902 research outputs found

    Fascitis necrotizante fulminante tras inyección intramuscular glútea

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    La fascitis necrotizante es una infección grave que afecta a la fascia y al tejido celular circundante, de diagnóstico complejo y que asocia una mortalidad elevada. Se han descrito múltiples factores de riesgo, siendo controvertida su asociación con la administración intramuscular de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos. Se presenta una serie de 3 casos clínicos documentados en nuestro departamento de fascitis necrotizante glútea tras inyección intramuscular, adjuntando una revisión de literatura.Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious infection that affects the fascia and the surrounding soft tissues, its diagnosis is complex and it associates with a high mortality. Despite being described many risk factors, the as - sociation with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs remains controversial. We report a serie of 3 clinical cases of necrotizing fasciitis after muscle gluteal injection registered in our department. A medical literature review is presented as well

    Recursos y rendimiento de la política de competencia

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    La política de competencia es una de las herramientas fundamentales que utiliza el Estado para garantizar que en los distintos sectores industriales se produzca la mayor eficiencia posible. Está íntimamente unida a la política industrial y, bien acompasadas, pueden ser uno de los principales determinantes del progreso económico. Desde el año 2002 en que una sentencia judicial obligó al Estado a pasar competencias en la materia a las Comunidades Autónomas, se ha producido un cierto movimiento de péndulo de la máxima descentralización a una relativa recentralización. El objetivo principal del proyecto es analizar la eficiencia y eficacia de los órganos autonómicos de defensa de la competencia en España durante los últimos años, poniendo en relación los recursos aplicados con los resultados obtenidos, lo que de alguna manera puede servir de soporte para una evaluación de estas políticas públicas. Uno de los puntos a analizar serán las diferencias existentes entre las distintas Comunidades Autónomas, tanto en legislación, presupuesto y resoluciones. También determinaremos cuáles son los sectores más relevantes en cada Comunidad Autónoma, ya sea a la hora de haber recibido denuncias, así como de cuáles han recibido un mayor número de condenas favorables. Durante este proceso observaremos si las variaciones en las leyes legislativas han provocado alguna variación en el número de denuncias. Finalmente averiguaremos cuales han sido las infracciones más frecuentes cometidas por las empresas

