33 research outputs found

    Prevalence and diagnostic outcomes of children with duodenal lesions and negative celiac serology

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    Background: Celiac disease diagnostics begin by measuring autoantibodies, which may fail to identify seronegative patients. Duodenal lesion in the absence of antibodies is scarcely studied, especially in children. Aims: To investigate the prevalence and diagnostic outcomes of children with seronegative duodenal lesion in two countries with different disease profiles. Methods: Medical data, including the results of histology and transglutaminase (tTGab) and endomysium (EmA) antibody measurements were collected from 1172 Finnish and 264 Romanian children with systematic duodenal sampling. Database of 509 Finnish children with celiac disease was examined to identify earlier seronegative patients. Results: Celiac disease was diagnosed in 307 Finnish and 83 Romanian children in the endoscopy cohorts. No seronegative patients were found among 899 celiac disease patients, although some were only tTGab or EmA positive. Non-celiac duodenal lesion was detected in eight Finnish and 32 Romanian children, their most common diagnoses being inflammatory bowel disease and infections, respectively. Six children with morphological lesion received no diagnosis. None of them developed celiac disease during a follow-up of 3-11 years. Conclusion: Pediatric seronegative celiac disease is exceptional in the era of modern autoantibodies. Other reasons for duodenal lesion should therefore be sought, bearing in mind possible differences across countries. (C) 2019 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    ANKRD54 preferentially selects Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) from a Human Src-Homology 3 (SH3) domain library

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    Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) is a cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinase with a fundamental role in B-lymphocyte development and activation. The nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of BTK is specifically modulated by the Ankyrin Repeat Domain 54 (ANKRD54) protein and the interaction is known to be exclusively SH3-dependent. To identify the spectrum of the ANKRD54 SH3-interactome, we applied phage-display screening of a library containing all the 296 human SH3 domains. The BTK-SH3 domain was the prime interactor. Quantitative western blotting analysis demonstrated the accuracy of the screening procedure. Revealing the spectrum and specificity of ANKRD54-interactome is a critical step toward functional analysis in cells and tissues.Peer reviewe

    Engolo and Capoeira. From Ethnic to Diasporic Combat Games in the Southern Atlantic

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    This article provides a re-examination of the main Afrocentric narrative of capoeira origins, the engolo or ‘Zebra Dance’, in light of historical primary sources and new ethnographic evidence gathered during fieldwork in south-west Angola. By examining engolo’s bodily techniques, its socio-historical context and cultural meanings, the piece emphasises its insertion into a pastoral lifestyle and highlights the relatively narrow ethnic character of the practice in Angola. This analysis and the comparison with capoeira helps us to develop certain hypotheses about the formation, migration, and re-invention of diasporic combat games between southern Angola and coastal Brazil, and more broadly, to increase our understanding of how African cultures spread across the southern Atlantic

    Extraktion, analys och visualisering av arbetsplatslokalers nyttjandegrad hos AB Stokab

