97 research outputs found

    El aprendizaje de los educadores sobre los procesos de ense�anza. La alfabetizaci�n inicial

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    11 páginasThis article is a product of the process of a qualitative research_x000D_ project; it focuses on the analysis of the information_x000D_ given by teachers about their theoretical knowledge_x000D_ and their work experiences form the classroom involving_x000D_ the methods in which they teach children how to read_x000D_ and write and what they have learned during their first_x000D_ teaching of basic literacy, and their work as educators._x000D_ Some questions are stated according to these findings_x000D_ about the relationship between theory and daily practice_x000D_ in teaching education.Este artículo, producto de un proceso de una investigación_x000D_ cualitativa, se centra en el análisis de las formas_x000D_ en que las educadoras enseñan a leer y a escribir a los_x000D_ niños y a las niñas, de los aprendizajes adquiridos en_x000D_ ese proceso y su relación con los aprendizajes obtenidos_x000D_ durante su formación inicial. Se destaca que la principal_x000D_ fuente de aprendizaje sobre los procesos de enseñanza_x000D_ es la práctica profesional. A partir de este hallazgo se_x000D_ plantean algunas preguntas sobre la relación entre la_x000D_ teoría, la práctica profesional y la formación docente

    Climacteric experiences in nurses: Bases for feminine care in the light of Joan Scott

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    El climaterio es una etapa fisiológica en la mujer que se caracteriza por una serie de cambios morfológicos, funcionales, psicológicos y emocionales de vivencias basados en el cuidado en la condición femenina. Objetivos describir y analizar las vivencias de las enfermeras basado en la teoría de Joan Scott (2009), y considerar las bases para el cuidado. Estudio cualitativo mediante historia de vida cuya población estuvo conformada diez enfermeras se utilizó la entrevista a profundidad con preguntas abiertas. Resultados: Se evidencio las siguientes categorías: (1) Vivenciando el climaterio con alteraciones físicas y psicológicas, (2) Vivenciando sentimientos de inferioridad sexual, separación e incomprensión con la pareja, (3) Redes sociales de ayuda: la familia, ayuda profesional, ayuda entre pares, y (4) Trascender desde las experiencias y las bases para el logro de una vida plena hacia un modelo de cuidado integral a la mujer en edad de climaterio. Se concluye que las vivencias incómodas del climaterio, compromete las interacciones familiares y laborales. En la vida conyugal, la fragilidad emocional y la incomprensión todavía es un obstáculo para algunas mujeres; el apoyo familiar provee ayuda eficaz aún en los momentos más difíciles, cuando la sintomatología es muy intensa, la mujer solicita ayuda profesional. Para Scott, la mujer establece vínculos de identidad cultural, sociales con diferencias de género poco comprendidas. Por tanto, la enfermera(o) debe brindar cuidados integrales y únicos, donde la mujer logre una vida plena, construyendo un “Modelo de cuidado donde se desarrollen estrategias de acción dirigidas a la mujer en todas sus esferas”

    Inter and Intra Variation of Potato Yellow Vein Virus in Three Potato Species From Colombia

