341 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de Comunicación Asertiva mediante el aprendizaje cooperativo en adolescentes [Development of Assertive Communication through cooperative learning in adolescents]

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    El presente trabajo describe las primeras fases de un proyecto de intervención en gestión del aprendizaje que se llevara a cabo en una institución educativa, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es implementar una estrategia de intervención fundamentada en el Aprendizaje Cooperativo que permita desarrollar la comunicación asertiva, la importancia de este proyecto radica, en la necesidad de crear un ambiente adecuado en el aula en donde los alumnos tengan confianza con sus compañeros y docentes, puedan resolver con éxito los conflictos, expresar sus opiniones y comentarios de manera adecuada. Se considera relevante la intervención en la institución con un taller de comunicación asertiva, pues éste impactaría en la transformación positiva de los alumnos, así como mejorar la relación y convivencia entre compañeros de clase. [The present work describes the first phases of an intervention project in learning management that will be carried out in an educational institution, the main objective of this project is to implement an intervention strategy based on Cooperative Learning that allows to develop assertive communication, The importance of this project lies in the need to create an adequate environment in the classroom where students have confidence with their peers and teachers, can successfully resolve conflicts, express their opinions and comments in an appropriate way. It is considered relevant the intervention in the institution with an assertive communication workshop, as this would impact on the positive transformation of students, as well as improving the relationship and coexistence among classmates.

    Programación infográfica en la comprensión de textos en estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Ateneo de La Molina, 2017

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    En la investigación titulada Programación infográfica en la comprensión de textos en estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Ateneo de La Molina, 2017, se formuló el problema general ¿Cómo influye el programa de tratamiento infográfica en la comprensión de textos en estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Ateneo de La Molina, 2017?, con el objetivo Determinar cómo influye el programa de tratamiento infográfica en la comprensión de textos en estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Ateneo de La Molina, 2017, con la hipótesis de que el programa de tratamiento infográfica influye significativamente en la comprensión de textos en estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Ateneo de La Molina, 2017, siendo las variables Variable independiente VI: Programa de tratamiento informático y Variable dependiente VD: Comprensión de textos, siendo la metodología del presente es cuantitativo, concluyendo que la aplicación del Programa infográfica y la comprensión de texto en estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Ateneo de La Molina, 2017 y se recomienda que el desarrollo del programa de infografía para mejorar la comprensión de texto deben ser una de las prioridades educativas en todos los niveles y modalidades del sistema, especialmente tratándose en los estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la institución educativa Atenea de la Molina, 2017.Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle.Tesi

    El cine como actualización del plano de inmanecia en Guilles Deluze

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    Este proyecto tiene como fin, mostrar la nueva imagen de pensamiento fuera de los límites a los que ha estado supuesto bajo la historia de la filosofía en Occidente. Esta historia ha estado dominada bajo la reflexión y representación el cual llama “La imagen dogmática de pensamiento” como aquella que nos lleva a pensar de una determinada manera bajo un mismo esquema y mismas jerarquías. Dentro de esta postura, el pensamiento se encuentra bajo, un solo campo de posibilidad en el que solo se piensa a sí mismo y no se proyecta. Para la construcción de una nueva imagen de pensamiento, es necesario romper con las premisas bajo las cuales se ha regido la constitución del pensamiento, para esto es necesario desligarse de las jerarquías y las relaciones entre el conocer y el objeto que va a ser conocido. Este desligar, se da al concebir las ideas como un desplegarse que se construye independiente de un sujeto y un objeto fuera de la representación y categorías lógicas impuestas en la modernidad, para proyectarse en infinitudes. Para proyectar una mueva manera de pensar Deleuze ve la posibilidad de hacerlo por medio del cine ya que se encuentra lejos de la representación y la restricción a pensar de una misma dirección por el movimiento, este movimiento en la imagen no depende de agentes externos sino que la imagen crea todo un universo que se expresa por medio del montaje expresarse por el montaje como un todo

    Bacterial communities and antibiotic resistance in human-impacted water environments