    Wheel shape optimization approaches to reduce railway rolling noise

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    [EN] A wheel shape optimization of a railway wheel cross section by means of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is presented with the aim of minimizing rolling noise radiation. Two different approaches have been implemented with this purpose, one centred on direct Sound poWer Level (SWL) minimization, calculated using TWINS methodology, and another one emphasizing computational efficiency, focused on natural frequencies maximization. Numerical simulations are carried out with a Finite Element Method (FEM) model using general axisymmetric elements. The design space is defined by a geometric parametrization of the wheel cross section with four parameters: wheel radius, a web thickness factor, fillet radius and web offset. For all wheel candidates a high-cycle fatigue analysis has been performed according to actual standards, in order to assure structural feasibility. Rolling noise reductions have been achieved, with a decrease of up to 5 dB(A) when considering the wheel component. Response surfaces have been also computed to study the dependency of the objective functions on the geometric parameters and to test the adequacy of the optimization algorithm applied.This study was financially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, European Regional Development Fund (project TRA2017-84701-R), and Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana, project Prometeo/2016/007).García-Andrés, FX.; Gutiérrez-Gil, J.; Martínez Casas, J.; Denia, FD. (2020). Wheel shape optimization approaches to reduce railway rolling noise. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 62(5):2555-2570. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-020-02700-6S25552570625Beranek LL (2007) Basic acoustical quantities: levels and decibels, chapter 1 pp 1–24, John Wiley & Sons, LtdBouvet P, Vincent N, Coblentz A, Demilly F (2000) Optimization of resilient wheels for rolling noise control. J Sound Vib 231(3):765–777Bühler S (2006) Methods and results of field testing of a retrofitted freight train with composite brake blocks. J Sound Vib 293(3-5):1041–1050Cigada A, Manzoni S, Vanali M (2008) Vibro-acoustic characterization of railway wheels. Appl Acoust 69(6):530–545Clausen U, Doll C, Franklin FJ, Franklin GV, Heinrichmeyer H, Kochsiek J, Rothergatter W, Sieber N (2012) Reducing railway noise pollution. Technical Report, Policy Department Structural and Cohesion Policies, European ParliamentCoello CAC (2002) Theoretical and numerical constraint-handling techniques used with evolutionary algorithms: a survey of the state of the art. Comput Method in Appl M 191(11-12):1245–1287Cui D, Wang R, Allen P, An B, Li L, Wen Z (2019) Multi-objective optimization of electric multiple unit wheel profile from wheel flange wear viewpoint. Struct Multidiscipl Optim 59(1):279–289de Vos P (2016) Railway noise in Europe. Technical Report, International Union of RailwaysDIN (2017) Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Monobloc wheels. Design assessment procedure. Part 1: forged and rolled wheels DIN-prEN-13979-1:2017. Technical standard, DIN Standards Committee RailwayEfthimeros GA, Photeinos DI, Diamantis ZG, Tsahalis DT (2002) Vibration/noise optimization of a FEM railway wheel model. Eng Computation 19(7-8):922–931Fahy F, Gardonio P (2007) Sound and structural vibration, 2nd edition. Academic Press, OxfordGarcia-Andrés X, Gutiérrez-Gil J, Martínez-Casas J, Denia FD (2019) Sound power minimization of a railway wheel by means of a modal-based geometric optimization technique. In: Proceedings of 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control EngineeringGrassie SL, Gregory RW, Harrison D, Johnson KL (1982) The dynamic response of railway track to high frequency vertical excitation. J Mechan Eng Sci 24(2):77–90Hare W, Nutini J, Tesfamariam S (2013) A survey of non-gradient optimization methods in structural engineering. Adv Eng Softw 59:19–28Holland JH (1975) Adaptation in natural and artificial systems, 1st edition. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MIJanssens MHA, Thompson DJ, de Beer FG (2014a) TWINS version 3.3 Track-Wheel Interaction Noise Software user manual. TNO reportJanssens MHA, Thompson DJ, de Beer FG, Dittrich M, Jansen H (2014b) TWINS version 3.3 Track-Wheel Interaction Noise Software theoretical manual. TNO reportJones CJC, Hardy AEJ, Jones RRK, Wang A (1996) Bogie shrouds and low track-side barriers for the control of railway vehicle rolling noise. J Sound Vib 193(1):427–431Jones CJC, Thompson DJ (2003) Extended validation of a theoretical model for railway rolling noise using novel wheel and track designs. J Sound Vib 267(3):509–522Kalker JJ (1967) On the rolling contact of two elastic bodies in the presence of dry friction. PhD thesis, Technical University of DelftKnothe K, Gross-Thebing A (1986) Derivation of frequency dependent creep coefficients based on an elastic half-space model. Vehicle Syst Dyn 15(3):133–153Lang S (1985) Complex analysis, 2nd edition. Springer New York, New YorkLee S, Lee DH, Lee J (2019) Integrated shape-morphing and metamodel-based optimization of railway wheel web considering thermo-mechanical loads. Struct Multidiscipl Optim 60(1):315–330Marler RT, Arora JS (2004) Survey of multi-objective optimization methods for engineering. Struct Multidiscipl Optim 26(6):369–395Merideno I, Nieto J, Gil-Negrete N, Giménez Ortiz JG, Landaberea A, Iartza J (2014) Theoretical prediction of the damping of a railway wheel with sandwich-type dampers. J Sound Vib 333(20):4897–4911Nielsen JCO (1994) Dynamic interaction between wheel and track - A parametric search towards an optimal design of rail structures. Vehicle Syst Dyn 23(1):115–132Nielsen JCO (2000) Acoustic optimization of railway sleepers. J Sound Vib 231(3):753–764Nielsen JCO, Fredö CR (2006) Multi-disciplinary optimization of railway wheels. J Sound Vib 293(3-5):510–521Petyt M (2010) Vibration of solids, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeRemington PJ (1976) Wheel/rail noise part IV: rolling noise. J Sound Vib 46(3):419–436Remington PJ (1987) Wheel/rail rolling noise, II: validation of the theory. J Acoust Soc Am 81 (6):1824–1832Rios LM, Sahinidis NV (2013) Derivative-free optimization: a review of algorithms and comparison of software implementations. J Global Optim 56(3):1247–1293Thompson DJ (1988) Predictions of acoustic radiation from vibrating wheels and rails. J Sound Vib 120(2):275–280Thompson DJ (1991) Wheel-rail noise: theoretical modelling of the generation of vibrations. PhD thesis, University of SouthamptonThompson DJ (1993a) Wheel-rail noise generation, part I: introduction and interaction model. 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J Sound Vib 253(2):401–419Thompson DJ, Squicciarini G, Zhang J, Lopez-Arteaga I, Zea E, Dittrich M, Jansen E, Arcas K, Cierco E, Magrans F, Malkoun A, Iturritxa E, Guiral A, Stangl M, Schleinzer G, Martin-Lopez B, Chaufour C, Wändell J (2018) Assessment of measurement-based methods for separating wheel and track contributions to railway rolling noise. Appl Acoust 140:48–62Timoshenko SP, Gere JM (1963) Theory of elastic stability. Dover, Mineola, New York, 2nd editionUNE (2011) Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Monobloc wheels. Technical approval procedure. Part 1: forged and rolled wheels UNE-EN-13979-1:2006. Technical standard, Asociación Española de Normalización (UNE)Vincent N, Bouvet P, Thompson DJ, Gautier PE (1996) Theoretical optimization of track components to reduce rolling noise. J Sound Vib 193(1):161–171Wang Z, Jiao Y, Chen Z (2019) Parameter study of friction damping ring for railway wheels based on modal analysis. Appl Acoust 153:140–146WHO (2011) Burden of disease from environmental noise. Technical Report, European Centre for Environment and Healt

