271 research outputs found

    Comparison of hyperpronation and supination‑flexion techniques in children presented to emergency department with painful pronation

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    Context: Radial head subluxation, also known as ‘pulled elbow’, ‘dislocated elbow’ or ‘nursemaid’s elbow’, is one of the most common upper extremity injuries in young children and a common reason to visit Emergency Department (ED).Aim: To compare supination of the wrist followed by flexion of the elbow (the traditional reduction technique) to hyperpronation of the wrist in the reduction of radial head subluxations (nursemaid’s elbow) maneuvers in children presented to ED with painful pronation and to determine which method is less painful by children.Settings and Design: This prospective randomize study involved a consecutive sampling of children between 1‑5 year old who were presented to the ED with painful pronation.Materials and Methods: The initial procedure was repeated if baseline functioning did not return 20 minutes after the initial reduction attempt. Failure of that technique 30 minutes after the initial reduction attempt resulted in a cross‑over to the alternate method of reduction.Statistical analysis used: Datas were analyzed using SPSS for Windows 16.0. Mean, standard deviation, independent samples t test, Chi‑square test, and paired t test were used in the assessment of pain scores before and after reduction.Results: When pain scores before and after reduction were compared between groups to determine which technique is less painful by children, no significant difference was found between groups.Conclusions: It was found that in the reduction of radial head subluxations, the hyperpronation technique is more effective in children who were presented to ED with painful pronation compared with supination‑flexion. However, there was no significant difference between these techniques in terms of pain.Key words: Child, emergency department, nursemaid’s elbow, pain, pulled elbo

    Quality and Safety Aspects of Infant Nutrition

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    Quality and safety aspects of infant nutrition are of key importance for child health, but oftentimes they do not get much attention by health care professionals whose interest tends to focus on functional benefits of early nutrition. Unbalanced diets and harmful food components induce particularly high risks for untoward effects in infants because of their rapid growth, high nutrient needs, and their typical dependence on only one or few foods during the first months of life. The concepts, standards and practices that relate to infant food quality and safety were discussed at a scientific workshop organized by the Child Health Foundation and the Early Nutrition Academy jointly with the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, and a summary is provided here. The participants reviewed past and current issues on quality and safety, the role of different stakeholders, and recommendations to avert future issues. It was concluded that a high level of quality and safety is currently achieved, but this is no reason for complacency. The food industry carries the primary responsibility for the safety and suitability of their products, including the quality of composition, raw materials and production processes. Introduction of new or modified products should be preceded by a thorough science based review of suitability and safety by an independent authority. Food safety events should be managed on an international basis. Global collaboration of food producers, food-safety authorities, paediatricians and scientists is needed to efficiently exchange information and to best protect public health. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    The impact of clothing style on bone mineral density among post menopausal women in Morocco: a case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: The clothing style is an important factor that influences vitamin D production and thus bone mineral density. We performed a case-control study in order to evaluate the effect of veil wearing (concealing clothing) on bone mineral density in Moroccan post menopausal women. METHODS: The cases were osteoporotic women whose disease was assessed by bone mineral density measurement. Each patient was matched with a non osteoporotic woman for age, and body mass index. All our patients were without secondary causes or medications that might affect bone density. The veil was defined as a concealing clothing which covered most of the body including the arms, the legs and the head. This definition is this of the usual Moroccan traditional clothing style. RESULTS: 178 post menopausal osteoporotic patients and 178 controls were studied. The mean age of the cases and the controls was 63.2 years (SD 7) and the mean body mass index was 32.1 (SD 8). The results of crude Odds Ratios analyses indicated that wearing a veil was associated with a high risk of osteoporosis: OR 2.29 (95% CI, 1.38–3.82). Multiparity or a history of familial peripheral osteoporotic fractures had also a significant effect on increasing the osteoporosis risk (ORs: 1.87 (95% CI, 1.05–3.49) and 2.01 (95% CI, 1.20–3.38)). After a multiple regression analysis, wearing the veil and a history of familial osteoporotic fractures remained the both independent factors that increased the osteoporosis risk (ORs: 2.20 (95% CI, 1.22–3.9) and 2.19 (95% CI, 1.12–4.29) respectively). CONCLUSION: our study suggested that in Moroccan post menopausal women, wearing a traditional concealing clothing covering arms, legs and head increased the risk of osteoporosis. Further studies are required to evaluate the clinical impact of the above findings and to clarify the status of vitamin D among veiled women in Morocco

