25 research outputs found
EnergivÀven : a project in temporary landscape architecture
StÀder Àr i stÀndig förÀndring och övergÄngen frÄn industrisamhÀlle till kunskapssamhÀlle medför en omstrukturering av stadens ytor.
Postindustriella landskap uppstĂ„r centralt i stĂ€derna och med den urbanisering som sker idag tas de ofta i ansprĂ„k med syftet att skapa nya attraktiva stadsdelar. En lyckad stadsutveckling handlar dock om mer Ă€n bara fysiska förĂ€ndringar. Ăven om alla fysiska förutsĂ€ttningar Ă€r pĂ„ plats mĂ„ste det finnas liv i omrĂ„det för att göra det attraktivt.
I detta examensarbete studeras begreppet tillfĂ€llig landskapsarkitektur och dess betydelse inom stadsplanering. Syftet Ă€r att undersöka om tillfĂ€llig landskapsarkitektur kan vara ett sĂ€tt att uppmĂ€rksamma ett utvecklingsomrĂ„de och göra det attraktivt innan byggprocessen dragit igĂ„ng. Arbetet Ă€r indelat i tvĂ„ delar. Den första delen bestĂ„r av en litteraturundersökning samt en studieresa och den andra delen beskriver skapandet av en tillfĂ€llig installation i det gamla industriomrĂ„det Ăstra SaltĂ€ngen i Norrköping.
TillfÀllig landskapsarkitektur Àr projekt som har en tydlig start och ett bestÀmt slut. Tiden anvÀnds som designmetod vilket skapar andra förutsÀttningar Àn projekt utan tidsbegrÀnsning. TillfÀlliga aktiviteter har ökat den senaste tiden dÄ postindustriella ytor centralt i stÀderna skapar tillÄtande miljöer för dem att Àga rum. I Danmark anvÀnds tillfÀlliga projekt som katalysatorer för att skapa liv i nya stadsdelar. De kan ge stadens invÄnare en chans att ÄterupptÀcka en plats och skapa ett större engagemang för utvecklingen av omrÄdet.
IndustriomrĂ„det Ăstra SaltĂ€ngen i Norrköping ska omvandlas till en ny attraktiv stadsdel. OmrĂ„det ligger i periferin av innerstaden men med nĂ€rhet till centrum. Mitt i Ăstra SaltĂ€ngen finns en tomt, Gamla gasverket, dĂ€r Norrköpings gasverk tidigare legat. DĂ€r finns starka kulturhistoriska spĂ„r i form av karakteristiska tegelbyggnader och en
asfalterad cirkel dÀr en av gasklockorna stÄtt. DÀr finns ocksÄ en grönyta med stora trÀd som kontrasterar mot den hÄrda industrimiljön. Denna plats valdes ut för vÄrt tillfÀlligt projekt. De historiska spÄren pÄ platsen
inspirerade oss till idén för en installation som fick namnet EnergivÀven.
Idén grundar sig i platsens historia som viktig energikÀlla i Norrköping och vi ville bevara och förstÀrka den historiska identiteten. Samtidigt ville vi ge folk en möjlighet att se platsen ur ett nytt perspektiv. Vi kom
fram till att platsens nuvarande energi finns i trÀden och i mÀnniskorna som besöker omrÄdet och vi skissade pÄ ideér kring hur den energin kunde förstÀrkas. Vi skapades en installation med trÄdar som drogs frÄn trÀden och samlades i en konstruktion pÄ den asfalterade cirkeln.
Installationen var interaktiv och uppmanade besökare att fortsÀtta binda trÄdar i konstruktionen. Besökarna bidrog pÄ sÄ sÀtt med sin energi pÄ platsen och tillsammans utgjorde trÄdarna en vÀv av energi som lagrades i den forna gasklockan. För att locka folk ut till omrÄdet skapades en röd trÄd som ledde folk frÄn ett populÀrt gÄngstrÄk i centrum och vidare ut till Gamla gasverket. Installationen stod uppe under fyra dagar i maj och det kom 129 besökare. Genom samtal med besökarna och lappar med skrivna kommentarer fÄngade vi upp folks upplevelser av installationen.
MÄnga kommentarer var positiva och de mest förekommande orden var roligt, spÀnnande, nytÀnkande och kreativt. Flera personer pÄpekade att de aldrig varit pÄ platsen förut och att de inte skulle kommit dit om inte EnergivÀven funnits dÀr.
TillfÀlliga projekt kan fungera som verktyg i stadsutveckling dÄ de skapar en experimentanda och gör stÀder mer levande. Det krÀvs dock resurser och mod för att vÄga kliva lite utanför ramarna. Med EnergivÀven
uppmÀrksammades Gamla gasverket och folk blev nyfikna pÄ omrÄdets utveckling. Trots att tillfÀllig landskapsarkitektur Àr förgÀnglig kan den ÀndÄ ses som en investering för framtiden.Cities are constantly changing and the transition from an industrial society to a knowledge-based society affects the city structure. In the city centres post-industrial landscapes are created and in the process of urbanisation these areas are often rebuilt for the purpose of creating new attractive neighbourhoods. However, a successful urban development means more than just physical changes.
