228 research outputs found

    Can Nonprofits Increase Voting Among Their Clients, Constituents and Staff?: An Evaluation of the Track the Vote Program - Executive Summary

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    The Track the Vote program sought to answer questions about the effectiveness of nonprofit service providers in promoting voter participation within their regular services and programs, as well as their potential for increasing voter turnout among nonprofit clients and constituents. To do so, the program tracked 33,741 individuals who registered to vote or signed a pledge to vote at 94 nonprofits. The nonprofits included a diverse set of community health centers, family service agencies, multi-service organizations, and community development groups across seven states. Using demographic and voting history data, this report determines who the nonprofits reached and at what rate contacted voters turned out to vote in the 2012 general election, as compared to all registered voters in the seven states involved. The results showed the impact of personal voter outreach by nonprofit service providers in raising turnout rates among those least expected to vote and in closing gaps in voter participation across all demographics. To complement the voter turnout information, standardized interviews were conducted with 27 of the participating nonprofits to learn more about the capacity issues they faced and the tactics they used to engage voters. Fifteen of those interviews were turned into case studies, contained in Part II of this report

    La restauration du Christ en croix de la cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Nantes : redécouverte d’une technique de sculpture inédite grâce à la tomodensitométrie et aux micro-analyses

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    La cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Nantes conserve un Christ en croix de facture espagnole, daté de la fin du XVIe ou du début du XVIIe siècle. C’est à l’occasion de sa restauration que cette œuvre atypique appartenant au corpus des « sculptures légères » et aux œuvres de procession, proche des techniques de fabrication des Christ de maïs mexicains, a été redécouverte. Afin de recueillir des informations sur la technologie et les matériaux employés, plusieurs méthodes d’investigation assorties de micro-analyses approfondies ont été nécessaires. La réalisation d’une couverture tomodensitométrique détaillée a notamment été un élément décisif dans la compréhension des modes de construction originels et de l’état d’altération interne, et a démontré l’intérêt de cette technique d’imagerie performante pour les pratiques de restauration.Nantes Cathedral houses a Spanish Crucifixion dating from the late 16th or early 17th century. This atypical work,belonging to the group of “lightweight sculptures” and processional artefacts, closely related to the Mexican art of making sculptures of Christ from maize-stalk paste, was rediscovered during its restoration. In order to garner information about the technique and materials used, several methods of investigation and in-depth microanalyses were necessary. Producing a detailed CT scan image played a decisive role in understanding the original construction methods and internal alterations, and demonstrated the advantage of using this efficient imaging procedure in restoration practices

    Effects of Adherence to a Higher Protein Diet on Weight Loss, Markers of Health

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    Resistance training and maintenance of a higher protein diet have been recommended to help older individuals maintain muscle mass. This study examined whether adherence to a higher protein diet while participating in a resistance-based exercise program promoted more favorable changes in body composition, markers of health, and/or functional capacity in older females in comparison to following a traditional higher carbohydrate diet or exercise training alone with no diet intervention. In total, 54 overweight and obese females (65.9 ± 4.7 years; 78.7 ± 11 kg, 30.5 ± 4.1 kg/m2, 43.5 ± 3.6% fat) were randomly assigned to an exercise-only group (E), an exercise plus hypo-energetic higher carbohydrate (HC) diet, or a higher protein diet (HP) diet. Participants followed their respective diet plans and performed a supervised 30-min circuit-style resistance exercise program 3 d/wk. Participants were tested at 0, 10, and 14 weeks. Data were analyzed using univariate, multivariate, and repeated measures general linear model (GLM) statistics as well as one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of changes from baseline with [95% confidence intervals]. Results revealed that after 14 weeks, participants in the HP group experienced significantly greater reductions in weight (E −1.3 ± 2.3, [−2.4, −0.2]; HC −3.0 ± 3.1 [−4.5, −1.5]; HP −4.8 ± 3.2, [−6.4, −3.1]%, p = 0.003), fat mass (E −2.7 ± 3.8, [−4.6, −0.9]; HC −5.9 ± 4.2 [−8.0, −3.9]; HP −10.2 ± 5.8 [−13.2, –7.2%], p \u3c 0.001), and body fat percentage (E −2.0 ± 3.5 [−3.7, −0.3]; HC −4.3 ± 3.2 [−5.9, −2.8]; HP −6.3 ± 3.5 [−8.1, −4.5] %, p = 0.002) with no significant reductions in fat-free mass or resting energy expenditure over time or among groups. Significant differences were observed in leptin (E −1.8 ± 34 [−18, 14]; HC 43.8 ± 55 [CI 16, 71]; HP −26.5 ± 70 [−63, −9.6] ng/mL, p = 0.001) and adiponectin (E 43.1 ± 76.2 [6.3, 79.8]; HC −27.9 ± 33.4 [−44.5, −11.3]; HP 52.3 ± 79 [11.9, 92.8] µg/mL, p = 0.001). All groups experienced significant improvements in muscular strength, muscular endurance, aerobic capacity, markers of balance and functional capacity, and several markers of health. These findings indicate that a higher protein diet while participating in a resistance-based exercise program promoted more favorable changes in body composition compared to a higher carbohydrate diet in older females

