15 research outputs found

    DISPERSE, a trait database to assess the dispersal potential of European aquatic macroinvertebrates

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    Dispersal is an essential process in population and community dynamics, but is difficult to measure in the field. In freshwater ecosystems, information on biological traits related to organisms’ morphology, life history and behaviour provides useful dispersal proxies, but information remains scattered or unpublished for many taxa. We compiled information on multiple dispersal-related biological traits of European aquatic macroinvertebrates in a unique resource, the DISPERSE database. DISPERSE includes nine dispersal-related traits subdivided into 39 trait categories for 480 taxa, including Annelida, Mollusca, Platyhelminthes, and Arthropoda such as Crustacea and Insecta, generally at the genus level. Information within DISPERSE can be used to address fundamental research questions in metapopulation ecology, metacommunity ecology, macroecology and evolutionary ecology. Information on dispersal proxies can be applied to improve predictions of ecological responses to global change, and to inform improvements to biomonitoring, conservation and management strategies. The diverse sources used in DISPERSE complement existing trait databases by providing new information on dispersal traits, most of which would not otherwise be accessible to the scientific community. Measurement(s): dispersal • movement quality • morphological feature • behavioral quality Technology Type(s): digital curation Factor Type(s): taxon Sample Characteristic - Organism: Arthropoda • Mollusca • Annelida Sample Characteristic - Environment: aquatic biome • freshwater biome Sample Characteristic - Location: Europe Machine-accessible metadata file describing the reported data: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1314833

    Effects of dilution stress on the functioning of a saline Mediterranean stream

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    The effects of seasonality and dilution stress on the functioning of Rambla Salada, a hypersaline Mediterranean stream in SE Spain, were evaluated. The stream is subject to diffuse freshwater inputs from the drainage of intensively irrigated agriculture in the catchment and periodic losses of water through an irrigation channel. Metabolic rates and the biomass of primary producers and consumers were estimated over a 2-year period. During the first year several dilution events occurred, while during the second year the salinity recovery reached predisturbance levels. Functional indicators were compared in the disturbance and recovery salinity periods. Primary production and respiration rates in the Rambla Salada ranged between 0.07–21.05 and 0.19–17.39 g O2 m−2 day−1, respectively. The mean values for these variables were 7.35 and 5.48 g O2 m−2 day−1, respectively. Mean net daily metabolism rate was 1.87 ± 0.52 g O2 m−2 day−1 and mean production/respiration ratio was 2.48 ± 1.1, reflecting autotrophic metabolism. The metabolic rates showed the typical seasonal pattern of Mediterranean open canopy streams. Therefore, gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) registered maximum values in summer, intermediate values in spring and autumn and minimum values in winter. The metabolic rates and biomass of consumers were greater in the disturbance period than in the recovery period. However, they did not show significant differences between periods due to their important dependence on seasonal cycle. Seasonality accounted for much of the temporal variability in GPP and ER (76% and 83% in the multiregression models, respectively). Light availability seems to be the most important factor for GPP and ER in the Rambla Salada. Autotrophic biomass responded more to variations in discharge and conductivity than to seasonal variations. In fact, it was severely affected by freshwater inputs after which the epipelic biomass decreased significantly and Cladophora glomerata proliferated rapidly. Epipelic algal biomass was the most sensitive parameter to dilution disturbance

    Impact of chronic and pulse dilution disturbances on metabolism and trophic structure in a saline Mediterranean stream

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    Predicting the consequences of global change involves investigating the mechanisms by which anthropogenic stress modifies ecosystem function. In this sense, naturally stressed ecosystems provide a new framework to test hypotheses in such a context. Here, we use a saline stream (Rambla Salada, SE Spain) as a study case to test the general hypothesis that chronic stress has stronger impacts on metabolism and trophic structure than pulse disturbances. We compared two reaches differing in the persistence of dilution stress over the course of 2 years: the chronically disturbed reach was subject to persistent dilution (chronic disturbance) by freshwater inputs from surrounding irrigated crops and presented a dense stand of the common reed Phragmites australis; and the reference reach, which presented pristine conditions. During the first study year, both reaches were affected by several freshwater inputs due to a diversion channel break (pulse disturbance) that significantly decreased conductivity. During the second year, conductivity recovered to mean pre-pulse disturbance levels. Pulse dilution disturbance had no significant effect on production:respiration ratios (P/R), although predator biomasses increased. However, chronic dilution significantly decreased P/R values as well as consumer and producer biomasses. Dilution disturbances had no significant effects on the relative importance of the different functional feeding groups. Isotopic signatures revealed that macroinvertebrates in both reaches relied upon aquatic autotrophs, despite the common reed inputs at the chronically disturbed reach. In summary, this study highlights the relevance of stress persistence and the usefulness of functional measures when aiming to predict disturbance effects. Thus, whilst pulse disturbances had minor effects on ecosystem function, chronic dilution produced biomass depletion and a change from an autotrophic to a heterotrophic ecosystem

