735 research outputs found

    Axiomatizing modal inclusion logic

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    Modal inclusion logic is modal logic extended with inclusion atoms. It is the modal variant of first-order inclusion logic, which was introduced by Galliani (2012). Inclusion logic is a main variant of dependence logic (VÀÀnÀnen 2007). Dependence logic and its variants adopt team semantics, introduced by Hodges (1997). Under team semantics, a modal (inclusion) logic formula is evaluated in a set of states, called a team. The inclusion atom is a type of dependency atom, which describes that the possible values a sequence of formulas can obtain are values of another sequence of formulas. In this thesis, we introduce a sound and complete natural deduction system for modal inclusion logic, which is currently missing in the literature. The thesis consists of an introductory part, in which we recall the definitions and basic properties of modal logic and modal inclusion logic, followed by two main parts. The first part concerns the expressive power of modal inclusion logic. We review the result of Hella and Stumpf (2015) that modal inclusion logic is expressively complete: A class of Kripke models with teams is closed under unions, closed under k-bisimulation for some natural number k, and has the empty team property if and only if the class can be defined with a modal inclusion logic formula. Through the expressive completeness proof, we obtain characteristic formulas for classes with these three properties. This also provides a normal form for formulas in MIL. The proof of this result is due to Hella and Stumpf, and we suggest a simplification to the normal form by making it similar to the normal form introduced by Kontinen et al. (2014). In the second part, we introduce a sound and complete natural deduction proof system for modal inclusion logic. Our proof system builds on the proof systems defined for modal dependence logic and propositional inclusion logic by Yang (2017, 2022). We show the completeness theorem using the normal form of modal inclusion logic

    Turvallisuus nyky-yhteiskunnassa: suomalaisten maanpuolustukseen sitoutumisen mallinnus, 2020

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    The diverse range of threats to contemporary states mean that a high level of commitment to national defence is required effectively implement defensive doctrine. States need an accurate picture of the commitment to national defence among their citizens. However, research on the topic has been sparse. There is also limited knowledge regarding the factors that can be used to predict expressed commitment to national defence. This thesis examines data from the 2020 Advisory Board for Defence Information (ABDI) survey (N = 1169) on Finnish opinions on national defence using binary logistic regression. The survey consisted of in-person interviews (N = 500) and an online questionnaire (N = 669). The response rate for the survey was 21.8% for online participants and not reported for in-person interviews. Commitment to national defence is operationalised through questions on general and personal will to defend the country, which are examined separately and combined to represent the concept of national defence thought. The rate of positive responses to the dependent variables is examined by hierarchically constructing four regression models for each dependent variable followed by a final, simplified model. The chosen predictors are organised thematically and utilise demographic, socioeconomic, personal circumstance and geographic background information on the respondents. The primary predictors are the participants’ gender (53.9% male, 46.1% female) and age (age range 15-79). The thesis finds that the respondents’ gender and age are key predictors of expressed commitment to national defence. Men and older participants express higher levels of commitment compared to women and younger respondents. The respondents’ socioeconomic status, personal circumstance and geographic location are inconsistently associated with their expressed commitment to national defence. The association between commitment to national defence and gender does not change when additional predictors are added to the model. The respondents’ age is found be more strongly associated with their personal will to defend the country when controlling for their retirement status. This effect has not previously been identified in the literature and warrants examination in future research. The key finding of the study is the important role of gender and age as predictors of commitment to national defence

    "The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met" The Jewish Mother in Philip Roth's Portnoy’s Complaint

