227 research outputs found

    Pendidikan keluarga dalam pembentukan karakter bangsa

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    Buku ini juga bermanfaat bagi para pembina,penyelenggara, pengelola, dan pelaksana pendidikan keluarga. Manfaat buku ini terutama ditujukan untuk men-egakkan landasan konseptual dan praktikal dalam hal pembentukan kompetensi, pencapaian kualifikasi, dan pengembangan profesionalitas pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan untuk mampu menfasilitasi pendidikan keluarga di Indonesia. Ada banyak pihak yang harus terlibat dalam memberikan artikulasi, orientasi, aktualisasi, kontribusi, dan akselerasi pembinaan pendidikan keluarga dalam ikut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, sekaligus bagaimana seseorang harus merintis karir dan mengembangkan karir sebagai pendidik pendidikan keluarga ke depan


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    This research paper is about abusive language in The Fast and Furious movie. The data of this research paper are the utterances of abusive language in The Fast and Furious movie. In The Fast and Furious movie, there are twelve words of abusive language. The objectives of this research paper are to know the formation, the meaning, and the function of abusive language in The Fast and Furious movie. The writer uses qualitative method to analyze the data. To analyze the data, the researcher identifies the form of abusive language then formed it to the form of abusive language according to six varieties of abusive language by Hughes, and the last the researcher finds the meaning and the function by using speech act theory. The results of the study are: (1) There are twelve data of abusive language in The Fast and Furious movie. They are shit, damn, bastard, fool, crazy, stupid, dog, skank, bitch, pant, ass and fuck. (2) The formation of abusive language according to six varieties by Hughes are word related to sex organ, word from excrement, word from mental illness, word from name of animal, and word related to sex activity. (3) The meaning of abusive language in The Fast and Furious movie are according to the situation where the utterance uttered by the speaker, and the function of abusive language are to express angry feeling, to degrade someone, sex activity, and to call someone


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    The organization is a set of common goals that would have reached, so the need for joint motion and an integrated step in achieving its goals. For the need of communication in an organization that would unite the ideas together to achieve the goal. Communications will work well if there are values and norms held by each member in the organization. Values and norms were embodied in the form of organizational culture. Keywords : organization, culture, communicatio

    Disability and response to COVID-19. On social protection in Sub-Saharan African countries – The case of Ethiopia

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    BecslĂ©sek szerint vilĂĄgszerte több mint egymilliĂĄrd fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑ ember Ă©l, akik a szegĂ©nysĂ©g fokozott kockĂĄzatĂĄnak vannak kitĂ©ve. Ez a helyzet drĂĄmaian sĂșlyosbodott a COVID-19 vilĂĄgjĂĄrvĂĄny megjelenĂ©se Ăłta. EtiĂłpiĂĄban több mint szĂĄzmilliĂł ember Ă©l, ebbƑl a fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑ szemĂ©lyek szĂĄma 2011-ben a teljes nĂ©pessĂ©g több mint 17,6%-ĂĄt tette ki (1,23 milliĂł ember; a teljes nĂ©pessĂ©g 70 milliĂł fƑre becsĂŒlhetƑ 2011-ben). A fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑ emberekkel kapcsolatos etiĂłp nemzeti cselekvĂ©si terv becslĂ©se szerint a fogyatĂ©kos szemĂ©lyek 95%-a a szegĂ©nysĂ©gi kĂŒszöb alatt Ă©l. TöbbsĂ©gĂŒk az orszĂĄg vidĂ©ki rĂ©szein lakik, ahol az alapvetƑ szolgĂĄltatĂĄsokhoz valĂł hozzĂĄfĂ©rĂ©s mĂ©g az orszĂĄg nemfogyatĂ©kos lakosai szĂĄmĂĄra is minimĂĄlis. E kutatĂĄs fƑ cĂ©lja, hogy felmĂ©rje a COVID-19 vilĂĄgjĂĄrvĂĄny hatĂĄsĂĄt a fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑ emberekre, Ă©s azt, hogy a szociĂĄlis vĂ©delem Ă©s mĂĄs gazdasĂĄgi vĂĄlaszok mennyiben tudjĂĄk csökkenteni a szegĂ©nysĂ©g vilĂĄgjĂĄrvĂĄny következtĂ©ben valĂł növekedĂ©sĂ©nek kockĂĄzatĂĄt. Ebben a kutatĂĄsban narratĂ­v irodalmi elemzĂ©st alkalmaztunk annak Ă©rdekĂ©ben, hogy összefoglaljuk a fogyatĂ©kossĂĄgrĂłl, a szegĂ©nysĂ©grƑl Ă©s a szociĂĄlis vĂ©delemrƑl Ă­rt Ă©s közzĂ©tett szakirodalmat. A tanulmĂĄny feltĂĄrta, hogy a COVID-19 vilĂĄgjĂĄrvĂĄny helyzete nagy kihĂ­vĂĄst jelent a mĂ©lyszegĂ©nysĂ©gben Ă©lƑ emberek, kĂŒlönösen a fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑk szĂĄmĂĄra, akiknek helyzetĂ©vel kapcsolatban kevesebb szociĂĄlis vĂ©delmi intĂ©zkedĂ©s lĂ©tezik. A fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑ emberekkel szemben megkĂŒlönböztetĂ©s Ă©s megbĂ©lyegzĂ©s tapasztalhatĂł a közössĂ©geikben, pĂ©ldĂĄul rendƑrsĂ©gi abĂșzust Ă©ltek meg, amikor Ă©lelmet Ă©s munkĂĄt kerestek, hogy kĂ©szpĂ©nzhez jussanak. A jĂĄrvĂĄny idejĂ©n megnƑtt a fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑ lĂĄnyokkal szemben elkövetett nemi erƑszak eseteinek szĂĄma, aminek következtĂ©ben ki voltak tĂ©ve a HIV-AIDS-nek Ă©s mĂĄs nemi betegsĂ©geknek. PszichĂ©sen is megterhelĂ©snek voltak kitĂ©ve, Ă©s gazdasĂĄgi problĂ©mĂĄkkal szembesĂŒltek, emellett a folyamatban lĂ©vƑ hĂĄborĂș Ă©s a magas inflĂĄciĂł is hatĂĄssal volt a fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑ emberekre. Az eredmĂ©nyek alapjĂĄn a szerzƑ szakpolitikai ajĂĄnlĂĄsokat javasol arra vonatkozĂłan, hogyan lehetne javĂ­tani a fogyatĂ©kossĂĄggal Ă©lƑ szemĂ©lyek szociĂĄlis biztonsĂĄgĂĄt EtiĂłpiĂĄban