Although all physical conditions exists there also need to be life and activity in the area to make it attractive. This master thesis investigates the concept of temporary landscape architecture and its significance in urban planning. The purpose is to examine how temporary landscape architecture can highlight a development area and make it attractive before the construction process starts. The essay is divided into two parts, a theoretical study and a practical part that describe the creation of a temporary
installation. Temporary landscape architecture involves projects with a pronounced start and a definite end. Time is used as a design method which gives different prerequisites compared to projects without an end date. One of the main driving forces behind the development of temporary activities is the increase of post-industrial landscapes in cities. Temporary projects can be used as catalysts to give life to such forgotten areas. Ăstra SaltĂ€ngen in Norrköping is an industrial area where there are plans to create a new neighbourhood. In the central parts of the district a gas plant previously existed. It
supplied Norrköping with energy for many years. At the site Gamla gasverket characteristic brick buildings and a paved circle, where one of the gasometers once stood, are traces from the history and creates a strong historical identity. There is also a green area with trees that contrasts with the harsh industrial environment. The site with its historical background inspired us to the idea of a temporary
installation called EnergivÀven. The concept focuses on the site's history as an important source of energy in Norrköping and aims to preserve and enhance the historical value of the site. It should also give people an opportunity to experience the area from a new perspective. The installation was interactive and encouraged people to contribute to the structure. During four days in late May the installation was opened and it had 129 visitors. Many of them had never been at the site before and their reactions were positive. Temporary projects can serve as a tool in urban development as they create an experimental spirit and makes cities more vibrant. However, it requires courage and resources in these kinds of projects.
EnergivÀven created an attention and a curiosity about the
development of Ăstra SaltĂ€ngen. Although temporary landscape architecture is perishable, it can nevertheless be seen as a long term investment for the future
International human rights frameworks in relation to national family reunification policy and administrative practice
The Novel Collagen Matrikine, Endotrophin, is Associated with Mortality and Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Atherosclerosis
Background: Rupture of atherosclerotic plaques is the major cause of acute cardiovascular events. The biomarker PRO-C6 measuring Endotrophin, a matrikine of collagen type VI, may provide valuable information detecting subjects in need of intensified strategies for secondary prevention. Objective: In this study, we evaluate endotrophin in human atherosclerotic plaques and circulating levels of PRO-C6 in patients with atherosclerosis, to determine the predictive potential of the biomarker. Methods: Sections from the stenotic human carotid plaques were stained with the PRO-C6 antibody. PRO-C6 was measured in serum of patients enrolled in the Carotid Plaque Imagining Project (CPIP) (discovery cohort, n = 577) and the innovative medicines initiative surrogate markers for micro- and macrovascular hard end-points for innovative diabetes tools (IMI-SUMMIT, validation cohort, n = 1,378). Median follow-up was 43 months. KaplanâMeier curves and log-rank tests were performed in the discovery cohort. Cox proportional hazard regression analysis (HR with 95% CI) was used in the discovery cohort and binary logistic regression (OR with 95% CI) in the validation cohort. Results: PRO-C6 was localized in the core and shoulder of the atherosclerotic plaque. In the discovery cohort, PRO-C6 independently predicted future cardiovascular events (HR 1.089 [95% CI 1.019 â1.164], p = 0.01), cardiovascular death (HR 1.118 [95% CI 1.008 â1.241], p = 0.04) and all-cause death (HR 1.087 [95% CI 1.008 â1.172], p = 0.03). In the validation cohort, PRO-C6 predicted future cardiovascular events (OR 1.063 [95% CI 1.011 â1.117], p = 0.017). Conclusion: PRO-C6 is present in the atherosclerotic plaque and associated with future cardiovascular events, cardiovascular death and all-cause mortality in two large prospective cohorts
Affective Waiting: Experiences of Family Reunification in Sweden
Family reunification is a unique research field currently impacted by shifting policies andattitudes on integration. In Sweden, family connections constitute the largest immigrationcategory, yet the wait for family reunification has not yet been examined within academia.Thus, the aim of this thesis is to explore former asylum seekersâ experiences of waiting forfamily reunification in Sweden. Taking place at all stages of the migratory process, elementswithin waiting include time perception, power relations, expectations, future, hope,uncertainty and activity. Forming the theoretical framework of this thesis, six semi-structuredinterviews with former asylum seekers from Syria are analyzed in relation to waiting andmigration. The findings suggest that waiting stretches across legal statuses and entailsdifferent perceptions of time, differing from the linear bureaucratic model provided by theSwedish Migration Agency. Family reunification is the future goal of the informantsâ wait,asylum being a temporal marker on the way there. The wait encompasses a power relation inwhich several actors in Sweden and abroad affect expectations, outcome and duration of thewait. Uncertainty in terms of duration and outcome affect informantsâ well-being negatively.With distrust in the procedures of the Swedish Migration Agency, the process is experiencedas unjust, especially when others receive decisions ahead of time. While passivity constitutesparts of the wait, activity in terms of physical action such as going to work and mentalmonitoring of oneâs case are present. Finally, waiting for family reunification is a highlyaffective form of waiting entailing emotions and care, influencing the relation to the family inwaiting abroad