    Rolling noise reduction through GA-based wheel shape optimization techniques

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    [EN] Railway rolling noise is nowadays a major source of acoustic pollution in urban areas, with nearly up to 12 million people daily affected in Europe by this phenomenon [1]. Hence, the search for ways of decreasing such noise radiation has become a highly active and significant research field. Following this approach, a Genetic Algorithms-based shape optimization of the railway wheel [2] is developed with the aim of minimizing rolling noise. Different approaches are considered to address the problem, such as directly minimizing radiated Sound poWer Level (SWL) or using the maximization of the natural frequencies if computational efficiency is especially critical. A parametric Finite Element model is implemented for the wheel based on the most relevant geometric parameters in rolling noise radiation. For the acoustic calculation, the sound radiation models used in the TWINS software [3] are adopted, which also accounts for the whole dynamics of the wheel/rail system. Furthermore, for every candidate wheel proposed, a structural analysis is computed in order to check design feasibility in accordance with the corresponding standard [4]. In all cases, new geometries for the wheel cross section are achieved that reduce the radiated rolling noise.This study has been supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación and the European Regional Development Fund (project TRA2017-84701-R).Garcia-Andrés, X.; Gutiérrez-Gil, J.; Andrés, VT.; Martínez-Casas, J.; Denia, FD. (2022). Rolling noise reduction through GA-based wheel shape optimization techniques. En Proceedings of the YIC 2021 - VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 304-312. https://doi.org/10.4995/YIC2021.2021.12577OCS30431

    Caracterización de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y factores de riesgo en atletas retirados de Cienfuegos

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    The incomprehension about the relation between retirement-exercise might be an obstacle for ex-sportsmen to a systematic and effective physical activity, phenomenon that significantly influences in the appearance of several pains due to inactivity and that redound in a deficient life quality. That’s why, after retiring from an active sport life, there might appear some affections and habits which don’t appear during the activity period. This might suppose that levels of anxiety due to the lack of training might provoke the appearance of obesity, sedentary, anxiety, frequent depressive states, alcoholism, smoking habits, associated to disturbances in rhythm and cardiac and respiratory rate, as most common facts. This descriptive research has as main objective to characterize the principal manifestations of non-transmissible chronic diseases and noxious habits in retired athletes from active sports in Cienfuegos Province, for considering that, although there are some registrations, there is not an effective control about the diseases the ex-sportmen suffer from, which limits the necessary continuation in the treatment of these persons. In the research, methods from the theorical and empiric level were used, mainly qualitative ones and techniques as the surveys to clue informants that let us determine the diseases and noxious habits in a selected sample of ex-sportmen in Cienfuegos.La incomprensión sobre la relación retiro-ejercicio puede representar un obstáculo para que los exdeportistas practiquen efectivamente una actividad física sistemática, fenómeno que influye significativamente en la aparición de diversas dolencias propias de la inactividad y que redundan en una deficiente calidad de vida. Por tal motivo, después del retiro de la vida deportiva activa, aparecen una serie de afecciones y hábitos que durante la actividad no se manifestaban, lo que hace suponer que los niveles de ansiedad provocados por la falta de entrenamiento conducen a la aparición de obesidad, sedentarismo, ansiedad, estados depresivos frecuentes, alcoholismo, hábitos de fumar, asociados a trastornos del ritmo y la frecuencia cardíaca y respiratoria como hallazgos más comunes. Este estudio descriptivo persigue como objetivo central la caracterización de las principales manifestaciones de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y hábitos nocivos presentes en atletas retirados del deporte activo en Cienfuegos; por considerar que, aunque existen registros, no se observa un efectivo control acerca de las enfermedades que padecen los exatletas, lo que limita el seguimiento necesario en este tipo de sujetos. En la investigación se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico y empírico fundamentalmente cualitativos y técnicas como la entrevista a informantes clave que permitieron determinar las enfermedades y los hábitos nocivos que se manifiestan en la muestra seleccionada de exatletas de Cienfuegos

