9 research outputs found

    A Path Analysis of Latino Parental, Teenager and Cultural Variables in Teenagers' Sexual Attitudes, Norms, Self-Efficacy, and Sexual Intentions

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    ;;OBJETIVO:;; testar um modelo teórico com base na Expansão Parental da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado, examinando a relação entre pais selecionados, adolescentes e variáveis culturais e as intenções dos jovens latinos ao se envolverem com comportamento sexual.;;;;MÉTODO:;; um design correlacional de corte transversal baseado em uma análise de dados secundários de 130 pares de pais e adolescentes latinos.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; procedimentos de regressão e de análise de trajetória foram usados para testar sete hipóteses e os resultados demonstraram um apoio parcial para o modelo. O familismo parental e o conhecimento sobre sexo foram significativamente associados com as atitudes dos pais em relação a comunicação sexual com seus filhos. A aculturação dos pais latinos foi negativamente relacionada com sua auto-eficácia na comunicação sexual com os adolescentes e positivamente relacionada com suas normas subjetivas na comunicação sexual com os jovens. O conhecimento do adolescente sobre sexo foi consideravelmente associado com os mais altos níveis de suas atitudes e normas subjetivas sobre a comunicação sexual com seus pais. Apenas o preditor das atitudes dos adolescentes sobre ter relações sexuais nos próximos três meses foi significativamente associado com as intenções dos adolescentes em ter relações sexuais nos próximos 3 meses..;;;;CONCLUSÃO:;; os resultados deste estudo fornecem informações importantes para guiar pesquisas futuras que possam informar o desenvolvimento de intervenções para prevenir o comportamento sexual arriscado de adolescentes entre os latinos.;;;;OBJETIVO:;; poner a prueba un modelo teórico basado en " Parent-Based Expansion " y con base en la teoría del comportamiento planificado para examinar la relación entre los padres seleccionados, adolescente y variables culturales, como también en las intenciones de los adolescentes latinos a participar en el comportamiento sexual.;;;;MÉTODO:;; un diseño correlacional transversal basado en un análisis de datos secundarios de 130 padres latinos y sus diadas adolescentes.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; regresión y procedimientos de análisis camino se utilizaron para probar siete hipótesis y los resultados demostraron un apoyo parcial para el modelo. El familismo y el conocimiento sobre el sexo de padres se asociaron significativamente con las actitudes de los padres hacia la comunicación sexual con sus hijos adolescentes. La aculturación de los padres latinos fue negativamente asociada con la autoeficacia los padres hacia la comunicación sexual con los adolescentes y alteran asociados a normas subjetivas de los padres hacia la comunicación sexual con los adolescentes. Conocimiento del adolescente sobre el sexo fue significativamente asociado con niveles más altos de las actitudes y normas subjetivas acerca de la comunicación sexual con padres adolescentes. Sólo el predictor de actitudes de los adolescentes teniendo sexo en los próximos 3 meses se asoció significativamente con la intención de adolescentes tiene relaciones sexuales durante los próximos 3 meses.;;;;CONCLUSIÓN:;; los resultados de este estudio proporcionan información importante para orientar la investigación futura que puede informar al desarrollo de intervenciones para prevenir comportamiento sexual de riesgo entre los adolescentes latinos.;;;;OBJECTIVE:;; to test a theoretical model based on the Parent-Based Expansion of the Theory of Planned Behavior examining relation between selected parental, teenager and cultural variables and Latino teenagers' intentions to engage in sexual behavior.;;;;METHOD:;; a cross-sectional correlational design based on a secondary data analysis of 130 Latino parent and teenager dyads.;;;;RESULTS:;; regression and path analysis procedures were used to test seven hypotheses and the results demonstrated partial support for the model. Parent familism and knowledge about sex were significantly associated with parents' attitudes toward sexual communication with their teenagers. Parent Latino acculturation was negatively associated with parents' self-efficacy toward sexual communication with their teenagers and positevely associated with parents' subjective norms toward sexual communication with their teenagers. Teenager knowledge about sex was significantly associated with higher levels of teenagers' attitudes and subjective norms about sexual communication with parents. Only the predictor of teenagers' attitudes toward having sex in the next 3 months was significantly associated with teenagers' intentions to have sex in the next 3 months.;;;;CONCLUSION:;; the results of this study provide important information to guide future research that can inform development of interventions to prevent risky teenager sexual behavior among Latinos.;

    Role of An Ethnic Minority Alumni Advisory Committee in Training Professional Psychologists

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    The role and impact of an advisory board composed of ethnic minority alumni of a professional psychology program are described. The advisory board, in conjunction with the faculty and administration, assists in incorporating cultural sensitivity into the training of professional psychology students and provides support systems for ethnic minority students. The model and projects are described, and implementation issues are discussed

    A Schema of Toxic Stress Informed by Racism, Transgenerational Stress, and Disadvantage

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    Introduction: The Toxic Stress Schema (TSS) is an ecological framework with a social justice lens for identifying and alleviating stress and strengthening social determinants of health for children and families of color impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the cumulative effects of racism and generational, systemic inequities. Method: Relevant literature is reviewed, and examples were provided to illustrate the differential impacts of the stress superstorm of 2020 had on children of color based on their family\u27s position on the advantage-disadvantage continuum. Results: The utility of the TSS framework as a model for advanced nursing practice is demonstrated, and recommendations are formulated for the pediatric nurse practitioner\u27s role in health policy. Discussion: The COVID-19 pandemic elucidated the historical inequities experienced by children and families of color. The TSS framework provides a model for recognizing, organizing, and implementing

    The 2009 BFA Graduating Class Department of Visual Arts

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    The bachelor of fine arts (visual arts) program is a professional program designed to educate and train students in the history, theory and practice of the visual arts. The curriculum has been devised to produce well-rounded generalists with a solid grounding in all aspects of visual arts. The curriculum illustrates the philosophy that artistic freedom and creative expression require technical skill, intellectual awareness and a personal vision, acquired through a disciplined application of effort and a critical understanding of artistic issues, past and present