8 research outputs found

    Adipose Tissue and Inflammation

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    Adipose tissue is composed mainly by adipocytes and stromal-vascular fraction, which are composed by different cell types including macrophages. There are three types of adipose tissue: brown (BrAT), white (WAT), and beige (BeAT). BrAT is less abundant and is implicated in lipid oxidation and energy balance; BeAT has the pathway of adaptive thermogenesis, and WAT is endocrine in nature and lipid storage site and is implicated as an endocrine organ that secretes hormones and different molecules. These molecules are pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors, including the adipokines leptin, adiponectin, resistin, and visfatin, as well as cytokines and chemokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, leptin, adiponectin, and others, are involved with the development of adipose tissue inflammation and obesity. This pathological condition, together with other factors such as oxidative stress, may develop insulin resistance and the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

    Cytokine Profiling Plays a Crucial Role in Activating Immune System to Clear Infectious Pathogens

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    Pathogen infections are recognized by the immune system, which consists of two types of responses: an innate immune response that recognizes pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and an antigen-specific adaptive immune response. In both responses, there are several activated cells of the immune system, which play a key role in establishing the environment of cytokines, thus directing their differentiation either suppressing or promoting the immune response. This immune response is crucial against pathogen infections. In this chapter, we will describe the crucial role played by different families of cytokines during activation of the immune system to eliminate infectious pathogens

    Role of Dendritic Cells in Pathogen Infections: A Current Perspective

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    Dendritic cells (DC) represent an important link between innate and adaptive immunity, which play an important role during the immune response against pathogens. There are several populations and subpopulations of DC, but mainly two subpopulations are characterized: the classic DC specialized in the processing and presentation of the antigen; and the plasmacytoid DC that have a high phagocytic activity and capacity for the production of cytokines. This chapter aims to present the current aspects related to the most relevant characteristics and functions of DC, as well as their role in host defense against infections by viruses, parasites, bacteria, and fungi

    Correlación del factor neurotrófico derivado del cerebro con los componentes que integran el síndrome metabólico infantil

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    La obesidad infantil representa un factor importante en el desarrollo del síndrome metabólico (SM). En este sentido el factor neurotrófico derivado del cerebro (BDNF: Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) interviene en el metabolismo energético así como en vías que controlan el peso corporal y desórdenes metabólicos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si hay una correlación entre el BDNF con los marcadores que definen al síndrome metabólico en una población infantil de México. Se integraron al estudio 100 niños con un rango de edad de 5-13 años, se estratificaron en tres grupos, normo peso, sobrepeso y obesidad, a los cuales se les determinaron las variables antropométricas, percentil de la tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica, concentraciones séricas de glucosa, triglicéridos, colesterol de alta densidad (HDL) y BDNF. Se aplicó ANOVA y una correlación de Pearson. Los resultados muestran que la prevalencia de SM utilizando los criterios de Cook y Weiss fue del 14%, mientras que por la Federación Internacional de Diabetes (IDF) es del 11%. La circunferencia de cintura, triglicéridos, colesterol HDL, presión arterial sistólica/diastólica y glucosa, mostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos estudiados (*p<0,001). El BDNF se correlacionó positivamente con la desviación estándar del índice de masa corporal de acuerdo con la edad (DE-IMCE) (p=0,01), el percentil del perímetro de la cintura (p=0,00), la presión arterial sistólica (p=0,01) y las concentraciones plasmáticas de glucosa (p=0,02). Estos datos muestran que existe una correlación entre el BDNF con la DE-IMCE, la circunferencia de la cintura, la presión arterial sistólica y glucosa.Childhood obesity represents an important factor in the development of metabolic syndrome (MS). In this sense, the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is involved in energy metabolism as well as in pathways that control body weight and metabolic disorders. The objective of this study was to determine if there is a correlation between BDNF with the markers that define the metabolic syndrome in a child population in Mexico. The study included 100 children with an age range of 5-13 years, stratified into three groups, normal weight, overweight and obesity, which were determined anthropometric variables, percentile of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, concentrations serum glucose, triglycerides, high density cholesterol (HDL) and BDNF. ANOVA and Pearson correlation were applied. The results show that the prevalence of MS using the Cook and Weiss criteria was 14%, while for the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) it is 11%. Waist circumference, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, systolic/diastolic blood pressure and glucose showed significant differences between the groups studied (*p<0.001). The BDNF was positively correlated with the standard deviation of the body mass index according to age (DE-IMCE) (p=0.01), the percentile of the waist circumference (p=0.00), systolic blood pressure (p=0.01) and plasma glucose concentrations (p=0.02). These data show that there is a correlation between BDNF with DE-IMCE, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure and glucose