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    From a One-Health concept the health of humans, animals and the environment is interconnected and what happens to one of the domains will affect the other two simultaneously. This concept can be applied not only to the transmission of bacterial infectious diseases but also to the transmission of antibiotic resistance. While bacterial infectious diseases caused by water-borne pathogens are still a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, the development and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is threatening human health like never before. If we are not able to control the generation and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria, in the near future thousands of people will die of infections that were treatable before. The relationship between human and animal health has been widely studied before but the environment is usually set aside minimizing the impact and effect of contaminated environments on human and animal health. Contaminated water environments represent a suitable place for the accumulation, spread and transmission of pathogenic and antibiotic resistant bacteria. In that sense, water environments are good interfaces where the transfer of antibiotic resistance determinants between bacteria might occur. Hence water environments might represent a good place for the surveillance of pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic resistance. In this thesis we aimed to characterize pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacterial communities as well as antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in highly contaminated rivers in La Paz and Oruro in Bolivia as well as in a waster water pump at a suburban community in Oslo. We also aimed to evaluate the potential of bacterial communities from contaminated water environments to transfer antibiotic resistance determinants to E. coli and test the effect of heavy metals in the occurrence and transfer of antibiotic resistance. We found high prevalence of enterobacteria, pathogenic E. coli and other diarrheal bacteria in water, agricultural soil and vegetables from an urban-impacted basin in La Paz, Bolivia (Paper I). Moreover, we repeatedly found the globally distributed and multi-drug resistant E. coli sequence types ST131 in Norway and ST648 both in Bolivia and Norway showing the important role of the environment for the dispersion of pathogenic and antibiotic resistant bacteria (Paper I and II). Additionally, we proved a high capability of bacterial communities from contaminated water environments to transfer antibiotic resistance determinants to E. coli. We showed that presence of metals such as ZnSO4 and CuSO4 in conjugation experiments might favor the transfer/acquisition of more diverse phenotypic multi-drug resistance profiles and mobile genetic elements carrying higher diversity of genes including extended spectrum beta-lactamases and other relevant genes conferring important advantages to the bacterial host (Paper III). Bacterial donors from contaminated irrigation water transferred a high diversity of antibiotic resistance determinants at considerable levels showing the potential risk of transmission of antibiotic resistance to human populations by contaminated irrigation water and vegetables (Paper III). We did not find significant associations between metal composition, bacterial communities and the abundance of selected antibiotic resistance determinants in acid mine drainage contaminated watersheds in Oruro, Bolivia (Paper IV)

    MEMORIAS | electronic literature + live coding performance

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    Memorias is a web-based artistic project by Jessica Rodríguez developed through the Estuary platform —an online platform to host live coding languages. It is based in six autobiographical writings connected to the way she “hears”, “writes”, “watches”, “reads”, “sees” and “listens” to the word. Through these texts, six code works were designed and programmed, hybridizing natural and computing languages by parsing three existing live coding languages: Tidal Cycles, Punctual, and CineCer0. Together, Memorias’ languages collide different materialities as well as visual and sonic approaches, going from voices in English, Spanish, Cello and Paetzold samples, audio and visual synthesis, and pre-recorded video clips. This project explores how speech and literature — in its written form— can be used as interfaces that allow the performer to communicate both, with the computer and the audience. Additionally, speech —in its sonic form— is moved through space and time, expanding the possibilities of spoken literature by producing unlimited variations of the “original” autobiographical writings. Within the space/time of the piece, the audience can experience different ways, textures and logics to approach visual and sound through the use of language as a memory trigger. For this conference, Memorias is be presented as an online collaborative performance by andamio.in, including Jessica Rodríguez, Rolando Rodríguez, Alejandro Brianza, and Luis M. Zirate. Credits: Voice in English_ Vic Wojciechowska (Canada) // Voice in Spanish and text edition_ Rolando Rodríguez (Mexico) // Cello_ Iracema de Andrade (Brasil-Mexico) // Paetzold_ Alejandro Brianza (Argentina) // Technical advisors_ David Ogborn (Canada) & Luis N. Del Angel (Mexico-Canada

