12 research outputs found

    Variations of Solar Non-axisymmetric Activity

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    The temporal behaviour of solar active longitudes has been examined by using two sunspot catalogues, the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results (GPR) and the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD). The time-longitude diagrams of the activity distribution reveal the preferred longitudinal zones and their migration with respect to the Carrington frame. The migration paths outline a set of patterns in which the activity zone has alternating prograde/retrograde angular velocities with respect to the Carrington rotation rate. The time profiles of these variations can be described by a set of successive parabolae. Two similar migration paths have been selected from these datasets, one northern path during cycles 21 - 22 and one southern path during cycles 13 - 14, for closer examination and comparison of their dynamical behaviours. The rates of sunspot emergence exhibited in both migration paths similar periodicities, close to 1.3 years. This behaviour may imply that the active longitude is connected to the bottom of convection zone

    Needs and Expectations – Controllers in the Hungarian Labor Market

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    Automation, digitalization and globalization have an effect on the current global labor market. The process of change has become increasingly apparent also in Hungary. Both employers and the employee have to adapt to the rapidly changing circumstances. The aim of the paper is to examine the demands that the novel processes and their labor market effects impose upon the potential labor force. According to our hypothesis, these new needs appear at the beginning of the recruitment process. Our research question is whether there is any relationship between the competences related to a highly qualified job like the controller and the company’s size and activity, and if so, to reveal the strength of the relationship. To test it, we examined job advertisements for controllers based on predefined criteria

    Active Longitude and Coronal Mass Ejection Occurrences

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    The spatial inhomogeneity of the distribution of coronal mass ejection (CME) occurrences in the solar atmosphere could provide a tool to estimate the longitudinal position of the most probable CME-capable active regions in the Sun. The anomaly in the longitudinal distribution of active regions themselves is often referred to as active longitude (AL). In order to reveal the connection between the AL and CME spatial occurrences, here we investigate the morphological properties of active regions. The first morphological property studied is the separateness parameter, which is able to characterize the probability of the occurrence of an energetic event, such as a solar flare or CME. The second morphological property is the sunspot tilt angle. The tilt angle of sunspot groups allows us to estimate the helicity of active regions. The increased helicity leads to a more complex buildup of the magnetic structure and also can cause CME eruption. We found that the most complex active regions appear near the AL and that the AL itself is associated with the most tilted active regions. Therefore, the number of CME occurrences is higher within the AL. The origin of the fast CMEs is also found to be associated with this region. We concluded that the source of the most probably CME-capable active regions is at the AL. By applying this method, we can potentially forecast a flare and/or CME source several Carrington rotations in advance. This finding also provides new information for solar dynamo modeling

    Minden filozófia "nyelvkritika". A XVII-XX. századi nyelvfilozófia történetéhez. = All philosophy is a "critique of language". On the history of philosophy of language in the 17th-20th centuries

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    Kutatásunk a filozófia 20. század eleji nyelvi fordulatáról szóló közismert tézist akképp módosította, hogy a 17., s még inkább a 18. századról szólva nem kevésbé értelmes a filozófia "nyelvi fordulatáról" szólnunk, mint ahogyan ezt szokásosan a 20. századról beszélve tesszük. Ezt a tézist kiegészítettük azzal, hogy nem indokolt a nyelvfilozófiát alapvetően az angolszász vagy az analitikus filozófiai hagyományhoz sem kötni: ha itt különbséget teszünk az analitikus és más gondolkodásmódok (pl. fenomenológiai, hermeneutikai stb. gondolkodásmód) között, akkor ez inkább a filozofálás nyelvében, mint a nyelv filozófiájában mutatkozik meg. A nyelvi fordulatról szóló tézisünk nemzetközi szinten is új eredmény, noha természetesen vannak előzményei. A második gondolat ugyan lassan kezd polgárjogot nyerni akár még az angol nyelvű könyvkiadásban is, ám Magyarországon csak elvétve reprezentált, a tényleges kutatás sokkal inkább szétválik irányzatok szerint. | The prevalent view that the so-called linguistic turn in philosophy had taken place at the beginning of the 20th century has been amended by our research so that it is no less appropriate to speak about a linguistic turn concerning the 17th and even more the 18th century. The historical approach we adopted has revealed that philosophy of language cannot be justifiably considered as belonging exclusively to the Anglo-Saxon or analytic tradition of philosophy. The consequent expansion the focus of our investigation into the continental scene has made it abundantly clear that the difference between analytic and other (phenomenological, hermeneutic etc.) ways of thinking manifests itself rather in the language of philosophy than in the philosophy of language. Though it is certainly not without antecedents, opening up the historical perspective of linguistic turn is an achievement of international significance. The other thesis we have established is admittedly starting to gain acceptance in the English-speaking world, in Hungary, however, it is at most scarcely represented: philosophy is divided into analytic and continental camps in this country and actual research still splits according to these entrenched traditions

