585 research outputs found

    Perllongament línia T3 del trambaix i remodelació del pont de la B-23 a Esplugues de Llobregat

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    El perllongament de la línia T3 del Trambaix des del pont d’ Esplugues de Llobregat fins a la Rambla de Sant Just, de Sant Just Desvern és una proposta per seguir apostant pel tramvia com a mitjà de transport públic sostenible i poder reduir el temps de viatge dels ciutadans entre aquest dos punts. Aquest tram inclou la remodelació i ampliació del pont de l’ autopista B-23, al seu pas per Esplugues, com a mesura de millora de la permeabilitat de la zona i d’ ampliació d’ equipaments de la població

    Generador de competiciones en una herramienta de gamificación

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    The project described in this work is a part of a collaborative project with the aim of implementing a web and mobile app, named Classpip, whose objective is to gamify teaching. This project is developed on a pre-existing open source software platform that sets the foundations and the technologies that will be used in this project, among which the HTML5 technology or the JavaScript language stand out. The whole process of development of the app has been performed with open source technologies. The aim of this project is the development of a tool dedicated to the creation of competitions between students and their posterior management by their teachers through a web admin portal. An additional tool that organizes students into teams is included, allowing to create team competitions. Lastly, this new competition section is also implemented in the mobile app, although only in query mode. To manage requests from both fronts (web and mobile), there is service-oriented architecture with the necessary logic to act as a lone back-end. It contains a MySQL database to store all of the received information and an API (Application Programming Interface) that is in charge of communication between the different components of the software. The admin panel is developed using Angular, and can be used from any operating system. The mobile app is created with Ionic, which is based on Angular, for the development of hybrid apps, which together with Apache Cordova allows the conversion of the native platform to Android and iOS using standard web technologies. To achieve collaborative development, all the components of the app are deposited in the GitHub platform repository, where the correct development of the code and its possible integration in the original source code are checked. Mainly, this document focuses on analyzing and describing in detail all the functionalities that have been included in the admin panel and in the mobile app. In addition, it explains the essentials to understand the implemented code, facilitating the job of future developers that continue working on this tool. It also includes an app validation that examines its functionalities through a videotutorial and carries out a user assessment that brings new ideas and improvements to continue growing

    Influence of country image on country brand equity: application to higher education services.

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze how country image affects the dimensions of country brand equity (CBE) (i.e. awareness, image, perceived quality and loyalty) in the higher education sector, as well as the interrelationships between these dimensions. Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative research with 208 international students who were starting the academic year at a Spanish university was performed to test the hypotheses. In accordance with the characteristics of the target population, the subjects interviewed were mainly from Europe and the Americas. Findings: The results indicate that the country image affects the perceived quality and awareness of the universities in the country. Additionally, a hierarchy of effects between the dimensions of CBE was found. In particular, loyalty toward the universities of a country is positively influenced by their perceived quality, which is affected by image and awareness of these universities. For its part, the image of universities is positively influenced by the awareness attributed to them by international students. Practical implications: These results have implications for marketing activities aimed at the internationalization of higher education institutions and, therefore, their appeal to international students. Originality/value: The paper’s findings represent an important step in the advancement of knowledge about CBE by taking as a basis a complex model that involves the different dimensions of this construct together with a relevant variable in international marketing, that is, country image

    Strategies for the communication and collaborative online work by university students

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    The impact that Information and Communications Technologies have in the way today’s young people communicate and interact is unquestionable. This impact also affects the educational field, which is required to respond to the needs of twenty first century students by training them in acquiring new skills and strategies to deal with a changing and uncertain future. In this study, which involved 2,054 university students from all Spanish Universities, it delved into the knowledge of networking strategies and tools used by these students for the effective development of communication processes and the implementation of strategies for collaboration and communication. It has been developed a nonexperimental quantitative methodology and the technique used for collecting information was a questionnaire. The results show that all of them use the Internet to communicate and they have a great use of basic tools to collaborate and interact, but they prefer social networks for being in contact with their peers and establishing relationships. It has been found that students do not have the idea of the Internet as a place to learn. This fact implies new challenges to be solved by Universities, to optimize the possibilities of the networks and institutional platforms as an environment to learn collaboratively

    Strategies for the communication and collaborative online work by university students