    Linear model alternative to estimate the green biomass of the Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C. Wendl. within the appearance of multicollinearity

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar um m\ue9todo estat\uedstico multivariado como op\ue7\ue3o para estimar a biomassa verde da haste principal do bambu, Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C. Wendl., na exist\ueancia de multicolinearidade. Os dados foram provenientes de um experimento conduzido pela empresa Agroindustrial Excelsior S. A. (Agrimex) localizada no Engenho Itapirema, munic\uedpio de Goiana, PE. Foram utilizadas 450 hastes de bambu, que tiveram sua biomassa verde quantificada por meio do peso e mensura\ue7\ue3o de quatro vari\ue1veis independentes. Inicialmente, comprovou-se a exist\ueancia da multicolinearidade por meio da matriz de correla\ue7\ue3o das vari\ue1veis independentes e pelo fator de infla\ue7\ue3o da vari\ue2ncia e a op\ue7\ue3o utilizada foi \ue0 regress\ue3o linear com os componentes principais que tem como base a matriz de covari\ue2ncia. O resultado indicou que ao existir uma interpreta\ue7\ue3o para os componentes principais o modelo apresenta um ajuste satisfat\uf3rio aos dados, podendo ser utilizado para estimar a biomassa verde da haste principal do bambu.The objective of this work was to use a multivariate statistical method as an alternative to estimate the green biomass of the main bamboo rod, Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. i.e.: J.C. Wendl., in the presence of multicollinearity. The data came from an experiment carried out for the Agroindustrial Excelsior S. A. (Agrimex) company located in the city of Goiana - PE. Quantified by their green biomass weight, 450 bamboo rods were used and 4 independent variables measured in the rod. Initially, the presence of the multicollinearity could be verified through the correlation matrix of the independent variables and the varience inflation factors, the alternative used was the regression of the principal components based on the covariate matrix. The result indicates that, when there is an interpretation to the main components, the model shows a satisfactory data adjust, and it could be used to estimate the green biomass of the main bamboo rod

    Abstract PO-017 : radiotherapy in combination with the brain penetrant ATM inhibitor AZD1390 does not exacerbate radiation toxicity of neural stem cells in vitro or in vivo