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    Abstract. Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV), (family Closteroviridae, genus Crinivirus) is a re-emergent virus in Andean countries. Low inter-isolate variation has been reported for PYVV CP gene, but there are no reports for intra-isolate variation. Inter- and intra-isolate variability in CP from a population of PYVV was studied. Samples of 216 symptomatic potato plants (115 Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena (STA), 100 Solanum phureja (SPH) and 1 Solanum chaucha (SCH)) were collected in five Colombian departments. Viral isolates were amplified by RT-PCR and the amplicons were analyzed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Six different migration SSCP patterns (A to F) with different complexities were observed among the population. Pattern A was detected in the five departments in 66% of the isolates. Pattern E was found only in the department of Cundinamarca with a frequency of 0.09%. Patterns B, C, D and F were found in similar proportions of from 13% to 5.6% and were present in the five departments. Homology at the nucleotide level of 75% of the sequence of the CP gene was greater than 99% and the dN/dS ratio (no-synonymous/ synonymous changes) was 0.002. Amplicons of the whole CP gene of eight selected isolates representing the six SSCP patterns were cloned and the SSCP analysis showed that, in all cases, more than one variant was present. The sequence analysis of the 35 clones confirmed intra-isolate variability of PYVV. The existence of several variants in a single field isolate was demonstrated and negative selection against amino acid changes of the CP was suggested.  /  Resumen. Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV), (familia Closteroviridae, género Crinivirus) es un virus re-emergente para los países Andinos. Se ha reportado baja variación del gen CP de PYVV entre aislados, pero no hay reportes de variación intra aislado. Se estudió tanto la variación inter como intra aislado del CP de una población de PYVV. Muestras de 216 plantas de papa sintomáticas (115 Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena (STA), 100 Solanum phureja (SPH) y 1 Solanum chaucha (SCH)) se colectaron en 5 departamentos de Colombia. Los aislados se amplificaron por RT-PCR y los amplicones se analizaron por polimorfismo conformacional de cadena sencilla (SSCP). Se observaron seis patrones de migración de SSCP distintos (A a F) con diferentes complejidades. El patrón A fue detectado en cinco departamentos en 66% de los aislados y el E solo en el departamento de Cundinamarca con una frecuencia de 0,09%. Los patrones B, C, D y F se encontraron en proporciones similares entre 13% a 5,6%, y estuvieron presentes en los cinco departamentos. La homología de nucleótidos del 75% de la secuencia del gen CP fue mayor del 99% y la tasa dN/dS (cambios no sinónimos/ cambios sinónimos) fue de 0,002. Amplicones del gen completo de CP de ocho aislados que representaban los seis patrones de SSCP se clonaron y un análisis SSCP mostró que todos tenían más de una variante. El análisis de secuencias de 35 clones confirmó la variabilidad intra aislado de PYVV. La existencia de varias variantes en un solo aislado de campo se demostró y se sugiere selección negativa de cambios de aminoácidos en al CP

    Medicinal Plants Used by Indigenous Communities of Oaxaca, Mexico, to Treat Gastrointestinal Disorders

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    The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and ethnodiseases such as diarrhea, stomachache, dysentery, “empacho” (blockage), and bile is a common strategy among indigenous communities. It is estimated that approximately 34% of medicinal plants are used to treat diseases of the digestive tract. In Mexico, gastrointestinal infections caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses represent one of the main causes of death in children in rural populations. Our objective was to document the use of medicinal plants used by the indigenous groups of Oaxaca, Mexico, for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, based on previous studies, experiences, and field observations in indigenous communities and supplemented with bibliographic references. In Oaxaca, there are 16 indigenous groups, the largest being the speakers of the Zapoteco, Mixteco, Mazateco, Mixe, Chinanteco, Amuzgo, Tacuate, Chatino, and Cuicateco languages. In this review of the medicinal plants used for gastrointestinal disorders, 186 species were grouped into 147 genera and 71 botanical families, among which the largest number of species belonged to Asteraceae (29), Fabaceae (15), Euphorbiaceae (9), Solanaceae (9), and Lamiaceae (9). Different pharmacological studies showed potential for preventing microbial and fungal pathogens that cause gastrointestinal disease

    Dinámica en las pautas y prácticas de crianza de una familia monoparental del barrio Charco Azul, en la ciudad de Cali.

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    Gráficas, Mapa geográfico y TablasEl Curso de Profundización de Desarrollo Humano y Familia, es una opción de grado planteada por la universidad que permite la generación de una propuesta de Investigación e Intervención Psicosocial dentro del contexto familiar. Como equipo investigador partimos de la premisa que la familia como institución primaria del individuo, se asocia directamente con pautas y prácticas de crianza, a través de las cuales, los padres, adultos o cuidadores imparten las enseñanzas y educación a sus hijos. Todo ello trae un conglomerado de situaciones, costumbres y dinámicas, que están estrechamente relacionadas con los constructos mentales que cada padre ha aprendido desde su familia originaria. En las pautas y prácticas de crianza, está reflejada la cultura por medio de creencias, prácticas, castigos, recompensas, mitos, entre muchas otras condiciones donde podemos visualizar la mediación o intervención de los padres. Desde los lineamientos de la investigación cualitativa, se identifican prácticas inadecuada de corregir dentro del sistema familiar ¨Correa¨, así como pautas de crianza débiles y permeables, dando cabida a la reflexión critica de los subsistemas familiares para movilizar acciones que den respuesta al problema en su actual dimensión desde un programa de atención psicosocial.The Deepening Course Human and Family Development degree is an option raised by the university that allows the generation of a proposal and Psychosocial Intervention Research within the family context. As a research team we start from the premise that the family as the primary institution of the individual, is directly associated with parenting practices and guidelines, through which, parents, adults or caregivers taught the teachings and education for their children. This brings a conglomeration of situations, customs and dynamics that are closely related to mental constructs that each parent has learned from his original family. In the guidelines and practices of upbringing, culture by means of beliefs, practices, punishments, rewards, myths is reflected, among many other conditions which can visualize the mediation or intervention by parents. Since the guidelines of qualitative research, correct improper practices within the Family System ¨Correa¨, and patterns of weak and permeable aging are identified, allowing for critical reflection of family subsystems to mobilize action in response to the problem in its present dimension from a program of psychosocial care

