621 research outputs found

    Pathogen burden and cortisol profiles over the day

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    Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) regulation in adults is influenced by early psychosocial adversity, but the role of infectious disease history is poorly understood. We studied the association between cumulative pathogen burden and cortisol profile over the day in a sample of 317 healthy men and women aged 51-72 years. Cumulative pathogen burden was defined as positive serostatus for Chlamydia pneumoniae, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). Salivary cortisol was sampled repeatedly over the day. The cortisol slope was defined as the decrease across the day and evening. Age, gender, grade of employment, body mass index, smoking status, self-rated health, cardiovascular medication, depressed mood and time of waking were included as covariates. The pathogen burden averaged 1.76 (S.D. = 0.92). The cortisol slope was inversely associated with pathogen burden after controlling for covariates. When individual pathogens were studied, only CMV was associated with flatter cortisol rhythms in isolation. We conclude that pathogen burden is independently associated with flatter cortisol slopes over the day, and may contribute to disturbed neuroendocrine regulation

    Metadata i Cross Media Redaktionsprocesser

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    Olika typer av media Àr inte lÀngre bundna till specifika distributionskanaler i samma grad som de en gÄng varit. Nya krav pÄ mediainnehÄll samt -tillgÀnglighet har lett till att företag inom mediabranschen mÄste anpassa sig genom att tillÀmpa nya rutiner för skapande och administrering av innehÄll. Detta inverkar inte endast pÄ arbetsrutiner, utan leder i sin tur till nya krav pÄ DAMS system i vilka metadata kommer inneha en vÀsentlig roll. Utan vÀlstrukturerad metadata kommer mÄnga arbetsuppgifter visa sig extremt tidskrÀvande. Den hÀr studien erbjuder en genomförlig och aktuell empirisk forskning med insyn pÄ tillÀmpningen av metadata inom innehÄllsproduktionen hos vÀlkÀnda medieföretag som utövar cross media publicering. Företag som deltog i studien kan beskrivas som nyhetsbyrÄer, tidnings- eller tidsskriftsutgivare. En abstrakt metadatastruktur bestÄende av essens, kontextuell, strukturell, och administrativ metadata var konstruerad pÄ basen av uptÀckt metadata hos de besökta företagen. Denna struktur avspeglar nuvarande krav pÄ metadata inom cross media företag. Metadatastandarder rekommenderas som bas för kartlÀggning mellan lÀmpliga metadatafÀlt och de i strukturen angivna metadata-attributen. PÄ basis av resultaten gavs Àven förslag pÄ framtida krav pÄ metadata inom cross media redaktionssystem. Metadata var Àven analyserad pÄ basen av typ, egenskaper, och anvÀndning. Subjektiva Äsikter om nuvarande metadatavanor togs Àven i beaktande. Redaktionsprocesser inklusive metadatalivscykeln var modellerade med BPMN. Bland de företag som deltog i studien uppkom skillnader i processer anknytna till cross media publicering. Alla deltagande parter visade dock ett gemensamt intresse för att förbÀttra den nuvarande situationen. En annan gemensam överenskommelse uppstod i formen av ett framtida krav pÄ redaktionssystem gÀllande temaeller Àmnescentrerad planering av innehÄll. I synnerhet essensbaserad metadata Àr i starkt behov av förbÀttringar för att klara av framtida krav. Medieföretag har insett att investeringar i metadata inte endast minskar pÄ arbetsbördan och Àr till förmÄn för administrering av tillgÄngar, utan ocksÄ erbjuder totalt nya möjligheter för affÀrsverksamhet.Different types of media such as text, images, audio, and video are no longer restricted to different publishing channels in the same way that they used to be. Media companies are adopting new routines for handling and creating content to better suit the new demands, which in turn puts new requirements on digital asset management systems (DAMS). Metadata will have an essential role in managing content in these systems, and without well structured metadata many tasks become extremely time consuming. This study provides an extensive, up-to-date, empirical research of the current use of metadata across the content creation process within well known media companies involved in cross media publishing. Three case companies were selected for this study: a newspaper, a magazine publisher, and a news agency. Observations and surveys, including interviews and questionnaires were conducted at the research sites. A metadata framework consisting of essence, contextual, structural, and administrative metadata field attributes was created based on the discovered metadata in case companies. The framework serves as a platform for current metadata needs in media companies utilizing cross media publishing. Metadata standards are suggested to be used as a source for mapping suitable metadata fields to the provided metadata attributes. Suggestions for future requirements on metadata in editorial systems were also given based on the results. In addition to the metadata framework, discovered metadata was also assessed based on nature, characteristics, and use. Subjective viewpoints of current metadata practices are also taken into account. Current editorial processes including the metadata time-cycle were modeled with BPMN annotation language. There were differences in cross media publishing routines between the case companies, but all participants showed a common interest to enhance current practices. A mutual requirement on future editorial systems was the inclusion of theme or topic based planning of content. The results showed that especially essence based metadata needs improvements in order to cope with future requirements. Media companies have realized that investing in metadata not only reduces workload and is beneficial from an asset management perspective, but also provides completely new business opportunities