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    While radiotherapy (RT) is fundamental for the treatment of brain tumors, irradiation of the brain frequently causes devastating effects on cognitive function and quality of life. DNA damage within neural stem cells (NSC) is a key factor in the pathogenesis of radiation-induced cognitive dysfunction. The ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase is a central protein in the DNA damage response and a critical determinant of tumor cell survival after radiation. ATM inhibition potently radiosensitizes preclinical models of GBM in vitro and in vivo. A novel, brain penetrant ATM inhibitor AZD1390, which is predicted to achieve brain tumor concentrations in the range of 1-5nM, is currently in early phase clinical evaluation in combination with RT. In marked contrast to observations in tumor models, genetic knockdown of ATM has radioprotective effects on NSC in vitro; the proposed mechanism is via suppression of p53 mediated apoptosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of AZD1390 on survival responses and mode of death in NSCs exposed to RT in vitro and in vivo. NSCs were derived from the telencephalon of E13 mouse embryos. Cells were treated with AZD1390 (0.1-10nM) 1 hour prior to ionizing radiation (IR; 0-5 Gy). Mode and timing of cell death was interrogated using IncuCyte live cell analysis to measure proliferation, cytotoxicity and apoptosis up to 72 hours post-IR. Cell viability and neurosphere formation assays were also used to measure radiation sensitivity in vitro. C57BL/6 mice received 20Gy hemibrain irradiation +/- 7-day treatment with AZD1390 (10mg/kg). Immunohistochemistry for Ki67 and Sox2 was used to assess effects on NSC in the subventricular zone (SVZ) 50 days post-irradiation. In vitro AZD1390 (1-10nM) inhibited ATM kinase function within 1 hour, evidenced by abrogation of KAP1 and p53 phosphorylation. NSCs primarily undergo apoptosis in response to IR. AZD1390 at 1 and 3nM significantly reduced apoptosis in irradiated NSCs (ratios of annexin V area under the curve 1.95 and 2 respectively); 10 nM had no effect on this parameter. Proliferation rates and cell viability after radiation were preserved at all drug concentrations. AZD1390 at 1nM did not modulate radiation effects on neurosphere formation whereas at 10nM a radiosensitizing effect was observed (ratio of SF[3Gy]=0.25). In vivo, IR decreased the number of Ki67 positive proliferating cells (92% reduction) and Sox2-positive cells (24% reduction) in the SVZ after 50 days; these effects were not exacerbated by addition of AZD1390. Acute effects (24 hours post-IR) are under investigation. We demonstrate in vitro that AZD1390 has radioprotective effects on NSCs at clinically achievable concentrations. In vivo, treatment with AZD1390 did not enhance the effects of radiation on NSCs in the SVZ. In the context of its profound radiosensitizing effects on GBM models, the absence of radiosensitization of NSCs both in vitro and in vivo strengthens the rationale for evaluating AZD1390 in combination with RT in GBM patients. Citation Format: Rodrigo Guttierez-Quintana, David J. Walker, Mark R. Jackson, Natividad Gomez-Roman, Sandeep Chahal, Stephen T. Durant, Anthony J. Chalmers. Radiotherapy in combination with the brain penetrant ATM inhibitor AZD1390 does not exacerbate radiation toxicity of neural stem cells in vitro or in vivo

    Alternativa de modelo linear para estimação da biomassa verde de Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C. Wendl na existência de multicolinearidade.

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    The objective of this work was to use a multivariate statistical method as an alternative to estimate the green biomass of the main bamboo rod, Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. i.e.: J.C. Wendl., in the presence of multicollinearity. The data came from an experiment carried out for the Agroindustrial Excelsior S. A. (Agrimex) company located in the city of Goiana – PE. Quantified by their green biomass weight, 450 bamboo rods were used and 4 independent variables measured in the rod. Initially, the presence of the multicollinearity could be verified through the correlation matrix of the independent variables and the varience inflation factors, the alternative used was the regression of the principal components based on the covariate matrix. The result indicates that, when there is an interpretation to the main components, the model shows a satisfactory data adjust, and it could be used to estimate the green biomass of the main bamboo rod.O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar um método estatístico multivariado como opção para estimar a biomassa verde da haste principal do bambu, Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C. Wendl., na existência de multicolinearidade. Os dados foram provenientes de um experimento conduzido pela empresa Agroindustrial Excelsior S. A. (Agrimex) localizada no Engenho Itapirema, município de Goiana, PE. Foram utilizadas 450 hastes de bambu, que tiveram sua biomassa verde quantificada por meio do peso e mensuração de quatro variáveis independentes. Inicialmente, comprovou-se a existência da multicolinearidade por meio da matriz de correlação das variáveis independentes e pelo fator de inflação da variância e a opção utilizada foi à regressão linear com os componentes principais que tem como base a matriz de covariância. O resultado indicou que ao existir uma interpretação para os componentes principais o modelo apresenta um ajuste satisfatório aos dados, podendo ser utilizado para estimar a biomassa verde da haste principal do bambu

    Common law marriage and couple formation

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    The Current Population Survey is used to investigate effects of Common Law Marriage (CLM) on whether young US-born adults live in couples in the U.S. CLM effects are identified through cross-state and time variation, as some states abolished CLM over the period examined. Analysis based on Gary Becker's marriage economics helps explain why CLM affects couple formation and does so differently depending on education, sex ratios and parent status. CLM reduces in-couple residence, and more so for childless whites and where there are fewer men per woman. Effects are larger for college-educated men and women without college