Offentliga innovationer och governance : En idéanalys av en offentlig aktörs idé om styrning och organisering för att frÀmja offentliga innovationer
The aim of this thesis has been to describe a public actorâs ideas about governance in relation to enhancing public innovation. Through a qualitative textual idea analysis, using theoretical ideal types of governance, the thesis found that ideas of several modes of governance are co-existing in the studied texts. Moreover, the idea analysis also discerned three general patterns which constitutes possible descriptions of how this hybrid of governance ideas exist. The results support some previous empirical studies also showing that modes of governance are co-existing while public actors aim to enhance public innovation. This indicates that future research should consider the existence of several modes of governance instead of focusing and prescribing only one, which they have tended to do so far. The proposed descriptions should moreover be considered as a first step of depicting how a hybrid of ideas of governance can appear when a public actor steers and organises the public sector in order to enhance public innovation â a first step that ought to be followed up by futures studies
Offentliga innovationer och governance : En idéanalys av en offentlig aktörs idé om styrning och organisering för att frÀmja offentliga innovationer
The aim of this thesis has been to describe a public actorâs ideas about governance in relation to enhancing public innovation. Through a qualitative textual idea analysis, using theoretical ideal types of governance, the thesis found that ideas of several modes of governance are co-existing in the studied texts. Moreover, the idea analysis also discerned three general patterns which constitutes possible descriptions of how this hybrid of governance ideas exist. The results support some previous empirical studies also showing that modes of governance are co-existing while public actors aim to enhance public innovation. This indicates that future research should consider the existence of several modes of governance instead of focusing and prescribing only one, which they have tended to do so far. The proposed descriptions should moreover be considered as a first step of depicting how a hybrid of ideas of governance can appear when a public actor steers and organises the public sector in order to enhance public innovation â a first step that ought to be followed up by futures studies
The digital classroom : A systematic literature study of the use of digital tools in middle school writing education
Syftet med den hÀr studien Àr att ge en överblick av den forskning som gjorts om digitala verktyg i anknytning till skrivundervisning i mellanstadiet. Studien Àr en systematisk litteraturstudie som undersöker vilka digitala verktyg som inkluderas i skrivundervisning och vilka fördelar och nackdelar dessa har. Multimodala digitala verktyg Àr vanligt att inkludera i undervisningen enligt forskningen men Àven traditionella skrivprogram med inbyggd rÀttstavning. De multimodala digitala verktygen motiverar elever till att skriva och gör det möjligt för dem att knyta skrivprocessen till sina egna intressen. RÀttstavningsprogrammen hjÀlper elever i skrivprocessen genom att stava rÀtt till svÄra ord. PÄ sÄ sÀtt flyter skrivandet pÄ lÀttare utan att elever fastnar vid stavningen. RÀttstavningen kan Àven bli ett hinder i elevers skrivutveckling. Ibland sker felrÀttningar av ord som kan skapa förvirring. Digitala verktyg kan ibland bli ett hinder för elever i skolan dÄ datorspel och sociala medier Àr mer intressant för dem Àn skolarbetet. Det Àr dÀrför viktigt att inkludera digitala verktyg pÄ ett eller annat sÀtt i undervisningen för att motivera eleverna. Digitala verktyg som pÄminner om datorspel eller sociala medier som elever hÄller pÄ med pÄ fritiden visar forskningen Àr motiverande för eleverna. Detta pÄverkar deras skrivutveckling till det bÀttre. Det viktigaste enligt forskningen Àr dÀremot att lÀrare besitter den digitala kompetens som krÀvs för att undervisa med hjÀlp av digitala verktyg
Collectivity in waiting : transnational experiences in Swedish family reunification [Kollektivitet i vÀntan: transnationella erfarenheter inom svensk familjeÄterförening]
