498 research outputs found

    Pärlor som åtgärdsstrategi mot bifångst av vanlig tumlare (Phoecena phoecena)

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    One of the major threats to harbour porpoise population sustainability is thought to be the high incidence of bycatch specifically in gillnets. This study aims to examine the use of acrylic class pearls developed in an earlier study as acoustic reflectors on gillnets in an effort to increase their visibility to echolocating harbour porpoises in the lumpsucker fishery in Kattegatt. This was done by using passive acoustic monitoring (F-PODs) on a net with pearls and a control net to detect porpoise clicks in the vicinity of the two nets as a proxy for porpoise presence. The study was divided into two periods during which different spacing between pearls (30 cm and 60 cm) was used. The click data was also analysed for called buzz feeds, clicks with inter click intervals of 15 ms, as an indicator of differences in click behaviour. Porpoise presence was analysed and presented by click rate-based distribution models (GAM), and the potential role of different kinds of variables (e.g. use of pearls, pearl spacing, diel phase, wave height, water temperature, depth) as potential drivers of porpoise presence was examined. Click behaviour was analysed and presented as number of buzzes per diel phase and buzz ratio per hour and per diel phase using a custom written Matlab algorithm. The study found that the use of pearls and using different spacing between pearls had a significant effect on porpoise presence. The study also found indications for changes in click behaviour caused by the use of pearls. Using acrylic glass pearls as acoustic reflectors on gillnets show promise as a bycatch mitigation strategy for harbour porpoise

    STATIC! The Aesthetics of Energy in Everyday Things

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    Abstract: Static! is a project investigating interaction and product design as a way of increasing our awareness of how energy is used in everyday life. Revisiting the design of everyday things with focus on issues related to energy use, we have developed a palette of design examples in the form of prototypes, conceptual design proposals and use scenarios, to be used as a basis for communication and discussion with users and designers. With respect to design research and practice, the aim has been to develop a more profound understanding of energy as material in design, including its expressive and aesthetic potential, thus locating issues related to energy use at the centre of the design process

    Röstresultat efter radioterapi eller laserterapi hos patienter med tidig glottisk cancer En retrospektiv studie vid Skånes universitetssjukhus

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    Det huvudsakliga syftet med föreliggande studie var att jämföra röstkvalitet hos patienter som behandlats med antingen radioterapi eller laserterapi vid tidig glottisk cancer. Detta är en frågeställning som tidigare har utretts i en studie vid Skånes Universitetssjukhus, med ett resultat som talade till radioterapins fördel. Nära två decennier har passerat sedan studien genomfördes och under denna period har behandlingsmetoden laserterapi förändrats. Denna utveckling kan antas ha påverkat behandlingsresultatet och därför är det intressant att återigen utvärdera röstkvaliteten efter respektive behandlingsmetod. Sammanlagt 77 patienter, diagnosticerade med glottisk cancer i stadium T1a vid Skånes Universitetssjukhus mellan 1998 och 2010, inkluderades i vår studie. 10 av patienterna hade behandlats med radioterapi och 67 hade genomgått laserexcision. Röstmaterialet utgjordes av postoperativa röstinspelningar som bedömdes perceptuellt av fem logopedstudenter och fem naiva lyssnare. Av analyserna framgick att varken logopedstudenterna eller de naiva lyssnarna uppfattade några skillnader mellan de båda behandlingsgrupperna vad gäller övergripande grad av röstpåverkan. Däremot tyder resultatet på att grupperna kan skilja sig åt vad gäller röstparametern Roughness, det vill säga oregelbundna stämbandsvibrationer. Det har tidigare visats att patienter med glottisk cancer T1a kan behandlas framgångsrikt med såväl radioterapi som laserterapi. Utifrån resultaten av föreliggande studie kan vi också dra slutsatsen att de båda behandlingsmetoderna ger patienterna en likvärdig röstkvalitet

    Municipalities as intermediaries for the design and local implementation of climate visions

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    The transition to a sustainable society requires the development of visions paving the way for socio-technical changes. In recent years, the literature on sustainable transitions and urban planning has highlighted the intermediation role of municipalities to implement international and national goals and visions at a local level. Yet, empirical research studying municipalities from the lens of the intermediation theory are sparse. This paper aims at contributing to a better understanding of what strategies municipalities use when intermediating between and within different scales of governance (i.e. local, national and international), and what factors influence the choice of strategies. Through semi-structured interviews and document studies, three Swedish municipalities are studied. Results show that these municipalities translate the visions through local experiments, task delegation and coalitions. Additionally, the analysis indicates that the local circumstances, rather than the relations between the local level and the higher levels of governance or the guidance of national policies, influence the choice of intermediation strategy. Particularly, whether the management approach is centralized or decentralized, result- or process-oriented, participative or exclusive, is determinant. Results also indicate that municipalities perform both top-down and bottom-up intermediation, i.e. closing the loop from the local to the national and/or international levels

    Municipalities as intermediaries for the design and local implementation of climate visions

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    The transition to a sustainable society requires the development of visions paving the way for socio-technical changes. In recent years, the literature on sustainable transitions and urban planning has highlighted the intermediation role of municipalities to implement international and national goals and visions at a local level. Yet, empirical research studying municipalities from the lens of the intermediation theory are sparse. This paper aims at contributing to a better understanding of what strategies municipalities use when intermediating between and within different scales of governance (i.e. local, national and international), and what factors influence the choice of strategies. Through semi-structured interviews and document studies, three Swedish municipalities are studied. Results show that these municipalities translate the visions through local experiments, task delegation and coalitions. Additionally, the analysis indicates that the local circumstances, rather than the relations between the local level and the higher levels of governance or the guidance of national policies, influence the choice of intermediation strategy. Particularly, whether the management approach is centralized or decentralized, result- or process-oriented, participative or exclusive, is determinant. Results also indicate that municipalities perform both top-down and bottom-up intermediation, i.e. closing the loop from the local to the national and/or international levels

    Демографические процессы в социальной политике Республики Беларусь

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    Материалы XII Междунар. науч. конф. студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 16–17 мая 2019 г

    Comprehensive sex steroid profiling in multiple tissues reveals novel insights in sex steroid distribution in male mice

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    A comprehensive atlas of sex steroid distribution in multiple tissues is currently lacking, and how circulating and tissue sex steroid levels correlate remains unknown. Here, we adapted and validated a gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for simultaneous measurement of testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), androstenedione, progesterone (Prog), estradiol, and estrone in mouse tissues. We then mapped the sex steroid pattern in 10 different endocrine, reproductive, and major body compartment tissues and serum of gonadal intact and orchiectomized (ORX) male mice. In gonadal intact males, high levels of DHT were observed in reproductive tissues, but also in white adipose tissue (WAT). A major part of the total body reservoir of androgens (T and DHT) and Prog was found in WAT. Serum levels of androgens and Prog were strongly correlated with corresponding levels in the brain while only modestly correlated with corresponding levels in WAT. After orchiectomy, the levels of the active androgens T and DHT decreased markedly while Prog levels in male reproductive tissues increased slightly. In ORX mice, Prog was by far the most abundant sex steroid, and, again, WAT constituted the major reservoir of Prog in the body. In conclusion, we present a comprehensive atlas of tissue and serum concentrations of sex hormones in male mice, revealing novel insights in sex steroid distribution. Brain sex steroid levels are well reflected by serum levels and WAT constitutes a large reservoir of sex steroids in male mice. In addition, Prog is the most abundant sex hormone in ORX mice