2,682 research outputs found

    A Incomensurabilidade em Thomas Kuhn e a Educacao Profissional, Cientifica E Tecnologica: Um Ensaio Sobre Interdisciplinaridade e Pratica no Ensino de Tecnologia das Construcoes

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    This work aims to demonstrate that the concept of Incommensurability according to Thomas Kuhn originally of the Exact Sciences which explains the change between scientific theories in the Philosophy of Science as well explains on the Technology of buildings in Brazilian built environment from the Colonial period to Contemporary It was observed that the changes in scientific theories have occurred in part with assimilation of previous concepts and part with complete break between paradigm

    Síntese, modificação química e caracterização de óxido de grafeno preparado via eletroquímica

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    The graphene is a material of 21st century with excellent mechanical, optical and electrical properties, with wide variety of technological applications and whose raw material is an abundant material in nature. However its large-scale production is still a challenge for science. Therefore, the aims of this Master's thesis was to study a simple methodology capable of preparing graphene oxide (GO) from electrochemical graphite exfoliation, as well as its functionalization with phthalic anhydride (f-GO) and subsequent doping with Cu2+ and Ag+ ions. The electrochemical graphite (as anode) exfoliation was performed in electrochemical cell using H2SO4 1M as electrolyte and positive potential of 2.3V, this potential was gradually increased up to 10V. The graphene oxide obtained was characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared absorption spectroscopy (FTIR), UV-vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). All characterization techniques confirmed the incorporation of functional groups containing oxygen (hydroxyl, carboxyl and epoxy), confirmed therefore the oxidation of graphite. The confirmation of graphite exfoliation to graphene oxide was obtained by XRD. XRD spectrum shows the diffraction peak of the graphene. The MEV shows morphology of overlapping layer of graphene. The study of the electrical conductivity (σ, S/m) with temperature (T, K) confirmed the obtention of graphene oxide too, showing the curve σ versus T a semimetal behavior of graphene.The functionalization of GO with phthalic anhydride was confirmed by FTIR. The FTIR spectrum showed a decresed of OH groups concentration on f-GO. The doping of f-GO was confirmed by MEV-EDS. The MEV showed a morphology of corrugated graphene sheets, the EDS confirmed a presence of Cu2+ and Ag+ ions on the surface of f-GO. The dependence of conductivity with temperature of doped f-GO samples showed a semimetal and semiconductor behavior.Agência 1O grafeno é um material do século XXI com ótimas propriedades mecânicas, ópticas e elétricas, com grande variedade de aplicações tecnológicas e, cuja matéria prima é um material abundante na natureza. Porém, sua produção em grande escala ainda é um desafio para a ciência. Neste sentido a presente dissertação de Mestrado visa estudar uma metodologia simples capaz de preparar óxido de grafeno (OG) a partir da esfoliação eletroquímica de grafite, assim como sua funcionalização com anidrido ftálico (f-OG) e posterior dopagem com íons Cu2+ e Ag+. A esfoliação eletroquímica do grafite (ânodo) foi realizada em célula eletroquímica usando H2SO4 1M como eletrólito e potencial inicial positivo de 2,3V, este potencial foi incrementado gradativamente até 10V. O óxido de grafeno obtido foi caracterizado por Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA), Calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), Espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (FTIR), Espectroscopia UV vis, Difração de Raios X (DRX), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Todas as técnicas de caracterização avaliadas confirmaram a incorporação de grupos funcionais contendo oxigênio (hidroxilas, carboxilas e epóxi), portanto a oxidação do grafite. A comprovação da esfoliação do grafite a óxido de grafeno foi confirmada por DRX, mostrando o pico de difração do grafeno e, por MEV a partir da morfologia de camadas superpostas de grafeno. O estudo da condutividade elétrica (σ, S/m) com a temperatura (T, K) também confirmou a obtenção do óxido de grafeno, mostrando a curva σ versus T o comportamento de semimetal do grafeno. A funcionalização com anidrido ftálico foi comprovada por FTIR mostrando-se uma diminuição da concentração de grupos OH no f-OG. A dopagem do f-OG foi comprovada por MEV-EDS. O EDS confirmou a presença dos íons Cu2+ e Ag+ na superfície da amostra. O comportamento da condutividade com a temperatura mostrou que as amostras apresentam tanto um comportamento de semicondutor quanto de semimetal

