2,063 research outputs found

    Estructura, narrativa y lenguaje en las secciones de opinión de las versiones digitales de El Mundo y El País

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    Esta investigación analiza la manera en la que los dos diarios españoles más importantes en la red ofrecen sus contenidos editoriales en las secciones de opinión. Presta una atención especial a la estructura, narrativa y lenguaje de esta secciones. Desde una metodología compartiva, contrasta las similitudes y diferencias entre los dos grandes medios. Como resultado, hay que constatar que la prensa española ha mostrado una clara evaluación desde sus orígenes en la red hasta ahora. Cansados y satisfechos de la información que les rodea, los lectores de hoy buscan y valoran muy positivamente interpretación e información.This paper analyses the way that the two most important Spanish newspapers online offer contents on their opinion sections. It pays special attention to the structure, narrative and language of both sections. Starting from a comparative methodology, it compares the differences and common points of both publications. As a result, it can be said that Spanish newspaper have shown a clear evolution from their first steps on the Internet until their plenty presence today. Fed up with omnipresent and easy-access information, today’s readers look for interpretation and opinion, and these sections satisfy these needs. Readers appreciate it in a very high and positive way

    Organizational learning and innovation as sources of strategic fit

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the roles played by organizational learning (OL) and innovation in organizations immersed in the processes of adaptation and strategic fit in dynamic and turbulent environments. The authors analyze whether OL and innovation act as sources of strategic fit, and whether strategic fit positively affects performance. Design/methodology/approach The authors use data from a survey of a representative sample of 204 respondents from European firms active in high-technology sectors (response rate: 10.42 percent) and structural equation modeling (using the EQS 6.1 program) to undertake a transversal study. Findings The model confirms that OL and the capacity to innovate positively influence managers’ decisions to adapt their organizations to changes in dynamic environments. The achievement of strategic fit, in turn, improves organizational performance. The authors propose considering the innovation climate as a facilitator of new product and process development, although the innovation climate is not a direct antecedent of fit. Research limitations/implications This study is limited by the fact that the analysis is cross-sectional and by the fact that all measures used are based on managers’ perceptions. Practical implications Managers should create and support an entrepreneurial culture that stresses continuous learning. They should also foster programs aimed at developing abilities, and promote the development of capabilities that facilitate acceptance of organizational change. Investments in building certain capabilities, such as OL and the capacity to innovate, are strategically justified, especially in turbulent environments. Originality/value This study is one of the first to investigate the complex interactions among OL, innovation, strategic fit, and performance. The results improve our understanding of the links between strategic fit and performance

    Big data and its application for SME´s

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    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre el Big Data y su aplicación para pequeñas y medianas empresas. En primer lugar, analizaremos qué es el Big Data y cual son sus características principales, así como su diferencia con el Small Data y cuáles son los beneficios que le puede reportar a una empresa pequeña o mediana poseer un sistema de base de datos. A continuación, explicaré el origen y la evolución de los programas de procesado masivo de datos, además de comentar la situación actual de los mismos, además de aportar información sobre diversos trabajos del tema, A continuación, comentaré una serie de herramientas de Big Data que pueden utilizar desde PYMES hasta grandes multinacionales, para finalizar, expongo un caso práctico de todo lo expuesto en el trabajo y finalizo con mis propias conclusiones sobre el tema.ABSTRACT: This work conducts a study on Big Data and its application for small and medium-sized enterprises. First, we'll look at what Big Data is and what its main characteristics are, as well as its difference with Small Data and what the benefits it can bring to a small or medium-sized company to own a database system. Next, I will explain the origin and evolution of the mass data processing programmes, in addition to commenting on the current situation of the same, in addition to providing information on various work of the topic, I will then comment on a series of Big Data tools that can be used from SMEs to large multinationals, finally, I present a case study of everything presented at work and conclude with my own conclusions on the subject.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    An example of family strategy within the church: the Rojas and Sandoval and the deaconry of the Cathedral of Jaen during 16th century

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    Este artículo pretende estudiar las estrategias que condujeron a la familia Rojas y Sandoval a retener y ostentar el deanato de la catedral de Jaén durante el siglo XVI. Asimismo, intenta trazar una aproximación a la vida cotidiana de sus miembros y reconstruye el paso de la prebenda a manos de los Pacheco. Para llevar a cabo estos objetivos, el autor ha recopilado y analizado algunos documentos procedentes de archivos locales y nacionales. Un trabajo que le ha permitido relacionar este caso de estudio con las características básicas del clero catedralicio durante la Edad Moderna.This article pretends to study the strategies which led Rojas and Sandoval family to retain and hold the deanato of the cathedral of Jaén during 16th century. Moreover, it tries to describe an approach to the daily life of its members and reconstructs how the benefice ended at the hands of the Pacheco. For this purpose, the author has collected and analysed some documents which come from local and national archives. This project has allowed him to relate this case study to the main characteristics of the cathedral clergy during the Early Modern Age

    Un ejemplo de estrategia familiar dentro de la iglesia: los Rojas y Sandoval y el deanato de la Catedral de Jaén en el siglo XVI

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    This article pretends to study the strategies which led Rojas and Sandoval family to retain and hold the deanato of the cathedral of Jaén during 16th century. Moreover, it tries to describe an approach to the daily life of its members and reconstructs how the benefice ended at the hands of the Pacheco. For this purpose, the author has collected and analysed some documents which come from local and national archives. This project has allowed him to relate this case study to the main characteristics of the cathedral clergy during the Early Modern Age.Este artículo pretende estudiar las estrategias que condujeron a la familia Rojas y Sandoval a retener y ostentar el deanato de la catedral de Jaén durante el siglo XVI. Asimismo, intenta trazar una aproximación a la vida cotidiana de sus miembros y reconstruye el paso de la prebenda a manos de los Pacheco. Para llevar a cabo estos objetivos, el autor ha recopilado y analizado algunos documentos procedentes de archivos locales y nacionales. Un trabajo que le ha permitido relacionar este caso de estudio con las características básicas del clero catedralicio durante la Edad Moderna

    Un ejemplo de estrategia familiar dentro de la iglesia: los Rojas y Sandoval y el deanato de la Catedral de Jaén en el siglo XVI

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    This article pretends to study the strategies which led Rojas and Sandoval family to retain and hold the deanato of the cathedral of Jaén during 16th century. Moreover, it tries to describe an approach to the daily life of its members and reconstructs how the benefice ended at the hands of the Pacheco. For this purpose, the author has collected and analysed some documents which come from local and national archives. This project has allowed him to relate this case study to the main characteristics of the cathedral clergy during the Early Modern Age.Este artículo pretende estudiar las estrategias que condujeron a la familia Rojas y Sandoval a retener y ostentar el deanato de la catedral de Jaén durante el siglo XVI. Asimismo, intenta trazar una aproximación a la vida cotidiana de sus miembros y reconstruye el paso de la prebenda a manos de los Pacheco. Para llevar a cabo estos objetivos, el autor ha recopilado y analizado algunos documentos procedentes de archivos locales y nacionales. Un trabajo que le ha permitido relacionar este caso de estudio con las características básicas del clero catedralicio durante la Edad Moderna