    Contrasting effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors on beta diversity in river organisms

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    Aim We hypothesized that mechanisms underlying beta diversity in rivers would differ between gradients where (1) natural stressors result in progressive species turnover with high specificity and (2) anthropogenic stressors result in the loss of specialist taxa thus giving rise to nestedness. Location Great Britain, the Iberian Peninsula and the Himalayan Mountains. Methods We analysed five datasets describing benthic macroinvertebrates sampled along natural (elevation, salinity) and anthropogenic (acidity, metals, land use) stress gradients. Predictions were tested by fitting models relating species richness and beta-diversity components (total, turnover and nestedness dissimilarities) to putative stress intensity (i.e. the degree to which a particular environmental constraint filters species occurrence). Results Stress intensity accounted for most of the variability in species richness (r2 = 0.64–0.93), which declined with increasing stress. Dissimilarity in community composition between locations increased with the difference in stress intensity for all datasets. For natural stressors, beta-diversity patterns mainly reflected species turnover, whilst for anthropogenic stressors beta diversity mainly reflected nesting of subsets of species as stress intensity increased. Main conclusions Our results support the hypothesis that natural and anthropogenic stressors generate contrasting patterns in beta diversity that arise through different mechanisms

    Fungal biodiversity mediates the effects of drying on freshwater ecosystem functioning

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    Investigating the influence of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning over environmental gradients is needed to anticipate ecosystem responses to global change. However, our understanding of the functional role of freshwater biodiversity, especially for microbes, is mainly based on manipulative experiments, where biodiversity and environmental variability are minimized. Here, we combined observational and manipulative experiments to analyse how fungal biodiversity responds to and mediates the impacts of drying on two key ecosystem processes: organic matter decomposition and fungal biomass accrual. Our observational data set consists of fungal biodiversity and ecosystem processes from 15 streams spanning a natural gradient of flow intermittence. Our manipulative design evaluates the responses of ecosystem processes to two fungal richness levels crossed with three levels of drying. For the observational experiment, we found that increasing the duration of drying reduced fungal species richness and caused compositional changes. Changes in species composition were driven by species turnover, suggesting resistance mechanisms to cope with drying. We also found that fungal richness had a positive effect on organic matter decomposition and fungal biomass accrual. Positive effects of fungal biodiversity were consistent when controlling for the effects of drying duration on richness by means of structural equation modelling. In addition, our results for the manipulative experiment showed that the positive effects of higher richness on both ecosystem processes were evident even when exposed to short or long simulated drying. Overall, our study suggests that maintaining high levels of biodiversity is crucial for maintaining functional freshwater ecosystems in response to ongoing and future environmental changes.We gratefully acknowledge Anna Romani and Rachel Stubbington for constructive suggestions on earlier versions of the manuscript and the field assistance of Veronica Granados. We would like to thank Amy Burgin, Benjamin A. Sikes and one anonymous reviewer for constructive suggestions on earlier versions of the manuscript. This work was funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain through projects: CGL2014-58760-C3-1-R and CGL2017-88640-C2-2-R. CG-C was supported by a "Juan de la Cierva-Incoporacion" contract (MINECO, IJC2018-036642-I) and by the European Regional Development Fund (COMPETE2020 and PT2020) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, through the Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology strategic program UID/BIA/04050/2019 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) and PTDC/CTA-AMB/31245/2017 project

    Mediterranean saline streams in southeast Spain: what do we know?

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    Many Mediterranean streams in arid and semiarid areas are naturally saline systems due to the presence of evaportic rocks of Miocene or Triassic origin. Despite the fact that these aquatic ecosystems are rare in Europe, they are common in southeast of Spain. The environmental constraints of these semiarid saline streams are imposed by both geological and climatic conditions. This paper is a compilation and summary of the principal results obtained from various studies on semiarid saline streams in the Iberian southeast. Available data for these typical environments in the region covers diverse issues such as those regarding their physical and chemical features, typology, biodiversity, community structure and ecosystem functioning, as well as different ecological and evolutionary aspects of their biota (e.g. ecophysiological responses, life cycles and phylogeography). Issues concerning the conservation of these habitats, such as the main human uses, impacts, threats and their management are also summarised. Finally, topics in need of further research are provided. The current knowledge of saline streams in southeastern Spain highlights the physical and ecological singularity of these environments, and their high conservation value. Saline streams are particularly interesting due to their halotolerant/halophilic biota and high number of rare and endemic species