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    Kendaraan roda dua merupakan alat transportasi yang populer di Indonesia. Kendaraan roda dua memiliki efisiensi bahan bakar yang tinggi akan tetapi memiliki kekurangan pada pengontrolan keseimbangannya yang mana sangat tergantung pada pengendaranya. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka pada tugas akhir ini dirancang sebuah model kendaraan roda dua yang mampu menjaga keseimbangannya secara otomatis dengan menggunakan metode kontrol logika samar.Prototipe yang telah dirancang menggunakan metoda pengontrolan logika samar untuk memudahkan penentuan posisi servo. Posisi servo diatur untuk menjaga plan agar tetap berada pada kondisi tegak. Mikrokontroler yang digunakan adalah STM32F4 yang memiliki clock 168MHz. Proses pengecekan aturan logika samar dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan menghasilkan keluaran yang sesuai. Sensor accelerometer digunakan sebagai sensor kemiringan dan umpan balik sistem.Sistem telah mampu menghasilkan momentum sudut sebesar 0,92 Kgm^2 s^(-1) dengan kecepatan 13800 rpm. Sistem telah berhasil mempertahankan kestabilan posisinya hingga kemiringan ± 5o dan beban maksimum yang mampu diterima oleh sistem adalah 50 gram. logika samar, gyroscope, mikrokontroler STM32F4, kontrol keseimbanga

    Validating Uncertainty-Aware Virtual Sensors For Industry 4.0

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    In industry 4.0 manufacturing, sensors provide information about the state, behavior, and performance of processes. Therefore, one of the main goals of Industry 4.0 is to collect high-quality data to realize its business goal, namely zero-defect manufacturing, and high-quality products. However, hardware sensors cannot always gather quality data due to several factors. First, industrial 4.0 deploys sensors in harsh environments. Consequently, measurements are likely to be corrupted by errors such as outliers, noise, or missing values. Sensors can, over time, be subject to faults such as bias, drifting, complete failure, and precision degradation. Moreover, direct sensing of a process variable can be unavailable due to environmental constraints such as surface temperature being beyond the range of the physical sensor. A virtual sensor is a tools to solve these problems by allowing for online estimation of process variables when the physical sensor is unreliable or unavailable. Deep learning method is effective in developing virtual sensors; however, it assumes that the data used for training and deployment are independent and identical (i. i. d). Therefore, deep learning in high-risk environments, such as industry 4.0, is challenging because if i.i.d assumptions fail to hold, the model may make errors that lead to disastrous consequences, such as financial losses, reputational damage, or even death. We can prevent model mistakes only if the model estimates the uncertainty of its predictions. Unfortunately, current deep learning-based virtual sensors are created using frequentist models, making them unable to capture uncertainty accurately. In this thesis, we explore the possibility of Bayesian convolutional neural networks (BCNN) to generate uncertainty-aware virtual sensors for Industry 4.0. We use two publicly available realistic industrial datasets to generate virtual sensors and conduct experiments. CNC Mill Tool Wear data (CNC) from CNC milling machine provided by the University of Michigan, and Tennessee Eastman Process data (TEP) provided by Eastman Chemical Company for process monitoring and control studies. The root-mean-square error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and R-squared (R2) is used to evaluate the predictive capability of the generated virtual sensor. The performance is compared to that of the standard neural network-based virtual sensor, namely convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM). We demonstrated Bayesian neural networks' ability to quantify uncertainty by computing the coverage probability of the uncertainty. Additionally, we tested whether the estimated uncertainty could detect changes in input data distribution using the fault injection method. Our BCNN virtual sensor had the best R-squared scores, with R2 = 0.99 on CNC and R2 = 0.98 on TEP data. The result of the coverage probability score indicates a reasonably good uncertainty estimate. However, despite predictive uncertainty detecting faults in input datasets, its accuracy declined as fault length increased

    The Modelling of Nonlinear Distance Sensor Using Piecewise Newton Polynomial with Vertex Algorithm

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    The Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F is categorized as a nonlinear sensor for distance measurement. This sensor is also categorized as a low-cost sensor. The higher resolution, cheap, high accuracy and easy to install are the advantages. The accuracy level of this sensor depends on the type of the measured object materials, requires an additional device unit and further processing is required since the output is non-linear. The distance determination is not easy for this type of sensor since the characteristic of this sensor fulfills non-injective function.  The modelling process is one of methods to convert the output voltage of the sensor to a distance unit. The advantages of polynomial modelling are simple form model, moderate in flexibilities of shape, well known and understood properties, and easy to use for computational matters. The obstacle of polynomial-based modelling is the presence of Runge’s phenomenon. The minimization of Runge’s phenomenon can be done with decreasing the model order. The piecewise Newton polynomials with vertex determination  method have been succeeded to generate a nonlinear model and minimize the occurrence of Runge’s phenomenon. The low level of MSE by 0.001 and error percentage of 2.38% has been obtained for the generated model. The low MSE level leads to the high accuracy level of the generated model.The Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F is categorized as a nonlinear sensor for distance measurement. This sensor is also categorized as a low-cost sensor. The higher resolution, cheap, high accuracy and easy to install are the advantages. The accuracy level of this sensor depends on the type of the measured object materials, requires an additional device unit and further processing is required since the output is non-linear. The distance determination is not easy for this type of sensor since the characteristic of this sensor fulfills non-injective function.  The modelling process is one of methods to convert the output voltage of the sensor to a distance unit. The advantages of polynomial modelling are simple form model, moderate in flexibilities of shape, well known and understood properties, and easy to use for computational matters. The obstacle of polynomial-based modelling is the presence of Runge’s phenomenon. The minimization of Runge’s phenomenon can be done with decreasing the model order. The piecewise Newton polynomials with vertex determination  method have been succeeded to generate a nonlinear model and minimize the occurrence of Runge’s phenomenon. The low level of MSE by 0.001 and error percentage of 2.38% has been obtained for the generated model. The low MSE level leads to the high accuracy level of the generated model

    Buku data Paudni tahun 2012

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    Pendidikan anak usia dini, nonformal dan informal merupakan bagian integral dari sistem pendidikan nasional yang menurut undang-undang sistem pendidikan formal. visi Ditjen PAUDNI adalah "terselenggaranya layanan pendidikan anak usia dini, nonformal, dan informal untuk mewujudkan insan Indonesia yang cerdas, terampil, mandiri, kreatif, dan profesional" sedangkan misi Ditjen PAUDNI adalah Memfasilitasi layanan pendidikan kepada peserta didik secara merata, bermutu, relevan dan menjangkau sasaran yang tak terlayani oleh pendidikan formal melalui penyelenggaraan layanan pendidikan anak usia dini(PAUD)Pendidikan Masyarakat(DIKMAS),kursus dan pelatihan(LKP),pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan (PTK) PAUDNI,pendidikan kecakapan hidup dan pendidikan lain yang ditujukan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan potensi peserta didik

    Pengembangan Tutorial Digital Conducting untuk Mahasiswa PGSD

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility, activity, practicality, and effectiveness of the product. This development process uses a 4D research model with the stages of defining, planning, developing, and distributing. The development of a digital conducting tutorial was declared feasible after going through the validation and testing process on students with a percentage of material experts 95% with very decent criteria, percentage of media experts 92.5% with very decent criteria. Products based on student activity questionnaires obtained a percentage of 94.5% with very active criteria and an assessment of student responses that obtained a percentage of 92.5% with very practical criteria. The digital conducting tutorial product for PGSD students was declared effective based on the average score of 32 students at 93.12 in the very effective criteri


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    Salah satu penopang perekonomian Indosnesia adalah industry makannan dan minuman. Pelaku Industri makannan dan minuman tersebar pada jenis dan ukuran perusahaan. Industri kecil dan mikro dan jenis pangan olahan beku mempunyai porsi yang besar dalam pengembangkan industri ini. Didukung oleh berkembangnya pasar digital dan pemasaran melalui sosial media dapat menjadikan industri ini terus berkembang. Faktor risiko, kemudahan dan efisensi proses pembuatan membuat produk pangan olahan beku menjadi primadona dalam industri makanan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan peProduk olahan beku dari Ikan lele merupakan produk pangan yang mudah mendapatkan bahan baku nya dapat mengandung gizi yang cukup untuk dikonsumsi. Dengan metode demontrasi untuk mencontohkan pengolahan dan pengemasan lele dengan proses vacuum. Metode penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta dalam penanganan pangan olahan beku ikan lele