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    The impact that Information and Communications Technologies have in the way today’s young people communicate and interact is unquestionable. This impact also affects the educational field, which is required to respond to the needs of twenty first century students by training them in acquiring new skills and strategies to deal with a changing and uncertain future. In this study, which involved 2,054 university students from all Spanish Universities, it delved into the knowledge of networking strategies and tools used by these students for the effective development of communication processes and the implementation of strategies for collaboration and communication. It has been developed a nonexperimental quantitative methodology and the technique used for collecting information was a questionnaire. The results show that all of them use the Internet to communicate and they have a great use of basic tools to collaborate and interact, but they prefer social networks for being in contact with their peers and establishing relationships. It has been found that students do not have the idea of the Internet as a place to learn. This fact implies new challenges to be solved by Universities, to optimize the possibilities of the networks and institutional platforms as an environment to learn collaboratively

    Downregulation of mTOR Signaling Increases Stem Cell Population Telomere Length during Starvation of Immortal Planarians

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    Reduction of caloric intake delays and prevents age-associated diseases and extends the life span in many organisms. It may be that these benefits are due to positive effects of caloric restriction on stem cell function. We use the planarian model Schmidtea mediterranea, an immortal animal that adapts to long periods of starvation by shrinking in size, to investigate the effects of starvation on telomere length. We show that the longest telomeres are a general signature of planarian adult stem cells. We also observe that starvation leads to an enrichment of stem cells with the longest telomeres and that this enrichment is dependent on mTOR signaling. We propose that one important effect of starvation for the rejuvenation of the adult stem cell pool is through increasing the median telomere length in somatic stem cells. Such a mechanism has broad implications for how dietary effects on aging are mediated at the whole-organism level.C.G.-E. was funded by a Contrato de Investigadores Miguel Servet (CP12/03214) and by the FLI. The FLI is a member of the Leibniz Association and is financially supported by the Federal Government of Germany and the State of Thuringia. O.G.-G. was funded by an LGSA scholarship. R.P. and B.F.-V. were funded by a grant (PI17-01401) from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain) and FEDER funds. I.F. was funded by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (SAF2016-80406-R), Comunidad de Madrid (S2017/BMD-3875), and the Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (RD12/0042/0045). The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). A.A.A. was funded by grants from the BBSRC (BB/K007564/1) and MRC (MR/M000133/1), and S.S. by a University of Oxford Clarendon Fund Scholarship.S

    Investigaciones dendrogeomorfológicas aplicadas a la gestión de los impactos por erosión hídrica acelerada de suelos en las sendas del parque nacional de Monfragüe

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    En muchos espacios naturales protegidos, el flujo peatonal de visitantes se concentra en determinados sectores del área de uso público, sobre todo en la proximidad de las principales vías de acceso (carreteras, núcleos de población...) y en un reducido número de sendas y caminos peatonales que comunican los elementos más visitados. Es el caso del camino hacia la Cola de Caballo en el parque nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido; el camino a la ermita de San Frutos en el parque natural de las Hoces del río Duratón; o la senda que comunica el Salto del Gitano con el castillo y la ermita en el parque nacional de Monfragüe, por citar algunos ejemplos. Esta concentración de actividades de senderismo produce en determinados tramos de estos caminos y sendas (zonas con suelos arenosos o limosos y altas pendientes) una erosión hídrica acelerada por el efecto físico del pisoteo, compactación y continua fricción. En ocasiones se llegan a formar regueros, pequeños barrancos y se pierden grandes cantidades de suelos fértiles, que además fosilizan y aterran aquéllas zonas donde va a parar la escorrentía, produciendo importantes impactos en estos espacios singulares. Existen numerosos ejemplos de ingentes partidas económicas que los gestores de estos espacios protegidos tienen que destinar a la reparación y recuperación de estas sendas y su entorno. Para ayudar a los gestores es básico disponer de metodologías y herramientas que cuantifiquen esta erosión hídrica (en mm/año) delimitando qué tramos de estas sendas y caminos tienen los mayores problemas erosivos, para así determinar cuáles deben ser prioritarios en su corrección, o qué acciones de restricción de paso o determinación de capacidad de acogida, son necesarias adoptar. Para esta cuantificación son muy útiles, desde hace décadas, las técnicas dendrogeomorfológicas aplicadas a las raíces de árboles que han quedado expuestas a la intemperie por la erosión acelerada en las sendas. En este trabajo se propone una nueva metodología de medición del suelo denudado en relación con la raíz, basado en el estudio microtopográfico de la superficie utilizando moldes y réplicas de alta resolución realizados en diferentes tipos de siliconas, latex y escayolas, y su posterior escaneo tridimensional. La zona piloto donde se ha ensayado esta metodología son los senderos y caminos del parque nacional de Monfragüe (Cáceres), que presentan raíces expuestas debido a la intensa erosión hídrica acelerada como consecuencia de la elevada concentración de visitantes. Los estudios son financiados por el proyecto de investigación IDEA-GesPPNN, del OAPN (MAGRAMA)