Despite notable bodies of literature on waiting in migration, on the importance of families in migrants' decision-making and on transnational family life, the intersection of waiting as a collective experience remains largely unexplored. This study explores the added value of a collective lens on waiting through the case of family reunification in Sweden. With a qualitative method including semi-structured joint interviews, three couples' reunification experiences depict waiting within student migration, refugee migration, for Swedish citizens and their respective partners. The interviews were chosen from a larger research material and analysed thematically with concepts from transnational family studies. Together, they show that collectivity may expand our understanding of waiting. As conditioned by Swedish welfare state, families' caregiving practices were affected by prolonged waiting caused by parallel bureaucratic processes, while uncertain time frames and maintenance requirements undermined the couples' own ability to plan, prompting both activity and passivity among those in waiting. As a lived experience, collectivity added mutual commitment, delegation of care, emotional support, and care practices as important roles in waiting.Trots en betydande mÀngd litteratur om vÀntan i migration, om familjens betydelse för beslutet att migrera och om transnationellt familjeliv Àr mötet mellan de tre, vÀntan som en kollektiv upplevelse, till stor del outforskad. Denna studie undersöker vad ett kollektivt perspektiv pÄ vÀntan kan tillföra genom att titta pÄ familjeÄterförening till Sverige. Genom en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade parintervjuer skildras tre pars erfarenheter av vÀntan pÄ Äterförening inom studentinvandring, flyktinginvandring, för svenska medborgare och deras respektive partners. Intervjuerna valdes ur ett större forskningsmaterial och analyserades tematiskt med begrepp ur transnationella familjestudier. Tillsammans visar de att kollektivitet kan bredda vÄr förstÄelse av vÀntan. Familjernas omsorgspraktiker pÄverkades av den utdragna vÀntan, orsakad av parallella byrÄkratiska processer som villkorades av den svenska vÀlfÀrdsstaten. Samtidigt underminerade osÀkra tidsangivelser och försörjningskrav parens egen förmÄga att planera. Detta ledde bÄde till aktivitet och passivitet bland de vÀntande. Som levd erfarenhet synliggjorde kollektivitet ömsesidiga förpliktelser, delegation av omsorg, kÀnslomÀssigt stöd och omsorgsarbete som viktiga komponenter i vÀntan.
Affective Waiting: Experiences of Family Reunification in Sweden
Family reunification is a unique research field currently impacted by shifting policies andattitudes on integration. In Sweden, family connections constitute the largest immigrationcategory, yet the wait for family reunification has not yet been examined within academia.Thus, the aim of this thesis is to explore former asylum seekersâ experiences of waiting forfamily reunification in Sweden. Taking place at all stages of the migratory process, elementswithin waiting include time perception, power relations, expectations, future, hope,uncertainty and activity. Forming the theoretical framework of this thesis, six semi-structuredinterviews with former asylum seekers from Syria are analyzed in relation to waiting andmigration. The findings suggest that waiting stretches across legal statuses and entailsdifferent perceptions of time, differing from the linear bureaucratic model provided by theSwedish Migration Agency. Family reunification is the future goal of the informantsâ wait,asylum being a temporal marker on the way there. The wait encompasses a power relation inwhich several actors in Sweden and abroad affect expectations, outcome and duration of thewait. Uncertainty in terms of duration and outcome affect informantsâ well-being negatively.With distrust in the procedures of the Swedish Migration Agency, the process is experiencedas unjust, especially when others receive decisions ahead of time. While passivity constitutesparts of the wait, activity in terms of physical action such as going to work and mentalmonitoring of oneâs case are present. Finally, waiting for family reunification is a highlyaffective form of waiting entailing emotions and care, influencing the relation to the family inwaiting abroad
Affective Waiting: Experiences of Family Reunification in Sweden
Family reunification is a unique research field currently impacted by shifting policies and
attitudes on integration. In Sweden, family connections constitute the largest immigration
category, yet the wait for family reunification has not yet been examined within academia.
Thus, the aim of this thesis is to explore former asylum seekersâ experiences of waiting for
family reunification in Sweden. Taking place at all stages of the migratory process, elements
within waiting include time perception, power relations, expectations, future, hope,
uncertainty and activity. Forming the theoretical framework of this thesis, six semi-structured
interviews with former asylum seekers from Syria are analyzed in relation to waiting and
migration. The findings suggest that waiting stretches across legal statuses and entails
different perceptions of time, differing from the linear bureaucratic model provided by the
Swedish Migration Agency. Family reunification is the future goal of the informantsâ wait,
asylum being a temporal marker on the way there. The wait encompasses a power relation in
which several actors in Sweden and abroad affect expectations, outcome and duration of the
wait. Uncertainty in terms of duration and outcome affect informantsâ well-being negatively.
With distrust in the procedures of the Swedish Migration Agency, the process is experienced
as unjust, especially when others receive decisions ahead of time. While passivity constitutes
parts of the wait, activity in terms of physical action such as going to work and mental
monitoring of oneâs case are present. Finally, waiting for family reunification is a highly
affective form of waiting entailing emotions and care, influencing the relation to the family in
waiting abroad