68 research outputs found

    Making sense of place in community gardens in Urban Landscape of Mexico City

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    Our objective was to analyze the influence of place attachment at the individual level to build new urban landscapes. We explore the attitudes and social networks built from the voluntary participation in the management of two urban community vegetable gardens installed in Mexico City. The results revealed positive attitudes of the people towards the community gardens, due to the social ties built, the contact with the green spaces, and the activities carried out in them. It is worth noting that the abandoned spaces have been rebuilt through voluntary participation and collaboration with local authorities. We concluded that the participants developed a sense of place that contributed to the redesign of some places in their neighborhood and the preservation of the urban landscape

    Ecological design of a crayfishing program to control population density of the invasive species Procambarus Clarkii in Doñana National Park freshwater marsh (Spain)

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    The exploitation of Procambarus clarkii in Doñana National Park’s freshwater marsh (DNP) has been economically important to the local human population since the 1970s. The high density of this crayfish species has been causing a major environmental impact in the Park by the substantial reduction of submerging aquatic macrophytes prairies due to its broad trophic spectrum and feeding habits, which turned the environmental frame (consisting in clear water equilibrium) into a turbid water balance. Differences in population dynamics of three population groups of P. clarkii in the DNP freshwater marsh were compared and analyzed from a fishery perspective. The objective is to reduce their ecological impact using optimal crayfishing management. Maximum growth curves showed that crayfish have different growth optimums. Recruitment of young crayfish varies between different populations; when there is an excessive increase in the density of juveniles in a population and conditions are stressful, their growth is deficient. If these conditions persist, the population could become stunted. Fishery for commercial gain is banned in DNP; however, a model of fisheries program aimed at controlling the excess population of crayfish can be effective in halting the ecological impact of this invasive species while providing an opportunity for poachers to have viable productive options. The model proposed can help to solve the problem of crayfish “poaching” through the legalization and strict control of harvesting practicesPedro J. Gutiérrez-Yurrita also thanks the ICI (Spain) for a subvention grant and CONACyT (México) for a financial complement of the former grant that enabled him to complete this researc

    El paisaje, un constructo subjetivo

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    El paisaje en la ciencia ha sido reducido a cosa en sí existente con independencia del sujeto. A partir de lo anterior, se pretende contribuir en la construcción de una teoría que lo conciba como relación sujeto-objeto. Se realizó una amplia revisión de la literatura existente sobre el tema hasta encontrar la que contiene los elementos necesarios para identificar las posturas teóricas predominantes. Se encontró que la geografía y la ecología reclaman la propiedad del concepto de paisaje concebido como sustrato material y lo bello como cualidad de lo real. Se concluyó que el concepto de paisaje proviene del arte pictórico, que no es objeto de disciplina científica alguna y que la ciencia debe asumirlo como relación sujeto-objeto

    Combining geostatistical and biotic interaction modelling to predict amphibian refuges under crayfish invasion across dendritic stream networks

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    Biodiversity ResearchAim: Biological invasions are pervasive in freshwater ecosystems, often causing native species to contract into areas that remain largely free from invasive species impacts. Predicting the location of such ecological refuges is challenging, because they are shaped by the habitat requirements of native and invasive species, their biotic interactions, and the spatial and temporal invasion patterns. Here, we investigated the spatial distribution and environmental drivers of refuges from invasion in river systems, by considering biotic interactions in geostatistical models accounting for stream network topology. We focused on Mediterranean amphibians negatively impacted by the invasive crayfishes Procambarus clarkii and Pacifastacus leniusculus. Location: River Sabor, NE Portugal. Methods: We surveyed amphibians at 168 200-m stream stretches in 2015. Geostatistical models were used to relate the probabilities of occurrence of each species to environmental and biotic variables, while controlling for linear (Euclidean) and hydrologic spatial dependencies. Biotic interactions were specified using crayfish probabilities of occurrence extracted from previously developed geostatistical models. Models were used to map the distribution of potential refuges for the most common amphibian species, under current conditions and future scenarios of crayfish expansion. Results: Geostatistical models were produced for eight out of 10 species detected, of which five species were associated with lower stream orders and only one species with higher stream orders. Six species showed negative responses to one or both crayfish species, even after accounting for environmental effects and spatial dependencies. Most amphibian species were found to retain large expanses of potential habitat in stream headwaters, but current refuges will likely contract under plausible scenarios of crayfish expansion. Main conclusions: Incorporating biotic interactions in geostatistical modelling provides a practical and relatively simple approach to predict present and future distributions of refuges from biological invasion in stream networks. Using this approach, our study shows that stream headwaters are key amphibian refuges under invasion by alien crayfishinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Legislación y paisaje. Un debate abierto en México

