206 research outputs found

    Topological Defects in Gauge Theories of Open p-branes

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    We study phase transitions induced by topological defects in Abelian gauge theories of open p-branes in (d+1) space-time dimensions. Starting from a massive antisymmetric tensor theory for open p-branes we show how the condensation of topological defects can lead to a decoupled phase with a massless tensor coupled to closed (p-1)-branes and a massive tensor coupled to open (p+1)-branes. We also consider the case, relevant in string theory, in which the boundaries of the p-branes are constrained to live on a Dirichlet n-branes.Comment: 16 pages, harvmac te

    Solar Neutrino Rates, Spectrum, and its Moments : an MSW Analysis in the Light of Super-Kamiokande Results

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    We re-examine MSW solutions of the solar neutrino problem in a two flavor scenario taking (a) the results on total rates and the electron energy spectrum from the 1117-day SuperKamiokande (SK) data and (b) those on total rates from the Chlorine and Gallium experiments. We find that the SMA solution gives the best fit to the total rates data from the different experiments. One new feature of our analysis is the use of the moments of the SK electron spectrum in a χ2\chi^2 analysis. The best-fit to the moments is broadly in agreement with that obtained from a direct fit to the spectrum data and prefers a Δm2\Delta m^2 comparable to the SMA fit to the rates but the required mixing angle is larger. In the combined rate and spectrum analysis, apart from varying the normalization of the 8^8B flux as a free parameter and determining its best-fit value we also obtain the best-fit parameters when correlations between the rates and the spectrum data are included and the normalization of the 8^8B flux held fixed at its SSM value. We observe that the correlations between the rates and spectrum data are important and the goodness of fit worsens when these are included. In either case, the best-fit lies in the LMA region.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Gravitational Wave Spectrum in Inflation with Nonclassical States

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    The initial quantum state during inflation may evolve to a highly squeezed quantum state due to the amplification of the time-dependent parameter, ωphys(k/a)\omega_{phys}(k/a), which may be the modified dispersion relation in trans-Planckian physics. This squeezed quantum state is a nonclassical state that has no counterpart in the classical theory. We have considered the nonclassical states such as squeezed, squeezed coherent, and squeezed thermal states, and calculated the power spectrum of the gravitational wave perturbation when the mode leaves the horizon.Comment: 21 page

    Non-minimally Coupled Tachyonic Inflation in Warped String Background

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    We show that the non-minimal coupling of tachyon field to the scalar curvature, as proposed by Piao et al, with the chosen coupling parameter does not produce the effective potential where the tachyon field can roll down from T=0 to large TT along the slope of the potential. We find a correct choice of the parameters which ensures this requirement and support slow-roll inflation. However, we find that the cosmological parameter found from the analysis of the theory are not in the range obtained from observations. We then invoke warped compactification and varying dilaton field over the compact manifold, as proposed by Raeymaekers, to show that in such a setup the observed parameter space can be ensured.Comment: minor typos corrected and references adde

    Self Duality and Oblique Confinement in Planar Gauge Theories

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    We investigate the non-perturbative structure of two planar Zp×ZpZ_p \times Z_p lattice gauge models and discuss their relevance to two-dimensional condensed matter systems and Josephson junction arrays. Both models involve two compact U(1) gauge fields with Chern-Simons interactions, which break the symmetry down to Zp×ZpZ_p \times Z_p. By identifying the relevant topological excitations (instantons) and their interactions we determine the phase structure of the models. Our results match observed quantum phase transitions in Josephson junction arrays and suggest also the possibility of {\it oblique confining ground states} corresponding to quantum Hall regimes for either charges or vortices.Comment: 32 pages, harvma

    How does Inflation Depend Upon the Nature of Fluids Filling Up the Universe in Brane World Scenario