    Anthocyanin Profile of Red Maize Native from Mixteco Race and Their Antiproliferative Activity on Cell Line DU145

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    Mexico is regarded as the point of origin and biodiversity of maize, which takes the colors white, yellow, blue, or red. Red maize in particular owes its coloring to a type of polyphenolic compounds known as anthocyanins. The aim of this study was to determine the profile anthocyanin of red maize, as well as their antiproliferative activity on prostate cancer cell line DU145. Three samples of red maize were analyzed. Total polyphenols, monomeric anthocyanins, antioxidant activity by DDPH and FRAP were evaluated. The sample of red maize with the highest levels of total polyphenols and monomeric anthocyanins was selected, and its anthocyanin fraction was analyzed by HPLC-ESI-MS. Twenty compounds were detected in the anthocyanin profile, and from these, 12 anthocyanins derived of cyanidin were identified. MTT assay was used to determine the antiproliferative activity of the anthocyanin fraction from red maize at different concentrations (7–1000 μg/mL), and a significant antiproliferative activity was observed at 1000 μg/mL. Microscopy analysis showed that the anthocyanin fraction of red maize induced apoptosis in cell lines DU145. This is the first report showing that anthocyanin fraction of red maize possess antiproliferative activity in the DU145 cell line

    Efecto del catión, del anión y del co-ión sobre la agregación de líquidos iónicos en solución acuosa

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    The aggregation behavior of thirteen 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids in aqueous solution is presented, considering variations of the alkyl side chain length as well as the anionic moiety. Cation and anion molecular volumes are selected as appropriate molecular descriptors. Additionally, the existing relationship between critical micelle concentration (CMC) and electrolyte concentration in solution is established, aiming to clarify ion effects. CMC values were obtained by measuring electrical conductivity and surface tension. It was confirmed that aggregation of ionic liquids in aqueous solution and in presence of inorganic salts is affected by the factors developed in this study

    Coffee consumption increases the antioxidant capacity of plasma and has no effect on the lipid profile or vascular function in healthy adults in a randomized controlled trial

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    ABSTRACT: Coffee, a source of antioxidants, has controversial effects on cardiovascular health. Objective: We evaluated the bioavailability of chlorogenic acids (CGAs) in 2 coffees and the effects of their consumption on the plasma antioxidant capacity (AC), the serum lipid profile, and the vascular function in healthy adults. Methods: Thirty-eight men and 37 women with a mean 6 SD age of 38.5 6 9 y and body mass index of 24.1 6 2.6 kg/m2 were randomly assigned to 3 groups: a control group that did not consume coffee or a placebo and 2 groups that consumed 400 mL coffee/d for 8 wk containing a medium (MCCGA; 420 mg) or high (HCCGA; 780 mg) CGA content. Both were low in diterpenes (0.83 mg/d) and caffeine (193 mg/d). Plasma caffeic and ferulic acid concentrations were measured by GC, and the plasma AC was evaluated with use of the ferric-reducing antioxidant power method. The serum lipid profile, nitric oxide (NO) plasma metabolites, vascular endothelial function (flow-mediated dilation; FMD), and blood pressure (BP) were evaluated.Results: After coffee consumption (1 h and 8 wk), caffeic and ferulic acid concentrations increased in the coffee-drinking groups, although the values of the 2 groups were significantly different (P < 0.001); caffeic and ferulic acid concentrations were undetectable in the control group. At 1 h after consumption, the plasma AC in the control group was significantly lower than the baseline value (22%) and significantly increased in the MCCGA (6%) and HCCGA (5%) groups (P < 0.05). After 8 wk, no significant differences in the lipid, FMD, BP, or NO plasma metabolite values were observed between the groups. Conclusions: Both coffees, which contained CGAs and were low in diterpenes and caffeine, provided bioavailable CGAs and had a positive acute effect on the plasma AC in healthy adults and no effect on blood lipids or vascular function. The group that did not drink coffee showed no improvement in serum lipid profile, FMD, BP, or NO plasma metabolites. This trial was registered at registroclinico.sld.cu as RPCEC00000168

