10 research outputs found

    A National Survey of Hereditary Angioedema and Acquired C1 Inhibitor Deficiency in the United Kingdom

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    Background: Detailed demographic data on people with hereditary angioedema (HAE) and acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency in the United Kingdom are relatively limited. Better demographic data would be beneficial in planning service provision, identifying areas of improvement, and improving care./ Objective: To obtain more accurate data on the demographics of HAE and acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency in the United Kingdom, including treatment modalities and services available to patients./ Methods: A survey was distributed to all centers in the United Kingdom that look after patients with HAE and acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency to collect these data./ Results: The survey identified 1152 patients with HAE-1/2 (58% female and 92% type 1), 22 patients with HAE with normal C1 inhibitor, and 91 patients with acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency. Data were provided by 37 centers across the United Kingdom. This gives a minimum prevalence of 1:59,000 for HAE-1/2 and 1:734,000 for acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency in the United Kingdom. A total of 45% of patients with HAE were on long-term prophylaxis (LTP) with the most used medication being danazol (55% of all patients on LTP). Eighty-two percent of patients with HAE had a home supply of acute treatment with C1 inhibitor or icatibant. A total of 45% of patients had a supply of icatibant and 56% had a supply of C1 inhibitor at home./ Conclusions: Data obtained from the survey provide useful information about the demographics and treatment modalities used in HAE and acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency in the United Kingdom. These data are useful for planning service provision and improving services for these patients

    Dengue viral infections

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    Dengue viral infections are one of the most important mosquito-borne diseases in the world. Presently dengue is endemic in 112 countries in the world. It has been estimated that almost 100 million cases of dengue fever and half a million cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) occur worldwide. An increasing proportion of DHF is in children less than 15 years of age, especially in South East and South Asia. The unique structure of the dengue virus and the pathophysiologic responses of the host, different serotypes, and favorable conditions for vector breeding have led to the virulence and spread of the infections. The manifestations of dengue infections are protean from being asymptomatic to undifferentiated fever, severe dengue infections, and unusual complications. Early recognition and prompt initiation of appropriate supportive treatment are often delayed resulting in unnecessarily high morbidity and mortality. Attempts are underway for the development of a vaccine for preventing the burden of this neglected disease. This review outlines the epidemiology, clinical features, pathophysiologic mechanisms, management, and control of dengue infections

    Novel NFKB2 Mutation in Early-Onset CVID

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    The response to Typhi Vi vaccination is compromised in individuals with primary immunodeficiency

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    Measurement of an individuals ability to respond to polysaccharide antigens is a crucial test to determine adaptive immunity. Currently the response to Pneumovax® is utilized but with the success of Prevnar®, measurement of the response to Pneumovax may be challenging. The aim of the study was to assess the response to Typhi Vi vaccination in both children and adult control groups and patients with primary immunodeficiency (PID). In the control groups, >95% of the individuals had pre Typhi Vi vaccination concentrations 94% achieving ≥3 fold increase in concentration (FI). The response to Typhi Vi vaccination was significantly lower in both children (p = 0.006) and adult (p = 0.002) PID groups when compared to their control groups. 11% and 55% of the children and adult PID groups respectively did not obtain a response >3FI. There were no significant differences between the responses obtained in the children and adult PID groups. When all individuals with PID were separated into those with either hypogammaglobulinemia (HYPO) or common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), both groups had a significantly lower median FI than the control group (19, 95%CI 5–56 vs 59, 95%CI 7–237; p = 0.01 and 1, 95%CI 1–56 vs 32, 95%CI 5–136; p = 0.005). Further, a >3FI differentiated the antibody responses between both the CVID and HYPO groups and their control groups (AUC: 0.83, 95%CI: 0.65–1.00, p = 0.005 and 0.81, 95% CI: 0.65–0.97, p = 0.01). The data suggests that measurement of the response to Typhi Vi vaccination could represent a complementary assay for the assessment of the response to a polysaccharide vaccine

    Novel NFKB2 Mutation in Early-Onset CVID

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    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is heterogeneous, clinically, immunologically and genetically. The majority of genetic mechanisms leading to CVID remain elusive. We studied a Greek Cypriot family of non-consanguineous parents. Two children were diagnosed with CVID at an early age. Whole exome sequencing revealed 8bp deletion in the C-terminal part of NFKB2 gene associated with disease. The mutation leads to a frameshift (p.Asp865Valfs*17) altering 17 C-terminal amino acids from residue 865, and creating a premature stop-codon resulting in a truncated protein, 19 amino acids shorter than wild type (p100Δ19). We validated the results with Dye-termination sequencing and Western blot, and confirmed that the conserved residue at 866 is mutated from serine to arginine in p100Δ19, leaving the mutant protein unphosphorylated at this critical regulatory position. Consequently, NFKB2/p100 processing and nuclear translocation were abrogated. Using flow cytometry, we further demonstrated that there was a reduction in B cells (CD19+), switched memory B cells (CD27+IgD−) and T follicular helper (Tfh) cells (both CD4+CXCR5+ and CD4+CXCR5Hi) in a CVID patient with NFKB2/p100Δ19, compared to healthy controls. These data support the notion that the non-canonical NFκB pathway plays an important role in B cell differentiation and the development of Tfh cells, and may pave the way for better understanding of the pathology of CVID.</p


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    Dengue viral infections are one of the most important mosquito-borne diseases in the world. Presently dengue is endemic in 112 countries in the world. It has been estimated that almost 100 million cases of dengue fever and half a million cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) occur worldwide. An increasing proportion of DHF is in children less than 15 years of age, especially in South East and South Asia. The unique structure of the dengue virus and the pathophysiologic responses of the host, different serotypes, and favorable conditions for vector breeding have led to the virulence and spread of the infections. The manifestations of dengue infections are protean from being asymptomatic to undifferentiated fever, severe dengue infections, and unusual complications. Early recognition and prompt initiation of appropriate supportive treatment are often delayed resulting in unnecessarily high morbidity and mortality. Attempts are underway for the development of a vaccine for preventing the burden of this neglected disease. This review outlines the epidemiology, clinical features, pathophysiologic mechanisms, management, and control of dengue infections