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    De stereotypa egenskaper som har tillskrivits den judiska modern som syndabock inom judiska kretsar under det senaste seklet, pĂ„verkar fortsĂ€ttningsvis vĂ„r uppfattning om judiskt moderskap. Grunden lades av de manliga judiska författare och komiker som under mitten av 1900-talet gjorde smutskastning av den judiska modern till en uppskattad konstform i det amerikanska samhĂ€llet. Med humor och psykoanalys som berĂ€ttarverktyg, gav den judiske författaren Philip Roth med sin roman och materialet för denna studie, Portnoy’s Complaint (1969), den judiska modern ikonstatus i och med sin karaktĂ€risering av Sophie Portnoy, medierad genom hennes fiktive son Alexander. Denna pro gradu avhandling utreder korrelationen mellan Philip Roths judiska moderskaraktĂ€r Sophie, och den stereotypa bilden av den judisk-amerikanska modern som cirkulerade i amerikansk media. Som bakgrund till undersökningen spĂ„rades den judiska moderns gradvis förĂ€ndrade status i Amerika frĂ„n och med tidigt 1900-tal till tidigt 2000-tal. Den stereotypa judisk-amerikanska modern (JAM), har presenterats som narcissistisk, överbeskyddande, skuldbelĂ€ggande, melodramatisk, martyrlik och manipulativ och hennes kĂ€rleksfulla uppfostran har negativt ansetts som kvĂ€vande och ett hinder för barnens normala utveckling och individualisering. Resultaten av analysen visar att Sophie Ă€r den judisk-amerikanska moderstypen personifierad. Hon Ă€r den traditionella vĂ€rnaren om det judiska arvet i Amerika, dĂ€rav Ă€ven hennes syndabockroll; den sjĂ€lvömkande martyren och sjĂ€lvuppoffrerskan; den auktoritĂ€ra, falliska och kastrerande matriarken; samt den överbeskyddande och inkrĂ€ktande modern. En intressant upptĂ€ckt Ă€r emellertid, den positiva presentation av Sophie som bildar en spricka i fasaden. Hon framstĂ€lls dĂ„ som en vĂ€lmenande, kĂ€rleksfull kvinna och moder, vilket strider emot Roths övriga bild av henne. Dock anvĂ€nder Roth sig av sarkasm för att fĂ„ hennes positiva egenskaper att framstĂ„ som nĂ€rmast magiska och orealistiska. Slutligen fungerar Roths karaktĂ€risering av Sophie som en förstĂ€rkning av det judiska moderskapets negativa effekter pĂ„ barnuppfostran, en förestĂ€llning som Ă€r verksam Ă€n idag.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    A Sustainable BredÀng - Sustainable Densification of a Million Program Area in Stockholm, Sweden

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    BredĂ€ng, a housing area in southwest Stockholm, was built between 1963 and 1965 as part of The Million Program, a Swedish government program to fix the housing shortage in the country. BredĂ€ng is characterized by its green and blue qualities, but also by its many parking lots, poor public spaces, monotone architecture and storm water issues. Today, the housing shortage is once again an issue, especially in Stockholm. In this thesis, I have investigated how BredĂ€ng can be densified in a sustainable way, in order to improve the conditions of the area and contribute to the growing population of Stockholm. I have analysed the area and looked at precedents, and found a strategy to develop BredĂ€ng in a way that would benefit its current and future residents. The strategy includes mixing building types, strengthening the block identity, increased urbanity along streets, new public plazas, storm water treatment, green roofs and sun cells. The strategy is visualized in a design proposal, containing an urban plan, a bird’s eye view, zoom in-plans, sections and perspective drawings

    A rapid shift to remote work during Covid-19 The role of leader and the factors affecting the superior-subordinate relationship in remote work

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    The Covid-19 breakout worldwide did not only largely impact on the economy and society, but also on numerous employees’ working patterns. Several governments around the world imposed strict restrictions, including commandment to stay at home and adhere to necessary quarantines. One major shift for numerous companies was a rapid shift to 100% remote work in order to keep employees safe. The purpose of this paper is to explore how a rapid shift to remote work during Covid-19 has affected the relationship between superior and subordinate. This thesis investigates whether the identified factors, namely employee motivation, communication, career development and job performance have either positive, negative or neutral affected the superior-subordinate relationship in remote work. Qualitative research method with an exploratory research strategy was chosen for this study. The empirical data was collected by conducting 17 semi-structured interviews, from which ten are superiors and seven are subordinates from various positions, industries and countries. The empirical findings of the study reveal that from the major part a rapid shift to remote work did not remarkably impact the relationship between superiors and subordinates. However, a few interviewees noticed a positive impact on the superior-subordinate relationship, because superiors have to be more aware of subordinates’ personal life in order to better adjust to their subordinates’ new working environment situation. Similarly, interviewed subordinates consider that in remote work, they have better learnt to know their superiors’ personalities than in office work. When it comes to identified factors, empirical findings reveal that only communication has positively impacted the relationship between superiors and subordinates, whereas the impact of other factors, employee motivation, career development and job performance remained neutral on the superior-subordinate relationship. The majority of the interviewees consider that the amount of communication between superior and subordinates has increased in remote work and it is more organized than in office work. Subordinates are satisfied that communications occur more frequently, and also non work-related matters are more discussed that has positively impacted on the relationship between superiors and subordinates. The explanation why the impact of other factors remained neutral on the superior-subordinate relationship is that the majority of the interviewed subordinates and superiors have previous experience of working remotely and they work at specialist level positions. Additionally, for the majority of subordinates the work is relatively independent or includes a lot of projects, when the support from superior is not necessarily needed in everyday work tasks

