327 research outputs found

    APEX observations of supernova remnants - I. Non-stationary MHD-shocks in W44

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    Aims. The interaction of supernova remnants (SNRs) with molecular clouds gives rise to strong molecular emission in the far-IR and sub-mm wavelength regimes. The application of MHD shock models in the interpretation of this line emission can yield valuable information on the energetic and chemical impact of supernova remnants. Methods. New mapping observations with the APEX telescope in CO (3-2), (4-3), (6-5), (7-6) and 13CO (3-2) towards two regions in the supernova remnant W44 are presented. Integrated intensities are extracted on five different positions, corresponding to local maxima of CO emission. The integrated intensities are compared to the outputs of a grid of models, which combine an MHD shock code with a radiative transfer module based on the large velocity gradient approximation. Results. All extracted spectra show ambient and line-of-sight components as well as blue- and red-shifted wings indicating the presence of shocked gas. Basing the shock model fits only on the highest-lying transitions that unambiguously trace the shock-heated gas, we find that the observed CO line emission is compatible with non-stationary shocks and a pre-shock density of 10^4 cm-3. The ages of the modelled shocks scatter between values of \sim1000 and \sim3000 years. The shock velocities in W44F are found to lie between 20 and 25 km/s, while in W44E fast shocks (30-35 km/s) as well as slower shocks (\sim20 km/s) are compatible with the observed spectral line energy diagrams. The pre-shock magnetic field strength components perpendicular to the line of sight in both regions have values between 100 and 200 \muG. Our best-fitting models allow us to predict the full ladder of CO transitions, the shocked gas mass in one beam as well as the momentum- and energy injection.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 13 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Detection of Extremely Broad Water Emission from the molecular cloud interacting Supernova Remnant G349.7+0.2

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    We performed Herschel HIFI, PACS and SPIRE observations towards the molecular cloud interacting supernova remnant G349.7+0.2. An extremely broad emission line was detected at 557 GHz from the ground state transition 1_{10}-1_{01} of ortho-water. This water line can be separated into three velocity components with widths of 144, 27 and 4 km/s. The 144 km/s component is the broadest water line detected to date in the literature. This extremely broad line width shows importance of probing shock dynamics. PACS observations revealed 3 additional ortho-water lines, as well as numerous high-J carbon monoxide (CO) lines. No para-water lines were detected. The extremely broad water line is indicative of a high velocity shock, which is supported by the observed CO rotational diagram that was reproduced with a J-shock model with a density of 10^4 cm^{-3} and a shock velocity of 80 km/s. Two far-infrared fine-structure lines, [O~I] at 145 micron and [C~II] line at 157 micron, are also consistent with the high velocity J-shock model. The extremely broad water line could be simply from short-lived molecules that have not been destroyed in high velocity J-shocks; however, it may be from more complicated geometry such as high-velocity water bullets or a shell expanding in high velocity. We estimate the CO and H2O densities, column densities, and temperatures by comparison with RADEX and detailed shock models. Detection of Extremely Broad Water Emission from the molecular cloud interacting Supernova Remnant G349.7+0.

    Asymmetric supernova remnants generated by Galactic, massive runaway stars

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    After the death of a runaway massive star, its supernova shock wave interacts with the bow shocks produced by its defunct progenitor, and may lose energy, momentum, and its spherical symmetry before expanding into the local interstellar medium (ISM). We investigate whether the initial mass and space velocity of these progenitors can be associated with asymmetric supernova remnants. We run hydrodynamical models of supernovae exploding in the pre-shaped medium of moving Galactic core-collapse progenitors. We find that bow shocks that accumulate more than about 1.5 Mo generate asymmetric remnants. The shock wave first collides with these bow shocks 160-750 yr after the supernova, and the collision lasts until 830-4900 yr. The shock wave is then located 1.35-5 pc from the center of the explosion, and it expands freely into the ISM, whereas in the opposite direction it is channelled into the region of undisturbed wind material. This applies to an initially 20 Mo progenitor moving with velocity 20 km/s and to our initially 40 Mo progenitor. These remnants generate mixing of ISM gas, stellar wind and supernova ejecta that is particularly important upstream from the center of the explosion. Their lightcurves are dominated by emission from optically-thin cooling and by X-ray emission of the shocked ISM gas. We find that these remnants are likely to be observed in the [OIII] lambda 5007 spectral line emission or in the soft energy-band of X-rays. Finally, we discuss our results in the context of observed Galactic supernova remnants such as 3C391 and the Cygnus Loop.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    SiO excitation from dense shocks in the earliest stages of massive star formation

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    Molecular outflows are a direct consequence of accretion, and therefore they represent one of the best tracers of accretion processes in the still poorly understood early phases of high-mass star formation. Previous studies suggested that the SiO abundance decreases with the evolution of a massive young stellar object probably because of a decay of jet activity, as witnessed in low-mass star-forming regions. We investigate the SiO excitation conditions and its abundance in outflows from a sample of massive young stellar objects through observations of the SiO(8-7) and CO(4-3) lines with the APEX telescope. Through a non-LTE analysis, we find that the excitation conditions of SiO increase with the velocity of the emitting gas. We also compute the SiO abundance through the SiO and CO integrated intensities at high velocities. For the sources in our sample we find no significant variation of the SiO abundance with evolution for a bolometric luminosity-to-mass ratio of between 4 and 50 L/ML_\odot/M_\odot. We also find a weak increase of the SiO(8-7) luminosity with the bolometric luminosity-to-mass ratio. We speculate that this might be explained with an increase of density in the gas traced by SiO. We find that the densities constrained by the SiO observations require the use of shock models that include grain-grain processing. For the first time, such models are compared and found to be compatible with SiO observations. A pre-shock density of 10510^5\, cm3^{-3} is globally inferred from these comparisons. Shocks with a velocity higher than 25 km s1^{-1} are invoked for the objects in our sample where the SiO is observed with a corresponding velocity dispersion. Our comparison of shock models with observations suggests that sputtering of silicon-bearing material (corresponding to less than 10% of the total silicon abundance) from the grain mantles is occurring.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&

    High-J CO emission in the Cepheus E protostellar outflow observed with SOFIA/GREAT

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    We present and analyze two spectrally resolved high-J CO lines towards the molecular outflow Cep E, driven by an intermediate-mass class 0 protostar. Using the GREAT receiver on board SOFIA, we observed the CO (12--11) and (13--12) transitions (E_u ~ 430 and 500 K, respectively) towards one position in the blue lobe of this outflow, that had been known to display high-velocity molecular emission. We detect the outflow emission in both transitions, up to extremely high velocities (~ 100 km/s with respect to the systemic velocity). We divide the line profiles into three velocity ranges that each have interesting spectral features: standard, intermediate, and extremely high-velocity. One distinct bullet is detected in each of the last two. A large velocity gradient analysis for these three velocity ranges provides constraints on the kinetic temperature and volume density of the emitting gas, >~ 100 K and > ~ 10^4 cm^-3, respectively. These results are in agreement with previous ISO observations and are comparable with results obtained by Herschel for similar objects. We conclude that high-J CO lines are a good tracer of molecular bullets in protostellar outflows. Our analysis suggests that different physical conditions are at work in the intermediate velocity range compared with the standard and extremely high-velocity gas at the observed position.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (SOFIA/GREAT special issue

    Diagnosing shock temperature with NH3_3 and H2_2O profiles

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    In a previous study of the L1157 B1 shocked cavity, a comparison between NH3_3(10_0-000_0) and H2_2O(110_{\rm 10}--101_{\rm 01}) transitions showed a striking difference in the profiles, with H2_2O emitting at definitely higher velocities. This behaviour was explained as a result of the high-temperature gas-phase chemistry occurring in the postshock gas in the B1 cavity of this outflow. If the differences in behaviour between ammonia and water are indeed a consequence of the high gas temperatures reached during the passage of a shock, then one should find such differences to be ubiquitous among chemically rich outflows. In order to determine whether the difference in profiles observed between NH3_3 and H2_2O is unique to L1157 or a common characteristic of chemically rich outflows, we have performed Herschel-HIFI observations of the NH3_3(10_0-00_0) line at 572.5 GHz in a sample of 8 bright low-mass outflow spots already observed in the H2_2O(110_{\rm 10}--101_{\rm 01}) line within the WISH KP. We detected the ammonia emission at high-velocities at most of the outflows positions. In all cases, the water emission reaches higher velocities than NH3_3, proving that this behaviour is not exclusive of the L1157-B1 position. Comparisons with a gas-grain chemical and shock model confirms, for this larger sample, that the behaviour of ammonia is determined principally by the temperature of the gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Modelling the early mass-ejection in jet driven protostellar outflows. Lessons from Cep E

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    We have used the axisymmetric chemo-hydrodynamical code WALKIMYA-2D to numerically model and reproduce the physical and CO emission properties of the jet-driven outflow from the intermediate-mass protostar Cep E, which was observed at 800\sim 800au resolution in the CO J=21J=2\to 1 line with the IRAM interferometer. Our simulations take into account the observational constraints available on the physical structure of the protostellar envelope to provide constraints on the dynamics of the inner protostellar environment from the study of the outflow/jet propagation away from the launch region. WALKIMYA-2D successfully reproduces the main qualitative and quantitative features of the Cep E outflow and the jet kinematics, naturally accounting for their time variability. Signatures of internal shocks are detected as knots along the jet. In the early times of the ejection process, the young emitted knots interact with the dense circumstellar envelope through high-velocity, dissociative shocks, which strongly decrease the CO gas abundance in the jet. As time proceeds, the knots propagate more smoothly through the envelope and dissociative shocks disappear after 103\sim 10^3 yr. The distribution of CO abundance along the jet shows that the latter bears memory of the early dissociative phase in the course of its propagation. Analysis of the velocity field shows that the jet material mainly consists of gas entrained from the circumstellar envelope and accelerated away from the protostar at 700700 au scale. As a result, the overall jet mass loss rate appears higher than the actual mass ejection rate by a factor 3\sim 3. Numerical modeling of the Cep E jet-driven outflow and comparison with the CO observations have allowed us to peer into the outflow formation mechanism with unprecedented detail and to retrieve the history of the mass-loss events that have shaped the outflow

    Water and acetaldehyde in HH212: The first hot corino in Orion

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    Aims: Using the unprecedented combination of high resolution and sensitivity offered by ALMA, we aim to investigate whether and how hot corinos, circumstellar disks, and ejected gas are related in young solar-mass protostars. Methods: We observed CH3_3CHO and deuterated water (HDO) high-excitation (EuE_{\rm u} up to 335 K) lines towards the Sun-like protostar HH212--MM1. Results: For the first time, we have obtained images of CH3_3CHO and HDO emission in the inner \simeq 100 AU of HH212. The multifrequency line analysis allows us to contrain the density (\geq 107^{7} cm3^{-3}), temperature (\simeq 100 K), and CH3_3CHO abundance (\simeq 0.2--2 ×\times 109^{-9}) of the emitting region. The HDO profile is asymmetric at low velocities (\leq 2 km s1^{-1} from VsysV_{\rm sys}). If the HDO line is optically thick, this points to an extremely small (\sim 20--40 AU) and dense (\ge 109^{9} cm3^{-3}) emitting region. Conclusions: We report the first detection of a hot corino in Orion. The HDO asymmetric profile indicates a contribution of outflowing gas from the compact central region, possibly associated with a dense disk wind.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter, in pres

    The CHESS survey of the L1157-B1 bow-shock: high and low excitation water vapor

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    Molecular outflows powered by young protostars strongly affect the kinematics and chemistry of the natal molecular cloud through strong shocks resulting in substantial modifications of the abundance of several species. As part of the "Chemical Herschel Surveys of Star forming regions" guaranteed time key program, we aim at investigating the physical and chemical conditions of H20 in the brightest shock region B1 of the L1157 molecular outflow. We observed several ortho- and para-H2O transitions using HIFI and PACS instruments on board Herschel, providing a detailed picture of the kinematics and spatial distribution of the gas. We performed a LVG analysis to derive the physical conditions of H2O shocked material, and ultimately obtain its abundance. We detected 13 H2O lines probing a wide range of excitation conditions. PACS maps reveal that H2O traces weak and extended emission associated with the outflow identified also with HIFI in the o-H2O line at 556.9 GHz, and a compact (~10") bright, higher-excitation region. The LVG analysis of H2O lines in the bow-shock show the presence of two gas components with different excitation conditions: a warm (Tkin~200-300 K) and dense (n(H2)~(1-3)x10^6 cm-3) component with an assumed extent of 10" and a compact (~2"-5") and hot, tenuous (Tkin~900-1400 K, n(H2)~10^3-10^4 cm-3) gas component, which is needed to account for the line fluxes of high Eu transitions. The fractional abundance of the warm and hot H2O gas components is estimated to be (0.7-2)x10^{-6} and (1-3)x10^{-4}, respectively. Finally, we identified an additional component in absorption in the HIFI spectra of H2O lines connecting with the ground state level, probably arising from the photodesorption of icy mantles of a water-enriched layer at the edges of the cloud.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 12 pages, 9 figures, 4 table