    New insights into the genetic basis of colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer, and the second most common cause of cancer mortality. The aim of this thesis work was to gain novel insight into the molecular mechanisms behind CRC predisposition, as well as tumor progression and development. Microsatellite instability (MSI) arises due to a defective mismatch repair system and is characteristic for a subset of all CRCs. Here, we aimed to identify novel MSI target genes with potential oncogenic effects. We characterized all genes overexpressed in MSI CRCs and predicted to escape nonsense-mediated decay when mutated. The mitotic checkpoint kinase TTK was identified with protein-elongating mutations in 59% of MSI CRCs. TTK has an essential role in spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) signaling, however, the mutated protein did not show SAC weakening. While no evidence of oncogenic mechanisms was observed, the high mutation frequency of TTK argues for biological significance. In another screening effort on MSI CRCs, we sought to identify novel oncogenes with activating hotspot mutations. The exomes of 25 tumor and respective healthy colon tissues were sequenced. A total of 15 candidate oncogenes with hotspot mutations were identified. Three genes, ZBTB2, PSRC1 and RANBP2, displayed hotspot mutations also in the validation set of 86 MSI CRCs. Interestingly, the CRC-associated mutant form of ZBTB2 increased cell proliferation. Additional work is needed to further clarify the role of the identified somatic mutations in CRC tumorigenesis. The candidate oncogenes identified in this thesis work might be used to develop personalized tumor profiling and therapy. Inherited susceptibility is estimated to be involved in approximately one-third of all CRCs. However, the great majority of inherited CRC susceptibility remains still molecularly unexplained. A recent systematic sequencing study on CRC reported a set of somatically mutated genes, termed candidate cancer (CAN) genes. We examined the mutational profiles of 15 top-ranked CAN genes for somatic mutations as well as for germline variants in 45 familial CRC cases. In our tumor set, six of the CAN genes were somatically mutated. In germline, three private missense variants were identified in CSMD3, EPHB6 and c10orf137. In another effort, we exome sequenced 96 independent cases with familial CRC. We identified 11 novel candidate CRC susceptibility genes with rare putative LoF variants. Seven loss-of-heterozygosity events, involving four genes, were observed in the data. In each occasion, the losses targeted the wild-type allele (P=0.0078), providing further support that true culprits are among the eleven genes. This study provides an interesting set of candidate predisposing genes, which might explain a subset of common familial CRC. The identified germline variants need to be validated in larger sample sets to provide firm evidence for disease predisposition. Additional work is also needed to characterize the detailed