    El uso de hongos macroscópicos como inmunoestimulantes en peces teleósteos: estado del arte al 2018

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    Background. Different methods are currently used for the prevention and control of diseases in aquaculture. Prophylaxis with immunostimulants from microscopic fungi provides protection against diseases and increases resistance to parasites. In this context, Basidiomycota fungi could have high potential for use in aquaculture because they contain different compounds, such as fungal proteins, polysaccharides, terpenoids, vitamins, and minerals, which could work as immunostimulants. Goals. Collect and disseminate the information on species of macroscopic fungi that have been used as immunostimulants in the farming of teleost fish and the fungi that have not been tested in fish but have shown positive results in other organisms. Methods. We gather, discuss and compare the experimental, scientific and theoretical literature related to the immunostimulant effect of macroscopic fungi in the cultivation of teleosts, as well as fungi whose stimulating effect&nbsp;has been positive in other organisms. Results. We evaluated more than 50 species of fungi with immunostimulating properties. Nevertheless, in recent years, the effects of only eight species of macromycetes, belonging to the genera Ganoderma, Inonotus, Lentinula, Pleurotus, and Trametes, have been evaluated in 17 published papers regarding the immune response of nine species of fish. Seven of these papers are about isolated glucans, six about crude and alcoholic extracts, two about pulverized basidiomata, and one about a mushroom fermented by-product. Conclusions. Due to the limited information on the immunostimulating effect of macromycetes on fish, more research is needed regarding other fungi species with immunostimulant properties, the correct determination of fungi species, their culture, and in vivo and in vitro tests that confirm their immune system effects on the model organism and target organism. &nbsp;Antecedentes. Actualmente se utilizan diferentes métodos para la prevención y control de enfermedades en la acuicultura. La profilaxis con inmunoestimulantes a partir de hongos macroscópicos proporciona protección ante enfermedades y aumenta la resistencia a parásitos. En este contexto, los hongos Basidiomycota podrían tener un alto potencial para su uso acuícola, ya que contienen diferentes compuestos, como proteínas fúngicas, polisacáridos, terpenoides, vitaminas y minerales, que podrían tener un efecto inmunoestimulante. Objetivos. Analizar la información existente relativa a las especies de hongos macroscópicos que han sido evaluadas como inmunoestimulantes en el cultivo de peces teleósteos y también la de aquéllos que no han sido probados en peces pero que han mostrado resultados positivos en la respuesta inmune en otros organismos. Métodos. Se reunió, expuso y comparó la literatura experimental, científica y teórica relacionada con el efecto inmunoestimulante de los hongos macroscópicos en el cultivo de teleósteos así como la relativa a hongos cuyo efecto estimulante ha sido positivo en otros organismos. Resultados. Actualmente se han comprobado las propiedades inmunoestimulantes de más de 50 especies de hongos macroscópicos. No obstante, en 17 investigaciones publicadas durante los últimos años sólo se ha evaluado el efecto sobre la respuesta inmune de nueve especies de peces ante ocho especies de hongos: Ganoderma, Inonotus, Lentinula, Pleurotus, Phellinus y Trametes. De dichas publicaciones, siete consisten en la evaluación de glucanos purificados, seis de extractos crudos o alcohólicos, dos de basidiomas pulverizados y uno de un subproducto de hongo fermentado. Conclusiones. Debido a la escasa información existente sobre el efecto inmunoestimulante de macromicetes en peces, es preciso llevar a cabo más investigaciones que aborden su potencial en otras especies, que se estudie su cultivo y su correcta determinación, y se realicen pruebas in vitro e in vivo, tanto del organismo modelo como de organismos blanco, para confirmar sus efectos sobre el sistema inmune