    EDAMUX : A method for measuring User Experience

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    Background: User experience (UX) is seen as an important quality of a successful product and software companies are becoming increasingly interested in the field of UX. As UX has the goal to improve the experience of users, there is a need for better methods in measuring the actual experience. One aspect of UX is to understand the emotional aspect of experience. Psychophysiology studies the relations between emotions and physiology and electrodermal activity (EDA) has been found to be a physiological measurement of emotional arousal. Aims: The aim of this thesis is researching the utility of measuring EDA to identify moments of emotional arousal during human-computer interaction. By studying peaks in EDA during software interaction we expect to find issues in the software that work as triggers or stimuli for the peaks. Method: We used the design science methodology to develop EDAMUX. EDAMUX is a method to unobtrusively observe users, while gathering significant interaction moments through self reporting and EDA. A qualitative single-case study was conducted to evaluate the utility of EDAMUX. Results: We found that we can discover causes of bad user experience with EDAMUX. Moments of emotional arousal, derived from EDA, was found in conjunction with performance issues, usability issues and bugs. Emotional arousal was also observed during software interaction where the user was blaming themself. Conclusions: EDAMUX shows potential in discovering issues in software that are difficult to find with methods that rely on subjective self-reporting. Having the potential to objectively study emotional reactions is seen as valuable in complementing existing methods of measuring user experience

    Rytm, produkter för ett nytt tempo

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    Det vĂ€sterlĂ€ndska tempot Ă€r idag snabbare Ă€n nĂ„gonsin förut, vilket leder till problem sĂ„ som utbrĂ€ndhet och negativ stress. Syftet med arbetet Ă€r att definiera orsaker till vĂ€stvĂ€rldens livstakt ur ett individperspektiv och presentera möjliga lösningar till en mera hĂ„llbar livstakt genom produktdesign. Vilka typer av vardagsföremĂ„l kunde uppmuntra mĂ€nniskan att omvĂ€rdera tiden, att sakta in och i lĂ€ngden hitta en mera hĂ„llbar livstakt? I avhandlingens faktainsamlingsdel definierar jag orsaker till den moderna kulturens tempo, dels genom att kartlĂ€gga hur vi uppfattar och ordnar tiden och rummet idag jĂ€mfört med förr. Jag lyfter fram tidspress som ett kĂ€nnetecken för den vĂ€sterlĂ€ndska kulturen, faktorer som bidrar till tidspress, symptom och möjliga förĂ€ndringar för att minska tidspressen. Jag ringar in vĂ„rt behov av stĂ€lltid, gemensamma vĂ€rderingar och sociala och fysiska sammanhang. Forskningen ger resultatet att till exempel gemensamma mĂ„ltider och egen tid Ă€r viktiga för vĂ€lbefinnandet. Även möjligheten att följa naturens rytm och Ă„rstidsvĂ€xlingar bidrar till ett naturligare tempo. UtgĂ„ende frĂ„n detta utvecklar jag ett matbord och en ljusstake, dĂ€r bordet ger platsen och ljuset ger tiden. Dessa tvĂ„ Ă€r de första produkterna i vad jag kallar Rytm, produkter för ett nytt tempo. PĂ„ produktnivĂ„ vill jag ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta dagens massproducerade och konsumtionsinriktade samhĂ€lle som delvis Ă€r en orsak till den ökade tidspressen. Jag vill lyfta fram fördelarna med att förankra formsprĂ„k, materialval och produktion i ett lokalt sammanhang. Dagens teknik möjliggör modernisering och nyanvĂ€ndning av gamla tekniker, vilket i sin tur kunde innebĂ€ra fĂ€rre delmoment och mindre materialspill. Bordet och ljusstaken Rytm Ă€r till formsprĂ„k, material och teknik inspirerade av Österbotten, dess historia och folkkultur. I centrum av bordet, som Ă€r tillverkat av asp och björk, finns ett hĂ„l dĂ€r ljusstaken har sin givna plats. Ljusstaken i keramik har ett utskuret mönster som kastar en skugga, som lĂ„ngsamt förĂ€ndras med tiden, pĂ„ bordets yta. I takt med Ă„rstiderna kan ljusstaken anvĂ€ndas som kruka eller vas för plantering. TvĂ„ av bordets ben kommer upp genom bordsskivan och indikerar pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt femton minuter, en kvart. Det blir en pĂ„minnelse om att sĂ€tta sig ner och ta det lugnt, om Ă€n bara för en kort stund. Bordets underrede Ă€r fĂ€st vid bordsskivan med kilar, en mycket gammal teknik, och konstruktionen krĂ€ver dĂ€rför inga möbelskruvar eller andra beslag. Produktkollektionen Rytm Ă€mnar inte fungera som en allmĂ€ngiltig lösning pĂ„ hur vĂ„ra liv kunde bli mindre stressiga, utan dess huvudsakliga uppgift Ă€r att uppmĂ€rksamma oss om att det borde vara allmĂ€nt accepterat att varva ner och att ta tid för sig sjĂ€lv