functional and clinical relevance of the identified candidate CRC predisposing genes. This information, then, can ultimately be translated into tools for cancer prevention and early diagnosis in individuals carrying true predisposition alleles.Kolorektal cancer (KRC, cancer i tjock- och Ă€ndtarm) Ă€r en av de vanligaste cancerformerna i vĂ€stvĂ€rlden. Flera faktorer, bĂ„de Ă€rftliga och i mĂ€nniskans omgivning, pĂ„verkar uppkomsten av KRC. En kartlĂ€ggning av de genetiska förĂ€ndringarna bakom KRC Ă€r viktig för att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ tumörutvecklingen. SĂ„dan information kan sedan anvĂ€ndas för att utveckla effektivare behandlingsmetoder för att minska död och lidande orsakade av KRC. De tvĂ„ huvudsakliga syftena i detta doktorandprojekt var att 1) fĂ„ ny insikt i de molekylĂ€ra mekanismerna bakom kolorektal tumörutveckling 2) identifiera nya genetiska faktorer som pĂ„verkar Ă€rftlig benĂ€genhet för KRC. En del kolorektala tumörer hör till gruppen mikrosatellit instabila (MSI). Dessa tumörer har ett defekt DNA-reparationssystem vilket leder till ett högt antal mutationer i DNA-sekvensen, speciellt i repetitiva DNA-segment. Syftet med detta projekt var att identifiera nya onkogener i denna tumörtyp. Onkogener Ă€r gener som Ă€ndrar grundlĂ€ggande egenskaper hos celler, till exempel tillvĂ€xt och differentiering. Genetiska avvikelser i en sĂ„dan gen kan leda till malign transformation av cellen. TvĂ„ olika DNA-sekvenseringsmetoder anvĂ€ndes; den sĂ„ kallade Sanger-dideoxy-metoden samt nĂ€sta generations DNA-sekvensering. Ett antal nya onkogener med hög mutationsfrekvens identifierades i kolorektala tumörer av gruppen MSI. Ytterligare studier krĂ€vs för att klarlĂ€gga hur dessa onkogener pĂ„verkar malign transformation av cellen. De identifierade onkogenerna kan möjligtvis anvĂ€ndas för att utveckla mer effektiva strategier för individuell tumörprofilering och cancerterapi. Det finns klara bevis för att genetiska faktorer predisponerar för KRC i ungefĂ€r vart tredje fall. Ett antal kĂ€nda Ă€rftliga syndrom medför en ökad risk för KRC. Men dessa syndrom Ă€r sĂ€llsynta och bidrar bara till en brĂ„kdel av fallen. Än i dag förblir en stor del av den Ă€rftliga benĂ€genheten för KRC molekylĂ€rt oförklarad. Det andra syftet med denna avhandling var att identifiera nya gener som ökar benĂ€genheten till familjĂ€r KRC (patienter med en förstagradensslĂ€kting med KRC). Även hĂ€r anvĂ€ndes Sanger-dideoxy-metoden samt nĂ€sta generations DNA-sekvensering. Flera attraktiva kandidatgener identifierades med protein-kapande DNA-variationer i patienternas könsceller. DNA-variationerna var vĂ€ldigt sĂ€llsynta eller frĂ„nvarande frĂ„n den allmĂ€nna populationen. Ytterligare forskningar, med större sampelmaterial, Ă€r dock nödvĂ€ndiga för att bevisa att de identifierande DNA-variationerna pĂ„verkar den Ă€rftliga benĂ€genheten till familjĂ€r KRC. Identifikationen av nya gener bakom Ă€rftlig KRC möjliggör en förbĂ€ttrad patientförsörjning med tidig diagnos och förbĂ€ttrad riskprofilering