    Applying Challenge Based Learning to Teach Mass Transfer

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    [EN] In order to enhance undergraduates' understanding of mass transfer unit operations, Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) was applied in two courses on Transport Phenomena in the Food Industry. The courses are part of Agrifood Engineering Degree program at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV). After the lecturers explained the topic to the fourth-year students, they were given the challenge of preparing and solving cases of mass transport phenomena dealing with solid-liquid extraction and food drying. Students were divided into six groups of three or four students; each group chose a product to work with, and each group designed a flowchart with the main stages of the process based on the information gathered from varied bibliographical sources. The corresponding mathematical models were applied to characterize the flow and estimate the performance and efficiency. After that, students wrote short reports of the main steps followed to complete the task. The reports were presented to a panel of expert lecturers to provide feedback and recommendations. Specifically designed rubrics were employed by the panel to assess the impact of the methodology on students' subject-specific skills in addition to collaborative work, problem solving, time management and oral presentation skills.This work was supported by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia with the Grant PIME/20-21/208.Barrera Puigdollers, C.; Castelló Gómez, ML.; Seguí Gil, L.; Heredia Gutiérrez, AB.; García Hernández, J. (2022). Applying Challenge Based Learning to Teach Mass Transfer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 38(1):171-180. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/186575S17118038

    Simulador didáctico de la jerarquía de memoria

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    En esta ponencia en primer lugar se presenta una aplicación que facilita la comprensión y asimilación por parte del usuario del funcionamiento de la Jerarquía de Memoria, especialmente de la memoria caché v la memoria virtual. Dicha aplicación, ejecutable bajo entornos Windows, permite al usuario configurar a su elección todo el entorno de trabajo tanto en lo referente a la memoria caché como a la memoria virtual. Además se le solicita la introducción de flujos de direcciones o trazas de programa, a partir de los cuales podrá observarse gráficamente todo el proceso de traducción de direcciones, ubicación, búsqueda en los distintos niveles de memoria y direccionamiento. Al finalizar el tratamiento del flujo de direcciones, el programa muestra al usuario una serie de datos estadísticos que reflejarán el mejor o peor funcionamiento de la configuración del sistema elegida por el usuario con respecto al flujo de direcciones proporcionado. En segundo lugar, se explica la experiencia docente derivada de su utilización

    Análisis del desabastecimiento del agua en el municipio de Uribia en la Guajira, aplicando herramientas de SIG

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    Planteamiento e identificación de los Geo procesos.Escasez de agua en Uribia- La Guajira, el cual se hace un análisis de vulnerabilidad a través del índice de desabastecimiento para determinar las zonas con mayor impacto por la falta de este recurso hídrico.Water scarcity in Uribia-La Guajira, for which a vulnerability analysis is carried out through the shortage index to determine the areas with the greatest impact due to the lack of this water resource

    Quantification of glycated hemoglobin and glucose in vivo using Raman spectroscopy and artificial neural networks

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    Undiagnosed type 2 diabetes (T2D) remains a major public health concern. The global estimation of undiagnosed diabetes is about 46%, being this situation more critical in developing countries. Therefore, we proposed a non-invasive method to quantify glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and glucose in vivo. We developed a technique based on Raman spectroscopy, RReliefF as a feature selection method, and regression based on feed-forward artificial neural networks (FFNN). The spectra were obtained from the forearm, wrist, and index finger of 46 individuals. The use of FFNN allowed us to achieve an error in the predictive model of 0.69% for HbA1c and 30.12 mg/dL for glucose. Patients were classified according to HbA1c values into three categories: healthy, prediabetes, and T2D. The proposed method obtained a specificity and sensitivity of 87.50% and 80.77%, respectively. This work demonstrates the benefit of using artificial neural networks and feature selection techniques to enhance Raman spectra processing to determine glycated hemoglobin and glucose in patients with undiagnosed T2D