    Collaborative virtual community to share class plans for STEAM education

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    This research presents an international community of practice for teachers using the VISIR remote lab. Throughout the research, it was necessary to study about communities of practice and their potential use in remote laboratories; identify practices with collaborative potential in the institutions and with the participating teachers; develop the necessary technological environment to support the proposed community of practice; validate the proposal with four institutions (four countries - Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Argentina) to evaluate the proposed model. The motivation for developing this research came from the history of the Remote Experimentation Laboratory (REXLAB) with the project VISIR+: Educational Modules for Electric and Electronic Circuits Theory and Practice following an Enquiry based Teaching and Learning Methodology supported by VISIR+”. The VISIR + project is an international cooperation project with the participation of 21 Ibero-American partner institutions between October 2015 and April 2018. The platform, called Labs4STEAM, was developed using Dokuwiki, an open source wiki software that contains a large number of plugins. From the data collection it was possible to receive a mostly positive feedback, but several improvement opportunities were pointed out, which will be performed soon. Thus, from the developed platform one can plan future work, taking into account the results obtained and experience and partnerships with the VISIR + project

    Harvest timing and potassium doses on post-harvest quality of dwarf-green coconut water

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    Coconut is an expressive culture in tropical climate regions and its yield and fruit quality is directly linked to several factors, such as climatic conditions, fertilizer management, harvesting fruits period and other factors. Aiming to evaluate post-harvest of irrigated green dwarf coconut water quality due to potassium doses and different harvesting time, an experiment was carried out at the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid - UFERSA from January to November 2015. The experimental design was split-plot randomized blocks. Plots were 5 potassium doses (0, 150, 300, 450 and 600 g plant-1) and the subplots 4 harvesting time of fruits (5, 6, 7 and 8 months after the opening of the inflorescence), 4 blocks and 2 plants for a total of 40 treatment plants. The experimental area consisted of coconut trees of green dwarf variety with four years old. Were evaluated the titratable acidity, soluble solids, ratio, electrical conductivity, pH, total sugar and levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and chlorine from coconut water. Under the conditions studied, higher doses of potassium decreased qualitative characteristics of coconut water, the absence of potassium fertilization coconut trees had better results. The optimal harvest time is between 6 and 7 months old.O coco é uma cultura expressiva em regiões de clima tropical e seu rendimento e qualidade dos frutos estão diretamente ligados a diversos fatores, como condições climáticas, manejo de fertilizantes, período de colheita dos frutos e outros fatores. Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de água de coco anã verde irrigada por doses de potássio e diferentes épocas de colheita, foi realizado um experimento na Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido - UFERSA de janeiro a novembro de 2015. O delineamento experimental foi dividido - traçar blocos aleatórios. Parcelas foram 5 doses de potássio (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600 g planta-1) e as subparcelas 4 tempo de colheita dos frutos (5, 6, 7 e 8 meses após a abertura da inflorescência), 4 blocos e 2 plantas para um total de 40 estações de tratamento. A área experimental foi constituída por coqueiros da variedade anã verde com quatro anos de idade. Foram avaliados a acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, razão, condutividade elétrica, pH, teor de açúcar total e níveis de potássio, cálcio, magnésio, sódio e cloro da água de coco. Nas condições estudadas, doses mais elevadas de potássio diminuíram as características qualitativas da água de coco, a ausência de adubação potássica nos coqueiros teve melhores resultados. O tempo ótimo de colheita é entre 6 e 7 meses de idad

    Los medios de comunicación entre la cuarta y la quinta potencia/estado: análisis de la segunda ronda de las elecciones presidenciales 2018 en Brasil

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    El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar a los medios tradicionales brasileños que llegaron a ser conocidos como cuarto poder, en referencia a los medios como inspectores de los tres poderes que rigen el gobierno nacional: ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial, y que Dutton (2009) llama la quinta potencia/estado, basada en internet. Se analiza la cuenta Instagram oficial de Bolsonaro, además de asuntos del Jornal Nacional (Rede Globo) en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales. La metodología es el Análisis de la Materialidad Audiovisual, propuesta por Coutinho (2016), que busca entender el lenguaje audiovisual como una unidad. El quinto potencia/estado ha ganado fuerza creciente en esta coalición con los medios de comunicación, y fue decisivo para que Bolsonaro ganara las elecciones.The aim of this article is to evaluate the traditional Brazilian media that came to be known as the fourth estate, in reference to the media as inspectors of the three branches that govern the national government: executive, legislative and judicial, and which Dutton (2009) calls the fifth power/state, based on the internet. Bolsonaro's official Instagram account is analysed, in addition to issues of the Jornal Nacional (Rede Globo) in the second round of the presidential elections. The methodology is the Analysis of Audiovisual Materiality, proposed by Coutinho (2016), which seeks to understand audiovisual language as a unit. The fifth power/state has gained increasing strength in this coalition with the media, and was decisive for Bolsonaro to win the election.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Phenology and production of guava tree cv. “Paluma” pruned at different seasons in Mossoro – RN, Brazil.

