (AMK) -opiskelijoiden mielipiteitÀ ensihoidon koulutusohjelman sisÀllöstÀ sekÀ sen antamista ammatillisista valmiuksista. Tutkimukseen osallistui 56 syksyllÀ 2008 opintonsa aloittanutta ensihoitajaopiskelijaa viidestÀ eri suomalaisesta ammattikorkeakoulusta. Kvantitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena toteutetun tutkimuksen sisÀltö perustui Opetusministeriön laatimaan selvitykseen ammattikorkeakouluista valmistuvien ensihoitajien ammatillisesta osaamisesta sekÀ keskeisistÀ opinnoista. Kyseinen selvitys toimii myös ohjeistuksena ammattikorkeakoulutasoisen ensihoitajakoulutuksen jÀrjestÀmisestÀ. TÀmÀn lisÀksi työssÀ kartoitettiin opiskelijoiden kokemuksia opetuksen laadusta. Tutkimuksesta kÀvi ilmi ettÀ ammattikorkeakoulujen kliinisten taitojen opetus on opiskelijoiden mielestÀ hyvÀllÀ tasolla, sekÀ ensihoidon vÀlineistön ja laitteiden ettÀ eri potilasryhmien ensihoidon opetus koettiin riittÀvÀksi. Opiskelijat toivoivat kuitenkin opintojen painottumista sekÀ pienryhmÀ- ettÀ simulaatioharjoitteluun sekÀ kÀytÀnnön työelÀmÀssÀ tapahtuvien harjoitteluiden painottumista akuuttihoitotyöhön. TÀmÀn lisÀksi opiskelijat kokivat erityisesti viestiliikenteen hallinnan sekÀ turvallisen hÀlytysajon opetuksen ja harjoittelun riittÀmÀttöminÀ. Ensihoidon ammattiopintojen opetus koettiin laadukkaana. Muiden kuin ensihoidon ammattiopintojen koettiin tukevan heikosti ensihoidon osaamista. Opiskelijoiden kokemusten perusteella ensihoitajakoulutuksen valintakokeet mittaavat heikosti alalla työskentelyssÀ vaadittavia fyysisiÀ sekÀ psyykkisiÀ ominaisuuksia, lisÀksi opiskelijat kokivat, ettei koulutusohjelma tue lainkaan fyysisen kunnon yllÀpitÀmistÀ opiskeluaikana. Tutkimuksella pystyttiin tuomaan ilmi nykyisen ensihoitajakoulutuksen ongelmakohtia opiskelijoiden kokemana, nÀiden pohjalta ensihoidon koulutusohjelman sisÀltöÀ tulisi kehittÀÀ vastaamaan paremmin opiskelijoiden sekÀ työelÀmÀn vaatimuksia. Suurimpana kehitysideana tulisi pohtia hyvinkin teoriapainotteisen koulutuksen muuntamista kÀytÀnnönlÀheisemmÀksi sekÀ ensihoitajan tutkintoon sisÀltyvien sairaanhoitajan opintojen kohdentamista paremmin ensihoidon ammattiosaamista tukeviksi.The aim of this study was to map the opinions of emergency nurses about the contents of the Degree Programmes in Emergency Care and about the quality of the teaching. The sample consisted of 56 graduating emergency nurses from five universities of applied sciences. The quantitative survey carried out as part of the study was based on the main contents of a report by the Ministry of Education that dictates the minimum professional skills of graduating emergency nurses. The main topics in the questionnaire were about the professional skills and key studies of emergency nurses. According to this study, the quality of teaching was on a good level as regards clinical skills. The students also experienced that the teaching of equipment and devices used in emergency care as well as the treatment of different patient groups was also adequate. However, the students required more teaching of practical skills in smaller groups and more simulation training. The students also emphasised that most of the clinical training should take place in acute nursing. The majority of participants wanted more training in the use of the Public Authority Network (VIRVE) device and in emergency vehicle operation. The non-emergency nursing studies included in the Degree Programme in Emergency Care supported emergency care skills poorly. The students also emphasised that the entrance exams do not properly measure the physical and psychological properties required in the everyday work of emergency nurses. The findings indicated that the contents of the Degree Programmes in Emergency Care should be more emphasised on the practical studies. The non-emergency nursing studies included in the Degree Programme in Emergency Care should be modified so that they would support emergency care proficiency

    Suggestions to Improve Lean Construction Planning

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    The Last Planner System¼ has been one of the most popular lean construction tools that offers a solution to tackle the problems of production management on construction sites. Since its inception almost 20 years ago, construction companies across the world have implemented Last Planner with reported success. However, even as Last Planner was originally designed to address some shortcomings of the CPM method, a particular shortcoming – namely task continuity was not addressed directly. Also, excepting PPC and Reasons for Non Completion charts, there are no explicit visual tools offered by the Last Planner system. On the other hand, Line of Balance based approaches intrinsically support the consideration of task continuity, and offer a basic visual management approach in schedule representation. With some exceptions, Line of Balance is seen as a special technique applicable only in linear or repetitive work based schedules. The authors suggest that i) there is a need for a robust theory of planning and scheduling and ii) there is a need for a more suitable approach that addresses critical aspects of planning and scheduling function for example by integrating Line of Balance and Last Planner to provide a more robust support for construction scheduling