    Red Fluorescent Chlamydia trachomatis Applied to Live Cell Imaging and Screening for Antibacterial Agents

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    In this study, we describe the application of a transformed Chlamydia trachomatis strain constitutively expressing the red fluorescent protein mCherry, to allow real-time monitoring of the infection cycle and screening for agents that block replication of C. trachomatis. The red fluorescent C. trachomatis strain was detected autonomously without antibody staining and was equally susceptible to doxycycline as the wild type strain. A high-throughput screening assay was developed using the transformed strain and automated fluorescence microscopy. The assay was used in a pilot screen of a 349 compound library containing natural products from Australian flora and fauna. Compounds with anti-chlamydial activity were tested for dose response and toxicity to host cells and two non-toxic compounds had 50% effective concentration (EC50) values in the low micromolar range. Natural products are valuable sources for drug discovery and the identified Chlamydia growth inhibition may be starting points for future drug development. Live cell imaging was used to visualize growth of the red fluorescent C. trachomatis strain over time. The screening assay reduced workload and reagents compared to an assay requiring immunostaining and could further be used to monitor the development of Chlamydia inclusions and anti-chlamydial effect in real time

    Oscillatory control of insulin secretion

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    Differential interaction of glimepiride and glibenclamide with the ÎČ-cell sulfonylurea receptor I. Binding characteristics

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    Glimepiride is a novel sulfonylurea drug for treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with higher blood sugar lowering efficacy in diabetic patients than glibenclamide raising the question whether this characteristics is in line with different binding of glimepiride and glibenclamide to the ÎČ-cell sulfonylurea receptor. Scatchard plot analysis of [3H]sulfonylurea binding to membranes isolated from rat ÎČ-cell tumors and (RINm5F) insulinoma cells and to RINm5F cells demonstrated that glimepiride has a 2.5–3-fold lower affinity than glibenclamide. This corresponded well to the 8–9-fold higher koff and 2.5–3-fold higher kon rates of glimepiride compared to glibenclamide as revealed by the dissociation and association kinetics of [3H]sulfonylurea binding and the Kd values calculated thereof. In agreement, the concentrations required for half-maximal displacement of [3H]sulfonylurea bound to ÎČ-cell membranes were significantly higher for glimepiride compared to glibenclamide. However, the binding affinity of glimepiride measured by both equilibrium binding and kinetic binding studies upon solubilization of ÎČ-cell tumor membranes and RINm5F cell membranes increased up to the value for glibenclamide. This was primarily based on a drastic decrease of the dissociation rate constant of glimepiride whereas the kinetics of glibenclamide binding remained largely unaffected upon solubilization. These data suggest that the Kd value alone is not sufficient for characterization of a sulfonylurea drug, since the kinetic binding parameters may also determine its acute blood sugar lowering efficacy

    3 '-UTR poly(T/U) repeat of EWSR1 is altered in microsatellite unstable colorectal cancer with nearly perfect sensitivity

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    Approximately 15 % of colorectal cancers exhibit instability of short nucleotide repeat regions, microsatellites. These tumors display a unique clinicopathologic profile and the microsatellite instability status is increasingly used to guide clinical management as it is known to predict better prognosis as well as resistance to certain chemotherapeutics. A panel of five repeats determined by the National Cancer Institute, the Bethesda panel, is currently the standard for determining the microsatellite instability status in colorectal cancer. Recently, a quasimonomorphic mononucleotide repeat 16T/U at the 3' untranslated region of the Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 gene was reported to show perfect sensitivity and specificity in detecting mismatch repair deficient colorectal, endometrial, and gastric cancers in two independent populations. To confirm this finding, we replicated the analysis in 213 microsatellite unstable colorectal cancers from two independent populations, 148 microsatellite stable colorectal cancers, and the respective normal samples by PCR and fragment analysis. The repeat showed nearly perfect sensitivity for microsatellite unstable colorectal cancer as it was altered in 212 of the 213 microsatellite unstable (99.5 %) and none of the microsatellite stable colorectal tumors. This repeat thus represents the first potential single marker for detecting microsatellite instability.Peer reviewe

    Methyl sulfonamide substituents improve the pharmacokinetic properties of bicyclic 2-pyridone based:Chlamydia trachomatis inhibitors

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    Chlamydia trachomatis infections are a global health problem and new approaches to treat C. trachomatis with drugs of high specificity would be valuable. A library of substituted ring fused 2-pyridones has been synthesized and evaluated for their ability to attenuate C. trachomatis infectivity. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies were performed, with the best candidates demonstrating that a C8-methylsulfonamide substituent improved pharmacokinetic properties important for oral administration. C8-Methyl sulfonamide analogue 30 inhibited C. trachomatis infectivity in low micromolar concentrations. Further pharmacokinetic evaluation at an oral dose of 10 mg kg(-1) showed an apparent bioavailability of 41%, compared to C8-cyclopropyl and -methoxy analogues which had negligible oral uptake. In vitro ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) testing of solubility and Caco-2 cell permeability revealed that both solubility and permeability is greatly improved with the C8-methyl sulfonamide 30, effectively moving it from BCS (Biopharmaceutical Classification System) class IV to II