    Efecto de la NIC 19 en el tratamiento contable de los beneficios sociales a corto plazo en la situación económica y financiera de la empresa Secucorp SAC en la Ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2015

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    En la presente investigación se tuvo por objetivo determinar de qué manera incide la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad Nº 19, en el tratamiento contable de los BENEFICIOS SOCIALES A CORTO PLAZO de los empleados, y su incidencia en la presentación razonable de la situación económica y financiera de la empresa SECUCORP S.A.C., de la ciudad de Trujillo. Hoy en día, algunas empresas todavía no aplican la normatividad correspondiente a las NORMAS INTERNACIONALES DE CONTABILIDAD (NIC), a pesar que, éstas se han adoptado para su aplicación obligatoria y general en la preparación razonable de los estados financieros de las empresas. La muestra estuvo constituida por los trabajadores de la empresa SECUCORP S.A.C., para poder verificar la hipótesis se aplicó el diseño lineal, pre experimental, ex post facto de un solo grupo, con observación antes y después de la aplicación de la NIC 19, con las técnicas de encuesta, observación y entrevista. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos que se pudo observar, es que la empresa reconoce los beneficios a los empleados, conforme a la normativa laboral, tributaria vigente en el Perú y no de acuerdo de la NIC 19, Beneficios sociales a corto plazo, afectando y distorsionando la información proporcionada en los estados financieros para la toma de decisiones por parte de la gerencia. Por lo tanto, lo que se pretende dar a conocer con la presente investigación, es que al no dar cumplimiento de los principios y normas contables, los resultados obtenidos durante el ejercicio económico no serían los correctos, por ende, afectaría la credibilidad de la unidad económica; y por consiguiente, una variación en su situación económica y financieraIn the present investigation aimed to determine how affects the implementation of the International Accounting Standard No. 19, for proper accounting treatment of SOCIAL BENEFITS SHORT TERM employee contributes to the fair presentation of the economic and financial situation company SECUCORP SAC, of the city of Trujillo. Today, some companies still do not apply the appropriate regulations to International Accounting Standards (IAS), although, they have adopted for mandatory application in the reasonable preparation of financial statements of companies. Currently the company SECUCORP SAC; does not perform an adequate accounting treatment of SOCIAL BENEFITS SHORT TERM employees, this entails that the company may have legal problems by failing to comply and not recognize the benefit to future generated by the worker to provide services, as it you can generate fines and this can damage their profitability; besides not having budgeted for those expenses from the time that accrues no social security contributions. The sample was made by the company SECUCORP SAC to obtain data domains of the variables, linear design was applied, pre experimental, ex post facto of a single group, with observation before and after application of IAS 19 with survey techniques, observation and interview. Among the main results could be observed, it is that the company recognizes the benefits to employees under labor, legal and tax regulations in force in Peru and not according to IAS 19, benefits in the short term, affecting and distorting the information provided in the financial statements for decisionmaking by management. There fore, what is intended to describe in this research is that by failing to comply with the accounting principles and standards, the results obtained during the fiscal year would not be correct, therefore, it affects the credibility of the unit economic; and therefore a change in its economic and financial situatio

    Factores asociados a la infección por Covid-19 y a los costos por ausentismo laboral en trabajadores administrativos de una entidad mixta, Perú, 2021