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    By constructing different parameters which are able to give us the information about our universe during inflation,(specially at the start and the end of the inflationary universe) a brief idea of brane world inflation is given in this work. What will be the size of the universe at the end of inflation,i.e.,how many times will it grow than today's size is been speculated and analysed thereafter. Different kinds of fluids are taken to be the matter inside the brane. It is observed that in the case of highly positive pressure grower gas like polytropic,the size of the universe at the end of inflation is comparitively smaller. Whereas for negative pressure creators (like chaplygin gas) this size is much bigger. Except thse two cases, inflation has been studied for barotropic fluid and linear redshift parametrization ω(z)=ω0+ω1z\omega(z) = \omega_{0} + \omega_{1} z too. For them the size of the universe after inflation is much more high. We also have seen that this size does not depend upon the potential energy at the end of the inflation. On the contrary, there is a high impact of the initial potential energy upon the size of inflation.Comment: 20 page

    Realistic Equations of State for the Primeval Universe

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    Early universe equations of state including realistic interactions between constituents are built up. Under certain reasonable assumptions, these equations are able to generate an inflationary regime prior to the nucleosynthesis period. The resulting accelerated expansion is intense enough to solve the flatness and horizon problems. In the cases of curvature parameter \kappa equal to 0 or +1, the model is able to avoid the initial singularity and offers a natural explanation for why the universe is in expansion.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures. Citations added in this version. Accepted EPJ

    D-brane anti-D-brane effective action and brane interaction in open string channel

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    We construct the effective action of a DpD_p-brane-anti-DpD_p-brane system by making use of the non-abelian extension of tachyonic DBI action. We succeed the construction by restricting the Chan-Paton factors of two non-BPS DpD_p-branes in the action to the Chan-Paton factors of a DpDˉpD_p\bar{D}_p system. For the special case that both branes are coincident, the action reduces to the one proposed by A. Sen. \\The effective DpDˉpD_p\bar{D}_p potential indicates that when branes separation is larger than the string length scale, there are two minima in the tachyon direction. As branes move toward each other under the gravitational force, the tachyon tunneling from false to true vacuum may make a bubble formation followed by a classical evolution of the bubble. On the other hand, when branes separation is smaller than the string length scale, the potential shows one maximum and one minimum. In this case, a homogeneous tachyon rolling in real time makes an attractive potential for the branes distance. This classical force is speculated to be the effective force between the two branes.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 1 figure, the version appears in JHE

    Anisotropic cosmological models with a perfect fluid and a Λ\Lambda term

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    We consider a self-consistent system of Bianchi type-I (BI) gravitational field and a binary mixture of perfect fluid and dark energy given by a cosmological constant. The perfect fluid is chosen to be the one obeying either the usual equation of state, i.e., p = \zeta \ve, with ζ[0,1]\zeta \in [0, 1] or a van der Waals equation of state. Role of the Λ\Lambda term in the evolution of the BI Universe has been studied.Comment: 8 pages, 8 Figure

    Highlights from the International Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Congress 2021

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    Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a rare complication of acute pulmonary embolism. It is caused by persistent obstruction of pulmonary arteries by chronic organised fibrotic clots, despite adequate anticoagulation. The pulmonary hypertension is also caused by concomitant microvasculopathy which may progress without timely treatment. Timely and accurate diagnosis requires the combination of imaging and haemodynamic assessment. Optimal therapy should be individualised to each case and determined by an experienced multidisciplinary CTEPH team with the ability to offer all current treatment modalities. This report summarises current knowledge and presents key messages from the International CTEPH Conference, Bad Nauheim, Germany, 2021. Sessions were dedicated to 1) disease definition; 2) pathophysiology, including the impact of the hypertrophied bronchial circulation, right ventricle (dys)function, genetics and inflammation; 3) diagnosis, early after acute pulmonary embolism, using computed tomography and perfusion techniques, and supporting the selection of appropriate therapies; 4) surgical treatment, pulmonary endarterectomy for proximal and distal disease, and peri-operative management; 5) percutaneous approach or balloon pulmonary angioplasty, techniques and complications; and 6) medical treatment, including anticoagulation and pulmonary hypertension drugs, and in combination with interventional treatments. Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary disease without pulmonary hypertension is also discussed in terms of its diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Thrombosis and Hemostasi