8,971 research outputs found

    Description and molecular phylogeny of a new and one known needle nematode of the genus Paralongidorus (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from grapevine in Portugal

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    A new and a known longidorid nematode, Paralongidorus lusitanicus n. sp. and Paralongidorus plesioepimikis, are described and illustrated from populations extracted from soil associated with grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) from Escaroupim and Pó (central-Western Portugal), respectively. The new needle nematode P. lusitanicus n. sp. is characterised by a very large body size (8072–12,022 μm), an expanded and rounded lip region, ca 30 μm wide, with a clear constriction followed by a depression posterior to the amphidial aperture, amphidial fovea very large (11.0–19.0 μm), stirrup-shaped, with conspicuous slit-like aperture as shown in scanning electron microscopy studies, a very long and flexible odontostyle (180.0–223.0 μm), guiding ring located at 28.0–41.5 μm from anterior end, vulva anterior to the mid-body (34–41%), a dorsally convex-conoid tail with rounded terminus (29–42 μm long), bearing two or three pairs of caudal pores and males common (ratio 1:1.6 females) with spicules ca 80 μm long. Morphological and morphometric traits for P. plesioepimikis fit well with the original description, and is reported for the first time in Portugal. Integrative diagnosis of both species was completed with molecular data obtained using D2-D3 expansion segments of 28S rDNA, ITS1-rDNA and partial 18S–rDNA. The phylogenetic relationships of these species with other Paralongidorus spp. using these three molecular markers indicated that P. lusitanicus n. sp. clustered together with other Paralongidorus spp. forming a sister clade with P. plesioepimikis, both of them sharing a large body, long odontostyle, an anteriorly located vulva and an expanded and rounded lip region with a clear constriction followed by a depression posterior to the amphidial aperture

    Raman selection rules in uniaxial media: The nonpolar modes of Mn Ga2 Se4

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).It is known that optically anisotropic media can change the polarization of light propagating inside them. As regards Raman spectroscopy, this affects the light intensity measured in different geometrical configurations and results in an apparent unfulfillment of selection rules. We present an experimental and theoretical study of such effects in the defect chalcopyrite semiconductor MnGa2Se4. Optical anisotropy is taken into account by including in the calculation of Raman intensities the phase difference appearing between ordinary and extraordinary waves as they propagate, in uniaxial media, with different velocities. Birefringence can be obtained from Raman measurements provided that the distance run by the light is known.We acknowledge financial support from research project MAT2001-3713-C04.Peer Reviewe

    Bounds on the dipole moments of the tau-neutrino via the process e+eννˉγe^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \nu \bar \nu \gamma in a 331 model

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    We obtain limits on the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of the ντ\nu_{\tau} through the reaction e+eννˉγe^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \nu \bar \nu \gamma and in the framework of a 331 model. We consider initial-state radiation, and neglect WW and photon exchange diagrams. The results are based on the data reported by the L3 Collaboration at LEP, and compare favorably with the limits obtained in other models, complementing previous studies on the dipole moments.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to be published in The European Physical J C. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:hep-ph/060527

    UV-B Radiation as a Factor that Deserves Further Research in Bolivian Viticulture: A Review

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    Bolivian viticulture has acquired an incipient notoriety in the international wine market due to theproduction of high-altitude wines with a high antioxidant potential. Andes agricultural regions presentan advantage for wine production since UV-B radiation reaching the earth’s surface increases withaltitude and varies with latitude, promoting the activation of plant defense mechanisms responsible forthe synthesis of secondary metabolites. UV‐B radiation upregulates the biosynthesis of nitrogen, phenolicand volatile compounds that contribute to wine flavour. It is thought that the incident UV-B radiationin the Bolivian valleys makes it possible to obtain wines with high phenolic and aromatic potential, butthe published results are not entirely conclusive. This manuscript addressed the geological and climaticfeatures that affect Bolivian viticulture, and we reviewed the field studies carried out regarding the effectsof altitude and UV-B radiation on flavour components of grapes and wines from Bolivian viticulturalvalleys. A high antioxidant capacity and trans-resveratrol content is found in grapes and wines from highaltitude Bolivian vineyards, including if they are compared to those samples from different wine countries.However, high UV-B radiation can result in bunch sunburn affecting some physico-chemical parameters ofthe produced wines. Scarce number of studies have been developed in this field despite this region presenta valuable potential for research in order to quantify the effects of biologically damaging radiation on thesynthesis of flavour components in grapes and some of them were not well scientifically controlled