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    The pruning allows fruit harvest in different periods, according to the grower decision, being economically viable. The harvest can be scheduled according to the agronomical traits and due to the market price. The experiment was conducted in the didactic orchard of the Federal University of the Semi-Arid Region (UFERSA), from April 2013 to December 2014, in the municipality of Mossoro-RN. It was carried out in a randomized block design, with treatments arranged in a split-plot, which were composed by pruning periods, conducted in April (2013), November (2013) and July (2014). The subplots consisted of pruning intensities (short, medium and long); with four repetitions, where the experimental unit consisted of two plants that was pruned with 8 marked branches. From pruning to harvest, the the following botanical characteristics were evaluated in the marked branches: number of emitted sprouts by branches pruned at the day 15th (NBE); number of established branches by branches pruned at the day 50th (NRE); number of productive branches (NRP); vegetative number (VRN) and the total number of fruits (NFT). The evaluated characteristics presented a significant effect. The long pruning resulted in a higher number of fruits for all evaluated seasons. The best months for pruning was November and July. The guava tree ‘Paluma’ cycle, from pruning to harvest can vary according to the period of pruning, with 132 days in July and 150 days in April.The pruning allows fruit harvest in different periods, according to the grower decision, being economically viable. The harvest can be scheduled according to the agronomical traits and due to the market price. The experiment was conducted in the didactic orchard of the Federal University of the Semi-Arid Region (UFERSA), from April 2013 to December 2014, in the municipality of Mossoro-RN. It was carried out in a randomized block design, with treatments arranged in a split-plot, which were composed by pruning periods, conducted in April (2013), November (2013) and July (2014). The subplots consisted of pruning intensities (short, medium and long); with four repetitions, where the experimental unit consisted of two plants that was pruned with 8 marked branches. From pruning to harvest, the the following botanical characteristics were evaluated in the marked branches: number of emitted sprouts by branches pruned at the day 15th (NBE); number of established branches by branches pruned at the day 50th (NRE); number of productive branches (NRP); vegetative number (VRN) and the total number of fruits (NFT). The evaluated characteristics presented a significant effect. The long pruning resulted in a higher number of fruits for all evaluated seasons. The best months for pruning was November and July. The guava tree ‘Paluma’ cycle, from pruning to harvest can vary according to the period of pruning, with 132 days in July and 150 days in April. durando entre 132 em julho a 150 dias em abril. &nbsp

    Collaborative virtual community to share class plans for STEAM education

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    This research presents an international community of practice for teachers using the VISIR remote lab. Throughout the research, it was necessary to study about communities of practice and their potential use in remote laboratories; identify practices with collaborative potential in the institutions and with the participating teachers; develop the necessary technological environment to support the proposed community of practice; validate the proposal with four institutions (four countries - Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Argentina) to evaluate the proposed model. The motivation for developing this research came from the history of the Remote Experimentation Laboratory (REXLAB) with the project VISIR+: Educational Modules for Electric and Electronic Circuits Theory and Practice following an Enquiry based Teaching and Learning Methodology supported by VISIR+”. The VISIR + project is an international cooperation project with the participation of 21 Ibero-American partner institutions between October 2015 and April 2018. The platform, called Labs4STEAM, was developed using Dokuwiki, an open source wiki software that contains a large number of plugins. From the data collection it was possible to receive a mostly positive feedback, but several improvement opportunities were pointed out, which will be performed soon. Thus, from the developed platform one can plan future work, taking into account the results obtained and experience and partnerships with the VISIR + project.The research was financed by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), the Erasmus+ programme through grant 561735-EPP-1-2015-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, and also by FCT through grant EQU/04730/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diálogos socráticos, derreflexão e modulação de atitude