    Functionalized Platinum Nanoparticles with Biomedical Applications

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    Functionalized platinum nanoparticles have been of considerable interest in recent research due to their properties and applications, among which they stand out as therapeutic agents. The functionalization of the surfaces of nanoparticles can overcome the limits of medicine by increasing selectivity and thereby reducing the side effects of conventional drugs. With the constant development of nanotechnology in the biomedical field, functionalized platinum nanoparticles have been used to diagnose and treat diseases such as cancer and infections caused by pathogens. This review reports on physical, chemical, and biological methods of obtaining platinum nanoparticles and the advantages and disadvantages of their synthesis. Additionally, applications in the biomedical field that can be utilized once the surfaces of nanoparticles have been functionalized with different bioactive molecules are discussed, among which antibodies, biodegradable polymers, and biomolecules stand out

    Evaluacion del β–Cariofileno sobre el estrés oxidativo de ratones BALB/c con hiperglicemia inducida mediante la administración de estreptozotocina

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    Introducción. El β-cariofileno es un sesquiterpeno bicíclico que se encuentra distribuido en el aceite esencial de varas plantas como clavo de olor, pimienta, orégano, romero y Cannabis sativa. Objetivo. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto antioxidante del β-cariofileno en un modelo de hiperglicemia inducido por estreptozotocina (STZ). Material y métodos. La hiperglicemia fue inducida a ratones BALB/c por la administración de una dosis única de STZ (160 mg/kg) vía intraperitoneal. Los ratones se dividieron en 4 grupos: el grupo control; el grupo de β-cariofileno; el grupo de STZ y el grupo de STZ mas β-cariofileno, el tratamiento de β-cariofileno se administro una dosis diaria de 10 mg/kg vía oral durante 4 semanas, mientras que al grupo control y el grupo de STZ solo se les administro 150 μl de vehículo. Posterior al tratamiento se determinaron los niveles de glucosa, la actividad de catalasa, los niveles de las sustancias reactivas del ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) y oxido nítrico (NO) en plasma. Resultados. La administración de b-cariofileno mostró un efecto hipoglucemiante disminuyendo significativamente los niveles de glucosa durante el tratamiento acentuándose mas esta disminución en la semana 4. Así mismo, se observó una disminución significativa en los niveles de TBARS y NO en el grupo tratado con b-cariofileno, sin embargo, no se observaron cambios en la actividad de la catalasa (CAT). Conclusión. Estos datos demuestran que el tratamiento con b-cariofileno muestra propiedades hipoglucemiante, así como un efecto antioxidante en un modelo de hiperglicemia inducida por STZ, colocando al b-cariofileno como una alternativa en los trastornos que conlleva la hiperglicemia.  Introduction. β-caryophyllene is a bicyclic sesquiterpene found in the essential oil of various plants such as cloves, pepper, oregano, rosemary, and Cannabis sativa. Objective. In this work, the antioxidant effect of β-caryophyllene was evaluated in a model of hyperglycemia-induced by streptozotocin (STZ). Material and methods. Hyperglycemia was induced in BALB/c mice by the administration of a single dose of STZ (160 mg/kg) intraperitoneally. The mice were divided into 4 groups: the control group; the β-caryophyllene group; In the STZ group and the STZ group plus β-caryophyllene, the β-caryophyllene treatment was administered a daily dose of 10 mg/kg orally for 4 weeks, while the control group and the STZ group were only administered 150 μL of vehicle. After treatment, glucose levels, catalase activity, TBARS, and nitric oxide (NO) levels in plasma were determined. Results. The administration of b-caryophyllene showed a hypoglycemic effect, significantly decreasing glucose levels during treatment, this decrease being more accentuated in week 4. Likewise, a significant decrease in the levels of TBARS and NO were observed in the group treated with b- caryophyllene, however, no changes were observed in catalase activity. Conclusion. These data show that treatment with b-caryophyllene shows hypoglycemic properties, as well as an antioxidant effect in a model of hyperglycemia-induced by STZ, placing b-caryophyllene as an alternative in the disorders associated with hyperglycemia