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar factores asociados a COVID-19 y a los costos por ausentismo laboral en trabajadores administrativos de una entidad mixta de Lima. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio transversal analítico que incluyó trabajadores con síntomas respiratorios y contactos entre enero a diciembre del 2021 de una entidad financiera. Se consideró COVID-19 confirmado si tenía prueba molecular o antigénica positiva. Asimismo, se determinó la tasa global de ausentismo (TGA) como la división entre los días faltados con el total de días laborales. Se calcularon los costos relacionados al ausentismo según la metodología Heinrich. Los factores asociados se determinaron por chi cuadrado para categóricas. Para numéricas, T de Student o Kruskall Wallis según normalidad de las variables. RESULTADOS: Se incluyó 210 trabajadores con una edad media de 35,8 años, un 54,8% fueron mujeres y sólo un 18,1% tenían alguna comorbilidad. Un 54,8% presentó COVID-19 confirmada, hubo una TGA de 5,4% del total de días trabajados y el costo directo laboral fue $68,578.19. El COVID-19 confirmado se asoció a trabajo presencial y tener más de una comorbilidad. La tasa de ausentismo también al número de comorbilidades y a presentar COVID confirmado. Los costos relacionados a ausentismo, se asociaron a presentar COVID confirmado, mayor edad, mayor índice de masa corporal, más de una comorbilidad, trabajo remoto y a cargos gerenciales. CONCLUSIONES: El número de comorbilidades fue el factor común para presentar COVID-19 confirmado, ausentismo y sus costos laborales relacionados. El trabajo presencial presentó asociación con COVID confirmado y por tanto a mayor costo. Finalmente, presentar mayor edad, mayor índice de masa corporal y cargos gerenciales sólo se asociaron a mayores costos laborales

    State-dependent TMS effects in the visual cortex after visual adaptation : A combined TMS-EEG study

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    Objective: The impact of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been shown to depend on the initial brain state of the stimulated cortical region. This observation has led to the development of paradigms that aim to enhance the specificity of TMS effects by using visual/luminance adaptation to modulate brain state prior to the application of TMS. However, the neural basis of interactions between TMS and adaptation is unknown. Here, we examined these interactions by using electroencephalography (EEG) to measure the impact of TMS over the visual cortex after luminance adaptation. Methods: Single-pulses of neuronavigated TMS (nTMS) were applied at two different intensities over the left visual cortex after adaptation to either high or low luminance. We then analyzed the effects of adaptation on the global and local cortical excitability. Results: The analysis revealed a significant interaction between the TMS-evoked responses and the adaptation condition. In particular, when nTMS was applied with high intensity, the evoked responses were larger after adaptation to high than low luminance.Conclusion: This result provides the first neural evidence on the interaction between TMS with visual adaptation. Significance: TMS can activate neurons differentially as a function of their adaptation state.(c) 2021 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    What is the predictive power of the colobine protein-to-fiber model and its conservation value?

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    Predicting variation in animal abundance across time and space has proven very difficult; however, a model exists to predict the biomass of small folivorous primates that has considerable correlative support. This model suggests that the protein-to-fiber ratio of leaves in a habitat can predict folivore biomass. Here we present an experimental test of this protein-to-fiber model to assess if the number of infant monkeys per female and group size can be predicted based on the leaf chemistry of a habitat. We expected regenerating forest in Kibale National Park, Uganda to have leaves with higher concentrations of crude protein and lower concentrations of fiber than old-growth forest trees, and consequently, we expected a greater number of infants per female in the folivorous red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus) with access to this area. As predicted, regenerating forests did have trees with leaves with high concentrations of protein and low concentrations of fiber, but there was no corresponding change in the demographic structure of red colobus groups. We also tested whether energy was a potential determinant of these parameters, but found no evidence for its importance. Our findings support recent studies that are critical of the protein-to-fiber model, which lead us to question the model’s generality, particularly for conservation and management

    Acinetobacter Lwofii, an unusual cause of infectious pericarditis complicated with cardiac tamponade: a case report

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    Bacterial pericarditis can be considered a rare pathology, usually associated with cardiac procedures and, to a lesser extent, with immunosuppression and chronic diseases. The importance of its knowledge lies in the fact that mortality can reach up to 100% in untreated patients. Once diagnosed, pericardiocentesis and administration of intravenous antimicrobial therapy are mandatory for the prevention of its complications, which include cardiac tamponade and sepsis. Here we present an exceptional case of infectious pericarditis due to Acinetobacter Lwoffii in an older adult, which was complicated by pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade