1,416 research outputs found

    Robo-CAMAL : anchoring in a cognitive robot

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    The CAMAL architecture (Computational Architectures for Motivation,Affect and Learning) provides an excellent framework within which to explore and investigate issues relevant to cognitive science and artificial intelligence. This thesis describes a small sub element of the CAMAL architecture that has been implemented on a mobile robot. The first area of investigation within this research relates to the anchoring problem. Can the robotic agent generate symbols based on responses within its perceptual systems and can it reason about its environment based on those symbols? Given that the agent can identify changes within its environment, can it then adapt its behaviour and alter its goals to mirror the change in its environment? The second area of interest involves agent learning. The agent has a domain model that details its goals, the actions it can perform and some of the possible environmental states it may encounter. The agent is not provided with the belief-goal-action combinations in order to achieve its goals. The agent is also unaware of the effect its actions have upon its environment. Can the agent experiment with its behaviour to generate its own belief-goal-action combinations that allow it to achieve its goals? A second related problem involves the case where the belief-goal-action combination is pre-programmed. This is when the agent is provided with several different methods with which to achieve a specific goal. Can the agent learn which combination is the best? This thesis will describe the sub-element of the CAMAL architecture that was developed for a robot (robo-CAMAL). It will also demonstrate how robo-CAMAL solves the anchoring problem, and learns how to act and adapt in its environment

    Paganism and the Western Empire

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    What is the role of oral history and testimony in building our understanding of the past?

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    This paper examines the importance of oral story-telling in Indigenous Australian culture pre-and-post colonisation, highlighting the role of oral traditions, history and testimony in understanding the past, particularly to Indigenous Australians. KeywordsOral history, story-telling, testimony, Aboriginal histor

    Household expenditure and child health in Vietnam: analysis of longitudinal data

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    While the relationship between socioeconomic status and child health has been studied extensively in developed countries, evidence is limited for developing countries. This study makes an important contribution by examining the relationship between child health and household socioeconomic status in Vietnam, using household expenditure as an alternative measure. This also allows us to explore the mechanisms via which income affects child health, in which household consumption arguably plays a crucial role. We employ different measures of health that allow us to examine both long-run and short-run effects, and two alternative instrumental variables, the unemployment rate and rainfall deviation, to address the potential endogeneity of household expenditure. We find evidence of a strong positive impact of household expenditure on child health and the findings are consistent across age groups. Specifically, a 10% increase in expenditure will result in a weight gain of 213–541 g in a “typical” child. We also explore the effect of a range of exogenous adverse economic shocks on children's health

    Measuring health inequality among children in developing countries: does the choice of the indicator of economic status matter?

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    Background Currently, poor-rich inequalities in health in developing countries receive a lot of attention from both researchers and policy makers. Since measuring economic status in developing countries is often problematic, different indicators of wealth are used in different studies. Until now, there is a lack of evidence on the extent to which the use of different measures of economic status affects the observed magnitude of health inequalities. Methods This paper provides this empirical evidence for 10 developing countries, using the Demographic and Health Surveys data-set. We compared the World Bank asset index to three alternative wealth indices, all based on household assets. Under-5 mortality and measles immunisation coverage were the health outcomes studied. Poor-rich inequalities in under-5 mortality and measles immunisation coverage were measured using the Relative Index of Inequality. Results Comparing the World Bank index to the alternative indices, we found that (1) the relative position of households in the national wealth hierarchy varied to an important extent with the asset index used, (2) observed poor-rich inequalities in under-5 mortality and immunisation coverage often changed, in some cases to an important extent, and that (3) the size and direction of this change varied per country, index, and health indicator. Conclusion Researchers and policy makers should be aware that the choice of the measure of economic status influences the observed magnitude of health inequalities, and that differences in health inequalities between countries or time periods, may be an artefact of different wealth measures used

    Iniqüidades sociais na saúde e nutrição de crianças em países de renda baixa e média