    High prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency and its association with obesity and metabolic syndrome among Malay adults in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    Background: Vitamin D status, as indicated by 25-hydroxyvitamin D is inversely associated with adiposity, glucose homeostasis, lipid profiles, and blood pressure along with its classic role in calcium homeostasis and bone metabolism. It is also shown to be inversely associated with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases in western populations. However, evidence from the Asian population is limited. Therefore, we aim to study the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency (< 50 nmol/L) and the association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with metabolic risk factors among an existing Malay cohort in Kuala Lumpur. Methods: This is an analytical cross sectional study. A total of 380 subjects were sampled and their vitamins D status (25-hydroxyvitamin D), fasting blood glucose, full lipid profile were assessed using venous blood. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, weight, height and waist circumference were measured following standard protocols. Socio-demographic data such as sex, age, smoking status etc were also collected. Data was analysed using t-test, chi-square test, General Linear Model and multiple logistic regression. Results: Females made up 58 of the sample. The mean age of respondents was 48.5 (SD 5.2) years. Females had significantly lower mean Vitamin D levels (36.2; 95 CI: 34.5, 38.0 nmol/L) compared to males (56.2; 95 CI: 53.2, 59.2 nmol/L). Approximately 41 and 87 of males and females respectively had insufficient (< 50 nmol/L) levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (p < 0.001). The prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome for the whole sample was 38.4 (95 CI: 33.5, 43.3). In the multivariate model (adjusted for age, sex, abdominal obesity, HDL-cholesterol, diastolic blood pressure), insufficient Vitamin D status was significantly associated with 1-year age increments (OR: 0.93; 95 CI: 0.88, 0.98), being female (OR: 8.68; 95 CI: 5.08, 14.83) and abdominal obesity (OR: 2.57; 95 CI: 1.51, 4.39). Respondents with insufficient vitamin D were found to have higher odds of having Metabolic Syndrome (OR: 1.73; 95 CI: 1.02, 2.92) after adjusting for age and sex. Conclusions: Our results highlight the high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency among Malay adults in Kuala Lumpur. Vitamin D insufficiency is independently associated with younger age, female sex and greater abdominal obesity. Vitamin D insufficiency is also associated with Metabolic Syndrome

    Multiple Sclerosis Susceptibility-Associated SNPs Do Not Influence Disease Severity Measures in a Cohort of Australian MS Patients

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    Recent association studies in multiple sclerosis (MS) have identified and replicated several single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) susceptibility loci including CLEC16A, IL2RA, IL7R, RPL5, CD58, CD40 and chromosome 12q13–14 in addition to the well established allele HLA-DR15. There is potential that these genetic susceptibility factors could also modulate MS disease severity, as demonstrated previously for the MS risk allele HLA-DR15. We investigated this hypothesis in a cohort of 1006 well characterised MS patients from South-Eastern Australia. We tested the MS-associated SNPs for association with five measures of disease severity incorporating disability, age of onset, cognition and brain atrophy. We observed trends towards association between the RPL5 risk SNP and time between first demyelinating event and relapse, and between the CD40 risk SNP and symbol digit test score. No associations were significant after correction for multiple testing. We found no evidence for the hypothesis that these new MS disease risk-associated SNPs influence disease severity

    Cтратегии и технологии инновационного развития корпораций

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    У монографії представлено результати дослідження й систематизації теоретичних, науково-методологічних і практичних положень та розробок щодо стратегій та технологій інноваційного розвитку корпорацій. Запропоновано і обґрунтовано технології управління інноваційним розвитком підприємств, стратегії розвитку бізнесу, визначено сучасні реалії та тенденції корпоративного маркетингу, культури та соціальної відповідальності бізнесу, запропоновано нові підходи у корпоративному управлінні, обґрунтовано доцільність використання краудтехнологій фінансування інноваційних проектів, визначено підхо-ди щодо управління персоналом корпорацій в поведінковій економіці. Для науковців та фахівців сфери економіки та управління підприємствам