    HBCD:n kartoitus Suomen rakennuskannassa

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    OpinnÀytetyö on osana Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun ja Suomen YmpÀristökeskuksen johtamaa hanketta, jonka tavoitteena on laatia ohjeistus HBCD:a sisÀltÀvien eristeiden tunnistukseen sekÀ kÀsittelyyn. TÀmÀn kartoituksen tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ, kuinka paljon Suomen rakennuskannassa on kÀytetty HBCD:a sisÀltÀviÀ eristemateriaaleja ja missÀ rakenneosissa ja rakennustyypeissÀ ko. eristeteitÀ on eniten kÀytetty. Heksabromisyklododekaani (HBCD) on bromi-pohjainen palonestoaine, jota on kÀytetty laajalti polystyreenisissÀ tuotteissa aina rakennusmateriaaleista sÀkkituolien tÀytteisiin. HBCD on ympÀristölle sekÀ ihmisille haitallinen aine, joka lisÀttiin Tukholman sopimukseen 2013. EPS- ja XPS-eristeitÀ on kÀytetty ja kÀytetÀÀn edelleen varsin runsaasti kaikkien rakennustyyppien alapohjissa. KÀytetyistÀ alapohja eristeistÀ vain tuulettuvissa alapohjissa on kÀytetty HBCD:a. UlkoseinissÀ ja ylÀpohjissa polystyreenisiÀ eristeitÀ on kÀytetty melko vÀhÀn, mutta kÀytetyistÀ eristeistÀ kaikki on S-laatuista.The thesis is part of the project led by Tampere University of Applied Sciences and the Finnish Environmental Administration which aims to provide guidance on the identification and processing of HBCD-containing insulations. The purpose of this survey is to find out how much the HBCD-containing insulations have been used in the building stock in Finland and what are the structural parts and construction types, where insulators are the most widely used. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is a bromine-based flame retardant that has been widely used in polystyrene products from building materials to beanbag fillings. HBCD is an environmentally harmful substance that was added to the Stockholm Agreement in 2013. EPS and XPS insulators have been used and are still being used plenty in the base floors of all types of building. The all of insulators of the base floors only in the ventilated base floors has been used HBCD-containing insulations. In exterior walls and roofs, polystyrene insulation has been used quite a bit, but all the insulations that are used are S-qualityOsa opinnÀytetyöstÀ jÀtetÀÀn julkaisematta

    Exploring the Recurrent Problems in the Last Planner Implementation on Construction Projects

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    Traditionally, production control on construction sites has been a challenging area, where the ad-hoc production control methods foster uncertainty - one of the biggest enemies of efficiency and smooth production flow. The Last Planner SystemÂź has been one of the most popular lean construction tools that offers a solution to tackle the problems of production management on construction sites. Since its inception almost 20 years ago, construction companies across the world have implemented Last Planner with reported success. However, there have also been reports of challenges in a number of areas whilst implementing the Last Planner. These challenge areas limit the effectiveness of Last Planner if not tackled properly. Some of the biggest challenges appear to be partial implementation of Last Planner; lack of standardised flow of reporting between shorter planning functions such as weekly and daily planning to long range plans (i.e. Phase and Master plans); lack of attention to long range plans; inability to deploy the collaborative aspects and lack of recognition of information systems. In this paper some of these challenges are explored through review of past literature and also through direct observation of Last Planner implementations. The challenges are categorised in two major areas and potential solution candidates are presented.Peer reviewe

    Carboxypeptidase A3 expression in canine mast cell tumors and tissue-resident mast cells

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    Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are one of the most common cutaneous malignancies in dogs. Previous studies have reported expression of mast cell-specific proteases chymase and tryptase in canine cutaneous MCTs and in connective tissue and mucosal mast cells. In humans and rodents, mast cells express an additional specific protease, carboxypeptidase A3 (CPA3). In this article, we describe CPA3 immunoreactivity in connective tissue, visceral, mucosal, and neoplastic mast cells in dogs. Positive immunolabeling for CPA3 was observed in nonneoplastic mast cells in 20/20 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded normal tissues (skin, liver, spleen, intestine), and in 63/63 MCTs irrespective of their histological grade. CPA3 protein expression was comparable to that of c-kit in both the nonneoplastic and neoplastic mast cells. Three distinct labeling patterns (membranous, diffuse, and focal cytoplasmic) were observed for CPA3 in MCTs. The focal cytoplasmic labeling pattern was associated with high-grade MCTs staged with the Kiupel 2-tier grading criteria. We propose CPA3 as a novel immunohistochemical marker for canine mast cells in health and disease.Peer reviewe

    Implementation of HELCOM recommendations and EU water directives in Finland 2001

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    This publication contains the Finnish implementation reports of the Recommendations adopted under the Technological Committee of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) as well as the implementation report of the EU water directives compiled in 2002 (covers the period of 1999-2001). Recommendations for different sectors to curb pollution from various sources have been adopted under the Technological Committee of the Helsinki Commission. The implementation of these HELCOM Recommendations are to be reported to HELCOM every three years. The requirements in the Recommendations include limit values for waste water discharges and air emissions as well as pollution control measures for different sectors. Notwithstanding the elaboration of the reporting since the previous reporting round there are still notable differences in the contents of the reports between the countries. Based on the reports the implementation of the HELCOM recommendations in Finland was on a fairly good level although some areas for further improvement were identified. The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) is responsible for the reporting of the implementation of the EU water directives in Finland. The data is collated in cooperation with the regional environmental centres (13) and other appropriate stakeholders. Much of the information is abstracted from the emission and water status data bases of the Finnish Environment Administration. This report covers the implementation of the water directives listed in annex I and II of the Reporting Directive 91/692/EEC. The Fish Water Directive (78/659/EEC) was reported for the first time in 2002, whereas for the other water directives, this was the second reporting round (first time reported in 1999)
