69 research outputs found

    A New Geographic Information System (GIS) Tool for Hydrogen Value Chain Planning Optimization: Application to Italian Highways

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    Optimizing the hydrogen value chain is essential to ensure hydrogen market uptake in replacing traditional fossil fuel energy and to achieve energy system decarbonization in the next years. The design of new plants and infrastructures will be the first step. However, wrong decisions would result in temporal, economic losses and, in the worst case, failures. Because huge investments are expected, decision makers have to be assisted for its success. Because no tools are available for the optimum design and geographical location of power to gas (P2G) and power to hydrogen (P2H) plants, the geographic information system (GIS) and mathematical optimization approaches were combined into a new tool developed by CNR-ITAE and the University of Bologna in the SuperP2G project, aiming to support the interested stakeholders in the investigation and selection of the optimum size, location, and operations of P2H and P2G industrial plants while minimizing the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH). In the present study, the tool has been applied to hydrogen mobility, specifically to investigate the conversion of the existing refuelling stations on Italian highways to hydrogen refuelling stations (HRSs). Middle-term (2030) and long-term (2050) scenarios were investigated. In 2030, a potential demand of between 7000 and 10,000 tons/year was estimated in Italy, increasing to between 32,600 and 72,500 tons/year in 2050. The optimum P2H plant configuration to supply the HRS was calculated in different scenarios. Despite the optimization, even if the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) reduces from 7.0-7.5 euro/kg in 2030 to 5.6-6.2 euro/kg in 2050, the results demonstrate that the replacement of the traditional fuels, i.e., gasoline, diesel, and liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs), will be disadvantaged without incentives or any other economic supporting schemes

    Hydrogen blending effect on fiscal and metrological instrumentation: A review

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    A green hydrogen (H2) economy requires a sustainable, efficient, safe, and widespread infrastructure for transporting and distributing H2 from production to consumption sites. Transporting a hydrogen/natural gas (H2NG) mixture, including pure H2, through the existing European natural gas (NG) infrastructure is considered a cost-effective solution, particularly in the transitional phase. Several reasons justify the H2NG blending option. The NG infrastructure can be efficiently repurposed to transport H2, by blending H2 with NG, to operate as H2 daily storage, matching production and demand and to enable large-scale seasonal H2 storage. Although many benefits exist, the potential of existing NG grids for transporting and distributing green H2 may face limitations due to technical, economic, or normative concerns. This paper focuses on the state of the art of the European NG transmission and distribution metrology normative framework and identifies the gaps to be filled in case of H2NG flowing into the existing grids. The paper was revised to provide a comprehensive analysis of the practical implications resulting from the H2NG blend option

    The future of sovereignty in multilevel governance Europe: a constructivist reading

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    Multilevel governance presents a depiction of contemporary structures in EU Europe as consisting of overlapping authorities and competing competencies. By focusing on emerging non-anarchical structures in the international system, hence moving beyond the conventional hierarchy/anarchy dichotomy to distinguish domestic and international arenas, this seems a radical transformation of the familiar Westphalian system and to undermine state sovereignty. Paradoxically, however, the principle of sovereignty proves to be resilient despite its alleged empirical decline. This article argues that social constructivism can explain the paradox, by considering sovereign statehood as a process-dependent institutional fact, and by showing that multilevel governance can feed into this process

    Welche Macht darf es denn Sein? Tracing ‘Power’ in German Foreign Policy Discourse

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    The relationship between ‘Germany’ and ‘power’ remains a sensitive issue. While observers tend to agree that Germany has regained the status of the most powerful country in Europe, there is debate whether that is to be welcomed or whether that is a problem. Underpinning this debate are views, both within Germany and amongst its neighbours, regarding the kind of power Germany has, or should (not) have. Against this backdrop, the article reviews the dominant role conceptions used in the expert discourse on German foreign policy since the Cold War that depict Germany as a particular type of ‘power’. Specifically, we sketch the evolution of three prominent conceptions (constrained power, civilian power, hegemonic power) and the recent emergence of a new one (shaping power). The article discusses how these labels have emerged to give meaning to Germany’s position in international relations, points to their normative and political function, and to the limited ability of such role images to tell us much about how Germany actually exercises power

    Sediment management in coastal infrastructures: Techno-economic and environmental impact assessment of alternative technologies to dredging

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    The presence of anthropic activity in the coastal or riverine environment modifies the wave as well as the water and sediment current regime. In particular, the body of water around ports is an area where intense currents and sediment transport rates are usually present and can be affected by low water velocities that take place close to the entrance and inside the port basin. Consequently, sediment can be entrained and accumulated in such areas, creating problems to navigation. Ports and moorings are filled with fine sediments due to deposition resulting from solid transport. In particular, silt particles settle because of the weak vertical and lateral shearing of the velocity field. The result is that harbours frequently require ordinary maintenance dredging.The dredging process involves the removal of sediment in its natural deposited condition by using either mechanical or hydraulic equipment. Dredging is a consolidated and proven technology, but involves considerable drawbacks. In particular, dredging has a notable environmental impact on marine flora and fauna, contributes to the mobility and diffusion of contaminants and pollutants already present in the silted sediments, obstructs navigation and is characterized by relatively high and low predictable costs.This paper aims to provide an original structured overview of technologies alternative to dredging that have been tested in the past 50 years. More than 150 articles have been analysed to compare standard dredging technologies with market-ready competitors from techno-economic and environmental perspectives. In particular, the paper focuses on anti-sedimentation infrastructures and on innovative plant solutions characterized by low maintenance costs and by a very limited environmental impact. The final aim of the paper is to describe the currently available technologies that prevent port inlet and channel siltation and to classify them through a techno-economic and environmental impact assessment. The comparison shows that dredging has both the higher costs and environmental impact, while fixed sand by-passing plants are characterized by the lowest environmental impact and operation costs that are competitive with dredging

    Natural gas pipelines distribution: Analysis of risk, design and maintenance to improve the safety performance

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    The paper shows an overview of general characteristics, design, maintenance and hazards of natural gas transportation systems. Paper analysis starts from the description of the natural gas distribution systems, which represent the final section of the natural gas transportation. Since accidents on distribution gas system could threatening the urban safety, risk analysis needs to be assessed. For this purpose, the main hazardous consequences that may happen after a failure of the natural gas pipeline are defined. Correct design, installation and maintenance are required to reduce both frequency and impact of these accidents: a brief description of the principal technical requirements is reported