    Motivation till förbÀttringsarbete : Oy Ahola Transport Ab

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    MĂ„let med detta arbete var att förmedla en djupare insikt i hur man motiverar personal till förbĂ€ttringsarbete. Vi undersökte hur man motiverar personal till förbĂ€ttringsarbete med hjĂ€lp av kvalitativa, semistrukturerade personliga – och parintervjuer. Genom undersökningen kunde vi dra slutsatser om hur man kan motivera personal till förbĂ€ttringsarbete. FörbĂ€ttringsarbete har blivit en allt viktigare del av det dagliga arbetet pĂ„ mĂ„nga företag. För att bl.a. kunna skapa och bibehĂ„lla konkurrenskraft behöver man effektivera verksamheten och skapa ett nytt tankesĂ€tt inom organisationen. StĂ€ndiga förbĂ€ttringar handlar dĂ€rmed om att förĂ€ndra tanke- och arbetssĂ€tt. För att kunna förĂ€ndra verksamheten behövs motiverade medarbetare som kan delta i förbĂ€ttringsarbetet. Motivation beskriver hur engagerad nĂ„gon Ă€r för att fĂ„ nĂ„got till stĂ„nd. Det finns mĂ„nga olika faktorer som driver och motiverar en mĂ€nniska att arbeta för ett visst mĂ„l, och för att kunna motivera medarbetare behöver man vara medveten om detta Som uppdragsgivare för detta arbete stĂ„r Ahola Transport. Ahola Transport Ă€r ett transportföretag som utför transporter för industrin och handeln inom Norden och Europa. PĂ„ Ahola Transport arbetar man aktivt med stĂ€ndiga förbĂ€ttringar, och dĂ€rför Ă€r en studie i hur man motiverar personalen till förbĂ€ttringsarbete relevant för uppdragsgivaren. Vi anvĂ€nde oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod eftersom vi ansĂ„g att vi genom en kvantitativ undersökning inte skulle ha fĂ„tt den information vi sökte. VĂ„r undersökning bestod av intervjuer med tolv respondenter frĂ„n Ă„tta olika företag som jobbar med stĂ€ndiga förbĂ€ttringar. Ledningen bĂ€r ansvaret för att medarbetarna hĂ„lls motiverade till förbĂ€ttringsarbete. Det viktigaste i frĂ„gan om motivation Ă€r att ge medarbetarna ansvar och befogenheter, lĂ„ta dem vara delaktiga, och belöna antingen med beröm eller annan form av belöning. Men huvudsaken Ă€r att de blir sedda och fĂ„r ett tack för vad de utfört. Med tanke pĂ„ att det Ă€r ledningen som styr förbĂ€ttringsarbete, men det Ă€r medarbetarna som i huvudsak utför det praktiska förbĂ€ttringsarbete, sĂ„ anser vi att det Ă€r viktigt med regelbundna informations- och disskusionstillfĂ€llen.The aim of this study was to provide a wider knowledge in how to motivate the personnel to work with continuous improvements. We have studied how to motivate employees to continues improvement work through qualitative semi-structured personal- and couple interviews. We have through the survey been able to draw conclusions about how to motivate employees to improwement works. Continuous improvement work has become even more important in the daily work at many companies. In order to e.g. gain and maintain competitiveness one need to intensify the operation and create a new way of thinking within the organisation. Continues improvements can therefore be explained as changing the way of thinking and working. In order to change the operation motivated personnel that can participate in the improvement work is needed. Motivation describes how engaged someone is to get something about. There are many factors that pushes and motivates a person to work for a specific goal and these need to be known in order to be able to gain motivation. The assigner of this thesis was the transport company Ahola Transport. Ahola Transport is a transport company that performs road transports for the industry and trade inside the Nordic countries and Europe. At Ahola Transport they are working with contiuous improvements and therefore is a study in how to motivate personnel of high relevance. We have in this thesis used a qualitative survey method because we felt that we in that way would have a chance to gain information that we wouldnÂŽt if we had used a quantitative survey. Our survey consist of interviews with tvelwe respondents from eight different companies that work with continuous improvements. The management are responsible for keeping the employees motivated. The most important is to give the employees responsibility and authority, to let them be involved, and reward either through praise of some other form of reward. The point is that they are seen and receive a thank you for the work they have done. Because the management is controlling the improvement work, but the emplyees are carrying out the practical improvement work , we feel that regular information and discussion opportunities are very important