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    Arbetet Ă€r utfört pĂ„ AB Stokab. Ett företag som arbetar med fiberförbindelser i Stockholm stad och deras nĂ€t Ă€r störst i vĂ€rlden med över 1.25 miljoner kilometer av fiberkablar. Företaget har i mĂ„nga Ă„r haft ett system som loggar alla accesser som gjorts via en id-bricka som dras vid ingĂ„ng till ett antal utrymmen i byggnaden. Dessa loggar Ă€r vĂ€ldigt svĂ„ra att tyda och innehĂ„ller mycket onödig information som en mĂ€nniska knappast kan ta in och tolka. Problemet som skulle lösas var just att hjĂ€lpa till att tolka denna information och visa upp detta pĂ„ ett enkelt sĂ€tt för anvĂ€ndaren. Syftet med detta Ă€r att det ocksĂ„ skulle kunna hjĂ€lpa till att spara in pengar och förbĂ€ttra arbetsplatsen genom att visa korrekt information om vilka utrymmen som anvĂ€nds. Resultatet var ett program som kunde tyda denna information och utföra enklare analys och statistik över denna data genom att visualisera det för anvĂ€ndaren. Det system som skapades kan ocksĂ„ hjĂ€lpa till ekonomiskt genom att minska slitage pĂ„ dörrar dĂ„ det Ă€r enkelt att lĂ„ta en dörr stĂ„ upplĂ„st under vissa tider dĂ„ programmet kan visa om, och i sĂ„ fall nĂ€r, det sker mycket trafik igenom den. FörbĂ€ttring av arbetsplatsen Ă€r ocksĂ„ möjlig, dĂ„ det Ă€r enkelt att se vilka rum som kan behöva mer, eller mindre, underhĂ„ll som i sin tur skulle bidra till en renare och bĂ€ttre arbetsmiljöThis degree work has been done at AB Stokab, a company that works with fiber optic connections in the city of Stockholm. Their network is the largest in the world with their 1.25 million kilometers of fiber optic cables. The company has for a long time had a system that logs all the accesses made via an id-tag that is swiped when entering a number of spaces in the office building. These logs are very hard to interpret manually, as it contains a lot of unnecessary and redundant data. The problem was that they needed a way to interpret this data and display it in a way that is understandable to a user. The reason was that it could help to improve the work environment for employees as well as save money in the process by simply displaying the correct information in a way that is understandable The result was a program that could interpret this information stored in the log files and run relatively simple analysis and statistics on it so that it could be shown to the user via a simple graphical interface. It could help the company economically by reducing the tear on doors by simply checking the program and see which doors are used to a great extent compared to others. All that is left to do is to leave that door open within a certain time and not have the motors and servos inside the doors take a beating. The work environment could also be improved because it’s easy to see what rooms are being used a lot and have more maintenance done inside these spaces. This would end up creating a cleaner and better environment to work i

    Extraktion, analys och visualisering av arbetsplatslokalers nyttjandegrad hos AB Stokab

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    Arbetet Ă€r utfört pĂ„ AB Stokab. Ett företag som arbetar med fiberförbindelser i Stockholm stad och deras nĂ€t Ă€r störst i vĂ€rlden med över 1.25 miljoner kilometer av fiberkablar. Företaget har i mĂ„nga Ă„r haft ett system som loggar alla accesser som gjorts via en id-bricka som dras vid ingĂ„ng till ett antal utrymmen i byggnaden. Dessa loggar Ă€r vĂ€ldigt svĂ„ra att tyda och innehĂ„ller mycket onödig information som en mĂ€nniska knappast kan ta in och tolka. Problemet som skulle lösas var just att hjĂ€lpa till att tolka denna information och visa upp detta pĂ„ ett enkelt sĂ€tt för anvĂ€ndaren. Syftet med detta Ă€r att det ocksĂ„ skulle kunna hjĂ€lpa till att spara in pengar och förbĂ€ttra arbetsplatsen genom att visa korrekt information om vilka utrymmen som anvĂ€nds. Resultatet var ett program som kunde tyda denna information och utföra enklare analys och statistik över denna data genom att visualisera det för anvĂ€ndaren. Det system som skapades kan ocksĂ„ hjĂ€lpa till ekonomiskt genom att minska slitage pĂ„ dörrar dĂ„ det Ă€r enkelt att lĂ„ta en dörr stĂ„ upplĂ„st under vissa tider dĂ„ programmet kan visa om, och i sĂ„ fall nĂ€r, det sker mycket trafik igenom den. FörbĂ€ttring av arbetsplatsen Ă€r ocksĂ„ möjlig, dĂ„ det Ă€r enkelt att se vilka rum som kan behöva mer, eller mindre, underhĂ„ll som i sin tur skulle bidra till en renare och bĂ€ttre arbetsmiljöThis degree work has been done at AB Stokab, a company that works with fiber optic connections in the city of Stockholm. Their network is the largest in the world with their 1.25 million kilometers of fiber optic cables. The company has for a long time had a system that logs all the accesses made via an id-tag that is swiped when entering a number of spaces in the office building. These logs are very hard to interpret manually, as it contains a lot of unnecessary and redundant data. The problem was that they needed a way to interpret this data and display it in a way that is understandable to a user. The reason was that it could help to improve the work environment for employees as well as save money in the process by simply displaying the correct information in a way that is understandable The result was a program that could interpret this information stored in the log files and run relatively simple analysis and statistics on it so that it could be shown to the user via a simple graphical interface. It could help the company economically by reducing the tear on doors by simply checking the program and see which doors are used to a great extent compared to others. All that is left to do is to leave that door open within a certain time and not have the motors and servos inside the doors take a beating. The work environment could also be improved because it’s easy to see what rooms are being used a lot and have more maintenance done inside these spaces. This would end up creating a cleaner and better environment to work i