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the effects of social inequities on the health and nutrition of children in low and middle income countries. METHODS: We reviewed existing data on socioeconomic disparities within-countries relative to the use of services, nutritional status, morbidity, and mortality. A conceptual framework including five major hierarchical categories affecting inequities was adopted: socioeconomic context and position, differential exposure, differential vulnerability, differential health outcomes, and differential consequences. The search of the PubMed database since 1990 identified 244 articles related to the theme. Results were also analyzed from almost 100 recent national surveys, including Demographic Health Surveys and the UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. RESULTS: Children from poor families are more likely, relative to those from better-off families, to be exposed to pathogenic agents; once they are exposed, they are more likely to become ill because of their lower resistance and lower coverage with preventive interventions. Once they become ill, they are less likely to have access to health services and the quality of these services is likely to be lower, with less access to life-saving treatments. As a consequence, children from poor family have higher mortality rates and are more likely to be undernourished. CONCLUSIONS: Except for child obesity and inadequate breastfeeding practices, all the other adverse conditions analyzed were more prevalent in children from less well-off families. Careful documentation of the multiple levels of determination of socioeconomic inequities in child health is essential for understanding the nature of this problem and for establishing interventions that can reduce these differences.OBJETIVO: Describir el efecto de las iniquidades sociales sobre la nutrición y salud de niños de países de renta baja y media. MÉTODOS: Fueron revisadas informaciones disponibles sobre disparidades socioeconómicas intra-países, relativas al uso de servicios de salud, estado nutricional, morbilidad y mortalidad. Se adoptó un modelo conceptual con cinco categorías jerárquicas en la producción de inequidades: contexto y posición socioeconómica, diferencias en la exposición, en la vulnerabilidad, en los hechos de salud y en las consecuencias. En investigación realizada en la base PubMed, en el período de 1990-2007 fueron encontrados 244 artículos relacionados al tema. Fueron también analizados los resultados de cerca de 100 pesquisas de ámbito nacional recientes, incluyendo Pesquisas Nacionales de Demografía y Salud y Pesquisas por Conglomerados de Múltiples Indicadores, del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia. RESULTADOS: Niños de familias pobres, en comparación con aquellas de familias más ricas, son más susceptibles a la exposición a agentes patogénicos; una vez expuestas, tienen un riesgo aumentado de enfermar, debido a su menor resistencia y menor cobertura de medidas preventivas. Una vez que se toman enfermos, tienen menor acceso a servicios de salud, la calidad de los servicios que logran utilizar tiende a ser inferior, con menor acceso a tratamientos médicos que garanticen su sobrevivencia. Como consecuencia, niños de familias más pobres presentan mayores tasas de mortalidad y mayor riesgo de ser subnutridas. CONCLUSIONES: Excepto obesidad infantil y prácticas inadecuadas de amamantamiento, todas las otras condiciones adversas analizadas tuvieron mayor prevalencia entre los niños de familias menos favorecidas. La documentación cuidadosa de los múltiples niveles de determinantes de las inequidades socioeconómicas en salud infantil es esencial para el entendimiento de la naturaleza del problema, y para el establecimiento de intervenciones que puedan reducir estas diferencias.OBJETIVO: Descrever o efeito das iniqüidades sociais sobre a nutrição e saúde de crianças de países de renda baixa e média. MÉTODOS: Foram revisadas informações disponíveis sobre disparidades socioeconômicas intra-países, relativas a uso de serviços de saúde, estado nutricional, morbidade e mortalidade. Adotou-se um modelo conceitual com cinco categorias hierárquicas na produção de iniqüidades: contexto e posição socioeconômica, diferenças na exposição, na vulnerabilidade, nos desfechos de saúde e nas conseqüências. Em pesquisa realizada na base PubMed, no período de 1990-2007 foram encontrados 244 artigos relacionados ao tema. Foram também analisados os resultados de cerca de 100 inquéritos de âmbito nacional recentes, incluindo Pesquisas Nacionais de Demografia e Saúde e Inquéritos por Conglomerados de Múltiplos Indicadores, do Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância. RESULTADOS: Crianças de famílias pobres, em comparação com aquelas de famílias mais ricas, são mais suscetíveis à exposição a agentes patogênicos; uma vez expostas, têm um risco aumentado de adoecer, devido à sua menor resistência e menor cobertura de medidas preventivas. Uma vez que se tornam doentes, têm menor acesso a serviços de saúde, a qualidade dos serviços que logram utilizar tende a ser inferior, com menor acesso a tratamentos médicos que garantam sua sobrevivência. Como conseqüência, crianças de famílias mais pobres apresentam maiores taxas de mortalidade e maior risco de serem subnutridas. CONCLUSÕES: Exceto obesidade infantil e práticas inadequadas de aleitamento materno, todas as outras condições adversas analisadas tiveram maior prevalência entre as crianças de famílias menos favorecidas. A documentação cuidadosa dos múltiplos níveis de determinantes das iniqüidades socioeconômicas em saúde infantil é essencial para o entendimento da natureza do problema, e para o estabelecimento de intervenções que possam reduzir estas diferenças

    The Cambridge Medieval History

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    The impact of a school-based water supply and treatment, hygiene, and sanitation programme on pupil diarrhoea: a cluster-randomized trial.

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    The impact of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) access on mitigating illness is well documented, although impact of school-based WASH on school-aged children has not been rigorously explored. We conducted a cluster-randomized trial in Nyanza Province, Kenya to assess the impact of a school-based WASH intervention on diarrhoeal disease in primary-school pupils. Two study populations were used: schools with a nearby dry season water source and those without. Pupils attending 'water-available' schools that received hygiene promotion and water treatment (HP&WT) and sanitation improvements showed no difference in period prevalence or duration of illness compared to pupils attending control schools. Those pupils in schools that received only the HP&WT showed similar results. Pupils in 'water-scarce' schools that received a water-supply improvement, HP&WT and sanitation showed a reduction in diarrhoea incidence and days of illness. Our study revealed mixed results on the impact of improvements to school WASH improvements on pupil diarrhoea