    On the Effectiveness of Speech Self-supervised Learning for Music

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    Self-supervised learning (SSL) has shown promising results in various speech and natural language processing applications. However, its efficacy in music information retrieval (MIR) still remains largely unexplored. While previous SSL models pre-trained on music recordings may have been mostly closed-sourced, recent speech models such as wav2vec2.0 have shown promise in music modelling. Nevertheless, research exploring the effectiveness of applying speech SSL models to music recordings has been limited. We explore the music adaption of SSL with two distinctive speech-related models, data2vec1.0 and Hubert, and refer to them as music2vec and musicHuBERT, respectively. We train 1212 SSL models with 95M parameters under various pre-training configurations and systematically evaluate the MIR task performances with 13 different MIR tasks. Our findings suggest that training with music data can generally improve performance on MIR tasks, even when models are trained using paradigms designed for speech. However, we identify the limitations of such existing speech-oriented designs, especially in modelling polyphonic information. Based on the experimental results, empirical suggestions are also given for designing future musical SSL strategies and paradigms

    MERT: Acoustic Music Understanding Model with Large-Scale Self-supervised Training

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    Self-supervised learning (SSL) has recently emerged as a promising paradigm for training generalisable models on large-scale data in the fields of vision, text, and speech. Although SSL has been proven effective in speech and audio, its application to music audio has yet to be thoroughly explored. This is primarily due to the distinctive challenges associated with modelling musical knowledge, particularly its tonal and pitched characteristics of music. To address this research gap, we propose an acoustic Music undERstanding model with large-scale self-supervised Training (MERT), which incorporates teacher models to provide pseudo labels in the masked language modelling (MLM) style acoustic pre-training. In our exploration, we identified a superior combination of teacher models, which outperforms conventional speech and audio approaches in terms of performance. This combination includes an acoustic teacher based on Residual Vector Quantization - Variational AutoEncoder (RVQ-VAE) and a musical teacher based on the Constant-Q Transform (CQT). These teachers effectively guide our student model, a BERT-style transformer encoder, to better model music audio. In addition, we introduce an in-batch noise mixture augmentation to enhance the representation robustness. Furthermore, we explore a wide range of settings to overcome the instability in acoustic language model pre-training, which allows our designed paradigm to scale from 95M to 330M parameters. Experimental results indicate that our model can generalise and perform well on 14 music understanding tasks and attains state-of-the-art (SOTA) overall scores. The code and models are online: https://github.com/yizhilll/MERT

    The Solar Activity Monitor Network – SAMNet

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    The Solar Activity Magnetic Monitor (SAMM) Network (SAMNet) is a future UK-led international network of ground-based solar telescope stations. SAMNet, at its full capacity, will continuously monitor the Sun’s intensity, magnetic, and Doppler velocity fields at multiple heights in the solar atmosphere (from photosphere to upper chromosphere). Each SAMM sentinel will be equipped with a cluster of identical telescopes each with a different magneto-optical filter (MOFs) to take observations in K I, Na D, and Ca I spectral bands. A subset of SAMM stations will have white-light coronagraphs and emission line coronal spectropolarimeters. The objectives of SAMNet are to provide observational data for space weather research and forecast. The goal is to achieve an operationally sufficient lead time of e.g., flare warning of 2–8 h and provide many sought-after continuous synoptic maps (e.g., LoS magnetic and velocity fields, intensity) of the lower solar atmosphere with a spatial resolution limited only by seeing or diffraction limit, and with a cadence of 10 min. The individual SAMM sentinels will be connected to their master HQ hub where data received from all the slave stations will be automatically processed and flare warning issued up to 26 h in advance

    A csillagászat tanítása középiskolában

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    A fizikaoktatás a jelenlegi helyzetben háttérbe szorult. Ennek a háttérbe szorulásnak a következménye az, hogy a tantárgyon belüli részegységek időhiány miatt sérülnek. A csillagászatról a diákok csak a fizikatanulmányaik végén hallanak, ezért gyakran sérül ez a témakör.régi képzésFizikatanárg

    A Nap aktív hosszúságainak statisztikai vizsgálata

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    Szakdolgozatomban a Nap mágneses terének természetét vizsgáltam. A Nap esetében a mágneses tér nem állandó, folyamatos változást szenved. Ismertettem az erre vonatkozó legáltalánosabb dinamó mágneses elméleteket, amelyek próbálják leírni ezt a folyamatot. Célom egy olyan dolgozat megírása volt, amelyben a DPD napfoltcsoport adatbázis segítségével vizsgálatokat végezhettem a már említett dinamó jelenségen az 1989-től 2002-ig terjedő időszakban. Konkrétan a dinamó egyik megnyilvánulására koncentráltam: az altív hosszúságokra.régi képzésFizikatanárg

    The Nonaxisymmetric Behaviour Of Solar Eruptive Events

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    This thesis investigates new approaches for predicting the occurrence of solar eruptive events based on coronal mass ejection (CME), solar flare and sunspot group observations. The scope of the present work is to study the spatio-temporal properties of the above-mentioned solar features. The analysis may also provide a deeper understanding of the subject of solar magnetic field reorganisation. Furthermore, the applied approaches may open opportunities for connecting these local phenomena with the global physical processes that generate the magnetic field of the Sun, called the solar dynamo. The investigation utilises large solar flare statistical populations and advanced computational tools, such as clustering techniques, wavelet analysis, autoregressive moving average (ARIMA) forecast, kernel density estimations (KDEs) and so on. This work does not attempt to make actual predictions because it is out of the scope of the recent investigation. However, the thesis introduces new possible approaches in the subject of flare and CME forecasting. The future aim is to construct a real-time database with the ability to forecast eruptive events based on the findings of this thesis. This potential forecasting model may be crucial for protecting a wide range of satellite systems around the Earth or predicting space weather based on the obtained results may also assist to plan safe space exploration