    Readability in sustainability reporting before and after the financial crisis of 2008

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    Problem: Sustainability reporting is becoming more and more of a standard business practice. However, during the financial crisis of 2008, many companies experienced hard times from an economic perspective. This could have led to a decrease, an increase or no effect on the level of readability in sustainability reporting. Ameer and Bakar (2010) concluded that Malaysian companies tend to obfuscate their sustainability communication by adjusting the readability. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how readability and amount of disclosure in sustainability reporting changed in Sweden during the financial crisis of 2008. Method: The Flesch Reading Ease formula was used to estimate the level of readability and the amount of disclosure was measured in number of words. Two samples containing the same 34 large and publicly listed companies were examined for 2006 and 2010. Statistical tests, in terms of Wilcoxon signed-rank test and the matched pairs t-test, were applied to the data in order to determine whether a significant difference was present between the years. Theoretical framework: Readability, obfuscation, stakeholder theory and legitimacy theory are presented in the theoretical framework. Results: The mean Flesch Reading Ease ratings increased from 32,8 in 2006 to 34,1 in 2010, however there was no significant difference. The mean number of words increased from 2600 words in 2006 to 7205 words in 2010. This difference was statistically significant. Analysis: The results were interpreted in relation to the theoretical framework. Conclusion: Readability, measured in Flesch Reading Ease, did not change during the financial crisis of 2008, while the amount of disclosure increased. This implies that overall no obfuscation was present

    Liv under ordnade förhĂ„llanden – lĂ€rares förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till ordning i skolan Termin/Ă„r: Ht 2010

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    Syfte: Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka vilka förhÄllningssÀtt till ordningsarbete i skolan man finner hos klasslÀrare i Ärskus 6-9 och vilka konsekvenser detta har för eleverna. Vi har undersökt vad lÀrare anser att ordning Àr, hur de konkret arbetar med ordningsfrÄgor och vilka konsekvenser detta har för eleverna. Metod och material Vi har genomfört 13 halvstrukturerade samtalsintervjuer med lÀrare i fem skolor i Göteborgs kommun. De utskrivna intervjuerna ligger till grund för studiens vidare analys och diskussion. Resultat Intervjusvaren lÄter sig sammanfattas i tre olika förhÄllningssÀtt till ordningsarbete hos lÀrare som vi kallar auktoriÀrt, relationellt och entreprenöriellt. AuktoritÀra lÀrare bestÀmmer sjÀlv i hög grad de normer som ska rÄda i klassrummet och ser till att dessa efterlevs. De tvÄ andra synsÀtten lÀgger ett större ansvar pÄ elevgruppen eller den enskilde eleven för att skapa ordning. FörhÄllningssÀtten ser olika pÄ syftet med ordningsarbetet och hur man bÀst uppnÄr ordning. Genom begreppet dold lÀroplan identifierar vi olika dolda krav som stÀlls pÄ eleverna och indirekta budskap som förmedlas till dem. UtifrÄn denna analys jÀmför vi förhÄllningssÀtten och problematiserar den kritik som vi sjÀlva och andra forskare riktat mot ett auktoritÀrt förhÄllningssÀtt. Hur lÀraren arbetar med ordning har viktiga konsekvenser för eleverna och reser mÄnga etiska frÄgor. VÄr studie kan utgöra en utgÄngspunkt för lÀrare att reflektera över hur de sjÀlva arbetar och vilka problematiska aspekter deras förhÄllningssÀtt till ordning kan innehÄlla