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    282 páginas.El libro que se vierte en las siguientes páginas supone un posible punto de conexión entre el mundo de los juristas y el de los legisladores que construyen las leyes con el de los expertos y estudiosos del paisaje. Se pretende que mediante la revisión de las contribuciones que más adelante se reseñan, el lector encuentre la oportunidad de atisbar las posibilidades y limitaciones presentes en esta discusión

    Red swamp crayfish: biology, ecology and invasion - an overview

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    El papel ecológico del cangrejo rojo ("Procambarus clarkii"), en los ecosistemas acuáticos del Parque Nacional de Doñana. Una perspectiva ecofisiológica y bioenértica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Ecología. Fecha de lectura: 16-11-199

    La urgencia de una ley ecológica y otra ley ambiental en México

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    La Ley de Conservación del Patrimonio Paisajístico es una propuesta que para poder funcionar debe reestructurar la administración pública federal y, por ende, la estatal también. Es una ley en la cual: 1) Los conceptos de identidad, justicia y valores de los derechos de las personas son ejes medulares para su correcta aplicación al eliminar la carga de la conservación a la gente del campo, principalmente indígenas; 2) En donde los conceptos de conservación de la ecodiversidad y gestión holística de paisajes son los cimientos para su cabal funcionamiento a largo plazo; y 3) En donde los preceptos de desarrollo sostenible y economía verde son los pilares para alcanzar la meta de la sostenibilidad, con el ideal del desarrollo duradero, en equidad, armonía ambiental y mejores niveles de vida de todas las personas. La propuesta de ley de Conservación del Patrimonio Paisajístico ubica el patrimonio paisajístico dentro del derecho ecológico y para funcionar debe ir de la mano con una ley más administrativa, llamada Ley Adjetiva del Derecho Ambiental. El derecho ecológico se encargará de las funciones ecosistémicas mientras que el derecho ambiental de la distribución de bienes y servicios ambientales. El derecho ecológico es sustantivo; mientras que el derecho ambiental es de procedimientos para instrumentar la política ambiental, los procedimientos para distribuir la riqueza natural de la nación, para establecer los usos de suelo, para acceder a la justicia ambiental, para solicitar la reparación del daño ambiental y para exigir responsabilidad objetiva por daño ambiental, son materia del derecho ambiental. Aunque el ambiente es un bien tutelado por el Estado, no puede protegerse como tal dado que carece de derechos subjetivos. Sin embargo, la conexión tan estrecha e indisoluble entre territorio y comunidad, tanto para usos consuntivos (aprovechamiento) como no consuntivos (percepción) es la cualidad más representativa del paisaje, de tal manera que al ser sujeto y objeto a la vez, sí puede adquirir derechos subjetivos. La relación es doble, así como una localidad se identifica con el paisaje, lo percibe de una manera muy peculiar y diferente a otra localidad, aunque esté próxima a ella. El paisaje define a la comunidad en su cultura, formas de vida y desarrollo; la comunidad define el carácter del paisaje.The Law for the Conservation of the Landscape Heritage is a proposal that, in order to function must restructure the federal public administration. It is a law in which: 1. The concepts of identity, justice and values of the rights of the people, are core axes for their correct application to eliminate the burden of conservation to rural people, mainly indigenous; 2. Where the concepts of conservation of ecodiversity and holistic management of landscapes are the foundations for its full operation in the long term; 3. Where the precepts of sustainable development and green economy are the pillars to reach the goal of sustainability with that ideal of sustainable development, in equity, environmental harmony and better living standards for all people. The proposed Landscape Heritage Conservation Law places landscape heritage within ecological law, and to function it must go hand in hand with a more administrative law, called Adjective Environmental Law. Ecological law will be responsible for ecosystem functions while environmental law for the distribution of environmental goods and services. Ecological law is substantive; while environmental law is about procedures to implement environmental policy, the procedures to distribute the natural goods of the nation, to establish land uses, to access environmental justice, to request the repair of environmental damage and to demand objective liability for environmental damage, are matters of environmental law. Although the environment is a good protected by the State, it cannot be protected as such since it lacks subjective rights. However, the close and indissoluble connection between territory and community, both for consumptive uses (exploitation) and non-consumptive (perception) is the most representative quality of the landscape, so that being subject and object at the same time, it can Acquire subjective rights. The relationship is twofold, just as a locality identifies itself with the landscape, it perceives it in a very peculiar way and different from another locality, even if it is close to it. Landscape defines the community in its culture, ways of life and development;community defines the character of landscape.Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo. Instituto Politécnico Nacional