    El tratamiento con resiniferatoxina exhibe propiedades antiinflamatorias en un modelo murino de inflamación inducida por lipopolisacárido

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    Introduction. Inflammation is a protective physiological response of the immune system against various stimuli, such as infection or tissue damage, which, by not being resolved properly, can be harmful to the host. In the search for new therapeutic alternatives that inhibit the inflammatory response, several studies have reported the use of various molecules, such as resiniferatoxin (RTX), a potent agonist of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1). Objective. To evaluate whether RTX treatment exhibits antiinflammatory properties, using a murine model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation. Material and methods. BALB/c mice were stimulated with LPS and subsequently treated with dexamethasone (DEX), capsaicin (CAP), Bay 11-7082, capsazepin (CPZ) and RTX. In addition, other groups of mice were c stimulated with LPS and then treated with Bay 11-7082 and CPZ plus RTX. After treatment, plasma levels of prostaglandin (PG)-E2 , nitric oxide (NO), interleukin (IL)-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were quantitatively determined using Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) kits. Results. Treatment with RTX significantly decreased plasma levels of PGE2 , NO, IL-1β and TNF-α. Likewise, it was observed that the treatments with Bay 11-7082 and CPZ plus RTX showed a synergistic anti-inflammatory effect, observing a more pronounced significant decrease in plasma levels of PGE2 and TNF-α. Conclusion. These findings suggest that treatment with RTX shows anti-inflammatory properties, apparently associated with the nuclear factor (NF)- κB signaling pathway, independent of the TRPV1 receptors, placing RTX as a potential drug in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.Introducción. La inflamación es una respuesta fisiológica protectora del sistema inmunológico frente a diversos estímulos, tales como la infección o daño celular, la cual, al no resolverse de manera adecuada, puede ser perjudicial para le hospedero. En la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas terapéuticas que inhiban la respuesta inflamatoria, diversos estudios han reportado el uso de varias moléculas, tales como la resiniferatoxina (RTX), un potente agonista del receptor de potencial transitorio vanilloide (TRPV)-1. Objetivo. Evaluar si el tratamiento con RTX exhibe propiedades antiinflamatorias, utilizando un modelo murino de inflamación inducida por lipopolisacárido (LPS). Material y métodos. Se estimularon ratones BALB/c con LPS y posteriormente fueron tratados con dexametasona (DEX), capsaicina (CAP), Bay 11-7082, capsazepina (CPZ) y RTX. Además, otros grupos de ratones fueron estimulados con LPS y luego tratados con Bay 11-7082 y CPZ más RTX. Después del tratamiento, se determinaron cuantitativamente los niveles plasmáticos de prostaglandina (PG)-E2, óxido nítrico (NO), interleucina (IL)-1β y factor de necrosis tumoral (TNF)-α utilizando kits de EnzymeLinked ImmunoSorbent Assay ELISA. Resultados. El tratamiento con RTX disminuyó de manera significativa los niveles plasmáticos de PGE2, NO, IL-1β y TNF-α. Así mismo, se observó que los tratamientos con Bay 11-7082 y CPZ más RTX mostraron un efecto antiinflamatorio sinérgico, observándose una disminución significativa más pronunciada en los niveles plasmáticos de TNF-α y PGE2. Conclusión. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el tratamiento con RTX muestra propiedades antiinflamatorias, aparentemente asociadas con la vía de señalización factor nuclear (NF)-κB, independiente de los receptores TRPV1, colocando a la RTX como un fármaco potencial en el tratamiento de enfermedades inflamatoria