    What a Waste : Ett examensarbete med Ă„tervinning i fokus

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    Modeindustrin Ă€r en av de största industrierna och sysselsĂ€tter sĂ„ mycket som en sjĂ€ttedel av vĂ€rldens befolkning. Vi har otroliga mĂ€ngder klĂ€der och textilier i omlopp hela tiden och i dagslĂ€get konsumerar vi mera Ă€n nĂ„gonsin förut. Detta leder till att vi Ă€ven gör oss av med enorma mĂ€ngder klĂ€der och textilier varje Ă„r. Av dessa Ă€r det tyvĂ€rr endast en vĂ€ldigt liten del som samlas in till Ă„tervinning eller Ă„teranvĂ€ndning, och en allt för stor del blir deponiavfall och grĂ€vs ner pĂ„ vĂ„ra avstjĂ€lpningsplatser. Som blivande formgivare inom beklĂ€dnadsbranschen vill jag kunna skapa vackra och tilltalande klĂ€der med gott samvete. I vĂ„rt redan överkonsumerande samhĂ€lle vill jag inte bidra med ytterligare produkter som tĂ€r pĂ„ vĂ„ra naturresurser, förorenar miljön bĂ„de i produktionen och anvĂ€ndningen, och som en dag slĂ€ngs bort och hamnar pĂ„ en soptipp, dĂ€r de lĂ€mnar ytterligare negativa avtryck efter sig. Modeindustrin Ă€r en komplex industri i behov av radikala reformer och dĂ€rför vill jag med detta arbete undersöka ett koncept som intresserar mig dĂ„ det kommer till hĂ„llbar formgivning; att jobba med Ă„teranvĂ€ndning av material. I teoridelen av detta arbete undersöker jag modeindustrins problemomrĂ„den, med fokus pĂ„ klĂ€der och textilier som avfall. Jag kontaktar Ă€ven Globe Hope och Mereija som Ă€r tvĂ„ framgĂ„ngsrika företag i Ă„tervinningsbranschen och tar reda pĂ„ vad de har för tankar kring Ă€mnet. I den praktiska delen av arbetet tillverkar jag tvĂ„ jackor och en cape frĂ„n min kollektion A Winter Story i Ă„teranvĂ€nda material och undersöker om detta arbetssĂ€tt kunde vara ett fungerande affĂ€rskoncept för mig som formgivare i framtiden. Det jag kommer fram till Ă€r att Ă„teranvĂ€ndning av material kan vara ett fungerande koncept, men att grunda ett företag pĂ„ dessa principer Ă€r en utmaning.Muotiteollisuus kuuluu suurimpiin teollisuusaloihin ja työllistÀÀ jopa kuudesosan maailman vĂ€estöstĂ€. MeillĂ€ on uskomaton mÀÀrĂ€ vaatteita ja tekstiilituotteita kierrossa koko ajan, ja tĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ kulutamme enemmĂ€n kuin koskaan aikaisemmin. TĂ€stĂ€ johtuen heitĂ€mme myös vuosittain pois valtavia mÀÀriĂ€ vaatteita ja tekstiilejĂ€. NĂ€istĂ€ valitettavan pieni osa tulee kierrĂ€tykseen tai uudelleen kĂ€yttöön, ja liian suuri osa pÀÀtyy kaatopaikoillemme. Tulevana vaatetusalan muotoilijana tahdon luoda kauniita ja miellyttĂ€viĂ€ vaatteita hyvĂ€llĂ€ omatunnolla. TĂ€ssĂ€ yhteiskunnassamme, jossa jo kulutamme aivan liikaa, en tahdo tuottaa lisÀÀ tuotteita jotka kuluttavat luonnonvaroja, saastuttavat ympĂ€ristöÀ sekĂ€ tuotannossa