    Type II supernova spectral diversity, II: spectroscopic and photometric correlations

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    We present an analysis of observed trends and correlations between a large range of spectral and photometric parameters of more than 100 type II supernovae (SNe II), during the photospheric phase. We define a common epoch for all SNe of 50 days post-explosion, where the majority of the sample is likely to be under similar physical conditions. Several correlation matrices are produced to search for interesting trends between more than 30 distinct light-curve and spectral properties that characterize the diversity of SNe II. Overall, SNe with higher expansion velocities are brighter, have more rapidly declining light curves, shorter plateau durations, and higher 56Ni masses. Using a larger sample than previous studies, we argue that "Pd" - the plateau duration from the transition of the initial to "plateau" decline rates to the end of the "plateau" - is a better indicator of the hydrogen envelope mass than the traditionally used optically thick phase duration (OPTd: explosion epoch to end of plateau). This argument is supported by the fact that Pd also correlates with s 3, the light-curve decline rate at late times: lower Pd values correlate with larger s 3 decline rates. Large s 3 decline rates are likely related to lower envelope masses, which enables gamma-ray escape. We also find a significant anticorrelation between Pd and s 2 (the plateau decline rate), confirming the long standing hypothesis that faster declining SNe II (SNe IIL) are the result of explosions with lower hydrogen envelope masses and therefore have shorter Pd values.Fil: Gutiérrez, Claudia P.. Universidad de Chile; Chile. University of Southampton; Reino Unido. European Southern Observatory Santiago; Chile. Millennium Institute Of Astrophysics; ChileFil: Anderson, Joseph P.. European Southern Observatory Santiago; ChileFil: Hamuy, Mario. Millennium Institute Of Astrophysics; Chile. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: González Gaitan, Santiago. Universidad de Chile; Chile. Universidade de Lisboa; Portugal. Millennium Institute Of Astrophysics; ChileFil: Galbany, Lluis. University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown; Estados Unidos. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Dessart, Luc. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Stritzinger, Maximilian D.. University Aarhus; DinamarcaFil: Phillips, Mark M.. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Morrell, Nidia. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Folatelli, Gaston. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentin

    Análisis cinemático del viraje en el esquí alpino de competición

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    Esta comunicación trata sobre la aplicación de la Biomecánica Deportiva como perspectiva científica, al análisis cinemático del esquí alpino como objeto de estudio, y ha sido realizada basándose en una situación real de competición como fue el Campeonato del Mundo de 1996 celebrado en Sierra Nevada (Granada). Para el análisis de la muestra, utilizamos la metodología y las tecnologías propias de la biomecánica Deportiva como son el método indirecto y las técnicas fotogramétricas tridimensionales, basadas en la filmación del gesto deportivo utilizando el vídeo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de un patrón general de movimiento en la muestra de esquiadoras analizadas en cuanto a las velocidades tangenciales medias del CG(S).del sistema (esquiador más implementos). Entre las conclusiones, destacamos la existencia de una reducción de la velocidad tangencial media resultante en el recorrido analizado que es mayor aún, en el instante de paso del palo de viraje en particular y cuanto más curva es la trayectoria. Atendiendo a la desviación típica del comportamiento de la velocidad media resultante, podemos decir que en este tramo de paso de la puerta encontramos las diferencias entre la técnica individual de las esquiadoras analizadas. Este estudio nos confirma la importancia del entrenamiento en situación real de competición (en cuanto a material, características pista de entrenamiento, etc.

    Factores de variabilidad del lanzamiento en salto en balonmano por efecto de la oposición

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    Se han analizado las variables biomecánicas que determinan la eficacia de un gesto técnico como es el lanzamiento en salto a distancia en balonmano realizado sin y con oposición defensiva. El propósito del trabajo es estudiar los factores de variabilidad por efecto de la oposición. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se han utilizado las técnicas fotogramétricas tridimensionales (3D). El aspecto más relevante que se desprende de los resultados expuestos es la falta de significación estadística entre todos los factores causales cuando se comparan las dos situaciones experimentales propuestas (sin y con oposición)