    Proyecto ACP(2): Aprendizaje de compretencias en psicología clínica mediante un recurso educativo en abierto

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    El proyecto ACP 2 permite contar con un material educativo en abierto para el aprendizaje de 7 competencias (mediante vídeos y tareas sobre estos) que se encuentran descritas en las fichas docentes de diferentes asignaturas del Grado en Psicología

    Association of thymidylate synthase polymorphisms with acute pancreatitis and/or peripheral neuropathy in HIV-infected patients on Stavudine-Based Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Low expression thymidylate synthase (TS) polymorphism has been associated with increased stavudine triphosphate intracellular (d4T-TP) levels and the lipodystrophy syndrome. The use of d4T has been associated with acute pancreatitis and peripheral neuropathy. However, no relationship has ever been proved between TS polymorphisms and pancreatitis and/or peripheral neuropathy. METHODS: We performed a case-control study to assess the relationship of TS and methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene polymorphisms with acute pancreatitis and/or peripheral neuropathy in patients exposed to d4T. Student's t test, Pearson's correlations, one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction and stepwise logistic regression analyses were done. RESULTS: Forty-three cases and 129 controls were studied. Eight patients (18.6%) had acute pancreatitis, and 35 (81.4%) had peripheral neuropathy. Prior AIDS was more frequent in cases than in controls (OR = 2.36; 95%CI 1.10-5.07, P = 0.0247). L7ow expression TS and MTHFR genotype associated with increased activity were more frequent in patients with acute pancreatitis and/or peripheral neuropathy than in controls (72.1% vs. 46.5%, OR = 2.97; 95%CI: 1.33-6.90, P = 0.0062, and 79.1% vs. 56.6%, OR = 2.90, 95%CI: 1.23-7.41, P = 0.0142, respectively). Independent positive or negative predictors for the development of d4T-associated pancreatitis and/or peripheral neuropathy were: combined TS and MTHFR genotypes (reference: A+A; P = 0.002; ORA+B = 0.34 [95%CI: 0.08 to 1.44], ORB+A = 3.38 [95%CI: 1.33 to 8.57], ORB+B = 1.13 [95%CI: 0.34 to 3.71]), nadir CD4 cell count >200 cells/mm(3) (OR = 0.38; 95%CI: 0.17-0.86, P = 0.021), and HALS (OR = 0.39 95%CI: 0.18-0.85, P = 0.018). CONCLUSIONS: Low expression TS plus a MTHFR genotype associated with increased activity is associated with the development of peripheral neuropathy in d4T-exposed patients

    TITAN: A knowledge-based platform for Big Data workflow management

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    Modern applications of Big Data are transcending from being scalable solutions of data processing and analysis, to now provide advanced functionalities with the ability to exploit and understand the underpinning knowledge. This change is promoting the development of tools in the intersection of data processing, data analysis, knowledge extraction and management. In this paper, we propose TITAN, a software platform for managing all the life cycle of science workflows from deployment to execution in the context of Big Data applications. This platform is characterised by a design and operation mode driven by semantics at different levels: data sources, problem domain and workflow components. The proposed platform is developed upon an ontological framework of meta-data consistently managing processes and models and taking advantage of domain knowledge. TITAN comprises a well-grounded stack of Big Data technologies including Apache Kafka for inter-component communication, Apache Avro for data serialisation and Apache Spark for data analytics. A series of use cases are conducted for validation, which comprises workflow composition and semantic meta-data management in academic and real-world fields of human activity recognition and land use monitoring from satellite images.Universidad de Málaga. Andalucía TECH