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    The purpose of this paper is to not only familiarize the Portuguese-speaking academic community with Toran Hansen and Mark Umbreit's proposal to transform Restorative Justice into Regenerative Justice, but also to consolidate the incipient theoretical framework of the regenerative model, based on the contributions of the academic literature specialized in Logotherapy, especially with regard to Socratic dialogue, dereflection and attitude modulation as techniques and procedures to be incorporated into regenerative practices. This is a bibliographic research, with content analysis, that seeks to infer, substantiate, structure, and systematize the central aspects of both Restorative Justice and Regenerative Justice. There is a state-of-the-art literature review referring not only to Restorative Justice, but also, in the field of Logotherapy, to Socratic dialogue, dereflection and attitude modulation. This study shows how Socratic dialogue, dereflection and attitude modulation can contribute to redress the four blind spots of Restorative Justice pointed out by Hansen and Umbreit. In the end, considerations are made about what legacy Regenerative Justice can leave to humanity and future generations.Este artigo científico tem por objetivo não só familiarizar a comunidade acadêmica de língua portuguesa com a proposta de Toran Hansen e Mark Umbreit de transformar a Justiça Restaurativa em Justiça Regenerativa, mas também de densificar o incipiente arcabouço teórico do modelo regenerativo, abeberando-se nos aportes da literatura científica especializada em Logoterapia, em especial no tocante ao diálogo socrático, à derreflexão e à modulação de atitude, como técnicas e procedimentos a serem incorporados às práticas regenerativas. Trata-se de pesquisa do tipo bibliográfica, com análise de conteúdo, a inferir, fundamentar, estruturar e sistematizar os aspectos centrais tanto da Justiça Restaurativa quanto da Justiça Regenerativa. Há uma revisão bibliográfica do estado da arte da literatura científica referente não só à Justiça Restaurativa como também, no campo da Logoterapia, ao diálogo socrático, à derreflexão e à modulação de atitude. Demonstra-se como o diálogo socrático, a derreflexão e a modulação de atitude podem contribuir para sanear os quatro pontos cegos da Justiça Restaurativa apontados por Hansen e Umbreit. Ao final, são tecidas considerações sobre que legado a Justiça Regenerativa pode deixar à humanidade e às futuras gerações


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    This article aims to describe and analyze the multidimensional economic, political and strategic factors, which served as driving forces for events related to the internationalization of South Korea in Latin America. Besides the economic and political bias, this study is based on four dimensions that comprise the main factors within strategies of internationalization of global enterprises: First, the Triple Helix model on innovation systems existing in an economy; then the Uppsala’s model and the contingency model, relating to internationalization within a perspective of successive stages of learning; and finally the interactive model, which deals with the existing interactions within a network in which lead the company to internationalize and innovate in the international market. Thus, this study proposes not only to explain, but seek in the economic background the reasons for the existence of these processes within the relationship between Asia and Latin America. The observation of these aspects leads us to realize that an extension of these trade relations can bring benefits to both regarding to the mobility of the factors of production, technological innovation and active participation in the international scenario. Using a recent example of expansion of the Hyundai group through the internationalization of companies of the group (Kia Motors) in Mexican territory, this study attempts to illustrate one of several episodes of internationalization promoted by globalization. These facts allow us to elucidate the extent in which these events help to streamline or even remodel the existing markets forces inside and outside of these spaces.Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever e analisar de forma multidimensional os fatores econômicos, políticos e estratégicos que serviram como forças motrizes dos eventos relacionados à internacionalização de empresas sul coreanas na América Latina. Além do viés econômico e político, este estudo baseia-se em quatro dimensões teóricas que comportam os principais fatores existentes nas estratégias de inserção internacional por parte de empreendimentos globais: Modelo Triple Helix, relativo aos sistemas de inovação existentes em uma economia; o modelo de Uppsala e o modelo contingencial, relativos à internacionalização dentro de uma perspectiva de estágios sucessivos de aprendizado; modelo interativo, que trata das interações existentes dentro de uma network nas quais levam a empresa a internacionalizar e inovar no mercado internacional. Desta forma, este estudo propõe-se não só a explicar, mas buscar nas dinâmicas econômicas as razões para a existência destes processos dentro da relação entre continente asiático e a América Latina. A observação destes aspectos nos leva a perceber que uma ampliação dessas relações comerciais pode trazer benefícios para ambos no que diz respeito à mobilidade de fatores produtivos, inovação tecnológica e participação ativa no cenário internacional. Utilizando-se de um exemplo recente de expansão do grupo Hyundai através da internacionalização das empresas do grupo (Kia Motors) em território mexicano, este estudo tenta ilustrar um dos vários episódios de internacionalização promovidos pela globalização. Estes fatos nos permitem elucidar em que medida estes acontecimentos ajudam a dinamizar ou até mesmo remodelar forças de mercados existentes dentro e fora desses espaços econômicos