ettĂ€ kĂ€ytössĂ€, ja jotka lopulta joutuvat kaatopaikalle jĂ€ttĂ€en vielĂ€ pahan jĂ€ljen jĂ€lkeensĂ€. Muotiteollisuus on monimutkainen teollisuus, jossa vaadittaisiin perinpohjaisia uudistuksia ja siksi tahdon työllĂ€ni tutkia konseptia joka kiinnostaa minua kestĂ€vĂ€n muotoilun alalla: luoda uutta jo olemassa olevasta tuotteesta, työskennellĂ€ vaatteiden ja tekstiilien uudelleenkĂ€ytön alalla. Työni teoriaosassa tutkin muotiteollisuuden ongelma-aloja, keskittyen vaatteisiin ja tekstiileihin jĂ€tteinĂ€. Otan myös yhteyttĂ€ uusiokĂ€yttöalan kahteen menestyvÀÀn yritykseen, Globe Hope ja Mereija, ja selvitĂ€n heidĂ€n ajatuksia aiheesta. KĂ€ytĂ€nnön osassa valmistan kaksi takkia ja yhden viitan mallistostani A Winter Story uusiomateriaaleista, sekĂ€ tutkin voisiko tĂ€llainen työtapa olla tulevaisuudessa toimiva yrityskonsepti minulle muotoilijana. Tulokseni on, ettĂ€ materiaalien uusiokĂ€yttö voi olla toimiva konsepti, mutta yrityksen perustaminen nĂ€iden periaatteiden pohjalta on haaste.The fashion industy is one of our biggest industries and employs as much as one sixth of the world’s population. There is an unbelieveable amount of clothes and textiles in circulation every day, and we consume more than ever before. As a result of this we also throw away huge amounts of clothes and textiles every year, and of all the clothes we throw away only a very small amount is collected and recycled, most of them become landfill or are incinerated. As a soon to be designer in the clothing industry I want to be able to create beautiful and attractive clothes with a clean conscience. In this overconsuming society of ours I don’t want to contribute with more stuff that wear on, and pollute, our environment, both in the production phase and in the usage, and that eventually end up in a garbage dump somewhere where they do even more damage. The fashion industy is complex and in need of some serious change. With this work i therefore want to analyze a concept that interests me in terms if sustainable design; the concept of working with recycled materials. I the theoretical part of this work I study some of the problem areas of today’s fashion industry, focusing on clothes and textiles as waste. I also contact Globe Hope and Mereija, two successful businesses working in this field, to hear what comments they have on the subject. In the practical part of this work I make two coats and one cape from my collection A Winter Story, using recycled materials, and analyze whether this way to work could be a functional business idea for me as a future designer. The results of this work show that working with recycled materials could be a functional concept for a business, but starting up a company based on these values would be a challenge
